Strongest Unbreakable Box Wins $10,000

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a portion of this video is sponsored by norton lifelock you guys have one hour to spend three hundred dollars to build the best unbreakable box possible go oh what is okay let's go are you joining along okay teamwork this is what we call let's see cement it's literally stone it's a rock this is like drywall except it's like embedded with concrete okay get out the way put it in there yo how many did you get yeah enough what i could tell from this is that everybody has experience now they they know more or less yeah we do this is gonna be crazy jeremy what are you getting oh i'll show you all right show me all right what do you got what do you got what are you thinking saran wrap wait what it's only a dollar score it's whatever it's 11. it's eleven dollars we all grab only two then you have a three hundred dollar budget three hundred three hundred oh okay okay okay [ __ ] okay okay take it easy those ones are 30. okay okay i'm looking forward to this let's go we found trent he's uh he's got some breakfast oh dude excellent he's a simple man people are using a lot of wrapping like material i have experience i've done a duct tape wall before it was very strong i think trent took my idea let's let's go let's go i think on this one me and eric are going to team up a little bit because obviously trent needs to be contained in this one we're gonna spend a little more than three hundred dollars on concrete oh you wanna just oh thank you i got a better idea i'm gonna give everybody one day to build this so we're gonna order this stuff overnight and we'll come over and build it build it overnight do we order mine too no wow fine okay you guys are all done looking uh don't worry yo don't eric's got air covered all right don't you worry about it don't worry about it let's go build come come on by the way i know somebody went over budget except i know it was trent rented a van to carry all the stuff it should be here it should be here now now that now that i think about it you know i think actually right now is a good time to say thanks to northern light block for sponsoring a portion of today's video being a homeowner security is my number one priority much like constructing an unbreakable box i try to do everything i can to protect my home we all take precautions to stay protected in our connected world and we want to keep what we own safe but it's hard to keep up with the ever-evolving cyber threats on your own your home is likely your most valuable asset but how often do you monitor the title on your home identity thieves could take out a loan and lean against your home jeopardizing your home equity all without you knowing it that's why northern 360 with lifelock ultimate plus not only includes device security identity tech protection and a vpn for online privacy but helps you protect your home title with the home title monitoring feature which monitors the county recorder's records and notifies you if any changes are detected related to your home's title so you can take the necessary action to protect your home our homes are one of our most valuable assets in keeping our investments secure is so important sign up for northern 360 with lifelock ultimate plus all-in-one membership for only 29.99 per month thanks again for norton lifelock for sponsoring this portion of today's video van is definitely here let's get building and just like that we are all done everybody has their base jeremy what do you got here i got a crate you got it doesn't even have a roof or a floor dude i'll put these well that wasn't that was here already that's why it doesn't include in the okay oh sorry about your wallet dude someone else yeah nobody's helping nobody's helping me okay oh i see so you're gonna this is like the observation chamber yeah you can see everyone i can't see anyone here because it's so thick hey honestly that was too hard i actually think this might be the best one oh it is zach what do you got what do you got zach i just like to point your attention here to concrete sheets obviously superior to jeremy's design yeah in every every way thickness of seven what okay it's pretty much a cement chamber it's a different shape than the rest of ours this is a rectangle trent what do we got here yours is made of taped okay duct tape how are we supposed to i guess we'll just figure that out later okay eric my man what's up what's up yeah how's it going eric nice little thing you built here you're playing favorites what that seemed like he got better introduction than i got no he gets the same introduction i thought yeah you gotta adapt everybody else yeah okay yes uh yeah yeah okay okay anyways there it is what's good my man what you got here start off with a nice little bars a nice little interior yeah looks like we got rock solid concrete everywhere geez this bus took a while this took yeah it took all night this took a long time who knows who will end up inside we don't know random draw of who's going to be who of who's going to be inside let's uh we'll see through all random order okay obviously it's not really that random trent's going now everybody else is just going to rotate to the person to the right so zach's going to be in jeremy's jeremy's going to be in zach's eric's going to be in trench and trent's going to be in ours i won't die i mean uh yeah i won't be in there for long because your box is trash you talk about me who's ever boxed last the longest wins sakura starting with zach this counts as helping this wheel has all the weapons we're gonna use on it and i'm gonna have to spin it for zach because he's a little uh occupied occupied at the moment and he'd be doing this anyways and stuff you know how's that case yeah wait wait no they don't you sure how am i how are you they they know what is that steal the ball good luck buddy time starts now wait no yeah get into the ball first time starts now that this is unbreakable glass yeah i mean it may rip the plastic but oh dude there's there's no way i'm gonna get hit myself it looks pretty funny jeremy well done right this is a good box so far every minute he gets a new weapon this is i think the only thing to do would be to break this but that is loud does that not allow you oh my gosh oh he's trying for the grooves not smart last time i got eliminated from the steel ball [Music] yeah this is paper exactly yeah how's that working out for you i oh has a minute passed [Music] okay nunchucks this is a new addition to the family yeah we got nine trucks now i didn't i didn't tell you wow yeah time's still going they don't even know yeah the plastic nunchucks i mean you could do lava plastic who knows boom yeah i also gave you a steel ball so like i mean you can't always have the best weapons act you got to work with what you got sometimes when life gives you lemons break out of the box oh is there one yeah they do yeah there you go oh two pairs of nunchucks nope nope no that's a no you're not supposed to come up you're not supposed to come out from this side hey hey hey oh look he's what's he doing he's eating the nunchuck you know i found that in a bowl of luggage right oh that's smart yo he's like cutting the thing with the thing oh my gosh zach how are you [ __ ] yeah okay nunchucks are not bad yeah this is like whack-a-mole zacko version [Music] [Music] spin again what god spin again put spin again on it yeah whose idea was to put spin again zach you're in trouble zach what why is your box shaking a little turbulence you get that you're good oh my gosh oh what are you thinking what i'm trying to help you oh he attacked me that was so close look oh no the bottom's weaker push it push it back push it back [Music] okay all right okay wow yo he's making real progress look at it oh my gosh look at how foggy it is it's getting pretty uh is it hot in there zach we didn't poke any air holes dude we were supposed to poke an air holes my bad okay what do we got what do we got and we got the ass so this is gonna be i don't know no no please okay [Applause] nice nice seconds one minute and 10 seconds in what world a different world because in this world eight minutes 26 seconds what what ah it's still at the bottom eight minutes and 26 seconds which i know sounds like a long time but technically zach this wasn't your box so this is not a bad thing for you but a good thing for jeremy i think we should challenge plastic wrap with duct tape how are we getting in uh i don't even know let's let's see how trent's box does me and eric are a team and yeah i think everybody figured that out by now yeah okay okay i decided to go in the box and i'm already regretting it because what you guys don't know is that all the tape is very sticky in here i have no more arm hair okay eric's going to spin the wheel thing please spin the wheel what is that boxing gloves can i just wait out the minute and not don't hate on the boxing gloves three two one i have to go to the poster eric yeah i thought we were a team put me up here okay yeah yeah i literally gotta do the washroom sorry i really gotta go ah your mama eric says he got it but he doesn't got it he's got it hey trent where's the weak spot don't look at the weak spot whatever you do do not look ah he looked over here ah funny feeling that's not the weak weak spot you might have been lying to me water oh dude you're getting stuck my hair was stuck the steel ball ah yeah yeah yeah yo what's happening who is there nothing no one's there i'm like punching a steel wall well that was the next thing what was the next step did the ball help you at all not even at all not no dustin two weeks you just don't have to make okay that's hard to spin again ready spin again hey baby um players choice okay what's on the board steal spin uh no what i choose eric yeah i choose eric i was gonna choose trent but trent if he was in here it's his own box so he wouldn't want to destroy it oh yeah that doesn't work so next up get it in get in get in get in all right coming in go in get in there so sticking get it get in there yeah i could probably squeeze out through one of these holes but we're gonna do it how we're supposed to we're supposed to break up fun this is just so you guys can actually watch us what are you what are you i'm trying you're not doing i feel like this is a bad idea that was a bad choice just double the perspiration you're sucking up all the air why can't we be taller oh [Music] better like this it is it's nicer it's nicer what'd you say i can't hear you i think you said trent it's chill leaving oh it's good i'm literally stuck to the wall not where we started i don't want you anymore get a weapon please no i spin no no no i can't i spin someone just someone just spin and what is that axe no spear experience bring me this barrel okay this is gonna be good oh there is not a lot of room in here i can do this oh yeah eric you want to play a game where we put our hand out hasn't it been 60 seconds what i brought you the best weapon on the block okay give me that give me give me the best weapon you could have wait a situation like this that's not true isn't it you can't fit through that though no i i know that oh yeah yeah it's looking pretty nice oh yeah oh they're all connected what is it axe axe please give me an axe okay are you crazy you're in the ass i'm giving you the axe you gave me the axe yes no i'm sorry sorry there you go there it is i see the axe hey bye oh oh hey hey you got it you're out okay i'm not oh yeah you're not out yet though yeah yeah it's like hugging me hurry no oh yeah time time time huh seven minutes 38 seconds that's winning though trenton didn't win i gotta have a trend box that means jeremy's box is strongest so far yes sir i feel like that's just gonna be vengeance for when he goes against me all right so zach the longest a box has lasted was eight minutes and 20 something seconds or something like that so mine by by jeremy's so that means if you break out in faster neighborhoods in 20-something seconds you take the lead let's go it's the flamethrower i'm leaving yeah me too to be honest football gear guys i don't want to sweat yeah you're gonna jeremy yeah time started bro go okay oh yeah this is pretty effective is it i can't see this is not effective at all oh dude why would you get my hopes up oh can i move it oh you did move it a little i'm tired of jumping i'm just gonna fall back maybe uh take the helmet off and swing it oh yeah you're right why am i helping you these walls are literally basically concrete oh my yo let me check the receipt zach did not spend 300 no he spent more zach had the cheapest box that is correct yeah you did but why are you on it how you doing i passed the time when someone's failing inside a box jeremy it's been way past a minute man why did you spin come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on the unicycle steel ball the steel ball yeah the unicycle is not awake i misread that i never i guess you can have everyone jeremy steele why are you bowling in my yeah what is wrong with you it's shaking things what is that a sword sword a sword okay oh the blade yeah yeah jeremy yeah it's going through uh is there a concrete foam in your mouth there was yeah yeah there was it's like this is a cell and you're like kicks on the wall for days yeah yeah yeah okay that probably represents minutes that you've been in here you need something else by now i do you gotta spin the wheel oh where's the wheel at what is that sledge yo oh yo the boards aren't connected in the middle there's no beam you might be able to break through no you could do it yeah okay oh my god time yeah six minutes and 19 seconds zach's losing jeremy's in the lead right now his box took eight minutes and 30 seconds to break out of which means if we can contain trent in this box for more than eight minutes and 30 seconds i win we win i like that yeah okay whoa why did you do that we left one bar not screwed in so that trend could get in but we're having trouble okay should have left two we decided to give trent some face protection because i mean well there's there's a lot of nails to be left in there and gravel i you understand and yes the boxing gloves time starts now eric oh yeah we did a good job you were so confident maybe you'd give him a weapon that wasn't box gloves no no i gave him a fair opportunity he spun he got boxing gloves that's how it works [Music] see what we got got the what is that spear yeah yeah look at that it's chipping i am slightly concerned look at that yo the man's not that strong huh i didn't have the money 300 comment down below if you guys want us to make a giant prison cell with real concrete real thick bars that may put 10 trends inside 10 trends that's not trends in the world but i got a whole football team put them inside okay trent can you fit through that hole it's been way more than a minute time's ticking buddy all right what do we got axe the axe is undefeated there you go oh i was about to give him the big axe breaking action we're spinning oh my gosh oh that's the last layer we poured oh my god why is he switching sides yeah yo oh my gosh trent spins this spin spin no more sleds oh my gosh he doesn't need the flesh what is it the football football equipment trent had to get out in under 8 minutes and 30 seconds in order for us to lose and for jeremy to win what was the time seven minutes 47. make sure you follow man try it on instagram links down below click one of these two videos we love you guys we always like to even high notes
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 8,533,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unbreakable box, escape the box, $10000, justdustin, first to break out of box, last to leave, LifeLock Norton 360, Norton, LifeLock, Real estate scams, Home title scams, Identity Theft, Cyber Security, Cyber Safety
Id: zzdqGwKPDP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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