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today we decided to do hundreds of thousands of Orbeez into a wall we tried breaking it melting it let's just say it was stronger than we expected will we break through let's find out this is a rock solid wall meeting this is gotta be like probably a couple hundred thousand Orbeez maybe more maybe more but this this is over 100 million or be this is long overdue but you guys remember when I spent the night in Orbeez boy and I said you guys yeah you remember that yeah I said if you guys smash 100,000 likes I'd fill this entire warehouse with Orbeez well you guys got like 300,000 like so so we should do it three times okay okay okay there are more than 100,000 we've been on three warehouses but we are gonna fill this entire thing now obviously this is gonna take a lot of time okay this is also gonna take a lot of money so if you guys can smash 200,000 likes on this video we're gonna work double time and we're gonna skip the video we had scheduled and drop this one next so smash that like button put your post notifications on to not miss it you're scared huh I'm very scared also you know what higher dollar gift card to ours first yeah one hundred dollar gift card to whoever's first on this video post notifications on it's coming out with neck if you smash two hundred thousand likes what you want to start breaking the wall let's start it let's start breaking the wall last time we skipped mallet time but not this time bro this is gonna be a strong wall so screw could be so strong but like little mini shock absorbers no no yeah you guys are probably wondering how we stuck Orbeez together we just glued hundreds of thousands of Orbeez together that didn't take long it took so long dude yeah I got me good tried twice next time next time I make a whip oh oh Oh big shots though good shot thank you yeah right right here no move move right there we see the mark you can't you can't see okay there's mark back-end oh we should probably retire the whip really okay maybe not but maybe get a new one now yep whoa-ho that's a good eye that's a good bad idea cuz like then we got a better whip but then we yet then we have a better weapon you don't want a better with my time for the new throwing weapons yeah we got we've got a lot of them feel good about this yo that's not possible yeah look like a pop they pop let's see if the zombie blades a make them pop not the wall feel free to cut that I am NOT a fan or not oh my god okay we just never but look one of them got stuck in it you guys probably didn't hear but it made like a loud popping sound because when it goes in we have to throw harder than that to go in but when it goes in with lots of layers or Orbeez and I guess there's an air pocket and pull okay Todd these are actually better than you think see that's what that that demonstration came it came at a cost but you get the but you get the point I get the point yes Oh Mayday we're already breaking weapons out here this is a steel blade it's the new one - this is Orbeez how does this you going spiky metal balls oh my come on it's really hard throw don't throw it oh just just take these and just never let me touch those again please boomerang time wait what is it what welcome that bird oh it balanced and it broke the wood off but this is okay is the boomerang okay who moves okay yeah it looks like it's ready for another one let's do it can't remember if you're supposed to throw it this way or this way it doesn't really matter we'll call this one and we'll call this - how should I throw it - - okay one it's nobody hit did somewhere here this is not indicative of the fact of whether I hit it or not I hit I didn't see it oh but one time it comes back and hits you I know right this seems promising we got a slingshot we got up it's a bolt or nuts and not on the bolt yeah did it yes I did I had to think about it for a second oh I knew that was gonna happen reload whoa ah you got that on camera I did roll we have so much glass around here dude Oh should we just leave it there it just it just I was gonna take it back but um so we are leaving it there yeah let's leave it there oh we got various damage marks in various places there's I'd say we're making progress oh you guys have been skating on a rink full of Orbeez no one has I have well I haven't I've just scratched over the tiger claw but okay that's not gonna do it no it's not there's a little out of control it was one time yeah one I think yeah yeah can you quickly maybe Google had a break-in or baseball dude I don't think there's another done this huh no but at least make it look really damaged up seat here look if we do this yeah maybe we can like scratch it off the entire web [ __ ] that's kind of satisfying is a funny feeling after we break through the first like tiny little layer or Weezer gonna start falling really I don't actually know that this is just a hope more than anything I hope to help three oh you poor stop it Eric grapplers ready to go young that's good that was good but we could do better ready why I might microwave not the microwave Oh have I learned anything from this is what you're asking no you have it yes I have what what you learnt that I'm a ninja out of early it's not maybe before a breeze would do well against or visa it didn't I didn't pick up looks like we got nothing but surface damage which means we need to try to go below the surface okay this is pretty good at that there you go yeah okay this is this is gonna take a while I don't know what to do anymore right right oh that's really why not you did I miss I didn't miss time to test some of the new weapons you put it on wrong like this no you've got a favorite slow cuz it has backwards teeth I call this the tuning fork here's why yeah yeah oh I love okay Jeremy yeah this stores pretty good but like it's not like thick enough you know I can't like do like many heavier heavier we got something heavier like the machete oh yeah I always loved the shitty look that's like a big crack inside see I don't really see it what do you mean the big white line that like goes into does not there's a lot cracks are cracked the scratch but we got more swords don't worry Oh just so you guys know look what this does to wood okay look what it does to this come on here we go oh yeah what do you think throw it Oh [Music] let's go I told you when you can't / it you throw it okay no oh yes it's still solid all the way through but look some of the Orbeez are starting to come out oh yeah oh this is kind of giving me like um the the tripe oh stuff you guys know what I'm talking about the small holes thing this is you okay we got a big chunk think when you concentrate our energy here right there uh it's just a concentrate our energy when we how we get it back someone give them water I knew it I knew it I knew it I had a funny feeling you guys find this mm-hmm here's the target oh yeah oh yeah throw it okay I'm so sorry yeah I caught that but this is where I asked you guys to smash the like button cuz we need new weapons we do we do these are kind of cool you guys have seen this before sharp tip surgically sharp in fact this is going in you think oh it's an all these are going in here we go oh do you in scared yo never scared okay sometimes I get a little yeah you do I never no way that was it this is literally gone into like rock solid door frames and we've gone again move closer try to hit a red or B red RV a red one okay I think Eric put more red actually I still I still had a red our view the all right put a blue one then I'm deciding I'm retiring undefeated one for one I'm bow and arrow shots oh gee bad time I need some ideas here I got no ideas yeah yo we're running into an issue more axes if these axes aren't doing the damage they're supposed to I don't know where to go with this you know like they say oh look see the fractures here here yeah where's that from I don't know probably the ax let's keep going okay yeah oh look some perfectly good or B's let me just we can maybe get the front off a lot oh there is the guts goods I know what we need to do we need to dig it out dig it okay I'm digging it out let's see what we can do here okay I'm not this is doing pretty well now we've broken the surface I think it's like the you know it's a structural integrity thing so like the more that you break the weaker it becomes so like this area is all should be weaker now it's just a theory it doesn't look anything right well how does that not look weaker it just looks more damaged but doesn't look weaker does that make sense this new weapon alone we got Goldie hawk the golden axe let's throw it not throwing one kind of weird cuz Hawks fly right Hawks do fly Fox do fly yeah okay look at this oh yeah yo this is pretty good sharp is definitely great now that we broke the surface okay we should continue with the new weapons oh dude I need a face mask let's do this [Music] yeah yeah I think we have a problem what's wrong this is obviously the problem we're running out of weapons but the big ones are left big big ones big ones big ones it's time to go fishing for some Orbeez we got our harpoon ready what what's in the end of it I don't know oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I missed there you go did I call it a harpoon I meant to call it a spear Oh hit it twice see yeah positive I like that you guys knew where I was going with this we got the spear spear that I like this is what I'm trying to say and it works really well on a lot of walls oh I think it's blowing away in let's do it it went it straighter we got stuck let's do it again here we go okay what do we got you went in but it like closed the hole after I see it like all this is cracked hit it again yeah what are we gonna do mini crowbar doctor a pry bar this is a crowbar this is a mini crowbar you know sometimes when I build these things I'm like how strong could it be you know we're probably gonna be able to break in the end I legitimately don't know how I'm gonna break this I was more confident against the rock wall Venice really yeah legit but we got the full-size crowbar this is like bigger than a full-sized crowbar this is like this is like a barbell this is literally like a barbell there we go yes yeah yes yeah yes you get bring you yep see that guy's you know what that's called with the call I'm not gonna say it but they're gonna tell you oh my goodness if you're gonna spank pro bar grab a tape yes that's working pretty well but it's really tiring I need something lighter and faster but still hard yeah you got that yeah I got that Massa Tom it's working oh it's working I'm also working this is usually really effective ah look at these seashell spiral sorta difficult oh yeah it actually does the foster Pokemon pom knit turf I'm Nick soon uh-huh-huh yes definite that but you guys know I'm talking about the Kabutops and then there's look at all these holes let's make more [Music] the whole family of seashells now we need to keep upgrading yeah we do that's Kissin honestly Trent at Trent he liked it oh yeah with that right what was he doing with it why did you guys been saying you've been missing out on this that I haven't had it well I found it here it is oh okay leave that we're getting real deep I think it's like there's more more more all these underneath how's it going Benny you guys watched my last video you know what this is there we go oh yeah yeah honestly this would probably do it but I can't like it's gonna break my hands my vibrations on it like it's crazy it's steel on the inside but Wow Oh whopping ah how am I even kidding these are not good for absorbing shock okay we really need to escalate the weapons like fast how am I gonna make all right oh that's good this yeah this is I need a new one of these because this is this is scary for me cuz that is leaking and ball ovaries of water anyways so back to smashing we got a sledgehammer so really heavy do the wall euro might come off the wall oh it might fall down yeah oh it's not even doing enough damage I was expecting you tell my studio no I have nothing ever least you have the pickaxe though okay that's horrific gasps nice Oh that gum old gum say old gum nobody likes old gum nope let's finish that oh yeah oh yeah that's the technique you just gotta go and then you gotta okay a thousand of those we just do that for the next three to five days we might be able to break into it but we don't got due to five days we don't got three to five days we got this whole warehouse to fill up floor B so we're gonna have to do something we've never done before what do you got here I can tell you about well it's always better I just show you let's do it let's do it yeah it's about to happen I'm a little nervous oh this doesn't work this would be the first wall that goes unbroken we can't allow it we can't yo we didn't go all the way through though keep going keep going good good [Music] my hands are wet it's like shooting water [Music] oh look at how thick this is we literally stood no chance remember we could smash 200,000 likes on this video this entire place will be filled with 100 million Orbeez next video get your pose notifications on whoever's first wins a prize and you guys know I always like to leave on a high note [Applause] [Music]
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 4,334,368
Rating: 4.963491 out of 5
Keywords: 100 layers, 100 layers of, unbreakable wall, justdustin, justdustin wall, orbeez, justdustin orbeez
Id: dyOnAL2X5f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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