Student Dies, Goes to HEAVEN and Reveals Ultimate Truth About Our Soul's Purpose and Consciousness

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why don't you have more fun while you're on the planet you're only going to be there for a little while because it's not real Earth life is not real it's it's like a play hi I'm Andy Petro I want to tell you about an experience that I had many years ago it was 1955 it was this two days before graduation from high school and our class decided to take a picnic out in the uh out in a nearby lake so we got all packed up and ready to go and we got there and it was a beautiful summer day it was cold the water was cold because this was in Michigan and the water doesn't warm up very much there and so we had lunch and and playing some games and things and then all of a sudden I could see some of my friends on a floating raft floating platform out about 1500 yards away and they were waving at me to uh to C swim out and meet them really didn't want to get in the water because the water was too cold so I did a running dive into the water and now and it really was cold and now I'm swimming out to the platform and I get about halfway there I start getting cramps in the lower part of my uh lower part of my abdomen and and now I can't kick and now I'm starting to Splash around and water's I'm joking on some water water's going down and now I'm underwater and and now I'm I'm I'm starting to panic because I'm I I don't know what to do I'm stuttering even as I'm thinking about it and and then all of a sudden I pop up again above the water and I and my head is above the water and I'm looking around what what can I see and I can see the the guys on the platform I can't yell because there's water in my throat and mouth and everything and so I'm waving and they're waving back at me so they must think we're playing some kind of game and and then I go down again and I never come up and now now I'm it's cold it is so cold I'm shivering I just just just violently cold and as I go down deeper and deeper it starts to get darker and and now all of a sudden I can feel weeds at the at my feet there weeds at the bottom of the lake and and I'm and I'm sliding into the weeds and then all of a sudden I hit bottom and I and I hit bottom in a sitting position and now oh man I'm I I start to start to feel better because I think I can push myself out of the sitting position and get to the top of the lake again and when I push my my arms down again now it's worse than being sitting there because now I'm stuck and and at this moment everything is is screaming in my body I'm I'm dying I I finally admit that I'm dying and then all of a sudden there's a voice in my head and it's a voice that that I remember but I don't know who it is and the voice says Andy you need to stop and rest for a while and then I'm talking to myself in my head and I'm saying are you crazy I got to get up I need at least one breath of air that's all I ask one breath of air and the voice says to me Andy you really need to rest so just relax and let go and I said I I I I can't do that and the voice says again you need to let go and so I say to the voice okay you promise that if I let go I I'll I'll be able to get to the top and the voice says to me uh if you let go everything will be fine I said okay you promise and the voice says yes I promise so then I said okay I'll let go and the moment that the word go formed in my mind I popped out of my body and in a what I call a moment of no time I'm at one point I'm in my body and at the next point I'm in this tunnel and I don't remember going to the tunnel it was just now I'm in my body now I'm in the tunnel and and in the tunnel I'm warm I'm happy I can breathe again I can I'm I'm just filled with the joy and a unconditional love that's it was so Stark it was so such a change from complete Terror to complete ultimate ecstasy in in a minute of no time and and and I'm I'm just so completely happy I look down and and I can see a body and I'm saying funny I can see that because it was dark down there and I look yep that's my body I don't care I and I didn't care at the moment that I saw my body at the bottom of the lake I didn't care about my life I didn't care about being on Earth because I I knew I was home and then I turn in the other direction and now I'm looking at a a spot of light and the light is not very big but it is so bright it should be burning my retinas and I say wow now that's a bright light but it doesn't hurt and and now I feel myself being drawn like a like a magnet like a giant magnet the magnet is pulling me through pulling me through the tunnel and I'm starting to get closer to the light and then all of a sudden in a moment of no time I'm no longer in the tunnel now I'm in the middle of a giant sphere about the size of a stalker Coliseum huge and I'm hovering in the middle of this ball in the inside of the ball and around it all 360 Degrees everywhere I look are little Motion Picture screens of all of my lives and of all of the things that I'm doing and and the light is next to me I I don't see it but I feel it and I know it's there and the light and I start to communicate about all of these events in all of my lives and and I could see them all and nothing was confusing I understood everything I could understand all the lifetimes I could understand all the things I did and and when I would focus on any one particular screen I would relive it only now as I'm reliving it I'm reliving it knowing the feelings and and the effect that I have on the people that I'm communicating with in that scene so if I'm if I'm with my family and talking to them about something I know what they're thinking as I'm talking so that because nothing's hidden nothing is unknown everything is transparent and and and I go from from all my various lives from being female from being on other planets it on and on and it was it seemed like I was there for for months but obviously in Earth time I was only under I was only drowned for somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes otherwise I wouldn't be here saying this as I'm looking at these things finally in another moment of no time now I'm not in a sphere I'm back in the tunnel and now I'm really close to the light I'm as close to the light as as I am to the screen on my computer and and I'm standing there and the light says Andy I love you and I'm I'm impressed because it knows my name and then the light says Andy we love you and when the light says we love you the whole background and the light kind of disappear and now there are thousands and millions and trillions of other lights just like me and they say in one chorus welcome home Andy and at that point in time I was absorbed into the light I became the light I wasn't greater than the light I wasn't less than the light I was a piece a holographic piece of the light and it's the most fantastic feeling that as as a as a human I could ever imagine it's Indescribable and at that moment I knew everything what do you mean Andy I mean I knew everything there was nothing I did not know so people often ask me questions well when when you were in the light did did you ask them about the War and Peace and all I said no I didn't ask them there's no reason to ask questions because I knew it all there was nothing that was unknown and now now I'm with the light and the light is really funny the light has a fantastic sense of humor laughter fun when we were looking at my My Life review in the big sphere the light would say Andy look how upset you got over that you know in the long run it doesn't mean anything why don't you loosen up why don't you lighten up why don't you have more fun while you're on the planet you're only going be there for a little while because it's not real Earth life is not real it's it's like a play It's like a a movie it it there's eight million actors on the planet and they're all playing a role they come with different costumes different religions different races different sex different all of these things but once the costumes are gone and taken off when the play is over and you're back in the light the costume comes off and what do you know we're all one we are all the same we're made out of the same stuff there is no difference between me and you there is no difference between you and anybody else there is here we're dressed in costumes to be different to experience experience things that you can't experience in the light you can't experience something that you already know I can't experience talking for the first time because I've been talking all my life but when I first started to talk when I said my first couple words that was really exciting to me when I'm in the light and and and and knowing things is different than experiencing so in order to experience the light tells me that and and I know anyway because I know everything what I lower my vibrations because everyone has their own unique vibration that's what Mak you and me different lower the my vibrations so that I can incarnate and be born on planet like Earth and now live a life doing things experiencing things that I would like to experience and when I experience you you experience them everybody experienc it it it's it's contribut to the whole there is only one one and everything that exists that ever exists that will exist is in that Oneness and it and it's a it's a wonderful exciting fantastic experience that I remember in using this costume called Andy Petro of Ukrainian descent living in the United States of America in 2022 that's and I'm reading my script and doing what I'm supposed to do while I'm still here waiting until my characters is done with this story and I can get out of here and get back where I belong so so so that that whole process of of being in the light was just incredible and it seemed like I had been there for years maybe hundreds of years but in the light since there is there is no time there is no there is no hierarchy there is no judgment there is no separation we're all one not in a dull boring way but in a happy exciting ever ever evolving ever new experiences in the light and then all of a sudden the light says to me Andy you have to go back I said whoa no no no you got the wrong guy I'm not going back and the light says the second time Andy you're going back and I said didn't you hear what I said there's no reason for me to go back to that planet I'm home and the says to me the third time Andy you're going back and when I heard the word back the K in back I felt myself being stuffed back into my body the most horrible feeling that I can ever imagin just as the most exhilarating experience I could ever imagine was when I left my body back and went back into the light the the most horrible one that I've experienced was going back into my body I didn't want to be there I still don't want to be here but I'm doing what I'm going to do so as I'm hearing all this and I'm laying on the sand I'm on my stomach and my head's turned in they're pushing on my lungs to get the water out of my lungs this is back before CPR this is back in the 50s and I'm coughing the water out by the way I never lost Consciousness this is a complete stream from the moment that I I left my body at the bottom of the lake until the moment that I went got back into my body on the sand at the lake there were there are no blank spots it's a continuous flow of Consciousness so my body was done it was laying there getting ready to become fish food and I wasn't there I was in the light and then when I came when they found the body and I don't know who found it and I didn't care because I didn't care about my body all I cared about was being in the light and so when I got up they oh Andy Boy tell us what happened tell what did it feel like to drown and I said I can't remember a thing I said my first big lie I said I remember nothing it's all a blank and that was not true the Vivid details that I'm talking about right now happened almost 70 years ago and as I'm talking to them right now I have the same feelings that I had in 1955 at the bottom of the lake I've relived it thousands in thousands of times and it never changes and I the the joy and the Ecstasy of being in the light is is there are no words everyone will know because everyone will get that experience because we all come here we all go back and we do it over and over again in various permutations in various galaxies in various worlds whatever it's a it's a it's a Never Ending Story so I got up and then I'm saying to myself well I can't tell anybody I I never spoke of this to anyone for almost 30 years and in 1955 there wasn't even a word for what I experienced near-death experienced wasn't created until in the late 70s by Dr Moody who phrased it and framed it and the dur death experience when I read his book for the first time back 25 years later I was coming back from a business trip I saw the book Life After Life I picked it up I just decided to buy it I didn't even open up to look in it I bought it put it in my code pocket and I came home from the airport when I got home had dinner kids everybody goes to to bed and I said I I found this book I'm going to read it so everybody go to bed I'm go to bed in a little bit so I went back went to the closet got my book out and started reading Life After Life and I read the whole thing in one setting till 3 four o'clock in the morning I couldn't put it down and tears were coming out of my eyes because I knew after all this time I wasn't crazy all of the cognitive dissidence that was in my head trying to forget something that I can't forget afraid to tell anybody of what I remember was a horrendous 253 year period and now all of a sudden I'm not crazy that's a wonderful feeling to know that you're not crazy when you really think think you're crazy for your whole and nothing ever makes sense nothing in the that I experienced in the light made sense with anything that I was taught and anything that I was being brought up none of that stuff made sense to me okay finally now I know it's a near death experience and once I acknowledged that then I started to remember even more then oh yes now I know so I'm still still really wondering and waiting to get back home that's my whole point I want to go back home and obviously it's going to happen soon in the meantime I'm doing the best I can to number one feel Joy whenever possible why I'm here isn't important what's important is that I am here and what I'm choosing to do is help people feel better about themselves and help get them to know that there is a home I've been there and I'm ready to go back I got the I got the return ticket in my back pocket carry it with me all the time soon as I find out where the flight is I'm on it I'm out of here so anyway that's what it means to me it's a very very happy process I'm I'm just waiting in a good way waiting for for the return home and it's so obvious to me and it's so simple for me and I'm I I like being happy I like being silly I like I like Joy because I I when I remember the light the light was a happy place the light was filled with joy and humor I I say that that the light's like the greatest standup comic there is because the light told me the reason why I'm here is to experience Joy and the reason why everybody why exists at all is is to be joy and it's very simple it's not complicated it's it's choosing to love rather than hate it's a choice and and while while I'm here what I'm trying to do more often than not is Choose Love over hate can't do it all the time because I'm a human being like everybody else but I can try to do more often than not love over hate smile rather than to be angry and it there's nothing profound it's simple acts of joy to make someone else happy and since we are all one when I make someone else happy that makes me happy when I hate someone else I'm hating myself if I hurt someone else I'm hurting me there is no separation there is no hierarchy we are all one and we are all one in the light I am a holographic piece of the light that lowers my vibrations low enough so that I could be born on a planet called Earth in solar system and the Milky Way galaxy during the time of 1937 to 2022 which brings us to today and it's fine that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Channel: Jesus Gospel
Views: 1,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I4JRzUqpjKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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