THE BEST FLY FISHING / TROUT FISHING VIDEO!! (Best of Compilation - 2022)

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foreign [Music] over the past year Andrew and I have had some incredible moments and today's video is meant to capture a few of those moments and put them into one video from the mountains of North Georgia to the hollows of West Virginia and all of the way out to the Rocky Mountains this video has it all I just wanted to say thank you for all the support in 2022. my goal was to hit 50 000 subs and we're at 54 and a half and Counting and we also just recently passed the 10 million view Mark which is pretty insane let me know what your favorite moment of 2022 was down in the comments below oh also if you make it to the end of the video I'll show you a few never before seen Clips including one of the biggest fish I caught this year now before we get too far into this video I'd like to let you know that it's sponsored by Red's flies Reds flies is a georgia-based small business with a mission to sell flies for conservation the Flies are quality and I personally use them year round sponsorships like this one are what enable Andrew and I to make trips and make better videos for y'all to enjoy so please go show redsfly some support for showing support to us use code HFA for 15 off your next order and reds flies is also offering some holiday gift cards if you know some someone who may want some awesome flies during the holiday season now let's get into the action [Music] I just got one voice [Music] huh got one yep what is that oh it's a rainbow they're so fat that oh I lost mine he didn't even fight like a rainbow trout he just like stood there like an idiot got it oh it's the big one I'm just gonna I'm gonna play him yeah it was a huge fish dude it's huge yeah holy cow dude I set the hook and I felt the head shakes I'm gonna take I'm gonna take my dog it's a big one no I'm I'm being really careful with this fish yeah go ahead dump it out you got time I don't think this official Fitness net to be honest with you so I'm pretty sure I think he's a 20. I'm just I'm just gonna take my time I don't like when he head shakes though it really scares me because they're so big that they actually introduce Slack come towards me a little bit just so that we're like hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on wait I don't want to shoot down oh no I've seen just enough of it to know that it's huge dude spot the fact that he hasn't popped yet probably means he's gonna stay pinned as long as he doesn't break me I'm gonna kinda wait wait wait wait I almost I was almost about to go for it I'm trying to get close enough to you that I feel good he's going up I feel like I'm playing right across yeah just hold on he's not ready he's going up I'm waiting for the moment this logs Downstream yeah because that net I mean he's gonna be I don't think he's 24 but he's definitely 20 something and he's gonna be he's gonna be barely in that net worth I know dude let's go dude please just please let me land this fish I'll do anything if I can land his fish I'll be done for the freaking day dude that oh he's literally in front of me I don't want to get under massage I don't like when he does that wait wait don't don't know I don't like when he shakes his head crooked okay he's gonna be ready here soon [Music] yeah dude that's crazy look at his tail what the heck happened to his tail there that's pretty insane honestly I'm gonna hold this fish up though for you guys it's like a 20 21 inch rainbow it's the biggest rainbow I've got a long time dude dude let's go it's not that like it's it's so long it is so fat dude I know man look at him or her actually it's a she all right this fish probably not gonna be nice but look at that beautiful rainbow trout don't get much better than that everything there it is that's a nice brown trout real nice round trout holy cow look at him go that is a lot of power guys a lot of pressure on this fish he's so pretty thank you it's a real nice Brown I want to try to get them way over here in this Calm stuff can you come over here to this column Stone oh that's a 20. that's the 20. it's a 20 I've been looking for I did put on some 3x which don't do that dude I did put on some 3x I want to be a little bit more gentle with this fish if I can if I can get him across this current I think I'll be I'll be golden but getting them across the current is going to be something else like he has got this six white bent come on buddy yeah I'm trying guys I am trying I mean I can't put much more on this fish sometimes brown trout just dog and when they dog man good luck okay can you are you gonna come all the way across here for me yes keep coming on side pressure is key you keep coming if I can get him across me and on this other side of me I think I'll be in Golden honestly I should probably have the net out right now is that stuck on me this is what happens when you why is the net stuck oh no oh no that's on me I'll still probably gonna get him I'm not waiting right now so my waiters have my like net on them can I get you out of that current buddy you'll come over here no he said boy I don't want to go over there the way he's hooked it's just really hard for me to get enough pressure side pressure to get him across this current like he's just sitting there like a sail in the Wind this might be it right here come on over here buddy no no no no you don't have to do that you don't have to do that apparently he does have to do that ah [Applause] come on my right hand don't do that come back over here let me get you no no no no no no no no no come on come on yep I come across this currency okay I got him in the shallows now boys let's go let's go am I recording [Music] that's over 20 without a doubt it's over 20. it's not even close I didn't realize how big this fish was honestly what a beast man all right ladies and gentlemen this is uh this is just a beast of a brown quite honestly I didn't realize how big this fish was when I hooked it I thought it was like maybe 20. and he's definitely over 20. oh um I'll try to get them measured on my rod and then get a true measurement for you guys but I would guess 22-ish give or take an inch um just an absolute beast of the ground but I'm holding up real quick for you guys it's a big old male two he's not happy by the way so do not be smart you about disappeared boys what an absolute grounding what a Brown Look At That fella chill look at him chill that's a nice round trout guys as far as male Browns go it just doesn't get much better I can cast oh got him got him got him quick quick quick how do you get it oh no now it's down [Music] that's pretty loose dry I I saw him come out but I wasn't sure if it was my fly but I pulled back and it was I don't want to get in this I would stand out here in front of the log [Music] IC I'm trying to get a little better because I might be a little oh shoot I don't like what he's doing there we go oh I don't think you can get over there you might be able to get him I might be able to pull him up a little you know it's kind of like below I'm blowing right there right there yeah yeah that's what I'm gonna try to if you get like out in the middle just a little more okay I think I'm gonna just kind of pull them back slowly like right like oh try to get him around the face yeah I agree here we go well that was so good to be fair if we had it I'm a bigger net we we would have had it right there all right here we go nope I'm gonna let them out no hold up it's not I don't right there it is yes oh oh come on hold him down all right let's get over here yeah you got that it's probably 20. well it might be 21. [Music] [Applause] 20 and a half yeah 20 and a half inches that's out yep it's a big old rainbow though yeah it's a fat one fatty all right guys so I spotted this uh rainbow as I cast it in and I pulled out just a baby like four inch uh rainbow and this guy came out and chased the rainbow around after it so we just stayed here and we could see it like swimming in the hole so we just kept switching flash switching flies then finally it ate one of them so I mean this is just a giant rainbow 20 and a half inches on the tape public water Georgia that's where it's at I'm gonna try to hold it up moving it yeah that actually might be best [Music] [Applause] look at that rainbow oh yeah that's it [Music] foreign [Music] and as thin is almost sticking out of the water got a giant holy cow get me stuck holy crap he's bringing me up the creek got him holy crap a big trout guys oh my gosh I could not believe that he was sitting in nothing look at this and that's like a foot across not even a foot deep look at this guy that is a probably a good 15 inch or so I might even be 16 incher wow here we go look at that stunning brown trout this year I decided to make a few attempts at some conservation-minded videos or at least try to put a good message in most of the videos that I produced so this one will be no different this is a time lapse of a creek cleanup I did this year I can't stress how important it is to give back and leave the creeks and rivers better than when you found them also if you support companies like Red's flies that give back to conservation organizations it's a win-win now let's get back into the action I just hooked something really big guys and it took off on me so heavy the heck I can't move it it's sitting right there why can't I move this fish foreign I've never felt power like this what is going on why can't I see it foreign I thought I was stuck I don't know why I can't see it foreign the power on this fish is something I have never felt I almost wonder if it's not felt hooked it's just really big he's trying to get in that rock yeah it's just huge don't go over there either or down or up or around this is incredible the strength on this fish is unlike anything I have ever tried to fight going back up for current why is he fighting like this look at this thing go I think he's still going up here now that's where I'd rather him be less stuff for him to get into okay he's going even further still going going up the creek like this at all he's actually way bigger than I thought he was just explains why he's fighting so hard no no no no no don't you dare do something I'm broken Jesus dude oh we're back to this now dude I'm running out of energy on this thing don't come towards me dude let's relax for a second dude come on now he's almost ready come on dude huge he's huge I'm shaking right now that's a huge brown trout that might be 24 25 inches oh my gosh that was the hardest fight I've ever had in my life I'm shaking and I'm out of breath that's incredible all right guys so chill out girl chill out chill out girl relax I know I know I'm gonna release you here in a second so guys this is probably not probably well this is definitely my biggest Brown shot of the year because I haven't really tried to catch any here in a long time but I guess this fish is probably 24 25 inches I'll measure it on the rod and then flash up and actually tell you how big this fish is but she is huge and it is a she and honestly the fact that I cast it up in there and thought I was stuck on a rock I'm not even kidding I was actually walking up to get it stuck off like to get it off The Rock as I was walking up to get off The Rock she took off like I spooked her and she took off um it just shows like the power that these big fish have and I mean she barely fits in my net barely fits on my neck um so I mean as I said I haven't caught a big fish like this in a very very long time so I'ma hold this fish up and get it released and funny story has actually lost a really big fish yesterday that's probably about this size maybe a little smaller well I don't know it's hard to tell because I didn't land it after fighting it for two or three minutes so this feels like a good like Redemption art and um when you're handling these big fish please please please I know a lot of people try to catch big fish um it's imperative that if you're gonna chase these big fish that you have the correct equipment to be able to land them and then deal with them when you catch them so right now I have an oversized in that that for 95 percent of trout is pointless and useless but because I have this oversized net when I do hook a big fish like this I'm able to take care of the fish properly so uh yeah I'm gonna go ahead and show her off for us real quick she's probably gonna try to get away yep I know girl I know can you let me hold you up please you gotta talk to the fish be real nice to him this fish is so big it's gonna be really hard for me to hold her up seriously like she's so big that I can't grab her tail very well like it's very slippery also wet hands saves the fish so that'll be able to release this fish healthy and you'll see Hal healthy in a second when I hold her up and she doesn't want to sit still but that fish [Music] that is a giant roundabout foreign [Music] [Applause] thanks girl thanks yeah just in case they're actually different fish the whole time are you recording yeah it's so cool just see them because they just kind of material I think that's the funnest part is just how fast how fast they like come out of nowhere let me see if I can hit that foreign giant huge huge huge huge Andrew holy crap yeah I don't like that I don't like that he's Tangled on himself let's go dude dude I saw him slowly come out and eat that and I set the hook knowing how big that fish was let's go dude every 100 cut dude every undercut that's 24. it's just longer oh yeah that's a big one all right ladies and gentlemen it's got the biggest fish of the day 20 22.5 inches it's the rough measurement but it's in that range it's a really big brown Charlie biggest Brown shot I've caught since like probably before the spawn in the fall it's not the prettiest fish on Earth but um it's like the cut I literally I know I sound like a broken record but every single spot you're not robust and they're like dude there's gonna be one underneath [Music] oh yeah [Music] why is it so there you go look at that bad boy [Music] I mean they're all coming in here [Music] [Music] oh God oh God 7x with that size 22 now and the fish I've been looking for it's one of them what are the answer stays hooked zero It's gotta be zero he's going for a run of his lifetime recording I think so but I can't check um I think you're right too oh gosh why is he doing this yes I'm recording please dude you ready you may not be ready [Music] foreign [Music] maybe but I don't know why that one just feels more like a win to me because I was really trying to catch one of those and then I did it golly mad boys all right guys so this is the last fish of the day it took me a while but I really wanted to catch like a really colored up fish I probably caught one similar to this today but I'm just gonna hold this up for you guys he's playing 18 incher but I mean he's a purple he wants me to hold him up that is he's like a perfect fish so chill chill like that chill buddy yeah I'm just I'm just happy to catch a fish like that man so okay you want to get a release on [Music] oh my gosh it's huge it is huge dude that is a massive Brook Trail my gosh dude that thing's huge all right guys here's his rip trout chill buddy he's real real big I mean he's probably 13 or 14 I'd say look how big that thing is somebody that's not a massive brook trout look at the size of the tail whoa chill out brother besides that tail oh my gosh you're being annoying aren't you buddy I'm gonna try to get a measurement on here with my rod I'm going to measure them on my rod and then I'm gonna get probably another picture or two of them look at the thing and then move on foreign seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously this is like borderline the Brookside of a lifetime seriously oh my gosh oh my God please please please I'm shaking there's no way there's no way there's no way I just caught this fish guys we're kind of like Tom gun and done boys seriously look at that thing that that's bigger than the last one that I thought was 12 over 12 inches but he's like all the way colored up seriously seriously look at that fish guys that is the native rooftop of a lifetime I don't even care how long the fish is that's incredible all right guys this is my Brook shot of a lifetime he's completely colored up for spawn look at the Orange on the bottom of them and then I don't know if video will do justice for how big this fish is but seriously that's like a 14 inch brook trout probably colored up look even his tail could you chill out for a second buddy even his tail is red if he would let me hold it up look guys even his tail is this weird stop it even the fish's tail is this weird red Hue to it look at that is that not incredible oh we boys see if we can't get some shots of this fish for you guys I mean [Music] look at that fish boys is that not just the most incredible brook trout you've ever seen I was recording I turned off I was just jigging I saw a fish down there and I was just digging it in front of it and it ate and it's not even a brown trout it's a brook trout I think big brook trout oh my gosh it's a giant brook trout guys that is awesome another trout in here come on buddy oh my gosh look at the colors on oh my God look at that guys it's my biggest bird Trot ever and oh my gosh holy cow look at the colors that's my favorite catch of all time look at that oh my gosh all right guys just cut this giant bird shot definitely the biggest bird try I've ever caught it's probably I should get a tape on it but probably good 16 17 inch brick trowel I'm just gonna try and hold them up just very briefly and get it back oh my gosh look at that yeah unbelievable here are some of the best clips that never saw the light of day this first clip was a gorgeous pre-spawn Appalachian brown trout although this fish was nearly perfect I never had enough time to get out in the water to complete the video God Bless you that's a nice Brown holy cow oh my gosh he's colored up and everything dude this fish right here please stay hooked buddy Dude where's my net at you got got good didn't you buddy let's go boys look at that Brown Trail boss yes yes dude oh I miss this so much guys this brown trout is unbelievable pass it in the back end of this hole here stripped it I saw something following it he came out and just smashed the streamer we're back at it respawn Paul Brown Trout literally this is the second hole I fished and I come up and I got this nice round he's probably an 18 to 20 inch range beautiful colored up male appears it appears to be hopefully he'll play nice with me here for a second so I can hold them up for you guys and just show them all with these water temps dropping it's 50 degrees right now raining hurricane Ian is currently coming through and the Browns are responding to Hurricane e and that's for sure so as I said this isn't a mega giant brown but this is a hell of a way to start my little trip right here so I'm gonna get this fish released and then keep fishing and shut up this was a fish I named Lucky and well you'll see why there is a big brown trout right there might be him he's swinging at it but he's not I'm not he's not eating it there he is that's him okay this is gonna be fun boys I don't like that don't like that at all heavy side pressure heavy side pressure heavy side pressure because we don't want him over there heavy side pressure he's towards us we don't like that we're gonna keep his head down we're going to keep his head down you can't stand up here gonna get below them we're gonna try to turn his head I might go get him here if he doesn't pop off and there he is gone I'd love to pretend like God I don't understand why that's happening to me I don't think I've fought many fish and lost them so close to the net it was 100 an error on my part because I tried to forcefully land him when he quite honestly just wasn't ready but that wasn't the only time I saw that fish he sat in that run for a solid month before he eventually moved on and I never got to put him in the net this clip is arguably one of the funnier clips of the year my real broke at some point prior to this fishing trip and well big big big just watch and enjoy I do I do oh dude I saw him come out and grab it big and big oh my gosh so look at colors on him just hold on I'm gonna have to go down it's my drag's not gonna work wait there goes the reel no I'm not he's still on hold on hold on um you have 10 pound fluoro don't pick her like pick it up pick it up pick it up no no we're good we're good we're good now I don't know where my rail is just floating down the current it's stuck don't worry about it later hold on hold on hold on he's okay okay okay let's relax for a second oh no I'm tired I'm saying hoe like I'm tired no he shouldn't break I just don't I'm gonna stay in front of him here because I don't want him to go to that root ball again he's probably close to 20 if he's not he's just colorful so I'd like to hook up Kevin hold on I'll probably go for him here in a second if you're ready he's just dogging me like a big brown does come on dude don't go over here don't go over here I'm here okay you ready swing for it perfect let's go oh dude he's beautiful man he is beautiful that is the prettiest brown I've seen yep uh let me get my reel the colors on him that's why I was so worried about catching them man I thought for sure he was gone in that root ball over there when I was trying to pull him out that's why you use heavy tests yeah that's why that's why yep that's what happens when you use there's my reel guys my reel is a show I apologize there's that I'm lucky the whole thing didn't fall apart and I lost it forever but that's what I said just you're connected on the line yeah yeah I was good I just was hoping I'm trying to make sure my reel didn't get I was like kicking it away from the rock that logged I didn't want to lose it there and last but certainly not least I'll show you a short clip of the biggest fish of the year I landed this fish and before I could measure it take any photos or even realize what I had caught the fish broke the basket on my net and slipped back into the river it was 100 my fault because I knew the basket on my net was getting old and I mean you can see some of the holes in it when I land the fish but it still sucked I'm not sure how big this fish was but I can tell you he was at least an inch or two or three bigger than the 26 inch Brown I caught a week earlier I hope you guys enjoyed this compilation of the best moments of 2022 and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Hardman Fishing Adventures
Views: 279,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fly fishing, trout fishing, fishing
Id: gE-ZvweXlR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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