Streamer Fishing High Water for Brown Trout! (Fly Fishing Tips)

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last week a friend and cooworker of mine asked me if I'd be interested in fishing for some wild brown trout the water levels were high but the weather was perfect it was relatively warm with temperatures in the 40s and a bit of an overcast of course I never turned down a fishing trip so I figured I'd use this opportunity to talk about how ice creamer fish in high water I hope you enjoy the video all right guys welcome back to another episode of Hardman fishing Adventures today I'm fishing a Roaring River as you guys can probably see right now now um and basically what I'm going to try to do is catch some brown trout and kind of tell you guys how to fish high water um the water's a little bit off color but it's not too bad so I have some decent confidence that'll be still be a to catch some fish and yeah I'm just going to show you guys how I do it or what my thought process is when I approach you know overly high water which is uh something that you run into a lot in the spring so yeah stay tuned and hopefully you learn something if not you'll at least watch me catch some good Browns oh first hit first hit first hit finally dude I'm beginning to wonder got him finally they big dirty water Brown woo that's a good one he popped off in the net too heck yes first fish of the day didn't take as long as I thought it was in this type of water but what a gorgeous fish all right guys so I caught the first fish of the day was sitting in this like soft pocket on the edge of this now in low water this is like pretty much not underwater or there's very little water here I mean I'm maybe Shin deep and this water is probably 2 or 3 ft above normal but in high water these Pockets that normally don't even have water all of a sudden become where the brown trout stage because obviously they're not going to be out in the middle of this current out here because it's too fast for them and brown chout are naturally pretty lazy and so as the water rises they kind of push towards the banks um usually push towards the banks into the softer water so that's a good little tip for fishing high water is essentially forget what you knew about the fishery and just fish what you see you know read the water and fish what you see rather than fishing where the fish are normally because the fish aren't going to be there in this type of water they're just not I gone biging biging biging it's not huge but it's a nice fish come on buddy stay hooked it's in this fast current yeah nice fish oh oh oh oh whoa whoa buddy how'd you get out of the net there oh got him beautiful brown trout oh my gosh once again sitting in these tiny little offshoot pockets they don't seem to want to sit in the main current which is not surprising given the weather but that's a beautiful fish man that's why I fish this particular River just for the colors of the fish alone is worth catching them all right guys so you might be wondering you know what streamers do I throw in high water um um I always throw black or some dark color general rule of thumb is Dark Day dark fly um and that can mean like brown or something like that but you want just something that is a little bit of a contrast to you know the water around it um it doesn't have to be Supernatural it just has to be a streamer that the fish can see the other thing that I tend to do when the water's high like this is I will uh I use uh streamers that push water so like something with like a a deer hair head or something that's going to push water um I know a lot of people like to throw like something that'll you know get near the bottom like they use like cone head streamers and stuff I don't like it as much I'm not saying it doesn't work because it does I've caught a lot of fish on that but that's not my go-to my go-to is to push water and let the fish know that the streamer's there rather than to get right down on the bottom um I think both techniques work this is just like what I'm most comfortable with come on now no no dude I ran out of freaking water and I didn't want to set into this tree to my left oh there's not a tree there it's a good Brown too that's so frustrating maybe he'll come back for it but I doubt it got him got me one boys not as big but come on get in that real quick for me thanks buddy that was cool so that one actually just let sink a little bit more um he destroyed it good high water brownie thanks for playing God right in front of that rock holy cow he ate so hard oh whoa oh he came off no that was crazy dude he hit so hard he about RI the rod out of my hand right in front of this rock too and I casted that a bunch too that wasn't like the first time I casted that so why he just all of a sudden hit on that cast world may never know oh my gosh I didn't even see the fish eat come on over here buddy I was going to pull up to recast and the fish I eat that's crazy it's like if I could find the right pocket I catch fish pretty relatively easily but there you go ladies and gentlemen another beautiful little brownie there that was cool that one I didn't even see eat thanks buddy that one I didn't see eat that one just um I was pulling up to recast and it ate I guess when I was on the swing kind of I just didn't see it wasn't paying that much attention I mean I'd rather be lucky than good as I've said 100 million zillion times I was just swinging it up here in front of this rock and he must have ate it he ate it right here cuz I went to recast and he was had the streamer in his mouth so that's cool I guess another lesson for Just Fishing you know high water like this is you really should fish somewhere that you know well both for safety reasons but also because like if you know the stream well uh you know like I know that like this area has a good amount of fish in it so and they're not going to be sitting out there so they're going to be sitting here um whereas like you know in high water a lot of stuff looks good that really isn't that good so essentially you can waste a lot of time if you've never been to the creek before and you're fishing it in high water whereas if you've been there a couple times then you can come and fish it in high water and predict exactly where those fish that you've been trying to catch for so long actually are sitting because there's only so many places that Trout's going to sit in high water so I don't know I like fishing high water for that reason all right guys so I want to go over my leader um I don't always throw this type of leader but I am for this scenario just because I want to be able to kind of roll my streamers over um because I'm casting a little bit further than usual so uh connected to my fly line is 20 lb floro just regular fly or regular fishing line then I've got it to um I think this is 16 lb floro um also regular fishing line and then on the bottom here I have 2X which is essentially 10B test to my fly which is just a right now it's just a black most typical black surfus peanut type fly of all time um I use floating line almost all the time when I'm streamer fishing unless I'm at like a really big river like for example I don't know the White River or something I will use sinking line but um for a lot of trout fishing I just use floating streamer line and uh this particular this particular line is a courland streamer line and the reason I use floating line is essentially because I can Mend My Line and make my streamer do more things like there's more variation to my retrieve if you think about it if you throw sinking line once your fly line hits the water your streamer is going down current whether you want to or not but with floating line you know if if my line once my line hits the water I can mend it upstream and get it to swing or mend it Downstream and get it to swing or change the direction completely like mid you know mid retrieve so I don't know I like that better I don't know if it makes a difference I think everybody has their own preference and I don't think anybody's wrong or right I just think it's whatever you have the most confidence in because if you have the most confidence in it then you're going to throw it um more consistently and you're probably going to end up catching fish as a result of that so anyways I'm going to shut up and keep fishing I'm going to try different SE of the river and see if I can't catch a few more fish for you guys God there we go I knew there had to be one with this rock there was it's not a very big fish but it is a fish I think it's what number five or six or something of the day Heck if I know I'm not really keeping track here we go whoa he's ready to go I'm just going to let him go see you buddy thanks for playing that was cool he came out of the rock literally right here I don't know if you can see but he came out of the Rock here that I'm standing on and eight I knew there had to be one sitting on that stinking Rock I mean could take a rocket scientist to figure that one out oh my God how did that not get hooked you've got to be joking that is so infuriating it's a good lesson though guys cuz this hole here is like there's normally not even water here once again I feel like I'm beating the dead horse but there's not really water here normally another thing worth mentioning when we're fishing when I'm fishing stuff like this is that um I care less about cover because from what I've seen when the water is this kind of off color this Clarity the brown chout just feels safe in general so you maybe want to be adjacent to cover like where fish can hide but they don't necessarily sit in the cover in this type of conditions so like the brown trap may not be in the Log Jam but he'll probably be like in the Run adjacent to the Log Jam or something like that go him got him got him got him that's a nice fish oh it's an orange one don't come on don't pop off for me come on buddy come on over here don't pop off you're an orange one yes sir that's a good Brown wo that's so sick man nice orange orange belly Brown trout heck yes I've missed a couple one broke me off this is a lesson in retiring so now I finally landed one when I make videos like this I struggle to articulate why I do what I do because a lot of the decisions are made in a split second or just off of gut instinct so for this video I did my best to explain how and why I make the decisions I do when fishing higher muddy water if you have any questions let me know in the comments below and I'll try to answer them but the general rule of thumb is to throw dark colored streamers that move water focus on areas with current brakes adjacent to cover even if that's a bank that isn't normally even underwater and fish water you already have knowledge of fishing in high water is when I've caught some of my biggest fish and is by far my favorite time to Target brown trout I hope you enjoyed the video and as always thanks for watching feels like a like fish no
Channel: Hardman Fishing Adventures
Views: 63,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, fly fishing
Id: apnyZqtqhm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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