Strongman Tries Out For The CrossFit Games

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[Music] thank you all right welcome episode 2 road to down under now like I said part of the series is going to be going out doing some fun things that aren't directly related to preparing for a Big Show and one of those is going to be collaborating with some friends uh so we got Jack Farlow Rogue Invitational competitor and absolute freak Emma Lawson who came third at Rogue six fittest woman in the world and she's not going to water palooza because she has final exams uh so she's still 17 uh which is insane so we're gonna go over some monster dumbbell today because I need some help with how to drop under that we're going to mess around with the atlas Stones they're going to put me through a crossfit workout maybe teach me to do a muscle up something like that and we'll have a bit of fun so thank you for watching like comment subscribe we'll see you soon the general principle is that this rests somewhere back here behind your head then you dip and you push it over your head now the guys uh the best in the world find a way to get themselves in like this position somewhere in there which is horribly uncomfortable for me but I want to learn how do you go from here into a drop something like that let's see even what he's doing this is the thing you've got it like built into your brains that like as soon as as soon as you start pushing something you're just like nah like even though it's no weight at all you're like they're here see you're gonna figure it out pretty quick let your position's okay but your catch is really good like both of you can catch it so well uh this is Josh Willard who coaches M and Jack who's gonna be helping us out a little bit today and um I mean pretty successful run for you over the past couple years yeah no it's been good um I've been with Emma since she started when she was 14 13. yeah so right we've had a pretty good run and then Jack's been around for a couple years now and he's he's close I didn't get that crack to the games this year which would be awesome yeah because you're real close last year right yeah a couple of places huh we'll start off with your shoulder before we mess you up oh I've had it's after the game so I said I just started having this pain I think it's from school and being in this position all the time I am right here right all right all right I don't know I just can't get it to go away but pressing overhead irritates it yeah okay bye yes oh man okay Jack oh my God forearms are very slightly behind and hands go in front okay explain under a narrow bit to it it doesn't fatigue you like get closer and get closer because like the isometric contraction [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] as you can oh that's such a punishment I want to learn something crossword we'll keep it equally challenging that if I actually get it it will be a success you want to learn something CrossFit I reckon like a gymnastics movement I reckon yeah I think I think muscle up would be really bad I think yeah bar I don't wanna I don't want to get hurt yeah the first thing that we want to establish is just like a a good Kip swing so getting up on the bar maybe we'll get Mr Jack to demonstrate so you're gonna see if she's gonna move through an open and close body position while maintaining good tension through her entire body so if I said if I were to say stop stop like she can hold that position and she's not going to keep swinging wow thank you thank you so the next thing we'll talk about a little bit is just like the positioning over the bar so it's one thing to have that gift swing but if you want to do a bar muscle up you have to get your body over top of the bar of course you're going to go back into this open position through that closed position and jump and then pull yourself up and over the bar sure no problem so the next will just be tying it in with a band so this is just going to make your body a little bit lighter good all right we can pour a good chest top that's a good good chest to burn it oh it's close so a little bit too like pulley into the bar So eventually you're just going to run into a position where your chest is saying the brush which is what you saw yeah right so we have to make sure we have a little bit of distance so that way our chest can get up and over the bar oh so back a bit more yeah right so that's what we think about long arms okay right so same thing with the stone you want long arms right you get a bit anxious just think light okay yeah there's like a breathing healing yeah light as a feather all right like I'm a Swift 280. [Music] oh you're right yeah you're right you can get it I reckon you can get it so you just started pulling too soon right so you just knocked out all the momentum from your kit you started pulling too soon but if you let that momentum build and pop that hip you're getting over for sure [Music] oh close all right I think I think we need to put the pressure on Fabian go back there we're all we're all gonna do it simultaneously all right two one wait stay up there we're gonna Photoshop it oh damn it turns out the crossfits are better CrossFit shame so I just noticed something in the mirror that every single person in strongman will know what's going on and I bet these two don't have any idea okay this this here is on this side is it on this side yeah yeah what's your guess of what that is hooked your head on something no no um I'll give you a hint it's stature related stature related yes from being just from being heavy uh partially yeah big neck so they still look did it happen when you were in the bathroom no no no nothing that happened it happened it happened watch this is how little they'll know it happened while I was sleeping oh I know I know you have to wear a mask yeah there we go there we go I bet that I bet CrossFit zero c-paps [Laughter] 650 15 cleaning jerks 25 bar facing burpees so you'll finish on the opposite side that you started sure right and then 15 snatch and then 650 a row s cool to breathe so what's the strategy here with the rower so again the road here is to build in some pre-fatigue before moving any of the other stuff so you want to go on a manageable Pace the workout's short enough that like it needs to be borderline borderline dangerous Pace um but you want to be like smooth and steady throughout so Mitch started at 118 500 and he's now at a 142 so slow down quite a bit we'll see how uh the rest of the workout plays out for him 15 cleaning jerks [Music] how you doing buddy [Music] I'm impressed by Jack cycling the snatch which is awesome so he's definitely closed up which is good um again the burp is there were kind of meant to be a bit of a recovery pace so if they went a little bit hot they're definitely feeling it now yes Mitch as much as hanging in there looks like he's dying a little bit Yeah focus on that breathing and settle into your face [Music] we got just over 200 meters for Jack and about 80 meters forever [Music] everybody's favorite Channel I just point the camera in the face how you feeling good how do you feel about that it's pretty good you're all here yeah definitely at the end how we feeling oh that hurt yeah yeah the back row let's stop five more pulls and you're done one two three four last one oh [Music] God and die yeah 11 15. oh man that's good you guys are ridiculous oh what would you guys rate Mitchell's performance sir oh that was really really very strong yeah for 650 very very yeah um good row Pace yeah really good here's where am I said I'd be the worst Crossman but I challenge any strong that's got me oh that's tough we're gonna head out we're gonna go get some food hey hang out a bit huge thanks dude all three for a great day that's Episode Two Reds down under we'll catch you next time take care
Channel: Mitchell Hooper
Views: 41,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #strongman, #powerlifting, fitness, bodybuilding, gym, strength, deadlift, crossfit, workout, motivation, squats, strengthtraining, training, power
Id: S2KRqVINc78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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