Strictly Soulmates: Christians (Dating Documentary) | Real Stories

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finding love is harder the best of times I would love to settle down and find someone but I'm not one of those people that needs to have a boyfriend no but when you're young single and religious it's a whole other ballgame in the Quran it actually specifically states that men and women aren't even to be in the same room if you can meet your ideal Jewish person what would it be full head of hair it's definitely pressure to get married especially when you're the last one to be married and going to your last best friend's wedding tonight we're following three-d-- christians on their journey to find love it's just kind of saying okay God like to meet somebody I'm gonna do my part God has the ability to put this man down this guy but we'll find out what happens when you're looking for a wife my mom's like son hurry up I want some grandchildren you know but dating doesn't come easy I'm a little bit apprehensive a little bit anxious it's been a long time that since I've been on a date and when you've been devastated by love once before break my heart it really did can you ever pick up the pieces and find happiness again this potentially could be a person I've been waiting for and I've never felt like this about somebody [Music] it still kind of feels like okay am I gonna wake up in a minute twenty seven-year-old Katie is a born-again Christian youth pastor from Manchester she's been single since her engagement broke off five years ago lately she's been hoping God will find her someone else I used to like no I'm just going to wait I will wait until God finds me the right person you know kind of say boom here's a guy I believe that God is perfect matchmaker whether to be proactive about it or whether to just wait and see what God does is the difficulty Katie's ex-fiance used to go to her church and she'd been hoping that's where she meets someone new the problem is nearly everyone there's a member of her family I've kind of realized well I've got to go out and work together with him and say okay God and where is this guy Katie and her fiance broke up just before the wedding it's taken her a long time to feel she's ready to meet someone else broke my heart it really did I mean I struggled with it for a long time afterwards we actually booked a reception and actually paid for a wedding dress you just prepare yourself for everything that involves and then for that to be suddenly gone that was quite hard to deal with really and yeah just real struggle at that time Katy's now trying to put the past behind her I know quite a few people who are single and really happy he was a Christian and just personally I want to be married I want to get married Katie may be ready to find love again but knowing where to find the Christian man of her dreams is not so easy I do need to kind of go out and find will not go out and find but go out and try and meet people I personally wouldn't go to a pub to meet a guy because well for one I don't want to meet a guy that drinks so the types of places that I'll probably go are more places that find godly Christian guys lots of young Christians meet their partners at church and today Katie's going to an evangelical church in nearby Sheffield with a massive congregation hopefully it's gonna have loads of young people be nice like ya meet quite a few for my own agency but when she does find her perfect match it won't just be the two of them in the relationship I think almost Ben should expect that Jesus would come first and that he would come second that might be quite hard to understand for people because generally we talk very much about falling in love and that person being on number one but actually if Jesus isn't number one then ultimately you're tryna puts somebody else in place where where he should be [Music] Pope City has a congregation of 2,000 and luckily for Katie six hundred of them are under 30 [Music] [Applause] now you've got a good sized Church here as well that you know people are gonna be coming in and you're gonna get opportunities to meet somebody and so because I only have a small tip I'm kind of like I need to spread my wings of believers this is in Matthew 7 ask and it will be given to you seek and you will write now you'd be very happy because there are high money for you girls to choose from us girls limited you have a few guys we're doing and yeah most of them are will be married for a 5 to 6 years but they all got married 21 right here yeah that's the problem in in churches it's like as soon as you hit an age it's like you need to get married there is more your life with so few single men at the church Katie's trip to Sheffield hasn't been as successful as she hoped God has not forgotten about you yes I see new dreams in your heart and you can I really do that [Music] 27 year-old Richard from London became a Christian when he was 14 our standard point today as a born-again Christian as a man that has a love and passion for God as a born-again Christian Richard believes God speaks to him directly and he sees it as his mission to spread the word of God I'd like to encourage you to get serious for God this is serious about you when he's not flying around the world spreading the gospel he's producing directing and presenting his very own Christian TV show what would you say to young men out there that I just try not find the perfect partner their life God is interested in putting people together creating power couple speaking of that although Richard would like to meet someone he's been single for the last two years I think Richard doesn't have a lady at the moment because he'd work crazy hours approaching a lady in 2000 have for a day that doesn't come very natural to me if I were honest with you I actually get very shy I'll see what you in from a really caring person really soft person someone with a really good heart the next relationship that I end up being with I would certainly hope that it's right you know I really wanted to be the right person for my life today after church Richards catching up with this family we all have different characters and he's very very caring yeah you know he's a gentleman and I see Richard we desire blonde hair you know we should love this fashion you know first that's me [Music] [Laughter] Richards only had one serious relationship in his whole life but Richards mum is keen to see him married as soon as possible I'm sure good you bring her because I have been praying about that if Richards going to keep his mum happy and find himself a wife he needs to get out and about more so tonight he's come to a Christian club night organized by his church he's brought his good friend Ana along [Music] it's gonna get serious trouble you know er it's great having people are entering my life because like Anna was saying to me today that I should spend more time hanging out getting out your face you're kind of stepping out your comfort zone [Music] but it soon becomes clear the Christian club night is not quite what they imagined and after less than half an hour he bails there's nobody environment I guess that I would find because I would not expect my life planner to dance around with other guys or her lady friends in a very sexual way because also that will not do that the inappropriate way dancing would be continuous gyrating moves in a you know go on a guy facing bum chest o if you've got it for long turns it's not cool to drink alcohol but then that's not even really a Christian thing I just don't think alcohol is cool in your relationship we should try not to kiss passionately because it just naturally leads on to other things if you're a good kisser so if you want to come round this way Katie has made a vow not to have sex until she's married okay if we can bring this bring it down the level girls as a youth pastor she and her best friend Sarah teach workshops on the Christian views on sex think well sex bad that is totally wrong sex is a good thing sex was creating my god to be enjoyed but that's within marriage which it's meant for commitment it's meant for life sex in marriage is supposed to be like amazing I don't know cuz I'm single black yeah and I'm looking forward to that when I'm married I can say to my husband I have waited for you hopefully Katie won't have to wait too long she's been looking online for a while and not had much luck so she signed up for a Christian speed-dating event in London where single Christian men should be guaranteed this is kind of something completely different that I would never normally do really but on the flip side it's like really exciting quite looking forward so really at a speed-dating event it's all about first impressions and Katie's got to decide what's going to look good and godly I wouldn't want to wear probably anything that's too sure or too low wouldn't want to give the guy the wrong impression so I don't want him to think I'm a bit easy or anything like that you love God so I feel that the way I dress is a way to show him that I love him not the outfit sorted but Katie's got no idea what to expect tonight I'm just hoping that conversation is easy I'm not why pulling teeth that would be quite hard does this scare [Music] there are nearly half a million single evangelical Christians in the UK sadly only 10 available men have just like on the edge of country size [Laughter] Daniel [Music] I dunno ideally I'd probably do the same job I'm doing actually she's met a lot of men but did any of them take her boxes I'm thinking I've met a lot of people that would make nice friends I don't feel like I've met anybody that I would really consider is a boy I'd like to find out more about that firstly really which is a same mathematical city maybe I'm a bit fuzzy you've got to be attracted to him I'm Winton I'm Liam for the wish yeah physical attractions obviously they're important but it's the first sign is not the first sign that it's the right person for you she she found me irresistible and I thought she was okay I'm not materialistic why he could drive a car I'd be good because it's just practical you know I have such word opinions on what attracts me and it's gonna sound so cheesy but it's usually someone's heart the rain is a 27 year old advertising exec who belongs to a Seventh day Adventist Church in Ilford Essex she's been single for three years my church is mostly older folks yeah not many going with eight women to every man in her church the rains finding it hard to find any man let alone the one there's a lack of good night and there's your home and Adam was just given Eve just like that she was there God has the ability to plot this man down from the sky but he might be really up he has to be a man of God and easy on the eye but apart from that Lorraine's not too fussy there is a thickness but not a lengthy expensive water you know tall dark and handsome given the lack of suitable man in her church Lorraine needs to look further afield so tonight she's going on a blind date with Richard [Music] freeze like a fire Messiah pretty cool [Music] I'm a little bit apprehensive a little bit anxious it's been a long time since I've been on a day I can't remember how long it's been but it's been like years like a long long time Richard's not sure what to wear [Laughter] [Music] I do very nice-nice and cash was in cash yep definitely smarten it up with it with one of the jacket leather jackets yeah yeah really good are you feeling this coffee thing does it make more sense doesn't it I'm warming to it [Music] so Richards got his scarfy thing and the rains almost set to go as well so stress off we're stressed out now are you gonna let him talk we're gonna I always let people talk I don't like going on first dates at all I hate them my last first date an interview felt like I was being interviewed for like wife your ovaries working [Music] [Music] you'll be great to see how is Jenny okay I literally work ahead nobody yeah so like you know what about humans I'm a TV presenter okay the MTV chat shows and stuff in every like um a lot of like kind of celebrities from musician singer-songwriter star as an entree Richard serves up his CV funny story right so I guess for me I was extremely ambitious in life at a very young age okay I just had this a passion to become a TV presenter right yeah I just believe that under here on this earth for a purpose to make a difference and I just want to brandy show go to reach education okay and so are you because I'm are you bit of a shopping yourself I shop way too much so I kind of go a man it's where you know I absolutely love shopping broke she likes shopping but does she have anything else Richards looking for so I had to ask you the question can you cook only pick up myself see much but I did I do bird I'm gonna sound like horse I can cook there might be basket wow I lied okay seanica I'm I'm okay okay a lot of people think I can't cook like I spend i poisoned anyone no but my mom isn't favorable of my mother's name as my family never was my friends no I'm okay I'm okay good egg and I can make toast that's what we're gonna dye it to be that's one of the lady Matt I can cook yeah you need your mom's personality than the stage maybe yes basically I'm sticking to it I would love to settle down and find someone but I'm not one of those people that needs to have a boyfriend right 21st century in the kitchen I will do all that wifey spell but I have been told that I come across like I don't need a man therefore that's why I feel like you're practically done does their night draws to an end is there any real spark between them one most best dates we chat loads and doesn't feel a call what time is it now could I see something happening beyond the date this evening I thought that she was absolutely lovely you know Jimmy thinks I'm a nice person I think he's missing person to terms of romance I'm not sure okay I don't feel a syslog necessarily I spend a lot of time a good as evening and with a lot of time you know having more together and with a lot of banda together but in my heart any myself she's just she's just not what I'm looking for she's just not that person and that's okay my foot is for you [Music] I'm gonna stab a car which I won't be discouraged for the last three months Katie's been juggling life as a youth worker and Christian dance teacher with her search to find love again when I done it's not just like oh I'm Duncan but actually it's a form of worship as well [Music] recently she's booked a week off work so she can spend more time looking for someone and she's heading to the Christian creation festival in Cornwall [Music] with 20,000 Christians all in one place she should have a better chance of finding someone [Music] part-time strategies with me some more time but listen God's got a plan you put your hope in Jesus that could be the firm and secure [Music] just when everybody's worshiping it's just amazing feeling to be honest because you know you're all for God all completely going for it [Music] as well as energetic worship Katy's had time to think about the kind of man she'd like to meet one of the dreams she's always had is that he'd loved kids and would come from America I just found out 70 American volunteers quite exciting that's if I get temps to chapter them though because they'll be busy won't they if they're volunteers really all right later that day Katie's having lunch in one of the tents and who should happen to be there but the American volunteers one in particular catches her eye Jake why do I live in Manchester it's quite nice though it's just yeah England though isn't it it's not as exciting as hot weather in California and had a really good conversation with a guy named Jake and who's also a youth pastor and really into kids work and stuff like that so that's pretty exciting because and well we've got similar interests and things and so yeah I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and can't wait it's gonna be great Richard's given himself a year to find a partner and if he's going to walk down the aisle soon he needs to get a move on today he's come to the Dominion theater in central London but not to see a West End show this afternoon the venue is hosting the biggest evangelical church in the UK one of the things I like about it shows the fact that it's a very young shirt very trendy a lot of girls ran here amen to that thank you very much okay [Music] each Sunday 6000 young Christians come to hell song church at the Dominion theater and lots of them are hoping they might meet the one [Applause] [Music] afternoon somebody introduce yourself to them just moments into the service and Richard struck lucky he sat next to a girl who is just his type before long Richard unleashes his best opening line [Music] on the end of the service he's got her number wind up exchanging numbers which is really cool I've been X where that happen at all so yeah I kind of see what happens 24 hours after Richard met the girl in church he takes the plunge and texture would be great to see you again it would be lovely to see you again - great to see you again he's keen to get a date with her and he doesn't want to mess it up this is kind of like out of my realm this is not something that I'm the use of doing on a regular basis great to see you again it would be no I want to be change that it'll be lovely to see my not to think about her too much because I just I just wanted to take a D seriously because I guess it's been a long time since I've been in a situation and deep down I guess I don't really want to get hurt will be lovely to see you again by the way this is my number looking forward to hearing from you soon Richard K's over a little smiley face this gun is sent anywhere days I feel a bit nervous I don't know if she's gonna takes me back now he's got to wait [Music] 24 hours later hey Richard exclamation mark thanks for your message yes good to meet you how was your day now we're talking now we kind of we kind of get in somewhere [Music] [Music] at the christian creation festival Katie's got one thing on her mind stepping things up with Jake [Music] normally I would not make the first move I wouldn't even think of going at home to a guy and trying to and wait for him to come on chance me I decided that this week okay out I'd put myself out there event [Music] [Applause] you're like oh no I can't done though but you can actually though I was quite impressive Jake ticks so many of her boxes even the dancing one but the evening is drawing to a close and despite everything going on around them they just don't notice [Music] really [Music] oh you have an amazing [Music] oh yeah it's been good to meet you as well the last thing I would have expected to meet would be an American Californian Christian because that's just amazing really those rates meet you after five days at the festival katy has to leave Jake is only in the UK for another seven days and she has no idea of how he really feels about her [Music] I think she's beautiful beautiful inside out everything about her was just awesome and I guess it really blessed me a lot to see that she was she's the real deal so she's yeah just beautiful in every way so [Music] back home in Manchester Katie goes straight over to her best friend Sarah's [Laughter] yeah Sarah got married two years ago when she was 23 and she's now expecting her first child okay so Miriam came to move here and then getting to be your partner for kids you don't even know if he even likes me at this place well I don't know even the only reason he would not like you he's a complete [ __ ] no no he's actually a really nice guy Jake is the first person Katie has had strong feelings for since breaking up with her fiance now she's got a big decision to make should she ask Jake for a date or should she wait for him to ask her situation medicine yeah by the end of the day like you'd rather a little bit of embarrassment and him to rather say that he doesn't like you than to always think well what what if yeah that's like I never made the effort and I never like I'll never know no yeah if he doesn't like me then it's definitely not God so that's that's kind of the easy way how in one's voice yes I haven't got an American guy I like an American guy this is very different I think we should be a kid we shouldn't be passive I think that is important why not that's something God put your heart to find a wife you should be looking but at the same time not rushing I don't really want to be chasing anyone because it seems a little bit this but you can't just hide yourself under a rock and say okay God find me someone hi is he gonna you know let you know that perhaps that's the right one if your head stuck in the Bible not that you shouldn't read the Bible at the same time [Music] over the last few weeks Richard's been texting the girl from church problem is he's struggling to pin her down for a date I think I need to be a little bit more Hilaire I want to meet up with you text messaging is great it's been fantastic for now but hey are you available Kim will hook up can we eventually get like a day out of this after six weeks and 42 texts richard has almost got a date hey it's been a while you know it's been such a long time I feel like I've got like cobwebs all over me you know I've not had a relationship in a long time it's gone done and dusted in Manchester Katy's given God a nudge and she's been in touch with Jake I'm just about to look on Facebook to see if Jake has got back to me I know that you've been online which is even worse because then you know that somebody's been online and you know that they've had the opportunity to get back to you but if they haven't then that's kind of like all right that's embarrassing yeah but will he want to go on a date with her before he flies back to the States oh he has got back to me the question is what has he got that to be saying [Music] oh that's brilliant yeah right okay so it that is I'm much really really relieved because like oh no oh he doesn't want to hang out that's gonna be so incredibly embarrassing and get to know each other a bit better I think that'd be really nice so yeah I'm looking forward to it I was just wondering if we stood on for today and well you might like us to meet look for the seniors who can hopefully take care and God bless britches ready to meet the girl from church he's meant to see her at 5:00 but she still hasn't confirmed where if she doesn't turn out today then I think you're gonna have to just forget her Richards work mate Zoey's around for a bit of support while he waits it's a really strange love first time in my life being in a situation where I'm not in control life is so weird it's good that you can't just make a white happen [Music] over the in clays three minutes to go she still is not good [Music] once he hit six o'clock that's definitely done a duster yeah where would I know what [Music] I've never done something I've never ever never ever done before yeah [Music] Richard tries to put on a brave face this may seem like a negative but brilliant truly this is an amazing positive because it only says that actually she wasn't right for me but there's someone out there that's right for me and that can only be you know amazing to embrace one day [Music] [Music] right what kind of looks you want to date I don't know just on a normal lot yeah like a digital yeah like me but like have made an effort as me so I don't know what like somebody else but yeah it's the night before her date with Jake and Katie's drafted in best friend Sarah to help her choose what to wear you've gone down the dress size yeah living jeans my spoon no that's too baggy to go with that top okay I think it's amazing that I've met him in the first place really I'm just looking forward really to seeing him tomorrow and I'm hopefully they'll still be something in there I'm really I'm really excited [Music] I'm just kind of thinking just keep it normal and don't be weird Katie's meeting Jake in New York and as her car's broken down she's having to take her sister and niece along to it's Katie's first date in five years and the first in a long time for Jake to I don't normally go on just dates I'm really really cautious usually about a lot of stuff and so this is kind of different for me but I'm excited Elka's Casey seems rad so yeah we'll see what happens know what I'm just gonna say is hey Katie what's up it sounds like that you get to I've been working on it for a while now this is Jake and Kiki hanging out with Rachel and Chloe May Katie and Jake head off to spend some time alone [Music] what's the hot that's my Bible how is it yeah kind of weird it's not weird it's alright my first how does look at your Bible that's how you took records the big thing weed beside her girl of it is that an American well no actually I think it's a Christian thing as well it is a big Christian thing yeah there's this book it's like the conservative Christian like isms or something like that that they like the same book and it's talking about the side hug and how it's just like cuz you know the full frontal hug is a little inappropriate for some people you're like good to know yeah it was good thank you oh why over there's two want to pray did you say you want to pray yeah do you want tea yeah you can all right cool the only father thank you for this day I just thinking for Katy and that we get to be here together and thinking that since they last met Jake has had a revelation about Katy payment on church on Sunday in the middle of the message God put this burning thing on my heart it wasn't like an audible voice it wasn't anything it was just in the middle of message it was almost like a zoned out and then and then he put this like just love for her in my heart all right now all right I definitely didn't expect that and especially since I've only known her for like five days it's like you know this potentially could be the the person I've been waiting for and God works in mysterious ways sometimes in it be pretty mysterious cuz I wasn't looking for it for me to find somebody here cuz yeah back in California there's lots of girls but I've never felt like this about somebody so we'll see in other word I don't use in America proper like that means like serious like well but despite having such strong feelings he plays it cool like legit yeah like a logic yeah well anyways there's me a whole lot of things I wouldn't say Abba legit I guess all those things like I hope she likes me and I can't sometimes I can't tell so I'm like I'm just gonna keep praying about it but I definitely feel like gods open the door and it's a door that I definitely want to walk through do we ask for the show is this a check right here I got it do it okay sure yeah I saved up for this trip all year by the end of the date they still haven't talked about their true feelings okay it kind of feels to me like God's doing something and that this is kind of a plan of God kind of thing unraveling so it's really exciting [Music] so we'll be on Facebook hey I'm gonna try to get on John's computer yours alright okay alright alright yeah [Music] he goes home next Monday so he's not got very long life than the UK but he did tell Katie to come to Edinburgh if she pan which means he wants to see more of her before he goes Edinburgh will be the last chance for them to tell each other how they feel before Jake goes home that night Katie catches up with her mum and pasta dad yeah yeah so there's one thing that Katie hasn't found out about Jake though does he drink yeah don't ask him I didn't feel like it was appropriate there wasn't really in a time to ask and I hadn't really put that at the front of my mind to be honest so the important thing is that you believe it's gone yeah and if it is God then all these other things will fall into place when questions often talk about it's according that that's kind of it it's a way of explaining the unexplainable I guess when it's easy when it comes together easily and when it works easily then I think it's a good thing I think you just know that okay this is exactly what God wants for me to to to do see that that was that was pretty much how he we were sure that Mary it was right for her I'm questioning it now they wouldn't know I've completely two keys not really a question about it she's just saying that I used to ask for science like you know God made that cloud look like you isn't me and I don't think God works like that in my life remember a story about Cliff Richard you know who's the ultimate Christian bachelor and he told the story of so many women have come up to throughout beers and said you know what I've had a message and God has told me that we're supposed to be together and Clifton around said great I'll just wait until he tells me born-again Christian Richard still hasn't found his perfect partner after four months of hunting high and low tonight he's trying another blind date and this time he's going all guns blazing Richard's date is 23 year old Laura a born-again Christian from Bath normally and one of these people that's very last minute with my outfits but this time around I did have a good think about it I spent probably a few hours having thinking about it lying awake at night thinking about what I should wear she works for the church and like Richard for a Christian media company I suppose the best thing that could happen would be that we would get on really well and perhaps then we could I'm going another date another point maybe yeah maybe it could be a relationship I don't know Laura's only been single for the last three months just off from the Train I'm liking the sparkly shirt I knew how bling you were I would have been like hacking myself yeah oh no you said like gangster language I said bro you know these young bees in there they say the word sick they said to me like it was really really good so the food was nice tonight but I was sick [Music] that's totally not get to this was like a thirteen year old like schoolgirls Eunice's yeah subscribe pony awesome he's like constant all the time so I'm just really lame yeah that's such a Christian word as well that's so awesome I would describe Richard as just fun like really lovely and just a really really good guy I can clean very well as well I love a sense of humor you know the highest bastards Haman are really silly but I love it and I say to me that she doesn't take life too seriously which is fantastic what kind of thing is we one big question today [Laughter] okay like every partner I don't really go for a tight in the past I've liked dating people the questions are people who are questions and I've found for experience like things sometimes a question is a lot easier yeah so what are you often like when Christians think of dating they can get bit serious about it do you know I mean like the one light has to be the one that shits if I've got uses like you meeting I'm being in different relationships in like a really significant way to help you grow as a person I got quite deep Bend and we get degrees it's really just like fun and easy to chat to so yeah he's probably better than I I thought he could be that fancy hair yeah i I I'm sure about those things I am really gonna say outright I fight about okay what I'm basically trying to say is that be really nice to go out on a second date I probably did better or do fancy that yeah other way I said it there it is I said it see awesome awesome this has been amazing it was only ten days ago that Katie met Jake and is only in the country for another two days so there's hardly any time to work out how they feel I just think because I mean just where I'm at is like I I guess I'm when I'm at the place of is that like I know don't start crying there because I'm weird go because like I'm horrible at talking no but but I just I guess where I'm at is just kind of like like after meeting you I really don't want anybody else you know like I just like to be around you and that's like seriously that's how it's been for me and so that's why I was like God I think there's something really cool will happening you know think there's something really real you know kind of like I just be happy being with you you know and like that's what I wanted to say let it kind of like my sister said it right she said oh it's like God's fund picked you cool so in the same page we can make it Facebook official yes but something's real ins on its home face looking good I was just quite taken aback by the whole thing but to be honest it still kind of feels like okay am I gonna wake up in a minute I'm happy just that we got the chance today to be able to talk so I feel really relieved that she felt the same way so it's good Jai Kisan a relationship request on Facebook so I'm going to confirm it you are now in a relationship would take Facebook official but a relationship for a Christian can come with its own rules all my relationships have been in i-i've actually held off and so I've actually never kissed any wedding before it was something that I just feel like I want to have that just for my wife and her only I'm hoping you know she's like she'll be my wife and so gonna wait until the day of the wedding to to kiss so that's that's kinda where it's at [Music] wishing you a birthday fit for princess it's been a couple of days since Richard and Laura went out on a date tomorrow's her birthday so Richards dropping her a line it's a gorgeous card but it might be a little bit too much coming from me yeah this because it was we only had our birthday together so here might be a little bit much for now Richard still dreams of getting married as soon as possible but I'll have to wait and see whether things develop between Laura and him happy birthday to one special lady of the for the senior gained some time from Richard cage and I put look if they're as well I don't know whether she's missus caves I think Tom hotel hotel I would never rush into a relationship I'll never go into a relationship haven't been on a first date it's just so not Richard K's you know for me a relationship is a very very important thing you know is she meeting someone that he potentially one day could spend a rest of your life with for me just reaffirms even more the importance of waiting because if you don't wait you can just end up embracing anyone for your life Katie's heading to the airport to see Jake one last time they've only known each other for two weeks and today he's flying back to California she's certain she's found the right man for her it's crazy really is crazy but then at the same point that's kind of I feel like that's how I know it's right because with all the guys I've always felt like I've had to kind of try and make myself feel something for them at least at the beginning anyway but like with Jake it's been really natural like it's completely different to anything that I've ever experienced but then he's completely different to anybody I've ever met [Music] at the moment I'm even like I don't really know like whether he wants to hold hands or anything I think it's a lot actually wait until the wedding day which is really really hard oh my goodness because I do like they plan to meet in California in a couple of months so when I come visit you we should go surfing and try it we should with Jake heading back to the States their relationship will have to be long-distance for now so I'll see you when I see you yeah Facebook Skype even if you dare over camera we can just tell okay cuz it's great to chat jakey's kind of like everything that I ever wanted in the guy and just to know that God knows me in duct detail and that he cares about me that much it was kind of mind-blowing really it's just a miracle you didn't believe in miracles then here's one now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 158,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating, religion, love, christianity, religious dating, celibacy, online dating, Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2018 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, Amazing Stories, Amazing Documentaries, Extraordinary people, 2019, 2019 documentaries, tlc, only human, wonder
Id: cD_ENoZ55YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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