Stubborn and Sketchy, But Victory Was Mine!

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welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans it is another beautiful day today here in Pennsylvania just a perfect fall day I mentioned many times before this is my favorite time of year uh it's just absolutely beautiful but I tell you what I have been this close to starting my first fire in the building it's been getting down to the 40s low 40s at night but you know it warms up to about 60 in the afternoon and we have that Mr Cool mini split in the building which has heat as well so I run that for maybe an hour and a half or 2 hours in the morning and then you're pretty much good till the next day uh but I have talked about it before the building uh the insulation is the key in that thing the wood stove heats the entire building and uh that's when it's real cold but for these tweener days we're using the mini split but if I were to do it all over again I would without a doubt build a barndominium style home I would no question about it uh I would do a different Foundation than what we did on our building probably a regular poured wall Foundation then built off of it but uh it is so energy efficient that building's almost 3,000 square ft heat the entire thing with uh Regency wood stove it's the big one and I cool the entire building with 1 36,000 BTU mini split it's amazing you don't have any duck work in those buildings you can uh put walls wherever you want them uh I've been thinking about that I see these people building new homes uh it's definitely slowing down though around here but they're building these new homes like everybody has for the last 40 or 50 years and I don't know if I'm missing something or what I don't know why more people don't build barn aminium style homes no idea if it were me that's what I'd be doing but anyway I don't know how I got on that subject but uh we have a busy day plan today first thing on the agenda we have a whole probably 10 minutes worth of work to do down here on my sister's driveway if you remember the other day I got about 4 tons of 2B Limestone and I spread it through this area right here it looks nice right now because it has been very dry but in the winter time this section always turns into a big mess uh there's a lot of clay through here for about 200 ft I got the ditches all done so we're able to keep the water off the driveway but all I need to do right now is take a little bit of this Stone right here down the driveway it's probably about 2 and 1/2 in thick here and I need some more down there so we're going to hit it with the land plane real quick won't take long at all and this driveway I think I mentioned it the other day it is in the best shape it has been in in the last 50 years I have some piles of dirt on both sides not hurting anything right now next time I'm down this way with the excavator I'll take care of that but uh besides that it's going to hold up really well this winter all right that is beautiful now the reason That I Used 2 be Limestone on this is this I know since there's a lot of clay in here once this gets wet and we start getting rain and snow that stone is going to kind of pack down in that's why I use 2B Limestone which is clean rock it doesn't go down to dust like 2A Limestone or crush or run we get uh I get a lot of questions about that what stone I would recommend for someone's driveway it's hard to say if unless I'm there and can look at it uh but three things to think about if you're building a new driveway this is just my opinion but it has worked for me say you're building a new driveway I would put geotextile down first uh what we call a number three Rock clean Rock about that big put that over top of the geotextile and then 2A Limestone on top of that which is inch and a half down to dust we call it 2A in Pennsylvania West Virginia they call it Crusher run so that would be for a new Drive way if you're just doing repairs on a driveway and you want to smooth it up and you have a pretty decent base uh I would use two aine Stone it's nice to be able to shape it and Grate it so that your driveway is nice and smooth and since it goes down to dust it packs in really well uh especially like on Hills you know if you put this 2B Limestone on a hill clean Rock and it's not going to pack in you already have kind of a hard surface uh you're going to spin out on it it's going to roll off to the sides and things like that so that's why I like to use 2A Limestone only time I use 2B it's kind of like a tweener when you don't want the big rock the number three rock you can still drive on it and it works pretty well in the right situation but I don't like using it on Hills when you already have a hard surface cuz like I say it's just going to roll off to the sides it's going to wash down the driveway you're going to be spinning out on it uh but that's about all I can say about that so now I'm going to head up to the house get on the excavator and we're going to head out in the woods and do some work on the road coming from the clearing in the woods back to the house in other words we're going to go knock some trees down and try to get a little progress done on that project today's video is sponsored by ankor solix anchor solix is the sub brand of anchor that focuses on providing Energy solutions for the consumers and I couldn't ask for a better sponsor for today's video and you'll understand why in just a little bit Anker just introduced the new ankor solx f3800 it's a large capacity storage device for your house or in my case my cabin the base unit has 3.8 Kow of storage maximum expandable capacity Rises to 53.8 KW you can charge it with solar panels or plug it into the wall it has a 6,000 watt output capacity which could power your home or cabin for long periods of time this thing is way more than just a standalone battery that you plug things into you can wire it right into your panel with their home power panel it supports AC coupling which means you can connect the solar setup and the grid that ways the power Cycles go up and down in your house or your cabin it knows if it should draw more power from your Grid or your solar setup there's also an app for your phone I mean there's an app for everything but I think this one would be pretty useful because with it you can connect to the anchor solx f3800 and you can monitor the electricity going in and going out plus a whole lot more so like I said it is 6,000 wats and provides you with both 120 volt and 240 volt dual voltage output you can even charge your EV with it if you have one which I don't it also comes with an RV Port so you could power your RV with this thing now the reason I said this is the perfect sponsor for today's video is this I am actively looking for a power solution for our cabin in West Virginia and I think this may be the ticket join the ankor solix f3800 kickstarter and you can get up to a 35% discount and additional benefits Link in the description pin comment as well [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] all right I am up here on the little clearing in the woods and I'm just kind of getting started on the road I guess this would be the clearing and grubbing phase which to me means getting rid of the trees The Roots the stumps I'm going to leave the top soil for now but just get it cleaned up and get a path about 20 ft wide at least from here all the way to the house going to take a little time but I have kind of an opening uh right behind the excavator there is one big Oak it has to come down but there's kind of like a tree line right here you got big Oaks from there down they're all going to stay and then I've got some smaller ones some Maple and Cherry up they're all going to go and we'll have a nice Road straight back here take us over to the house and then down to the Woodyard all right so this tree here it's not the biggest one that I have to take down but it is the biggest one at least for the next couple hundred feet this one's going to take some time I don't want to cut it down cuz it's leaning the wrong way and I'm trying to prevent as much collateral damage as I can so what I want to do is dig this one out loosen the uh loosen all the roots here and then push it right down the road way that I started behind me and in order to do that I like to take a whole bunch of roots out so this thing is barely standing and I can get it to go exactly where I want cuz what happens sometimes if you don't get all the roots you'll start pushing and you think everything's going the way you want and it'll turn on you got to watch when they turn on you and it'll uh crash down somewhere you don't want it to boy we need rain not very often do I say that but I'm looking at this dirt I'm digging up here it is just powder nothing to it but yeah the sponsored portion of this video is over but I have been actively looking for a good power solution for the cabin and you know I was thinking some type of battery bank and use the generator I got one of those Honda generators you know you could run the generator as needed and charge the battery Bank simultaneously but this anchor thing that I'm looking at packs a lot of power you know what I mean that cabin it's not going to take much at all we're going to have a little pump for the water but that doesn't run very often a little jet pump same one that I have in the building some LED lights we're not going to have air conditioning I don't even think we're going to have a refrigerator we may put a small one in there but I think when we get down there it'll primarily be uh just take a cooler with you because when you leave you know you're going to have to get all the food out of the fridge [Music] anyway we're getting this one side pretty good here yeah the next five or six after this they'll come right down this one here and take a little bit of work hey we're going to work this side now I always like to keep my eye on the tree too there's a fine line between taking enough of the roots and taking too many if you know what I'm saying I mentioned the other day I have a uh cold it's I feel fine I still have a bit of a cough which is no fun living with Hunter Morgan I'll tell you that I have no idea why but hunter does not like at all when you cough I don't know if it startles him or what but he will let you know so what you find yourself doing you sit there and try not to cough for 5 minutes and that just makes things worse then you do and he yells all right we're going to take a few more passes on this side and just some nice Shale right there and some big [Music] Roots we'll take a few on this back side before we move over there cuz this is the side that I'll be uh pushing from over here I don't think the trees really moving at all yet kind of surprised let's get over there and give a little push see if we got anything happening no action yet there is a maple out there that I was going to try to save I don't know if it's going to be possible or not this one may smash right into it problem is I got an no here right behind me that I'm going to save and I can't really line up on this one the way that I want because of that Oak we'll take a few more Roots off this low side I'll be glad when this one's on the ground here this one's uh I'm not sitting the way I'd like to be sitting kind of leaning yeah there's some big Roots right there that's what's holding it man that thing is not moving can't figure it out I'm like Doug all the way around [Music] it [Music] [Music] you want to talk about stubborn look at that I am dug all the way around that tree and probably 2 and 1 half 3 ft deep this dirt right here that's all loose there was nothing in there but I think I'm just about there unfortunately I think uh there's going to be a little collateral damage here that one Maple out there it's going to have to go I mean there's no way the top of this one is just bigger than it's bigger than the opening that I'm shooting for you know what I'm saying wed Sten that maple look at that I did not want that that one was definitely a stubborn one for sure and I just talked myself into this but uh that Maple it needed to go anyway it was kind of borderline it was like a tweener all right so I got this big one down and it's going to be uh smooth sailing for about another 150 ft then I get into a few more big ones but anyway right now I have another firewood delivery to make uh we are just about sold out for the year again I think I have about three full cords left you know besides what we use so that's a good thing but uh every year I tell myself I need to get a bigger supply uh because we always sell out but we're set up pretty good now I don't think that's going to be a problem but anyway I think that's about it for today's video I appreciate you all being here and also if you want more information on the Anor solx f3800 Link in the description pin comment as well
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 88,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: 3MYbrcOWKx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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