Strongman Cribs | House Tour | Episode 2

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[Music] [Music] [Music] right guys as promised from episode one this is episode two and we are back where it started we're at our old house in on we've been here for about six seven years so got a lot of good memories in here so we're going to go ahead and show you we tour and uh we're cleaning the place out so let's go this house yeah like I said some fun m in here but we've grown out of it so as you can see you walk straight in my head's touched in the ceiling and uh there a small we uh Hobbit but the shoe rocks used to be here with a few trophies here shoes everywhere here but uh there all going now it doesn't even look like it's a house anymore um come through here like I said we're just moving out so this is where the dogs were in their cage under the steps we had a stairgate here we used to have a stairgate there as well so the only place they could go was kitchen and here when we're out um they're gone now as well they're in a new house and they're absolutely Loving It Rocky and Poppy are Dan it on cuz it's double the size again we just have pictures here that could be the new light bulb in this house there you guys so then through here this you mean I mean not this was a living room so basally in here we just a big couch uh a TV on the wall boot shelves and stuff here so yeah it was a really nice place to live in it was it was nice and cozy nice nice for myself and chenade but uh it feels weird not see anything in here we've got another a few days to move out of this house so we've been literally just in here trying to get as much as we could can out the house so we given a few things away and the rest just went in the dump cuz we got so much stuff that we don't need to take out the house but yeah this is the living room like I said we used to have I used to have a few trophies in here as well well just in the corner just to have a Britain they're not there anymore Britain strong as man trophies just to when I'm chilling out here just to kind of remember what I want and stuff so it's quite nice but um yeah as you can see everything's just gone away but it feels really weird being in here with nothing in it um St m a lot of Cl but apart from that all good this is the kitchen this place I hardly was in because I didn't like I don't like I like big kitchens that was one of the thing why I wanted a big house as well I want a big kitchen and this kitchen just wasn't big enough for myself and Sh as you can see right now when we moved in there was a breakfast bar along here but we moved the breakfast bar so we had more room so we just had a g in here with storage got drawers here so all this side was basically storage and then this was the bit of the kitchen that we sh had used the most to was washing machine tble dryer there was cooking appliances there all cooking stuff there all our draw been white or no longer no longer F there was a fridge and freezer right there so you think of the kind of small space that's why we both trying to be in this kitchen it was quite hard to move around and stuff even being me being in here right now it's still there's not that much SP but yeah um we just grow out this house but it's uh actually think I made my best scrambled egg in this house the only thing I can make with scr with egg and toast but uh yeah like I said there's always uh we used to just write things on the on the on the wall number one love makes a happy home always remember who is number one yeah so this is all empty in there just about so um yeah that is basically the downstairs now we are going up up and away sty wait this is this is the bathroom this was uh good while we're at it but again I was getting sick of being having small bathroom I mean I was sick of being in the shower and yeah that was it she been a girl she takes a while I just want to poo in shower and go so I was poo in here she was in shower in here um but again you could hardly I mean you me standing in here myself I take up more than half the space so again the bathroom's a bathroom you guys know I don't need to explain what happened in here but uh I used to cook food in here eat food in here do in here us to cook food in a bathroom I'm joking I'm just taking a but yeah I even like the shower as well obviously this bath never got used by me cuz for obvious reasons so we just used it as a to soak to clean the dogs we in it uh should just use it sometimes but the shower was the thing that I got used the most uh this was our main room bit this was this is the mattress I use guys can get a sleep PE eight sleep the best mattress in the world that's uh they sleep bed topper you probably guys have heard me talk about it before literally we didn't even have a super king we had a king-sized bed against the wall and this is probably our messiest room because we had so much clothes and so much stuff that like this house was like I said really really good and really appreciate living in here but we just didn't have enough storage and when you get loads of stuff from sponsor and stuff it was just so hard so we just had like stuff like this drawers clothes everywhere but all we really had in here was a bed and just stuff everywhere but it's uh much emptier now as you can see uh a nice view of the excuse the windows but a nice view of the cars there's my car there's Tom's car hey this is one of the bits was a nine in the house this is my n bit we used this as clo storage but it was just cupboard are closed actually all everything in here was closed and it just got sort of H we used to Chuck clothes in here cuz we just had so many nothing was organized just because I said we had so much but uh yeah I'm not going to miss this room I like this house I love this house but I did not miss this was a m mve uh Hey the spare room so this is where 95% of storage was kept this was we used to actually have this room as a as a room but we we got so much stuff that we just used as a store room so you can see we had all our sponsor stuff here we had all my stuff shoes you literally opened this door and it was just all storage so when like we had the gas inspections and stuff we had to move a snail Trail for everyone to get through so it's uh cool but I'll take you to the [Music] Garden we not been in this Garden for a while there there's two things that is coming from this Garden that no one's really seen before um obviously everybody's seen a barbecue well I take this one or Luke's got exactly the same one in a box I ask if I can use take his but this just needs to cleaned up a we bit um and then this this is what I got it's a a highland cow sculptured out of wood so like the guy's done a lot of stuff our family has made benches in my Mom's memory he made my dad and Luke stuff as well he's made all of his benches but he does these kind of stuff as well so obviously high and cow my favorite event at the stones my mom's sunflower obviously being Scottish got the C and a ranger flag so I think it's really cool the annoying thing is for we've not really had been able to use it because it's like the garden's too small and doesn't really doesn't go well with there so in a new house like you know at the entrance or somewhere it's just going to be really nice so it's really glad is going to be coming with us so the thing I miss the most is like the thing I like about this is like we're in a nice place in chenade works for like a lot has worked of a lot of these people that are on this road this is uh part of uh key so it's like a supported houses with people with disabilities and stuff and she worked for good at them but then when we got this house this whole Ro has got like you know we made friends with I've used to work with a few of them I've I've known them and you know you get kind of family and I mean that guy that came up to you today in the back of the car he's he always chats to us so you miss those kind of people cuz like they're just guy they're just fun people and they you know they they always used to have jokes of us we joke with them and that's kind of you used to walk around the back of here you see the girls on their bikes the men shouting to oh that's a nice car you got today Tom so or how you how are you today so yeah yeah obviously you're going to miss this I mean we've been like I said the same place for I don't know what it is 6 years just say the same place for 6 years and you get to know the same people I've not lived in in vard for maybe 8 or 9 years so it's a long long time not to live in the place you were growing up in so I know it's only 5 minutes away but yeah you get you get your Comforts and stuff you get kind of like you know I love the I love the living room space just to chill out and that was like the thing I liked about the living room all it was small it was comfy you at night time we would just Sal there watching TV I take up half the couch fall asleep she would just be chill out but I'm going to miss more of the the neighbors and like the dogs walking in the woods and we're going to leave this chapter behind and go into a new chapter but this chapter has been good like the last seven years have been incredible and Liv 12 all right nice [Music] [Applause] say can you maybe lift it up there you go use your you want to try and get the barbecue we do up here Bo you mean officer stra [Music] then just AIT a dogly day about this should will be happy getting this r the house is improving I'm just going to tidy this up and then we'll show you inside and how it's getting on you know it's it's going to blow away let's do so guys as you know first episode you see is tuning the house getting the keys we've done a lot of work since then I'm standing in the dining room kitchen the walls have been painted what a color that is is it didn't say they were going to go blue but look at this as you can seen is well the old kitchen so basically there was slabs on the floor we finally got our kitchen from Ren I w't say too much about them at least it's all here now everything is looking good in the kitchen so far but this is how far we come already so this will be ready to move into hopefully start of October right guys so this is the garage this is so much different I mean we basically got our house in there we got took some stuff from the old house we've got the washing machine too dryer we've also got a freezer that's an extra one just so we can store like if we get stuff from cambos just all meat that we don't have to keep in the fridge uh freezer because that takes up so much room this is the flooring we got this delivered as well so this is for the whole house basically um fling's going in the whole house except from two rooms so this is all ready to go right guys so you've seen the old house now our new house we have been doing a lot of work we have worked hard so this is the front as you come in we removed everything this is still a working progress but we made some uh christmy stuff Janet sh's Mom paintt some cool P painting she does loads of these uh Christmas tree gnomes firstly you know the wooden floran is down we've not done any painting or nothing in here it's just the wooden flooring trying to decorate it a wee bit and then through this we one here oh yeah and this hasn't really been done much wooden flooring still the same layout none of the bathrooms have been touched yet because yeah we've done too much already in this house this is our temporary bedroom for now you can have a we glint but again there's just been painted temporary blinds temporary stuff through here you guys know where this is this is exactly the same as you seen it last time but just a bit more just as the we dump none of this stuff works so the shower doesn't work the bath doesn't work we've got big designs for the bathroom we're going to extend the shower and take the bathroom out and stuff but that's going to come in New Year we've done so much ready this side of the house is still a work in progress how we bit we're coming through to the best we are going away to Haggard's house so we're just getting pack to go but look at this as you walk in Christmas tree this is a massive transformation we finally got the right couch of people would seen on Instagram so we got this the nice big couch here it's been all wallpapered at this side there's going to be the TV going up in the wall soon we've just been in talks recently about getting a wood burning stove so we've got someone coming up in the new year I think to install a wood burning stove for those as well Rocky is loving it Popp is loving it sisp woo speak yeah good boy go bed go to bed good boy bed good boy see that right so yeah this has been pretty cool to been getting work on obviously all the wooden flooring makes this cool when the first one the episode this bit was missing here this is all being complete now still a few e sockets to put back on but and now this B here this is unbelievable this this was just wooden fling I mean a table for Christmas and we got a I kind of 12 seater table she had got her big massive miror as well which will be going on the wall but yeah this is a pretty when you look at it through here it's basically complete and it's looking pretty spectacular considering the first episode it was just yeah a mess there was nothing at all so again first episode knocking walls down everything then change into this masterpiece so many workers been in here it looks cool we got a painting to go up from a fan but like yeah this is hello s she's she's breakfast she's not herself and she does have her toast yeah this is this is the cool part this is a this has been a big work in progress as well with few problems having but look at it now fridges we got the coffee machines and then look another Christmas tree what the heck that's mental right this is the boys room this is where no girls are allowed coming with me this has got a bit bloes just now cuz she actually we actually hosted sh hosted a uh baby shower in here so we got it all PL painted blue and white we fought when it was getting blue we didn't know how blue it was but it goes perfectly so yeah all blue we got the TV on the wall now we got the pool table this pool table was from my brother-in-law's mom and dad I used to play in this when I was a weed boy as well or maybe a punch machine stuff like that the lights are in this couch this unbelievable this my favorite couch it's got heated seats cold seats it's got chargers it's got hot and cold for your drinks this these go right back as well so you can do it like a bed so I think in the first episode all there was was a big uh a big snooker table and just looked all old and stuff so for it to transform like this is pretty cool but the space has opened up so much more with no uh snooker ta he wants on camera hey Rocky here hey bed of course you need the Union Jacks don't you there ninja red white and blue out you here think he's scared of the camera bad Rocky it's go to the camera Rocky B CU there a com up cuz I said tuck bed bed right let's do this right this again is very very cool this was just old old wallpaper but then we've got re-wallpaper some new lights on it so yeah got some flowery wallpaper just to brighten it all up a we bit as well we got the roof repainted still the same design but yeah it's so much more fresh and it looks it's massive as well this whole bit out now is all completely done and this was a bit that was driving as insane because we had all the kind of house done but it was just this bit that was kind of you walked in it was still that old feeling so this is still kind of the same as what it has been before we just have it as a spare room so my coach St was up recently as well nothing's really been touched on the walls nothing's been touched uh painting wise like I said all bathrooms are just still a work in progress there the thing that we wanted to have a we rest now before Christmas because we've done so much but that's a spare bathroom that's and this right now is a spare room but it's also a storage so we got carpet in here just to keep the warm feeling um our nieces and nephew's shotgun this but look as nice as nice and white now we painted it all we'll be getting a bed and just more for when AR nie the nephew stay over there can just have toys in here and just make a mess of it all but yeah this right now it's just a kind of storage for Christmas and stuff like that so all good we still got obviously the walk-in wardrobes which is still the same uh this bathroom is non-existent right now it's exactly the same as it was again just uh the lights don't even work but yeah this is just storage but we're going to have massive plans for the third episode hopefully that'll be a a we Hydro pool coming this is cool this is a lot of work done from cenade in here this a wee bit of things getting storage in here just now but this is the the office hey this is her Christmas presents this is going to be my office so as you can we kind of got all painted a kind of like darker kind of blue I just wanted it all uh blue cuz obviously a lot of people have white ceilings or a different color but it's more when I'm doing like filming cuz like the light's quite powerful in here with when you we're going to get blacked out uh blind so no one see and we can't see out there so when I'm doing like first I need to do photos for sponsorships or anything we're going to get a computer set up here get the clothes and stuff and blah blah blah blah blah going to have like a display of the whiskies uh some trophies and not here chenade face is the best that is the best thing in the world lonely take this with me uh so she's uh she's coming with me on the next to the tour but yeah this is quite cool because this is going to be my bit like you know sometimes you you got calls and you sometimes you can't B into the office and I wanted one in here just so I can come in here you know no distractions blanked out lights and then it's like if I need to do photos as well I've got this room now just to do everything I needed so yeah very very proud of that she needed a lot of work in here so I mean garage is getting is getting there it was right now we've just stored some uh cardboard but it was Fuller than this but we we've got a big massive stock of rain from uh obviously rain body fuel we do our washing in here I've got an extra like um FR freezer we're storing all like when we get our bathroom rev uh revamped and stuff all the bathroom stuff's going to be here we still got stuff for like building in here and stuff we're just going to be putting all storage stuff in here just to keep the house more clean we don't going to be using our this ain't going to be used for cars and stuff so uh instead of having all these filled with crap we're going to have the garage this as well even this is all kind of done none nothing in the garden has been done the only thing that's been done is we cut the grass and we cleaned up the Moss around the edges and stuff but in the summer our plans to get rid of that hedge replant Stu uh get the entrance a bit wider just just meet the garden makeover in summer the garden as it is right now is fine but in the summer we're going to get it done there's no point starting slobbing at this time of year when it's going to be icy and you can't then it's it's going to be a mess so once the good weather comes in we're going to get all new slabs hopefully get piz sains we're going to get some cool stuff in the garden yeah my dad loves the garden we love the garden BR growing up so we need to make the garden bamboozling right so you're going to come with me guys hello you may enter no see I missed her so I took it with me I don't have to bit of coffee but I'll try i' been very good at cooking lately but I've still not made a coffee for myself in this house so we are going to try so we're going to get a cup yeah then we heat it I I I realized we Heat this cup up right and then put it in here later we're going to put our L start set to nor froth so we go to he might have done this oh what of course I kept it I always keep things Shing me oh look at this feel my bad that was Jesus but yeah it's been good 8 to 10 weeks of high graft and the house is 95 90% done hopefully in episode 3 like we said the bathrooms will be done depending what time of year it is the garden might even be started but we might even get a separate stuff for the garden so right we got this there's an's B in our garden we don't even eat Nando guys it's been a pleasure episode two over and out we've been grafting in the house but now we have to go cheers stay safe smile stay spicy
Channel: Stoltman Brothers
Views: 105,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Stoltman, Luke Stoltman, Stoltman Brothers, Scotland, Strength, Strongman, Squat, Bench, Deadlift, The Word's Strongest Brothers, Stoltman, MyProtein, MyProtein Athletes, Eddie Hall, Gym, Hafthor Bjornsson, Travel, Adventure, Sport, Highlands, luke stoltman, strongman, stoltman brothers, house, house tour
Id: Eqt6UR7yi5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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