Stromae - Racine Carrée Live (Full Concert)
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Channel: StromaeVEVO
Views: 30,584,906
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Keywords: Stromae, stromae official, stromae DVD, Stromae live, Concert, Concert complet, Concert entire, Stromae album, stromae lyrics, stromae paroles, Racine carrée, Racine carrée live, Racine carrée full concert, Racine carrée concert, Squared root, Square root, stromae takes America, stromae papaoutai, stromae formidable, stromae alors on danse, stromae tous les memes, stromae quand c’est, stromae Kanye west, stromae papaoutai live, stromae, remix
Id: eOZLDQm9c2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 37sec (7057 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2015
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But when though?
How have I never heard this dude before? He's great! Thanks for sharing.
Oh I love Stromae! This is really great to watch.
Kendrick did this last night at his concert in Mansfield. Gave me frisson to be a part of it!
Saw him a few years ago in Seattle. One of the most high-energy, jaw dropping concerts I've ever seen. So stoked he's coming back with new music!