Jesse James West Asked Me To Bend A Barbell...

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I'm top in the world in the strength game so I thought I'd come to the top of the world in the influencer gameing what no you don't get out here we're going to do a bit of training and then we're going to shoot some fun content tomorrow oh my God and if you don't already go follow Jess but you probably already do and you're probably here because of Jesse and if you are come subscribe to my channel subscribe to him leave moose dropping and uh enjoy guys couple of options work out L okay we've got a clean of press definitely so concal claims God no okay we'll teach you those okay and then um we could either go over to do Atlas Stones like Atlas stones to shoulder I got some stuff with um like dny handles so we might get you into some hook grip ruin your thumbs okay okay or we could go that more traditional axle and then go into a normal push there but my my actual program is p that's my actual program all the strong do that yeah and if it's if it's too hard I'll just go light figure it out what I don't need to die you'll be going light I have like a 15b medicine ball like are you like big on warming up uh so we're going to do a YouTube series called nostone un turn okay oh I like that before that I I've done no warm-ups I just get stuck into it do my thing I've got a big background like posture background in exercise okay so like between moving the plates and warm-up sets you're mostly fine but with no stone and turn I'm like I'm going to do everything that I've said I haven't done so I'm going physio regularly and massage so now I do all of this just see like doesn't so first thing you're going to go up the wall your quads are huge shut your eyes and just take 10 big deep breaths come on to your side yep arm up over your head and you're going to go leg make sure you reach reach there we go you said spoon grab your ribs with your top hand okay and we're just going to rotate up breathe out until your knee starts rising and drop back down so something else I'm I'm doing that's new is just so good so actual cleaner press first of all you go here to here to here okay and then up so this we're practicing the first movement so go sated elbows in the wall and we'll try and hold this for 30 seconds all right just making sure it's real no BBL uh okay let's head over to the bar or the the actual we'll talk about how to do it and we'll talk about how to mitigate that first of all you start eating more know I got to teach you that more than anything all right all I got I'm a Nike pandas and I got some knee sleeves and I got a SBD belt it'll work all listen I don't need the the fany stuff I don't need the fancy G now how much weight do you think you'll work out with today with this um on program I've got up to about 350 350 lb holy crap which is just techniqu with I'm a skinny boy I don't have a belly no no no no go back to the Bell here cuz that's got to flip over yeah there you go three if you don't throw it down hard it doesn't count I mean I'll hit like 700 today it's not a big deal yeah so that's what I do I find that pinches my skin yes all right another 45 you're good for it yeah another 45 holy crap let's see it he's got a belly for it he's got a belly for it easy what's your max overhead press if you were to just do barbell push press yeah I've done 485 that's some Larry wheel ma dead my Max deadlift 485 this is going to be a disaster this is not happening hold on okay okay now sit get your arms underneath yeah you got to put it like on your knees yeah yeah S turn up to your shoulders yeah pop it up pop it up to your shoulders [Music] that's my lift right there you go what do you you want another plate another 45 yeah Mitchell's at 315 right now and I couldn't get the 225 I'll probably go for like a 185 my next set a little more modest no I I forgot to chalk that's why yeah the strong man bit that we're missing oh that's why I didn't get it that's right that's okay next time yep War can I can I butter your belly yeah baby go for come here boy this will be my last warmup set before I actually start oh just warm up yeah okay that's fine come on that was loud holy crap holy crap it's easy for him get it up get it up easy H I love how I'm so worried about putting it down he's just like like wo but he knows exactly where it's going one two three and in today's episode of Jesse tears a bicep put the hand midair yep and it works really well if you just go before I say anything get your elbows get your shoulders up yeah there you go pop it come on come on what are you doing what are you doing bro we the editor has to zoom in I'm embarrassed I know I saw the CL I saw the CL you you practice safe sets safe sets yeah yes yeah like mama taught me my my wife got pregnant 8 months ago and ever since I've been practicing safe setx cuz now I know the consequences yes careful my friend fuckingg grats come on let's go easy let's go holy crap bro it's with ease it's with ease all right so right now he's doing a 3X3 three sets of three reps second rep let's go come on you got this good good come on last rep get it up go good holy crap brother let's go easy oh my God you know that's mindblowing what is it like being the World's Strongest Man strange is it weird very strange do people look at you different they treat you different for sure do they praise you uh it depends on the person they say oh this way this way sir just a straight row Pinch Me thrust it good I'm not going to use the claw this time there you go I got a 3X3 split jerky yeah okay one motion nice and fast up better there you go give me a split J T Tex for one more come on one more let's go Jess one more let's go pull it high good oh wait Drive hard yeah that was better world strongest boy I'll give you that one here we come well done I'm getting it I'm learning the cool thing about someone who does it for the first time is you can always see like he misses the clean falls to his waist and then he just rows it up and you're like okay there's a lot there there's a lot more there I have Str I don't have the any technique yet exactly I'm learning if you did this and you're hitting 185 today guarantee 4 to 6 weeks good technique You' be doing 225 365 lb world's strongest man come on there we go easy go felt the floor rattle a little bit there we go and go come on oh holy crap holy crapo how'd that feel almost got me that almost killed you yeah you all good all good holy crap dude good hold on come here I need a little chalk I haven't used chalk all freaking day sprinkle it on sprinkle it on let's go magic magic fairy dust come on go man throw it back behind your head yeah the worst split Jer of all time that was a good push okay three yeah come on yeah there you go go last one last rep your overheads out it boy make it Fly come on now throw it back over your head yeah that's right boy that's right so your nickname is the Moose yes I feel like it should just be giant baby cuz you have a that's why I have the mustache you got a you got a baby head little little fuzzy baby big baby the big baby it's sad that sounds way better the big baby's bettery back for 2024 I'm telling you roll with it put it on a t-shirt give me 10% it's fine let's go he has no need for chalk on his back all right the Moose aka the big baby picks up the ball Bell he gets it on his belly oh it's on his shoulders come on come on you got this you got this easy do it oh that was the best one yet oh he's going oh my God he's going for another okay the big baby goes for a second struggles a little on his belly gets it up to his shoulders can he do it the whole JY is watching holy there we go let's go that's 15 kilos above can'twe okay at the aror where I'll probably have to do five okay and I probably could another one there so yeah wow yeah there we go that's what I'm telling you haven't started prep yet and that's where it's at so Thor all good Tom Martin's everybody better watch out it's time what it's time it's time it's time to win it's time to win to win I'm going to enter you get first I get second yeah just make sure just finish slightly behind me yeah don't show me up I won't show you up you got your YouTube thing yeah yeah leave me the I don't I don't need yeah I'll use the title I almost won Arnolds next one we're going to grab Atlas Stone okay you want this one uh sure than now the goal is like that's actually about my this morning about the the goal is get it from there up to your shoulder okay bang okay yeah but we don't we're not going to split Jer okay it's kind of small you know it's good no problems okay good let's forget that let's move to something proper yeah this is too small don't we need the the sticky stuff uh that cheating to the shoulder we don't do it normally on these Stones you can but next C we're using a natural stone and you don't want to use Taff on Natural Stone or it gets all in the pores they don't let you oh okay okay and then you're going to your shoulder then you got like Tacky in your hair and your ear and when I get Tacky in my hair it'll rip it out it's a disaster I know you have too much locks to mess with all right let's see let's see the big man do it let's see a professional okay it must be like really light okay holy yeah see what that it's just that easy go yeah now what sh sh your hands over top okay good now shoot your hips underneath get your hips under the ball roll on that's pretty good though I got that was pretty good that's as high as it's going here we go big guy here we go good work good work holy hell why don't we graduate you from that guy say samb okay samb could be better yeah we'll have good ways for that okay way more tiring than I thought it was going to be you done sandbags before never so same thing sort of but it'll sink into your hand so you want to get your hand under and like Shuffle it under there you go so your hands are under the bag before you move like this yep yeah yeah go go one more yeah buddy no broken back this time you're coming for it let's go holy crap that was intense so technically I'm supposed to to do six sets of three so I'm going to do one set of three now then I'll do the other five on that else I'll be cooked you do that yeah another like training thing again I could probably do six sets of three but if I did the rest of my day would be I'll be tomorrow the day after I get on a plane go back home I'll try and train and I'll get hurt so you have to like you have to plan a lot you have to forward think a lot and that's why usually when someone wins worlds they have a really hard time for a while because we're traveling all over the shop trying to manage so many things and then all of a sudden like you don't feel right your body's not in the right shape and unless you're proactively thinking about it all there's no way you can manage it let's go baby insane here we go it's just that pause or like yeah here we go go oh holy you can see mid sweat midet sweat slipping my number one superpower is I can go like this I've seen you lift like that it's terrifying so for something like that it's so helpful cuz I'm just like rolling it I'm not lifting it been standing holy crap I'm not going to lie that was one of the most impressive lifts I've seen in person do you have any slip discs yeah do you feel them not after they heal okay okay so dis heal like everything else okay I tore my hamst string in August and beginning of September I bulged a disc then the last week of October I won the Rog Invitational so like if you rehab it proper what do you get back what would you say is the best thing for a back injury like if you're trying to heal your back what do you do attitude is a lot of like trusting that you will get better in knowing the healing times and then doing absolutely everything you can to move so for example myself I bulge a disc I'm not going to look to stop activity at first it's going to be hard to walk yeah so you just try and walk as much as you can and stay moving then for me a 200 kilo deadlift is not heavy so go back in and do something meaningful or if you're young fit and healthy sometimes we're too cautious about things because the prescription is for an old person who's bul your disc like bending and picking something up is a big effort yes so it's a little bit too conservative that way but if you don't move since your discs are soft tissue meaning that they don't have their own blood supply the only way that they heal is through changes in pressure so you have to move and get fluid in and out and in and out for it to get nutrients to heal that's the only way to do it so if you go go stagnant that healing process is going to be massively delayed wow hell yeah there you go for anyone of back problems get moving and don't listen to your doctor I'm joking just do whatever you want I'm not responsible easy one there you go come on two good let's do it three easy holy I'm fried right now guys and I didn't get a pump but you know what not every day is for a pump let's go three more one good good two come on get three good three that's it baby let's go how many more sets do we have of other stuff we got going to teach you some hook grip oh God I forgot about that that's horrible all right let's get it but that's it hook grip baby hook grip when we're done you're telling me I got to do this I like it yeah I Believe In You Jesse I believe in you tell you what okay I'll make you a deal if you can hold it for 20 I'll add a plate and I'll do 500 lb for 20 deal yeah get ready to count let's go get laughing buddy one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 come on 15 16 17 18 19 20 oh yeah oh my thumbs are skinny oh I was worried that my thumb skin was just going to rip it will don't get hurt though if it's bad just put it down just I'm worried for you you got this you going to count yeah ready and go one two 3 4 5 6 7 eight come on 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 down baby me that's right that's a champion right there that's a champion come on since we can't tapb each other up cuz we broke our thumbs ladies and gentlemen we may not be able to freaking type with our fingers anymore or wipe our butts but we did it we did it one way or another with the world's strongest man all right that was training with Jesse James West we are going to go grab some food he actually smashed it like the pain tolerance on hook cripping really good and your split jerks need some more cleaning jerk wasn't that impressive in the way but it was impressive in how you were doing it like incredibly inefficient but still getting it done that's what I do baby it's not bad what I do bad so time to get some food I'm a little dangerous with this well you're going to have to be dangerous with your food we're going to Jesse vers Mitchell we're eating we got steak we got chicken we got two baked potatoes he thinks he stands a chance it a I I'm going to win it ain't going to happen you know what I can put in my mouth a lot of big things three two one go it's all about who can cut faster or maybe I should past myself I am not I got a swallow like is your mouth bigger than mine wait a minut but I want to win but I don't know if I can and he's got one potato left I'm actually like I need a second I would love dessert but I think it might come back up so you're going to freaking lose minus one massive potato I just can't swallow I got sh in no please do not that is disgusting Joey test nut I see you I love potato you want my potato all right clearly he wins I'll be honest that was a lot of food is that a lot of food for you just give me a head nod thanks for watching well he can't talk I'll finish it for him we are wrapping it up here at Texas Roadhouse tomorrow we're going to be doing a big video about testing the strength of a commercial barbell and a really strong barbell he's really strong I I feel like he's going to break it in half we'll see you there I need one of these bad if anyone's selling something like this let me know we in the warehouse behind Exile Fitness we're going to bend to Walmart barbell and then we're going to bend an AO barbell off a forlift if you want to see the whole video head over to Jess's channel can the World's Strongest Man bend the world's strongest bar starting with level one 20 kgs to bend this bar let's go baby you got this easy easy easy easy you might have broke the I think you broke it we got 50 kg bar level two easy I think he's kind of getting the Rhythm right now maybe he feels a little confident level three 80 kgs heavy much heavier are you confident though yeah okay okay you almost didn't get it little wobble before you go to this one just know that it's about to get very very hard okay are you ready I'm 90 kgs on the bar let's go there's like a balance to it too h a little bit yeah you got to make sure you do it perfect come on come on okay barely barely n that was better than that one really yeah since when this is the golden bar this is 110 kgs do you want to chalk up CH what do you got to say before you hit this you know it takes a lot of pressure off being the World's Strongest Man because if I can't do it no one can that's right baby 110 kg bend the golden bar win the golden ticket here we go come on can he do it can he do it it's not moving no no you can't you leg that is so stiff try again come on it's not happening it's not happening no way come on you're the World's Strongest Man so roll strongest man can't bend it I don't think anybody can challenge is out challenge is out if you can bend this I'll give you $1,000 damn is it really that hard it's hard proper High there's nothing why does it not move I feel like we got to like break it in a little bit careful dude careful careful careful you're going to pinch the out of yourself let try again no is it really Point yeah that's not happening okay so I brought the World's Strongest Man to see if we could put this barbell to the test do we max out or do we bend it that was a weekend with the top fitness influence in the world had a blast with Jesse that was absolutely insane with the Barba hope you guys enjoyed if you've made it this far you might as well subscribe leave a moose trop if you have nothing else to say thank you very much for watching lift heavy be kind and we will catch you next time
Channel: Mitchell Hooper
Views: 177,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arnold schwarzenegger, world’s strongest man, eddie hall, brian shaw, official strongman, the worlds strongest man, hafthor bjornsson, strongman competition, strongest man, greg doucette sam sulek, greg doucette natty or not, powerlifting, world record, laurence shahlaei, mens health, strength training, powerlifting vs bodybuilding, jesse james west, jesse james east, fitness challenge, workout motivation, powerlifting competition, gym motivation
Id: 1FNPnFat5JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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