NDE Aftereffects: I Learned WW3 is Coming

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how many times have I died and the number was instant instant and it was over 3,200 I said I've died over 3,200 times and he goes you're ancient and then I was pushed back into my body and I woke up on the couch so we're revered when we come home all of home or what you know it as Heaven erupts with love and welcomes us home right and that's when we take some time off because it's hard it is hard on our consci ious to be split like that heaven does not exist hell does not exist there are no Fallen Angels it's impossible I am God you know I've just forgotten who I was ah they glitched The Matrix that was an absolute test 100% welcome everyone to our sliver of time my name is Dave Sledge and today we have a very special guest who had a near-death experience we're going to get into his story and a whole bunch of other cont cepts of Good and Evil reincarnation uh but before that I would like to introduce you guys to a good friend of mine Jason it's nice to have you here Dave thanks for having me I'm I'm duly appreciated thank you of course of course uh so Jason uh do you want to provide a bit of a background before we get into your story sure um I'm a gen xer so for all of you guys who know gen xers you know I was born in 1970 in this timeline I should say and uh I was raised um Catholic by my grandparents I don't know if my parents were anything I did not get my religious upbringing from them but I was brought up Catholic um so in the 70s you know I went to CCD Catholic schools all of that you know had the firm belief that you know the Bible and was God's written word his very breath and that you know good bad right and wrong you know hell the devil and all of that and that's the way I was raised and um I grew up having some sexual experiences as a very very young boy you know with the same sex and uh you know as going through the uh the Bible and you know being brought up and becoming older and older uh I knew I was doomed um because the Bible says you know you're an Abomination to your father and you will spend you know eternity in hell so I went through life just not caring anymore I just gave up I didn't care you know I knew I was doomed so I just kind of withdrew and I was very different kind of boy a kid you know I was like I never fit into anything you know I was always you know shunned or pushed off to the side and I had all this immense love and I didn't know what it was from so any personal ding would hurt me like you know um so I was a very different kid you know I just wanted to make people laugh you know help them out or play with them or or whatever and it was just a very difficult childhood you know and then growing up in the religious aspect of it or being brought up in that you know through my grandparents I was just like well I'm screwed so you know what I'm just going to treat everybody like might as well do what I want when I want how I want and um I went through life you know with you know scarcity poverty um you know just had a hard life because you know that's what I chose you know and it led to um a rough life and then you know April 2nd of 20120 comes a date that will forever change my life you know um I quit having a relationship with God around seven or eight years old my grandmother woke me up to go to church and I'm like you know I sat up you know not even I just sat up and I'm like don't you ever wake me up for that God doesn't care about me he does not care you know when you grow up in an abusive family you know you're like I have all this love and then you know in the same aspect I'm being beaten and hit and I'm trying to save my little sister from the same abuse and you know and it was just rough you know I don't like talking about it because it's a uh you know I've made peace with it I forgiven you know that part of my life and stuff like that and I've moved on but you know for this sake you know it's it has to be told so I became a very angry boy you know and that when I told my grandmother that she was crushed you know and I was like God doesn't care about me he doesn't and you know and that was the last time I ever had a relationship with God I never called on him never asked him anything you know same thing with Jesus you know just did things Jason's way well really didn't work out too well so let's fast forward and we'll get into what happened um I went through was married twice I've got kids two daughters you know older one got grandkids you know April 2nd rolled around of 2020 and you know prior to this week before days before you know at work they're having all these you know this covid thing and it's like man I'm a guy Nothing's Gonna whatever I've been through worse so I came home from work that night and sat down in this very spot had the TV on was eating dinner and all of a sudden I threw up and I'm like oh it's like what was that you know it was horrible I've never had a taste like that you know go to take another bite of my sandwich and just bright red blood covered sandwich the plate and I'm like throw up again or cough again you know up comes more blood and more blood you know now I've got a plate full of you know like a couple inches of blood on my plate you know and I'm like I gotta get up but now I can't breathe now breathing has become extremely labor grab my phone I'm trying to call or FaceTime my ex-wife who happens to be an RN a nurse and I'm over the kitchen sink and I'm still coughing up blood you know it's just coming up it just bright red blood and I was like panicking because now it's like I can't breathe I like you know if I cough I can get a a little err in but she finally answered the phone and this is one of the last things I remember until waking up in the ICU was you know she's like what do you want and I'm like I tried to talk and blood spewed all over the phone and I remember her sitting up real fast and having this panicked look on her face like Jason and I said I don't feel good something I'm I'm tired I I'm going to go lie down and I remember her getting real close to the phone saying Jason if you go lie down you're going to die Jason please don't lie down I said I'm tired I can't breathe I said I need to lay down and that was the only thing I remember I was like wow why couldn't our marriage be like this you know why couldn't we just have a conversation this quick and have it be over and done with no fighting that's beautiful that's the last thing I remember next thing I remember was waking up in the ICU it was dark I had a tube in my mouth I had an an IV right in my kateed artery right it hurt so bad stuff in my nose my hands and feet were strapped to the bed I couldn't move them more than maybe an eighth of an inch everything you would see in an ICU room in a movie I was it and I had a myriad of people around me so how long I was out I couldn't tell you it could have been five hours two minutes I well it was dark well when I came home it was light so hours had passed all these doctors like Jason Jason you know where you are can you tell me and I'm like who are you where you know and it's like who's the president I'm like I couldn't talk you know I've got a two-inch tube in my mouth you know it was a horrible experience but I digress we'll get into it so I'm in there for a month right but from the moment my eyes you know I open my eyes off to the left hand side now mind you my room was huge I mean right when you walked in my bed was maybe like 5 feet in but then there was like this whole waiting area couches and stuff there was TV there but the ICU was full so I they had me up on the third floor or something I don't know where I was but I was somewhere so I'm looking at this TV but there was an undeniable presence of someone there without doubt I mean I'm not talking about the Myriad of doctors and nurses man I was trying to push through them like the Red Sea and to you know there was an undeniable presence and I just wanted to go it was comforting it was soothing and it was I couldn't see it it was an undeniable feeling it never left no matter where or what was going on that presence was there and it was just so comforting you know when you realize that this could be the end of your life you know it hits hard and regret fills your mind and fills everything of the the chances you didn't take the good morning can we do this let's make love let's do something all of that filters in instantly and I got very emotional and I'm staring at the TV there was no one in the room at the time it was a beautiful late afternoon I don't know when it was do you regret more in that moment the things that you did or the things you didn't do everything everything W because you know that this is it and there is no second chance that I knew at the time which you know um so you regret everything you know I regret the things that I had said and and done to people including my own children my oldest daughter you know um it's all there instantly and I with all the strength because now they had taken the tube out and I don't know how long it had taken I had lost 70 pounds and they uh took the tube out catheter and all that and they were just monitoring me you know but there was no one in the room at the time and I was staring at the TV so I got to on my I tried pushing myself up and I was shaking uncontrollably and for the first time in over 40 years I cried out to God and if I get emotional with you it's because I'm feeling what I felt in the room so um I begged him not to die now mind you this is like I said this is the first time I spoke to him in over 40 years and the one thing that I'm asking I'm not apologizing I'm not saying I'm begging him not to die die I was like please let me see my children again please don't take them from me and I said I'm sorry that I abandoned you so many years ago and you Jesus I said uh I never stopped believing but uh I said I'm sorry for abandoning you I said ' please don't take my children from me please then there was somebody uh with whom I love deeply here very much and we haven't spoken in years and I I won't mention her name but I said please don't take her from me please please I said let me hold her hand let me kiss her let's make love again and I said please don't take her from me please I love her and it was in that moment that everything stopped I was out of my body and at the top of the ceiling but before that even happened I could see it started from behind I could see everything behind me the whole ICU War the nursing stations people dying in their rooms and now when I was laying in my bed I could only see the top of a tree in the sky so now I'm I'm here and I'm above my body which I just meant nothing to me I could see every blade of grass moving independently I could see the soul like in Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars when you see him come back and he had that glow that's what the grass and the trees and the clouds and everything had it had I could see their souls and I could feel their love I could see every serration in every blade of grass I could see the colors it was liquid and they were the most magnificent Rich greens and blues and they just don't exist here but the but the color was fluid it was moving within the grass and the tree I could feel their love for me and my love I mean I was inundated in this light and this in this phenomenal love this unconditional love it was as warm as the sun and it flowed through every part of my being I wasn't in a body so whatever it was my Consciousness it flowed through me and again it was as warm as the son and I knew who that presence was that was father that was God the light home and when I was above and going through all of this I mean it was an instant knowledge of everything that has ever existed and I knew exactly where I was and I was like I'm home I'm like how the hell would I know I'm home if I hadn't been there before you know so I said again I'm home and I'm just being loved on on a a scale there there are no words in this archaic language to describe the love and the light and the beauty that I was in constant the next thought that popped into my mind or popped in was like what a beautiful day to die like this is great I'm home you know and it was just so natural is what I'm trying to say it was just natural it was beautiful you know and then the guilt and the shame came you know and and because I wasn't a good person I was lost you know I had the bisexual experiences as a younger kid you know and you know hurting people and saying horrible things and all of these things and I like I knew I shouldn't have been there there's no way you know I knew where I was supposed to go and this wasn't the place you know and I was like I had done nothing wrong I wasn't being judged the only judge was me and the more I felt unworthy The More Love that was bestowed upon me it was stifling to the point of what I'm trying to get at and then as my I'm still looking off to the left but mind you I'm not turning ahead there's nothing my gaze which then you know I'm looking at both things so like 10 o'clock in and in noon another pres showed up and that was Jesus and it was even more love ah it was an unprecedented amount of love that was being bestowed upon me time stopped I was young again I was plugged into like the universe's battery packed I was Juiced I was you know and all pain stopped I was in an incredible amount of pain mind altering pain it you know it was just incredible and then it instantly disappeared you know I was like I'm home I'm young okay you know I had no desire to get back into this hunk of meat and then Yeshua or Jesus you know I felt these two hands they were just to me they were huge and you know they were like right here and as I'm I'm being gently you know pushed back into my body and then my body was pushed back down onto the bed and I was instantly out like out how much time passed again I don't know I woke up again to frantic nurses Jason Jason we were trying to get you up well my body was dead you know there was nothing there in it because I wasn't in it so basically this is nothing more than a corpse right if we're not in it it's was never alive to begin with it we're only using it to get around it but anyways you know that presence was now gone I wasn't feeling the love and the the peace and and stuff like that um it was just gone it's not really gone I just wasn't in tune with it yet but we can get into that in a minute but I'm gonna like how do I tell people what just happened to me they're not they're going to think I'm nuts and a few days later I was you know a couple doctors came in and they're like you know you shouldn't be here and I'm like what are you talking about I couldn't talk you know I he says like do you know how much blood was pumped out of your lungs and I'm like 2.8 liters and I'm like I I did the conversion um that's 11.8 cups of blood that they pumped out of my lungs okay I shouldn't be here okay and that's what they were trying to get to he says you had a less than 0.001% chance of living do you understand that you are a miracle and I'm like do you understand what just happened to me okay do you know where I was because I wasn't on Earth anymore you know there was even though it was still the hospital room um I was in a completely and totally different dimension so prior to this experience you had maybe this idea of God and and all these rules that we live by you obviously thought that you were not going to go to heaven based on your life experiences and choices um is it accurate to say that when you went to the other side that you had a realization that this might not exactly be true that you are your only judge that is correct we are not judged because um there evil doesn't exist there is is no right or wrong and there is no good or bad and how can I say that because a lot of people that are going to watch this are gonna go what are you talking about there's rape there's this and all of that comes from your mind right this world that we're living in the universe that you all know of isn't real okay and I knew that within a trillionth of a second I knew everything that there was to ever know I was and still am everything that has existed and will ever exist is me is you and is is your neighbor right so I knew within that trillionth of a second I had done nothing wrong everything that was that I thought was true right and wrong you know heaven and hell didn't exist okay Heaven does not exist hell does not exist there are no Fallen Angels it's impossible impossible for an angel to fall and I realized the light was me meaning I and the father are one I am God you know I've just forgotten who I was when I came back and I realized that I don't want to cuss or anything but I was pissed off I was like I led an not I want want to say an Unholy life but I led a life of Despair and DEP you know despondency because I believed in a book called The Bible right I gave up on life you know there's no point in anymore it's it's done it's over with and when I realized all of this was a lie a sham that it was just a dream I was like I have to let people know this there's no way and it was more of the anger because I was kind of guided to go back to church and I was like so I went back to the church that I was starting to go to again just to feel I don't know I was so confused and um depressed right that I was looking for because being a loner I have no one to talk to I was like who do I talk to about this so I said oh my pastor I went to my pastor and he freaked out he was like for 45 minutes he sat there like that didn't even say anything just and I'm sobbing uncontrollably because you know I'm still being inundated with all this love and he basically ostracized me he refused my phone calls he refused um my text messages or em emails I was basically blacklisted out of um the church and I was on my way home I was like you know the light bulb went off ding ding ding and that was father saying now you know the truth you know by the look of his expression and what I the energy that I was feeling from him he was utterly terrified utterly terrified what was he terrified Jason of I know the truth I know the truth and he now knows it that's what he was fearful of because the church has been lying to us for Millennia to Millennia right that sin you know is punishable by hell well sin doesn't exist hell doesn't exist there is no such thing as the devil you know all of that is meant to keep you in a low vibrational state right fear okay so fear is a lower vibrational energy what does the church do keeps you living in fear right keep coming back so we can tell you how horrible you are that you might be saved you might not but you still come back and it's like nah I no I will not put up with that anymore no I need you all to understand who you are how loved you are that you are never alone ever I don't care whether you're in the shower um cooking dinner on the pot doesn't matter you are never alone and you are loved unconditionally and you know the non-physical wants you to know it's not your fault we've created a society that is meant to keep 99.8% of its inhabitants in a low vibrational State combine that with the church what do you get 99.8% of society around the world living in fear right ah I won't put up with that now people are free to believe whatever they want I'm not here to bash anyone's religion but I will say when I look at the numbers and see there's 4,000 plus active religions on the planet today a and you know you factor all this stuff in and like you said it's it's all kind of fear-based um kind of keeping us down controlling the way we live in a way based off of fear do you believe this prevents people from kind of searching for their own truth once they kind of adopt a certain religion religion divides people period end of subject there is no other way about it spirituality brings us together and right now during this Great Awakening into the transition into 5D Consciousness and that is now taking place millions of people are beginning to leave the church not just Catholicism but all of it right because they're finding out through this era of technology that we have that they're listening to people's stories you know of dying being brought back to life and what is taking place you know basically even though I'm a chosen one but I'm also a messenger you know it was a constant Thorn to my side by father come on I need you to talk you know that was part of the whole thing so I began to express my nde and then I became inundated with more and more um spiritual experiences outof body experiences um meetings with archangels Michael who is mine meeting my God um and just being led in this direction of the things that I've begun to manifest through meditation are taking place you know they're actually coming to fruition and um I have to I have to let people know I you know I'm a teacher and I've I'm gonna teach and I'm G to tell people the truth and yes you know even though I only grew up in Catholicism or Christianity that's the only language I know I don't know much of Judaism or the Torah or you know Islam and you know all of that but all of those religions are founded on one principle love right now if you just stop right there then that's beautiful but it's not like you said you're indoctrinated into the fear of Retribution that there's a human God up there waiting to Smite you and send you to a place of utter Abomination you know and I was like uh none of that exists people and I I I will let them know you know that you know you are loved you brought up a concept of this split Consciousness uh where you stated that our Consciousness is in our body but it still exists on the other side is this is there a tethering there um yeah we're all tethered together right now there's a line between me and you to everybody we are all connected through that tether so what you're talking about that split Consciousness is yes that's true it's called Duality right dual meaning to so all of us believe it or not are still at home we're all at home we've taken a little part of our Consciousness and you know when we decided this grand scheme of I want to be the boss um and make the decisions right because when a father comes to us right for something that he wants we all come together as a collective Consciousness and do it for them right we created but then somehow we said hm I want to do that for myself so the fact that we're sitting here right now is Testament to Our Father's Love For Us he says all right you want to go play and do your thing all right go ahead but the moment we did that what did we do we created fear guilt and the ego right because now we're saying we're not one anymore right I and the father are one meaning I am God so I'm telling myself that I'm not you anymore which again is impossible to do because it's just a dream so when we began to dream and we created the ego created the body our part of our Consciousness which is our personality Right comes into this suit and we are now able to exist in a Physical Realm without this body we cannot exist here it's too low so yes that's where you get the split Consciousness or Duality aspect of it yes my a is down here I'm driving it you know through you know the part of me that is here but the rest of it the rest of me my higher self is still at home and what is this body it's a projector right because I'm dreaming and this is what is being projected out in front of me so you're doing the same thing you and I are dreaming this together and having this what we would call conversation and that's it we're all still at home so that's that's where duality comes in people often say that there is one grand Consciousness if you will do you believe it's one Consciousness that splits itself into unlimited amount of entities or do you believe there's uh like multiple Souls that come back and forth are we reincarnating oh there's definitely we are reincarnating there is only one source and that is father and we are right now father is experiencing over eight billion different things at this very moment right now because we are all one right so he's experiencing all of that and yes you know when I asked my guide through my second outof Body Experience like again the the the realm that I was in was comfortable it was home it was a place that I had been you know throughout my entire existence and I and I was like you know who are you and this being or this angel said I'm Jeffrey I've always been with you and I was like Jeffrey I said that's a Toys R Us giraffe man I can't call you Jeffrey I said how about John and I was like how many times have I died and the number was instant instant and it was over 3,200 I said I've died over 3,200 times and he goes you're ancient and then I was pushed back into my body and I woke up on the couch again cuz I was watching the football game with Demar Hamlin when he had his heart attack so I watched the hit and I watched him take a step and fall down and that's all I remember I woke up or I when I came back the whole stadium was empty the people were still talking or whatever and I'm like what the hell does ancient mean meaning that I may have this made me my second time in this specific timeline right so we all think that time is real it's not we only make up time because how do we exist in a Physical Realm without it we would what are we going to do you know so it's our way of making sense but time does not exist so we think that you know in linear terms like right to left how you read how you write all of that right but that's not it so when we when this timeline is done and I transition home and I'm greeted by you know what we would call family or Yeshua may come to get me somebody you know and and take me home we're going to take some time off and when I mean time off I mean because we're revered when we come home I mean we're like the Special Forces here right because we're the ones that are willing to step away from one to forget who we are what we are where we come from and in essence to suffer right to go through these things so we're revered when we come home all of home or what you know it as Heaven erupts with love and welcomes us home right and that's when we take some time off because it's hard it is hard on our Consciousness to be split like that you know we're incapable let's put it this way when we're in this form we are incapable of understanding what is going on because there's such a small part of our Consciousness that is here so we're incapable of grasping all that is everything that we are and everything that's taking place so we get lost right we're incapable of that and then you know we get indoctrinated and victimized into society and and by the church um and that keeps us at a low vibrational state so when we incarnate again we don't incarnate in what you would call a linear form like my next Incarnation will be a 100 years from now in the future right well no that's not the case my next Incarnation may be 500 BC right or it may be the time of Christ you know or in ancient Egyptians 7,000 years ago you know that you know and that is all controlled by our Overlord you just know it as um that sounds terrible to say but it's true that's the name it's basically a supervisor who's in charge of your spiritual world right and so you have your Archangel with you you have your guides with you they protect you and hold you and love you and are with you all the time we're never in real danger here because nothing here is real so when we incarnate next it's going to be not in a linear form you will go back into um a timeline that you were once in and well why is that well you still have some things to clear up maybe forgiveness right maybe patience you know but now when you're back into that timeline what has taken place is your energy has risen right you've climbed up the ladder like me I've massively climbed up the ladder so my next Incarnation won't be as brutal as you know what I went through here how much of a role does God play in our incarnations or do we have a choice in the matter is it a combination of both no this is all up to us God does not want us here period end of subject he does not want us here in any way shape or form and he is eagerly awaiting your arrival home period but when we stuck up our middle finger at him and said uh I'm not you I'm an individual and I'm gonna call the shots well again he doesn't have to allow that to happen right but his undying in love for us says okay so what does he do there's your black you know there's your blank canvas which is the void right nothing there so what do we do when we we decided to do this right as a collect conscious you know it as the Big Bang Boom the universe was born right one massive explosion well that massive explosion was all of us dreaming we decided to go to sleep and consciously we're doing what we started to create just like our father we are the direct manifestations of our father imbued with the same love light and Powers we are no different than Jesus all right we've just forgotten it it's all within us we have to find it so yes we're father does not want us here so we are all one when I say one that means all of us there is no separate anything we are all one and yes we will continue to Incarnate until we become enlightened which means you know you only know Jesus because of his last Incarnation right where he was Guided by the non-physical because it was his last Incarnation he chose to do it it was okay so he had direct communication from home right he was being guided like you and I are talking he's having a conversation you're going to go do this you know so but you only know it as him as Jesus he had thousands of lifetimes before it right he stood before father flipped them off said I'm an individual but this one because Jesus was simply chosen because he was way up there in vibration and energy that could handle what was about to happen right and that was father interceding to try and wake us up to say look guys listen here it is I'm sending you somebody listen wake up it's a dream you don't have to be killing and murdering each other with all of this crap and what we do ended up murdering him and killing him for what love right but he his mission was simple it was so simple he just simply came here to wake us up say look people realize who you are okay you're no different than I am none in any way shape or form you know and he was teaching people how to find themselves to access the power that he had done right when he traveled out east into India through North Africa and he met he learned from the Masters in you know two Millennia ago in India um and then he came back here and you know you just know him now as Jesus Christ right because he had the power to heal he had the power to raise the dead which we all do you know and that's why he was chosen for that but getting to your point that was father interceding and saying look we I've got to do something here because father talks to you every day he communicates with you every day just not in the ways that you're used to and he talks to us through our emotions through our feelings right when you're happy and you're in in line with your guidance system and you're in love you're feeling happy and all of this right you're crying you're this and when you're feeling angry pissed off mad you're out of alignment of love with father with the god spark right so he's talking to you every day through those emotions we've just learned in the modern area to turn that out oh that's you know I'm feeling I shouldn't go to work today why you know that's them telling you you shouldn't go but what do we do we boooo it and we don't listen to it and next thing you know you know you were in a car accident or or whatnot but you guys need to listen to your emotions you need to feel them listen to them that is home speaking to you and father will use words in his absolute last ditch effort to communicate with you and I heard those voice um after my nde a couple months afterwards he will speak to you you know you will hear the words like he spoke to me you know that's because I was struggling bad and it was like I was kind of yelling at him was like you know should have picked the pope man like a priest somebody you know not this filthy animal that you know no and in his absolute love for me he spoke I was in my bedroom at the you know pacing back and forth It's like you chose the wrong person and then it was as clear as I'm speaking to you it was a firm voice and it was a loving but it was still a firm voice it was why not not you are my son but that was his last ditch effort and it worked I collapsed I raised my arms up at the end of my bed and I said all that I am I am you which was something I have no idea where that came from but that was the absolute truth I am you I am God okay and that was that simple and from that point on it was my Awakening process I mean you know dying and having the experience but now as things keep rolling that my you know experience this must have been like a profound change in your life I mean after an experience like this how does this change your perception on the way that you choose to live your life moving forward it did change my life and it's it's still changing my life I want to help everybody that I can my love for all of you is something that you could never understand and as part of me doing these interviews and my own channel and stuff like that is I'm helping people to wake up I will not stand for the lies the deception the deceit the manipulation of you know this Society the Western Society anyway and of the church um keeping people living in fear now I just want to help people as much as I can you know I'm still aloner I'm still wanting to be alone but I am accepting the fact that I have been a chosen one I am an Earth Angel I am a teacher and that is of Love That is a father of who we are what we are I've been bitten by the love bug you know and I will not stand for anything less you know I I no longer watch TV I will no longer watch violence I I want no part of it I will no longer listen to the news and I haven't since last August I don't want to hear about death I don't want to hear about babies being beheaded I I will not I will not take part in that you know it sucks because I'm a huge Star Wars fan and you know I grew up loving Star Wars and I mean like who who likes the Stormtroopers nobody right but to watch that is going against what and who we are because we don't have the right definition of what love is I realize that love is everything so when you see Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker who are in love with each other right and turn around what you perceive as the bad guy the storm having them kill them that's unacceptable that's not love that's not what love is what did Jesus say love your enemy why that's you being projected to yourself in a different way that you don't like well what do we do we forgive right well in our society we just kill them right well that's not acceptable so I can no longer watch Star Wars because that's not acceptable that's not what love is love is everything it's all-encompassing it does not pick or choose we are all the same we are all one we are all love so to sit there and watch that even as much as I love it I can no longer do that because it's wrong so I just just stopped the whole TV so it has profoundly changed my life I begun to eat healthy like all organic foods I will no longer eat anything out of a can or a box nope I will eat fresh salmon F I'll steaks I love protein ever since this happened to me I've have been on a protein fiend you know like I'm eating a lot of egg steak chicken um fish I'm eating a lot of sushi now just healthier stuff you know tons and tons of water um and I've lost since last August well in that month I lost I was 256 pounds and I'm down to like 188 now so the weight has come off and I I have never felt better in my entire life so it's the change has to come within remember it's your thoughts control everything so whether they're spoken or unspoken they change you know they create what you out there see as the world my near death has profoundly changed me I just want to help and love everyone I can and I want to pass on this knowledge that you don't have to be afraid there's nothing to be afraid of you bring up an excellent point about the I would like to call it external influences or external forces if you're going to engage in watching violence or watching people arguing on reality TV I genuinely believe that this type of stuff infiltrates people's minds and if left unchecked I think it could potentially take the majority share and so you are your thoughts to your point and I feel like there's so many external forces acting upon you that you have to create this almost barrier to protect yourself from it would you agree with that I don't necessarily say put up a barrier because then you're blocking the love you know it's like you know when we started this you were fumbling around you know my energy is a lot for people to handle right so if you if I block that love that you know is essentially me out there you know I'm doing a disservice to my brothers and sisters right now they may not like me and that's fine that is their free will to do that they just can't handle my energy but to put up a wall and block that no I think that's you're going too far what you have to do is what I have done is I forgiven the church do I love the church yes are they misguided 100% are they lying 100% but I have to forgive them and still love them right those priests those Bishops all of them that's still me right so I have to forgive them and when I forgive them and love them doesn't mean I have to have them in my life and um I will be an advocate to crush them so to speak through love through the truth through who I am and that is what I will do you know I will free people from the bonds of their you know Mings and their you know manipulations that have taken place over Millennia and that's what Jesus was trying to teach he was teaching equality look there's no difference between a a male and female none we are all the same okay they you know a woman deserves just as much credit and you know as I do so he was teaching equality he was teaching who we are right and the church at the time didn't like that so Jesus was executed as a common criminal he broke the law he broke religious law and he was murdered for it so we can't build up walls we have to tear them down we have to learn to love one another you know through the truth through love love conquers everything I absolutely love your point of view on that and I'm going to keep that in mind you know moving into the future um just remember that like when somebody bumps into you at the store and this is a great reminder it's like when you look at that person and and you want the ego to go off and you you mother you know just look at them and realize look at your face like when you look in the mirror you're seeing yourself now right just look at them as you and say that's when I look and say hey it's all right you know you have a great day I hope you have a great day you know and that's how I see it because that is me I'm just projecting myself as them right in this world so no I just to get mad at them I can get frustrated like come on people would you hurry up you know let's go but to say or dismiss or I hate you or you know to belittle them is not well that that's the Trap right it's because you you have to I mean I'm a compassionate person uh personally but like there's that trap right where someone tries to poke you or or kind of push the envelope in to sit there and spite them per se it's now now you have to enter the darkness almost in the name of self-defense sometimes you're like now you're mad at them now you're resonating at a low frequency because they right they that opportunity and you took it and who did you follow the ego that's all ego right there right so if you're following the ego what does the ego do the ego attacks condemns and judges right ego not your friend so when you're spouting and going off on that who won you gave it over the ego so you know the universe gave you a little test and what' you do instead of climbing up the ladder right of love and peace and joy you just climb back down into the darkness a few steps right that's all and that is just stuff that I'm not one willing to do anymore it's like I won't insert myself into a low vibrational state to be around judgmental people or or all this you know and that is why I've become more and more isolated because I don't want that negativity or that low vibration in my life you know so doesn't mean that I don't love them it just means like hey you're off in your own little delusion you have your little delusion I'm gonna go do mine and you're good right where you are and I'm gonna stay here you know so it's all the ego you know you got to keep the ego on check and um I've taken it back you know I will not let him or it or whatever you want to call it um control my life you know so and that's what you all have to do is you have to re the ego in you know we gave the the the reins to the ego Millennia ago and now this sucks and you know all and well take it back take control of your life you're here for a reason you know so take it back and that's what I'm trying to encourage people to do when they listen to these like now they speaking the truth wow that's that's pretty deep you know and then the seed has been planted right and they may not jump on it right away it may take five years but all of a sudden you know it's gonna and that light bulb moment's going to go off and go wow you know and that's what it's about for me I I would like to speak with you about the uh the upcoming golden age and the depopulation beforehand and then of course if you want to tell the story about meeting Archangel Michael yeah that's fine so we we'll do the whole Archangel Michael thing so I was working at a job as a uh as like a building maintenance guy it was in like downtown um Milwaukee here in Wisconsin really didn't care for the job but I was able to make my own hour so I started work early and now this was a couple years ago now um I was in this 500,000 square foot building it was huge so most of the places were dark so I had come through this long hallway right and I opened unlocked the door all the other doors were were locked right so as I was coming around I had my head down and I looked around and I was coming around and all of a sudden this person was there and it startled me I was like I was like where the hell did you come from it's like you made no noise there was no footsteps there was no nothing it was just in he was like he's like pointing his clothes and I was like ah you know dirty and I was going to go in there and that's where I was going because I had to get some do some things in the bathroom and it was just very odd you know and it was I instantly began talking about my my death my near-death experience right but the entire time now mind you he had ratty clothes on his stuff but his beard was perfectly a square jaw this be he was beautiful and he was you know dark brown hair you know nice little beard very neatly trimmed very short ha a beautiful person and so I started talking to him about my nde and this took place took about 30 minutes right but he was doing this just had a smile but he was staring up at the ceiling never really made eye contact with me right and then he came down he looked at me again he changed positions and I continued speaking and he was just looking up he goes you're Jason right I was like whoa I never said my name I was like yes and he put his hand out to shake me to shake my hand right when he grabbed my hand I I have never felt strength like that I he could have literally crushed every bone in my hand and turned it into dust I mean That's How Strong he was but it was a firm but it was his strength was amazing and he says it was a pleasure meeting you and he turned to walk out the door and I'm I'm like what is going this is weird what is taking place right so he turns around he looks over his shoulder and he goes Jason you'll hear from me soon and he walked out the door and I'm like wait this isn't over yet I grab my stuff I go out no one all dark no one around and I'm feeling tired like really tired like what but what just happened what was that what just happened right so I go up to this place it's I kind of secluded on an upper level I had a couch and I just laid on the couch it was still pitch dark I fell asleep I just was gone I woke up at like8 o'clock in the morning I didn't care if I got fired I mean what just took place I don't know how I discovered it but I was somebody had mentioned reached out to me through one of my interviews and we started talking and he showed a picture of a tattoo and that was the exact same face and I said he goes That's Archangel Michael and I was like and that was ex his exact face you know he wasn't CL like you would see clad in armor holding a sword like God's General but it was him and I knew instantly that the energy that I was feeling with him and stuff that that's who it was and I was like why is Father sending me Archangel Michael what going on it was like November of 2023 six months later I was you know kind of getting back into the dating game and which was a mistake but then we had come out of this sushi restaurant right sitting by the end of my car was what you would consider a bum just rty clothes like from the 70s basically all this old you know kind of worn out stuff he was a clean person you know but he had a bag and a cane I'm standing there in front and all of a sudden I get that same feeling like what's going on here you know um he goes hi and he mentioned a name and he went to you know shake my hand again and that the hand was again cold like nothing in it no blood it's just like a corpse and we started talking he goes You Love video games and I'm like and then she freaked out you know like God is you know and he go he looked at her and he says you know I'm here in Wisconsin because I got to help somebody get through a divorce and he was straight at her she got weirded out ran and hit in the car you know and he says I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare her and I'm like no you're fine he goes you know it's really about the love he goes right it's I said he put out a fist bump and he goes I said yes you're right it is about the love I said you're absolutely correct that's the only thing that matters here is love and I said I had a near-death experience a couple years ago he cocked his head off to the side he stopped smiling he goes I know you did and I turned to go look at her to see if she was okay because now I'm freaking out like and it got up now he's standing in front of me now if you're waiting for a to get up with a cane you're going to hear some movement feet shuffling bag moving nothing now he's just standing in front of me and I'm like he goes you're Jason right and I'm likeoh okay or I was like walk with me where's the nearest restaurant and I was like I just came out of one there's one there he goes walk with me and he says you know I'm an alcoholic and he says you know I went through $110,000 I said a booze last month how are you alive and he said which was an intro he says would you be okay with that I said with making 110,000 a year he goes month a month uh yeah so he's walking a little bit ahead of me you know I was carrying the bag for him because he was using his Cane would you be willing to relocate and I'm like relocate sure where he says Sacramento I was like California out of all the places you want to send me to California I'm like for that kind of money sure 110,000 a month so I walked with him right I got him into the you know and I'm trying to put two and two together like and my Energy's draining like I'm tired and I'm like I get him into this restaurant and he says Jason you'll hear from me again and I gave up you know it was a pleasure meeting you and as I was walking out you know turn around who's there nobody except the other patreons that were in the restaurant already right and I was like okay so I beat feet back up to the Jeep and she's like what was that and I'm like driving away I'm like oh my God it was the same person from the first time except this time he had red hair was a darker red right but the same perfect beard same square jaw same same exact haircut just different clothes and I was like oh my God that was Archangel Michael he did say I'll see you again soon you know but what's soon to the non-physical isn't what it is in the Physical Realm you know so somebody could say soon well that could be in a day or two well you know it may be in a year or maybe two years or maybe six months you know so but I know it's coming that that move to Sacramento is coming the the need for me to be out there is pressing so it's it's going to happen soon so that was my two meetings with Archangel Michael um In the Flesh in the physical right here in Wisconsin now over this last holiday in April or was it March the end of March um was Easter so it was the Saturday before Easter I was going to grocery shopping this was a major event that just took place so I'm going to the store I want to get you know a meal for the holiday and I'm walking in and I see this lady with a like a two-year-old or a three-year-old sitting in a cart the the the girl was crying in the cart and you would just think that it was an everyday normal situation of a mother and a daughter right well I'm gonna find out that they were part of the gig that they knew in The Matrix Jason was going to be here right so I go shopping you know I'm doing my thing I have my earbuds in listening to music doing my thing want to get out of there as fast as possible too many people love yall but I don't want to be around you so I'm like oh olive oil so I'm going down the olive oil right and it's it's a good quarter of the way in you know it's not like two steps in so you know takes you about 30 40 steps to get in there and who's standing in the in that aisle the two or three year old in the cart the girl and the mom how did that happen and I was like all right well they just went the other way no biggie so I'm sitting here in a like a linebacker position I'm like I cannot find the olive oil that I want for the love of God and I'm sitting here like this I'm looking and they're just not really making any noise they're just standing there right and then all of a sudden out of my peripheral vision like right here I see somebody in a black mass walk through the groceries and say hey can I you in a Bible study and he was a young guy not not looking like Michael right and I look at him you know he's in a leather jacket got a little goatee here thing and now the mom that was standing there the B now they're just standing there like this no sound no movement and I'm looking at him I said a Bible study oh it's the second coming of CH I said I said no man you're misguided no I'm not I said first of all there is going to be no second coming of Christ there is no Book of Revelations the Bible is wrong and unfortunately you young man are lost and that's okay but I said on top of that Jesus Walks this Earth every day he makes an Incarnation and he walks this Earth not for very long but he's here so I said no there is none no I'm not are you sure because I said you were lied to and manipulated just like everybody else I said the Bible is wrong I said I am not interest interested in it I said but I do appreciate your appreciate your time right so I look up and now they're gone the grocery cart and the mom and the kid they're gone now I'm sorry but you're gonna hear a grocery cart leave so but I was focused in on him which he has now walked across me because I saw them right so now I'm standing there talking to him then I looked over back at the olive oil those two are gone and I'm like something's going on here and then it dawned on me I'm being tested right this is now this is my guy Jeffrey so Jeffrey manifested into physical form an angel right and uh I said so he shook my hand he goes I said thank you young man I said but no no no I'm not interested and I put my head back down to find the olive oil again they're not there and I'm thinking what is going on something's not right right so I turn because I hadn't found the olive oil so I go like this he's gone now he's got you would have heard footsteps trying to run you know or something nothing just gone right I'm like uh they glitched The Matrix from the time I walked in that Mom and girl were there they were there in the aisle to keep me preoccupied with what was going on even though they weren't real right and we had this conversation because what did I tell you I was going to do right go after the church right and let people know so him saying you know want to go to Bible study and the second coming Christ it was like that was a test right to make sure are you going to go through with what you're what you're telling us you're going to go through right it was an absolute test they glitched The Matrix they came into me again and we had this conversation and then left right when I said okay said they're testing me they're gonna they're gonna they want to make sure that what I'm asking for is going to come true that I'm not gonna back out on it it was an absolute test 100% and the girl was an angel the mom the little girl that being you know they incarnated into that and then they left and I went on my way and had my conversation with them when I got home I like I know what you guys are trying to do you can't I'm not the Newbie anymore okay I know what you're doing so um it was beautiful and it it just goes to show that even though you meditate and even though you know I will have a verbal conversation with them you know and say this that and the other that you're not being ignored that you know you're you're heard they understand what you're asking for and they're going to make damn sure you're going to do it it's like when I when I U meditate it got really easy and I felt really good and all of a sudden it went back to day one I was like what the hell is this you know that's them making sure that I'm not going to get that I'm G to continue if they put road blocks that you know I will get past the road block and that's basically what it is you know that was my last real deep spiritual encounter so let's talk about the Golden Age which is coming up very soon and it's probably going to start I would say in like 2035 there's roughly eight billion people on the Earth right now by the time 50 years comes around when this is all said and done let's start out with nine billion um and what what's the new age everybody well the new age is that of world peace the Golden Age of Earth where we are all one we are all equals you know we're in an equitarian Society there is no difference between all of we all come together there's no money problems there's there is no money we come together for one another so what is taking place well how do we get there Jason World War III is coming um and it's going to be here quicker than you know one of two options is going to take place and it's going to start in the East one of two options it's just an outright Invasion another country like Russia did with Ukraine or and I feel that this is the root cause of it is as you have seen recently our weather has been getting worse worse and worse horrific tornadoes flooding hurricanes it's it's all for a reason so this natural disaster that's going to take place is going to start our downfall um meaning that we are going to begin to fight each other for resources food shelter clothing right um and thus World War II starts and the world will once again be at War and when the war starts there'll be nine billion people nine to 10 billion people on this planet by the time it ends there will be one billion people left on this Earth that has been completely destroyed by the war and the after effects roughly seven to eight billion people will starve to death there will be no food they will simply starve no drinkable water you know um no food to be had the weather is going to be horrific meaning you'll freeze in the cold and you will you know die in the heat so and we don't have anybody to blame but ourselves we've done this to ourselves you know um and it's coming it we can we stop it yes and that is part of what I am trying to do now is to stop this we need to love one another we need to realize that we're all the same that there is no difference that it was just a lie that Society has created and that the church has created to keep us living living in that fear and what is fear right those institutions keep us bickering at each other and fighting one another right well it's meant for a reason so and that's all going to come to an end be lucky if there's a United States Russia Great Britain France Poland Japan it's all gonna be crushed you know and then the golden age will start when we say you know we all work for one another we help you know let's build your house and we'll build up my house and we'll do this and you know we'll plant um seeds in the Earth again to grow you know organic natural foods and stuff like that so you know we're heading in that direction and I I cannot allow it to I'll sit here meditate I'll be crying it's not our Extinction but it's very close right you know we're at the precipice where if we don't stop now it'll be too late but all of us that are on this earth now cannot be here when the Golden Age starts so that means all of us within the next 18 to 20 years are going to start dying off on a massive scale because we cannot be here we've been victimized by the church by our parents and by Society we cannot be here those that are left the newer ones being you know brought up you know when the war starts they won't have that indoctrination and victimization into societies and into an organized religion right they're going to be above that those beings you know don't feel bad for them they know what they're incarnating into okay just like we did in our timeline they know what's coming so they are going to be a pivotal a much higher frequency being and they will usher in that world peace right but we cannot be here we will not be allowed to be here period end of subject it it's not g to it's not going to happen but it's coming the new age is it's on its way and that's part of the the transition into 5D Consciousness that you're seeing now that's taking place people are beginning to wake up people like you and and others that come into our meetings and say you know I don't know but something has changed within me that's their higher self coming in right The Awakening process has begun me having an nde and those that have that are willing to tell the truth that are willing to put themselves out there are that change you know we I am helping you I'm helping everybody else that is in this position that you know one in one isn't adding up to two anymore but it's coming it's almost as if things have to get so bad that A change is just utterly required is this kind of how you feel like it kind of has has to hit a bottom before it starts reu yeah because without my near without me dying in that in that ICU I would have been the same old Jason right and I'm not really Jason this vehicle name Jason but without that happening I wouldn't be sitting here today well that was kind of like well my point was like okay we need to get you back on track so when I created this timeline when I created this life that was thrown in there like if if you don't wake up prior to that well then this is what's G to take place right well guess what stubborn Jason didn't wake up so guess what you know father knew it was happening because the moment I awoke in that hospital room he's waiting for me because he knew it was coming you know Yeshua knew it was coming without that intervention without that you know experience taking place I would not have changed so those of us that are speaking about this those of us that are continuously getting that knowledge that we've hit rock bottom right we've what's Rock Bottom death right even though death is an illusion but still this body said well we're done you know and it was that process that began that was father saying all right now let's go come on you know we we've got to get get caught up here and that's that's what it was so yeah it seems like you know in the case of this species human beings we've got to hit the rock bottom before you know somebody will tell you the truth that cand is gonna rot your teeth well you know if you keep eating candy it's gonna rot your teeth right well it's the same thing you've got to raise your vibration you've got to get out of your head you've got to get into the act of love and without doing that World War III comes someone could tell you uh you know you shouldn't do this cuz that'll happen and then it's yeah yeah yeah well cuz it's not going to kill me right now um and then maybe like 10 years later you're like wow I've been smoking for x amount of time and I've lost a few teeth now you're sitting there like holy like uh it's interesting I don't know if it's just me or if it's a part of human nature where I feel like we have to learn the hard way sometimes it's peculiar it is and that's what Jesus came here to do he was simply came here to muddy up the water saying wake up because he knows it's a dream right he knows that it's not real he even said it do not fall in love with the materialistic World it will bring you ruin why it's not real what is real is love we are all love and that's what he expressed explicitly because he was a master at it was love he didn't want this to happen he didn't want you know us murdering each other and killing each other for Millennia right he was sent to wake us all up to the fact that you are God you are no different than me and he showed us the way to do it but then we killed him for it so you know we need to wake up and we need to wake up now because we've run out of time everybody we're out of time it's it's the process has begun can we stop it yes but it takes a collective Consciousness meaning all of you out here to realize that we are all one that we are all love and that you know that we can stop this because if not we're going to be watching from home watching our kids our grandkids be slaughtered watching them starve to death you know even though we know it's not real but you know they're going to be the ones that are suffering horrifically and that breaks my heart it it it just breaks my heart I cannot watch my children suffer like that that would I just can't and I will do everything in my power to to stop that from happening if you could ask one question to the person watching this video right now what would it be what is your definition of love and their and their response would be well if I could only find the right man the perfect man everything would be okay and right then and there the non-physical is going because you don't know what your definition of Love is you think love is a relationship between two people two beings right wrong you are that love why you are God so what you're saying is like if I can't find myself then who's gonna love me right it's it all begins with you so that's what I would say you know what's your definition of Love Define love to me you know and they wouldn't be able to do it because they don't know like I play bass like I went out into nature this morning I had a calling to be there so I went in there and I loved it I meditated for 15 minutes came back and then I played a bass and I realized through my definition of love that love is everything and that my relationship with music and playing bass is love it is the love of my life and that is a relationship everything you do in life is a relationship it is love right so if you love taking walks in nature then that is the love of your life and it is a beautiful loving relationship right you're looking at love everyone the wrong way love if you love being a gardener in gardening in your backyard then that is the love of your life love it without question and you'll know it because you're feeling good inside right you're feeling joyful happy excited all of that good stuff you're not angry you're not mad you're not out of alignment love is a relationship and it doesn't have to be with a physical being so that's what I would say that would be one question wow that was a really good answer that that's the first time I tried that and I'm like H this might catch people off guard they're going to have to think but you're just like boom I already know oh yeah if you could give one piece of advice to the person watching this video right now what would would it be do you love yourself and you've already answered that because you're silent right so if you don't love yourself how can you love your children how can you love your parents how can you love your spouse or your best friend you can't so what do you have to do you have to go and what Jesus taught you is you have to go within and you have to heal yourself you have to get out of your mind you have to go within and you have to go back to every traumatic experience that you've had from being a little kid up until now and then you have to look at that situation step out of that situation love that situation and I don't care whether you were raped beaten molested I know it's tough no one said this was going to be easy and that is why you're here so you have to look at that situation love that situation and then forgive that person for they are also lost and you don't know what happened to them in their life that brought them to that point so you cannot judge them for that action but you can love them and you can forgive them now once you've done that truly' done that you will feel an energy leave you all that negative Dark Energy will leave and you'll know you've healed yourself now once you've done that chop it off like forget about it it's done don't ever go back to it there's no need to go back to it it is gone it will the non-physical has taken it from you and you will begin to feel free you will begin to feel love so love yourself ladies and gentlemen if you can't you you have to figure out why and what's stopping you from doing that because when you do and you do love yourself like me like I love myself I love myself before anybody else and that includes father because I am father so um I love myself unconditionally I think I am just the cat's pajamas so and that's what I would say is to truly get started on stopping this from happening most of the people on this Earth would say do you love yourself and they would be like no that's why we're in the state that we're in and that is because of the indoctrination and the victimization from the church and from society right so you have have to forgive yourself you have to love yourself immensely everything that starts with change has to come from you you have to go within everything you need your God spark is right here the love of home is here your power is here your chakras are all here everything you need is within you go within quiet your mind go within and love yourself look at who you truly are and you will be amazed to find the love that you carry Within you and then the rest goes from there one more thing they should keep in here is like everybody this is a dream this what you're experiencing is just that it's an experience you've never taken a bath you've never dove into water you've never climbed a tree you never dug in a garden you are experiencing it through your avatar remember in the movie Avatar when he laid down in the bed and all of a sudden you see his Consciousness go through that little timeline and voop and this Avatar wakes up that's how we get here we have never taken a bath taken a shower made love driven a car you are experiencing it through your avatar through a dream so none of this is real ladies and gentlemen if none of this is real and it's all the matrix it's all make believe pretend then let's just love one another right if love is all that matters Love Is All We Are then let's love none of this is real you have nothing to fear death is an illusion death does not exist it doesn't you transcend into a realm of the most unconditional love and it's simply home Heaven does not exist the church made it up like the church made hell up it is simply home that's it it's home it's where we come from Jason has an amazing Channel as well um you could find them on YouTube Facebook where where could people reach you if they want to watch more of your stuff well they can just go to uh YouTube love and light Jason you know um you'll see my videos there um and also if you want to contact me or reach me personally it's love andlight Jason gmail.com um and it's I do also also have a website out there which is love and light jason.com um and that's you can see my website where you know you can set up a person here we go again with the guys with um a oneon-one you know um consultation with you I mean that's there so I mean plenty of places to find me Jason thank you so much for your time and to everyone listening thank you so much for your sliver of time and uh we're going to be back immediately Jason it's been an absolute pleasure man thank you absolutely it's been my pleasure thank you for having me on thank you for sharing the message I appreciate it you know without you my story also doesn't get out there right so you're just as an intrical part as you know me having the experience um and putting myself out there so thank you I'm honored of course of course um yeah we we'll have to do it again sometime absolutely and that's what it's about for me you know what the hell is going on I'm sorry this is that's the non- physical doing their their right now so it's like all right guys you know that is incredible I was going to ask you about that auto zoom but that one went wild just now that was funny hell yeah I like this I'm having fun I'm having fun that's what it's about you know here we go again all right guys I love you we're rolling okay we're rolling
Channel: Jason Janas
Views: 109,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qFK5JaS-xko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 15sec (4875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.