Strictly Kosher (Jewish Culture Documentary) | Real Stories

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Generational cultism is very sad, those children deserve a break.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zxcsd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

There was a short series of "Strictly Kosher" a few years ago on UK t.v, such an interesting set of programmes. Thanks for posting this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Purplescouser πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was a very interesting watch, thanks for the post!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zacknquack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
you've seen nothing yet I promise [ __ ] Happy New Year what we're doing is bringing in the Jewish New Year we've all been to the synagogue both throwing away our sins and now what can we Boracay start and I alla hey mamela alam a share could be Shambhu no it's not last the rahman she will start that one again where do you begin but the 40,000 to use the manchester i don't know how much from it look because every one of us a different jewish people seem to have quite a lot of sex because religious jewish people don't have television so we've got to keep warm at night do you have a sheet with a hole in it no normally the happy moments are having the children permits of circumcision weddings how cute is that [Music] Jewish weddings is depends on the pocket I was born Jewish and will always be Jewish I'll bring my children up Jewish do I want to be religious no I don't have to be religious oh gee laughs I was brought up in a religious household that's my way of avidin any difference with a life focused on family and spectacles Manchester's Jewish community is a kaleidoscope of tradition religion and extravagance and not all of it strictly kosher [Music] there are over a quarter of the maeΓ­n jews in britain after london the second largest community live in Manchester with a population of 40,000 it's the fastest growing Jewish community in Europe in this cosmopolitan community lived Jewish people of all levels of faith they've is a vastly in devotion but most share a common sense of pride in being Jewish how do you feel about Lakes you probably took it first time around yes ninety percent of the people we served in the shop are on my level good Jewish girl not now and then you step up a few levels you get them all religious I clapped myself is a Modern Orthodox and mum we all observe all the religion everything a house food cooking clothes a lot and then we get a very religious and the synaptic cause if you can use that word if that's what they want to do live them that live I'm quite happy with that so I think okay I got another basil the grandparents are mainly former Xuan in lithuanian came from the licorice decals I mean my mom was from Island and the I love it cuz people go oh I wish to how can you have someone that's Irish and Jewish this is my lounge and if my gorgeous daughter and my son-in-law who got married in November 2008 they've got two little boys at the moment and they live in Israel in hand off and they don't get to see them that often this is a picture of mastering gorgeous kids and Saul who's 21 Leon who you'd see in Gabi new 16 for 21 cute gorgeous that's what the life here come on have a pickle juice with us I'm not a religious person and I'm more a traditionalist and I'm happy doing my little lots which is probably not very much the drawbridge Oh Mon amis been here for over 20 years I'm not giving away my age because I still feel 25 now this is the full of figure yeah not everyone who won't cut off but you've got to you've got to think summer that's a view there's quite a lot of girls who come in here for our bar mitzvahs weddings big occasion it needs to just teach that up it needs to be a lot shorter yeah a lot shorter and to be honest with you some people money's no object hi everybody Sandra has a wardrobe bigger than moon I've ever seen you in the same thing twice I know we have a very big Jewish clan tile around here so being Jewish they actually trust me how are you with Reggie well accurate now not good I like a bit of sass Penang I like a bit of something different and that's what I'm known for this skill can give Imelda Marcos a ballon I have got a problem with shoes yeah in fact it's so bad now don't look at these alike do you like me wait what boot something gorgeous is called gorgeously I mean that yes I think Jewish people are like every other community they like to party allowed to dress to impress I like to spend money on clothes which the more they spend the happier become no matter how religious you are the family is at the heart of Jewish life Burnett is marking the arrival of a baby boy with one of the best known of Jewish customs it's called a bris that's an aesthetic that means it doesn't so doesn't hurt the baby physical thing is a circumcision which itself is quite a minor procedure but spiritually and religiously and culturally its massive a ceremony which really seals the Jewish people with God if it's mainly to the men the women call them you don't really get impatient other than the people that are involved in it that are today for their Oh what am I missing the actual opinions in joyous moment to stand at the front I don't mind this I have blood why I saw sonically was overcome I'd say shot or robbed a big Jewish boy has gone he can't get married you're not classed as being Jewish you can't be given a name and I should have to bring otherwise vibes and record of May I kiss a to cut the foreskin autumn makes me feel sick but anyway I decided it's the only pain among go so in Jewish life even the most non-religious of Jews who have their no other part of Judaism almost always said of their the Brit eight days old a baby just really feel anything and if you ask me do I remember mine no I don't remember mine any hey no medical um very I go fair when I had my third but absolutely hysterical but by the secretary knew that once he heard the scream the baby's been breast and that it got a nice Jewish little baby boy hours Allen Schmo queue day only mussels little schmuely was named after his great-grandfather a Holocaust survivor for many Jews the past is another country Jack Eisenberg was born in Poland in 1928 where from all over Europe the Baltics into Russia Lithuania and that's most of the truth costed me a lot to be a Jew yeah [Music] they've got pictures of my father and my mother then my father was called Isaac in my mouth was called Debbie this is the frack am original from a Hitler use which a British soldier took vision loudly after the war and when I wasn't a hospital he brought it to me said you have it and you know when you saw this flak 70 years ago you trembled you trembled this was my number I hadn't got the tool but that was my number on the slave labourers uniform you 18th of January 1945 Oh book about I shall never forget you we had to sink this because you are my fate and how wonderful freedom is or both over that's the latest thing he won't take a picture of the bathrooms a little bit better than Pajaro listen my father wasn't rich I had money what happened at the age of 50 tracked him until I got him yeah was my mother in my bath I went into hiding otherwise I wouldn't be here if I went with them next day I would have been gone yeah but I must say God was good to me I have no argument this girl I'm not asking him why was I in the count he made it up to me he did from Mount Sinai to soften the Torah scroll is at the very heart of Judaism it contains the early history of the Jews from the creation of the world to the death of Moses this is a very very special morning today for the Brody family they are finishing magic about the Torah a fabulous event to be able to do it is a real man event but that's a lot of Jewish religion things today is a rare treat a handful of men have the privilege of writing the last few Hebrew letters to finish off the scroll most of the out of the middle of the horses are filled into ultimately hot three box well if they make a mistake we cross that bridge when we come to it and other things sometimes I have to make repair it can take a year for a scribe to write a scroll Antony Brody was lucky he won this one with a hundred pound raffle ticket I bet you've got your done hundreds that's all good value considering a safety Torah actually cost probably about twenty three thousand pounds I would love to be able to do it in the honor of my parents but it's just unaffordable the Torah is used for weddings during services on Sabbath's and religious festivals this one will have a home in a newly built synagogue one thing about being Jewish which I do like a is very communal and I think that's very very important [Applause] the ultra-orthodox tend to live in the sulfur the area blonde part but the hold of North Manchester is quite a religious community a few religious she'll stick together whether the Sholem of the community yet it's sent the security I think the Torah lays down Jewish laws to live by the rules of keeping a kosher home even state what an it should and shouldn't eat hi definitely McCarty pig is definitely part jealousies we definitely can't eat non-kosher meat at all kosher you want to eat kosher kosher but some of the people religious will not mix people baby who doesn't eat oh [ __ ] Deanna's yes whether you're kosher or not everything stops here on Friday afternoon for the Sabbath the Jewish holy days on a Saturday we call it a shopping that's our day of rest and we do absolutely nothing as the guard to work so all the preparations are done on the Friday Jewish law means we're not allowed to film on the Sabbath so the note is cooking her typical Friday night meal on a Thursday I've made the fish I've made the suit I've made the chicken I've made the meat I've made the cooker I've made the dessert I've made a lot this the torah law you should keep six days you shall work and on the seventh intro west young chap my soup Jewish penicillin this certain taller laws that have been laid down or you're not allowed to do it's not permissible to flip the lights and lies to light make it strike a match nothing so you can't watch television you can't put anything like that to for love that allows to tear and shatter so I can ormally cooked it we're doing their balance okay I have any toilet paper slits on a roll and I've just got loose tissue so we don't have to care when I allowed to dare rush of of cattle don't air boiler cattle are already built switch on or off it off they're not allowed to use only hot water too like that so what I have to do is wait - laughs - a pizza - one shop for all my dishes or got some time aside that annoys me actually I forget to put the cattle are we have no hot water here's the mouse of being in a non-jewish person into the house who doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about because we're not allowed to put the water on and you've got to deal with a card and made the cell phone but I was really loud when you could go to this for two hours before the cotton omelette you can switch the times--but John let's do that let me cut have any food because allow it will go on and off on the street I work and then have to come home and have to do all my cleaning and cooking and Chabot and baking and everything Michael comes in honor let it the kids come in Olivia you have done nothing in our laps better to have a you know heart attack a to Letterman our most of our meals around family which is what a lot of people admire about Jewish people we'd sit round the table are you sure you know very nice I'm inside the ten commandments he's a shall burst a make it holy so it's up there with killing and adult with the meal always taste now to the non-jewish world Jewish food is chicken soup Lincoln Adel or the ghetto yuck chopped liver earth people say oh it's the distinctions and this and that but if you take it on board as part of your life and you're supposed to enjoy it and I think you do yeah I had pets husband do who says a you ahem Pat closely and because I don't know I love cast my life no no no no [Music] not everyone is Esther Salas rules the Joel Saturday is just another day of work we're open 7 days a week so we can satisfy those accustomed if I was a religious Jewish person I shouldn't really be open on the Saturday but I am and I'm not religious did you see what a little bit of this a little bit I have to close the factory they surround very small Jewish community style is size zero give me legs or die 660 and it has a multitude of sin which being Jewish and eating a lot you need to do it's not we are not Orthodox we don't stick to every single rule we'll drive on a Saturday anything else you should think that what do you think to keep traditional family values rather than stick into every rule in the book not being honest she went seven days I didn't - I was one ball u13 send him straight elected what was it your veil and he found out on the Jewish dating agents I mean please a bulge in the wallet Department that would be very helpful well do you know what should we put her a wanted in the window yeah trying to be fashionable and strictly kosher can be a challenge for religious William weekdays are their opportunity to shop what would you sense been our top selling coke throughout the docs and they like a longer coat still and they've got the hood so when the walking to the synagogue and obviously you're not allowed to carry on a Sabbath so there's no handbags there's nothing you can't carry umbrellas so when it rains you put the hood up is that too provocative and not seven to the left of princes turn too much but that's young yet trendy the Orthodox don't shop on a Saturday for obvious reasons but Sunday morning as we open the doors is quite a lot of Orthodox I'd consider myself quite religious like to make sure that my clothes like about like below my elbows my neck goes mahalo been covered and muskets of the no money everything I'm showing this black as my whole waters black the Torah states you should like make yourself look pretty for your husband's and for yourself you've got to feel good about yourself and have confidence how do you wish women dress shows how religious or how from there the net obeys all the rules except one she doesn't wear a traditional wig or sheitel it's not sy short or anything it is a law that happens drapes after the wedding yes it could either be a hat I bury a wig whatever you are supposed to cover your hair yes yeah but does it come with a guarantee that we look like you at the end yeah I have to look like you so it could be identical twin jaw or if it's like yours I've never worn a with my mother never wore a wig it's not it's not right that I don't wear one I know I should wear one so you have to have to schlep a cousin Anthony yes you have none of your own hair showing everything's change people have moved to the right you don't need to have any young girls today that would never done years and years ago Warwick now they all do it's automatic I look about seven to say that oh my goodness so what am I talking to became home I can tell hi local as I would say what was the face let's get it on as well I clapped myself is a Modern Orthodox and mom but somebody else it's more religious than we might think oh well she doesn't mile away fresh crap about with itchy if dress code denotes devotion there are none more religious from the rapidly growing her ad community thousand seven eight nine ten kids doesn't take rocket science to know that they're growing faster than anyone else they've got their own schools and have their own Shores and they have where I live growing up is where that area is now you would never really find a family like mine one now different this reminds me Poland before the war thought shed a quarter million jewels before mainly ninety percent religious the strictly Orthodox keep to themselves even within the Jewish community the men are distinctive in their black clothes with untrimmed beard and long sideburns called Pierre quite long at the moment yeah yeah yeah I think that in charge that's going to spring up okay now some can have it all court round and look a normal haircut Williamson go global number two and then a lot of it is custom some have that availing ones that are wrapped round and paying it some have the you know short ones yeah and yet Internet yeah everything none really [Music] it's in the Bible the Abelson caught below and number two on the player so they are wrong it's biblical they also that becomes cultural because see some people do it different ways it's just a good Orthodox Jewish vehicle yeah three hours years before I came here for 34 years I've ever never mix with Jewish people never mix with my own kind or in the cloud leasing a long store basically through my brother being killed in the Yom Kippur War in 1973 I mean totally away from religion did once an old didn't bother and the fact is its fate wet you know I shared the Lord's directing the hitch to every reason that's where I see it I came to India Tory's 65 years and we built up a good business we really worked out I'm saying Japan the stands for Jack myself P I and pinkie and DA David the sole a Holocaust survivors both fee this was one of the biggest hacked his minion of luggage one of the biggest fear British made I consider myself a virtual for what I've achieved especially Michael Childers this isn't the cloud this [Music] I am NOT all ticklish but I don't look at religion I respect it look you want to be religious why not as long as you don't interfere with me [Music] to me being a true is it especially and careful wansink for the family well so this is a very special gift in Burnet Jewish world young girls and boys live in most separate lines but it's not long before plans are made for a nice culture marriage if you're religious then you go through a shadow which is a matchmaker I wish I can act on it twice but they have professional people not me who just thinks all they look good together so let's get them together and one two three they're married Hannah this is Hannah and Jeremy's engagement party and they only met last month the matchmaker introduced the two together and then the next four weeks ago and on Tuesday Michael topic research thank you installation of a few weeks joining the poster oh no ninja timers it's very nice when people actually only meet for an hour or three days before the game and okay fantastic the rituals of Jewish marriage start here with the breaking of a dinner plate symbolizing the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem two and a half thousand years ago Sarah's marriages do survive they don't get divorced they've done all the homework before that married [Music] mere Michael met at a party so that was no shotgun to start with so we were then going out for probably about seven eight months and let me give you a move on your net now we actually did hold hand but we definitely didn't sleep together we definitely didn't do anything like that now please got babies or laughter laughter baby Joel isn't religious but he still respect some Jewish traditions his eldest daughter Mia has just turned 12 and she's getting ready for a very special party it happens what once in the last time a daughter is 12 so in the Jewish religion a girl of 12 get bat mitzvahs we're not very religious but it's a little bit of religious knowledge that we need to learn give them a backbone has to be done a bat miss but is a woman going into adult womanhood really and becoming independent and maybe should be able to tell you a lot more about I didn't actually have one has to feel about making a speech yeah she took classes every Sunday morning to learn how to be a good Jewish woman [Music] I enjoy organizing parties and I'm quite a showman really and I thought let's do something different I thought right we're going to have a Bollywood it's a bollywood-themed Bat Mitzvah party complete with kosher catering Oh ENL we've not ordered food from the ocean food the problem is I do some kosher meals that we've got to tell them to deliver them a special khemsa meal and for very very religious people and it can't be touched so I've now got to ring them and tell them it will be here it needs to be here within half an hour and I've lost my speech good evening everyone and welcome to me as Bat Mitzvah you all unbelievable tonight thank you all for going to so much trouble I'm Anais you miss your celebrating my Bat Mitzvah bollywood-style that must be fair so these are usually my parents my mom is normal but my dad I've never seen [Laughter] [Music] my children are probably as religious as I am because that's the way they've been brought up and I would like my children to marry it within the religion as most people wouldn't let adjustments lead if you can because this is your house here tonight here's our here what is a bar meter bar is that when Atun is run for every job beaches the notorious for being very rude very risque so people know not so easily offended that they should leave huge people to class why not that's all about laughter they laugh you cry a young girl comes of age when she's 12 but it won't be until the week before her wedding when she's introduced to the Jewish woman's best-kept secret it's the mitzvot and most women that should if not all women should come here once every month from the day one of your period you can't sleep together you have separate beds and if they like that till you come to the mixer I should be undressed with Abascal on me I would then walk down the step completely into the water and remove myself three times it's like you fall like a baby with nothing on at all and then you're excited to be with your husband then that night because we've not been with him for two weeks at least well it's it's like a renewed you doing the Ameri with every important yes that's what happened Jewish people seem to have quite a lot of sex because they don't religious Jewish people don't have television when I was growing up there was the funny old story about having sex through a sheet do you have a sheet with a hole in it no and I expected to see sheets hanging on washing lands with holes cut in them in Jewish life one of the most joyous occasions is a wedding today Sarah will marry doctors in a strictly kosher ceremony my phone stores for Sarah getting married today and we're all getting ready to go to the wedding we're all getting dressed up I was going to be fab fab weapons it's the custom for a Jewish bride and groom not to see each other for a week before the wedding copper this is a cotton and Calipari Bradley Micanopy in about an hour from now meanwhile you'll see the groom is given moral support from friends and family as the seconds tick away the ceremony starts with the signing of the Jewish marriage contract and the Aussie signals with his hanky but he's happy to go ahead this wedding is a meeting of two great Jewish cultures Yossi is an Ashkenazi Jew from Eastern Europe while Sarah is a Sephardic two of Middle Eastern origin mr. surprised me down I'm very proud to be here today josh is the Mexica wedding sniffing in love and he proposed I accepted only thing I expect from him is to change from manchester united to be our city fund the apostles going to come out and put the veil or over huh [Music] this tradition recalls the biblical story of Jacob who married the wrong woman who hid her face behind the veil the right one [Applause] a traditional Jewish wedding is the pinnacle of family life even the most non religious Jews want their children to remain in the face and not marry out this is the foundation of the continuity of Jewish life Genaro masalas English UML Dushevina a hundred million dollar mansion Olympic on Manchester every bo7 will be Abraham young in Orthodox weddings men and women guests will stay apart for the whole day how I look at let us leave at the buzzer could a samosa be strong once the glass is mash spent its Allah and yahushua how cute is that just like at the engagement party the Smashing of the glass is a reminder of the destruction of the temple and the spiritual destiny of the Jewish people now that Sarah and Yossi are married this is the first time they can touch each other it doesn't matter whether it's an engagement and anything a boy can't touch a girl and till after the wedding mr. and mrs. Schwartz Jewish people make a big to howl about my things and you don't actually need a big kerfuffle that they make but they do the traditional curtain separating men from women does little to dampen enthusiasm of the party guys [Music] I've been to weddings but it even had a separate entrance so at the car park have specified two masks are useful in one entrance and Agron in another and not literally not seen them has been a brick wall up in the middle of the room and I want man but the men's dancing is far better than the women dancing anyway the second Haggadah Vicki Bozeman and her little brothers in car my weddings 25 years go make you seem a silver wedding about three children since then and I've had my own daughters my father and mother were mowed 61 years if I'm around about 10 years happiness [Music] in the old days they lasted and lasted they just didn't get divorce you're asking to go math I'm leaving me for him could you dance in the night away I've got two gorgeous boys hopefully both of them will marry nice from Jewish girl she's got to be very special to my boy not letting anyone have my boys their best job it's Friday night and Jack arrives at his daughter Debbie's home for dinner it's a very special occasion all the families have gathered for his 1300 grandson Benny's Bar Mitzvah his Jewish coming-of-age Noah marries a miracle boy Friday night meal is special in Poland in total the population was poor they saved all week for the Friday night meal a little bit of chicken goes in this after two stable I guess have I get set for what's him done so busy done even it is I came to England 1945 at the 1966 I need up was a room when I seen their first time I knew this is my wife jaqen Rona now have two children and three grandchildren Jack couldn't have a permit for thirteen because he was living under Nazi occupation in Poland now seventy year on his only grandson is about to do what Jack was forbidden to do he said I want a nice Thomasville for Jack to be proud of me in this synagogue which I was then high by and he did the perfect he's unintelligible all right Catherine Vera she doesn't love me he's better-looking to me but that doesn't matter but if there wasn't the ground that there wouldn't be Benny some embassies oh I've been there about Hitler should have been here it seemed Oh suddenly I meant it in a form of revenge T understand the gun father he wanted to kill he almost achieved it almost terrific then in the midst I wouldn't be complete without a no expense fair party to celebrate the occasion in style then they wanted to reunite with so the family calliphoridae he got it yes and segments why not Venice vomits was fantastic and it was fabulous seeing Jack then you can see tear in his eye he sat there watching is grandson I mean what really was going through his mind [Music] [Applause] my feeling about his grandchildren I cannot describe it I had the little belly I had a brother who was married at the age of nine caste and I say to Benny Benny you know you might collapse it I mean is he still replacement for my glass jack story is a living reminder of the deliverance that has been a part of Jewish culture for thousands of years [Music] the annual festival of Purim also celebrates delivering the story of Queen Esther saving exiled Jews in Persia from extermination in biblical time it's one of the most joyous festivals in the Jewish calendar it's the custom to drown out the name of Haman the villain whenever it's read out in the Sabbath this is what you do all day you get the Christina to get you please activate I thank you [Music] thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds arrays today for all need you different things [Music] poor it is a fantastic festival you know you live in a community you breathe in the community you eat with the community and they're not bothered if you're religious or you're not religious you see people getting drunk which is it the only time that we actually are commanded to get drunk in law the community have come together as one family to celebrate deliverance the forum Spirit is at its most energetic here in the very heart of the ultra-orthodox community and normally reserved people revel in the joy of Judaism [Applause] altogether the Manchester Jewish community has thrived for over 200 years it embraces all levels of religious observance now with a rising birthrate in the ultra-orthodox community there is a correspondingly accession of Jewish identity the modern generation has seen that they want I've either authentic Judaism or the other one out [Music] everybody's going bit more religious because of the schooling and the children and the children a teaching the mothers and fathers what to do people say oh this we all live in ghettos will they ensure that we all don't like any intrusion from the outside world but the outside world hasn't been very kind to us over the years Manchester the city yet knit the last 16 years I've seen two wet have been held in the last 60 years and paradise [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,265,176
Rating: 4.2717876 out of 5
Keywords: jewish, Amazing Documentaries, Amazing Stories, BBC 3, Full Documentary, jews, religion, TV Shows - Topic, Full length Documentaries, BBC Three, jewish culture, Documentaries, Extraordinary people, Documentary, Real Stories, 2017 documentary, Channel 4 documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, BBC documentary, manchester, jewish documentary, orthodox jews, hasidic jews, judaism documentary, jewish people, jewish traditions, jewish life, jewish community, love relationships
Id: Uvkz6UEmi4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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