Struggling with Self Discipline?

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thanks mark hello hi um I saw one of you really us about how to create your willpower oh don't worry I love this one because I saw a lot of figures um can you give some practical tools or practical exercises how to create willpower and self-discipline how to create willpower and self-discipline I think there's two parts there when I teach about developing world power in the online course I tell people there's three ways to develop willpower first finish what you begin second one you get 20-month points third one okay show off all right so three ways to develop willpower finish what you begin do a little bit better than you think you can and do a little bit more than you think you can all of those three things require effort and that's developing willpower it's very easy to start a project but it's quite difficult to finish your project half way through the project we go whose idea was this you know this is so much work let's start something new all right so every time you finish what you begin you requires willpower so the practical way to make bring this into your life is to look at your average today and ask yourself what are the mundane things you what are the repetitive things that you do every day and the way I phrase it as what are the non-negotiable reoccurring events in your life what are the non-negotiable reoccurring events in your life every day I go to sleep it's a non-negotiable reoccurring event right and hopefully I wake up right so before I sleep I floss I brush my teeth with my pajamas when I go to sleep when I wake up in the morning like this gentleman say what's your name what's your name Felix Felix top student here Felix says you finish what you begin so how do I finish the process of sleep when I wake up in the morning I make the bed when I make the bed in the morning I'm finishing the process of sleep and it takes effort to make the bed all right then it says the second rule is do a little bit more than you think you can the third one is do it better than you think you can say every day I make the I pulled a sheep I fluffed the pillows I put them nicely some days I double fold a comforter like they do at the W Hotel some days I fold it an angle like they do at the Four Seasons you know but every day I make the bed and the process of making the bed at the morning is me finishing what I'm beginning which is me developing willpower right I have time to make breakfast I have time to eat breakfast I have time to wash the breakfast dish most people after eating throw it in the sink and go I'm late I have to go I'll wash it later finish what you begin did you require a bowl power right so every time you finish what you begin throughout the day you're developing willpower why do you develop willpower you develop willpower so you can control where your awareness goes in your mind the ball of light right for those of you down the core you develop willpower I define willpower as a mental muscle if I can draw biceps around my mind right muscles that would be my willpower and every time my awareness drifts away I use my willpower to bring my awareness back I develop world power to control where my awareness is going i control where my awareness is going to control where my energy is flowing i control where my energy is flowing to control what is manifesting in my life that is why I make the bed in the morning now most people come up to me and say Dandapani I've been making my bed every single day for a year I say congratulations then I asked them why you're making the bed 99.99% of the people look at me and say I make their bed in the morning because it gives me a sense of accomplishment I'm starting the day with a win and you know what I think to myself that moment that I'm a horrible teacher because I didn't tell you to make the bed in the morning to feel a sense of accomplishment or to start your day with the wind why did I tell you to make the bed in the morning to finish what you begin why are you finishing what you begin to develop willpower why are you developing willpower to control where your awareness goes why you're controlling where your awareness goes so you can control where your energy is flowing why you're controlling where your energy is flowing so you can control what's manifesting in your life that's why you develop right and that's why you finish everything that you stock throughout the day and your whole day then becomes a ritual and part of what we're creating in the app is to create rituals in the morning so morning it'd be like make your bed wash your breakfast dish afternoon would be another ritual evening would be another ritual night would be another ritual so by the time the end of the day comes you spent at least half an hour 45 minutes one hour developing world power after six months what will you have Wilma alright because your whole day is practicing that and that's something you can teach your kids to you can teach acquirer and you are their two children you know how to develop world power right sir and it gets easier with practice right because the more you repeat something it creates a pattern and the subconscious and then that pattern then becomes a habit and then it becomes very very easy to do [Music]
Channel: DandapaniLLC
Views: 2,546,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conversations on the Spiritual Path, Dandapani Talks, Dandapani Videos, willpower, self-discipline, discipline, focus, concentrate, purpose, mind
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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