Smoked Stuffed Peppers Recipe | Stuffed Peppers On The Grill Malcom Red HowToBBQRight

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right today we're going to be talking about something you may recognize from your childhood I know as a kid my mom would make stuffed peppers throughout the week for one's one of the dinners that we and today I'm going to do my take on stuffed peppers except you don't want to do it outside of my smoker and it's a really easy recipe but it's got some great flavors and that's why it's good to go ahead and prep these and then when you get home you can throw them out on your smoker or grill set up for indirect heat they're done in about hours so there's nothing to it what we have today is just some bell peppers now you can use any color bell pepper that you want you can see here that I've got a orange yellow red green just a variety I'm I just think it looks good for the presentation but all that you do is you take your bell pepper you cut the top of it off remove the stem the seeds and then kind of just clean out the inside best you can there's nothing to it really you can do it by hands but what I do look for when I'm buying these bell peppers is the bell peppers with the kind of the flat base the four segments these are usually the female peppers is what I've heard so that we're cooking the female bell peppers so they'll set up straight but you'll notice they're kind of sitting here on their own if you use the other bell peppers that are you know kind of wobbly you just want to get them in a tight pan or something to hold them up but I like cooking them this way so I can just put them on a rack and out on the smoker I don't have to worry about them falling over what are we going to stuff these peppers with that's the big thing today I'm using a pound of ground beef and a pound of Italian sausage that I browned off and then I took the tops of the peppers but remove the stem and chopped up the remaining pepper mixed it with some onion sauteed with a little garlic some fresh parsley and some mushrooms and then I cooked one cup of rice we're going to mix all this together and a little bit of Italian shredded cheese get all this mixed in the bowl and real stuff it side those peppers and that's it it's ready to go on the cooker so let's get this mixed up so just put it all in a bowl sausage and beef rice onions pepper go change just mixing then I'm gonna fold with and cheese at the end the cheese is going to melt but it's okay it's just going to create a nice texture little creaminess to it it's now we're going to fold in by the covet Italian blend cheese I use whatever kind of cheese you like here I just like the way this Italian cheese come you get a little seasoning to it so you just want to spoon this pork and beef and rice mixture into the peppers it doesn't have to be pack real farm but you just kind of want it level because I'm going to top these with more cheese at the end so it melts down and kind of cooks over them just right when they're done about the hour mark it's a simple dinner really looks great and tastes unbelievable and with the stuff and you can put just about anything you want in it as well so I'm kind of just mashing in now don't it pack two ties on the bus the peppers I want to make sure they're filled so now I'm just going to move the peppers over to a rack so I can easily transport them out to the smoker when it's up to temperature I'm going to go outside get my smoker going we're going to be looking at cooking these peppers at about 300 degrees so doesn't matter what really you're cooking these on if you're cooking on a charcoal grill or propane grill just set it up for indirect heat get all your heat on one side and cook on the outside that's simple it's easy to do these peppers need about an hour to cook so let me go outside and get the grill fired up we'll get them on and we'll show you what they look like when they get done okay we're going to get these stuffed peppers on the smoker and I've got it filled I've got my pellet grill here going with some barbecue delight pecan pellets to give it a nice mild smoke this should be just right for these peppers just want to ease them down so they don't fall let up set right in the middle we're going to close the cooker and we'll check on them in about a half-hour but it's going to take right at 60 minutes one hour for these peppers to to smoke we're just trying to get them tender remember everything in there is cooked right at the very end we're going to top them with some cheese so it gets all melting and it's going to be nice stick around alright I just want to peek in on these stuffed peppers real quick it's been about 30 minutes all they're looking good smelling good too I still got a ways to go before we top them with cheese but I'm starting to see a little color I don't that's what we want to see let's get it closed back down keep letting it smoke all right we got about ten minutes to go on our peppers I peeked at them it's time to top them with cheese we're starting to get some pretty good color on the peppers you see them start shriveling up just a little bit I'll tell you another getting close to done and they're going to be tender so now we just want to get some cheese on top we're gonna melt these peppers we'll be done to be time to eat that's important for that looks good well if this cheese melt about 10 minutes it'll be time to come back take these peppers off the smoker be dinner time all right man the cheese is melted on these peppers it's been just about an hour and five minutes they got a little good just touch extra just to make sure they were melted season the top just a hair with a little bit of a PCS then we're going to get these peppers off now take them inside so just carefully lift that rack up get it to the edge where you can grab it with its high wear some gloves or something to protect you while you're picking it up close it down we're going to get these inside my favorite part we get to eat them stuff smoked bell pepper alright we brought these stuffed peppers back inside get them up to great now I'm gonna play this kind of uniting right into the dinner table this is a easy recipe I mean we just took 6 bell peppers different colors doesn't matter what cut the tops off of them browned up a little Italian sausage with some ground beef sauce a saute the tops of the peppers chopped them up with some onions and garlic little parsley some mushrooms season it with just a little Greek seasoning use of salt pepper garlic whatever you like there mix it all together with a little bit of that Italian blend shredded cheese stuff the peppers 300 degrees for an hour then we topped it with a little more cheese and this is what we have this peppers are tender to get a little color on this is what you want to see best part of the cooking process is right now is when you get to eat it so we'll take one off here we're going to cut into it did you know I'm gonna try just check that out man it looks really cool cut off a bite here oh no it's hot goodbye the peppers still sweet but it's kind of caramelized on the outside a little bit where it's brown and it's tender too so I mean it's got a little bit of texture on the inside but the outside is real soft the inside all those flavors go together to eat the sausage and the beef and in the mushrooms it has really good dish if you're looking for a good dish to try dinner one night give these stuffed peppers a try get them outside on the smoker these peppers really pick up a lot of that grill flavor a lot of that smoke from the wood we use today they're real simple to do you can prep these day before them sit there frigerator pop them on the grill when you get home an outrider you're going to have a delicious meal thanks for checking out the video today if you like what we're doing subscribe to our Channel as always we're going to put out videos all year long you can also find us on Facebook and Twitter so send us those comments or those requests we'd love to see them we'll see you next time
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 184,873
Rating: 4.953434 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, stuffed pepper recipe, stuffed peppers, smoked stuffed peppers, stuffed peppers on smoker, smoked stuffed peppers recipe, recipe for stuffed peppers, how to make stuffed peppers, stuffed peppers on the grill
Id: nfUAcZj3Sls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2015
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