Stream Live With Quality Audio! | Steinberg

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[Music] hello it's mark for GA kae and today i'm here with tom from Steinberg and we are looking at two rather exciting little beasts while they tell me about them I'm are good to be here today we're talking about our interfaces are you our interfaces this is the you are 12 this is you know the smallest interface on the range we also have the you are 22 mark 2 it's a really really popular both of them really affordable really well built you know they can take a beating there yeah yeah really you really saw it like super saw it and the great thing is you know you have some really high quality preamps on both of them so this one has to you this one has one and they both have high set input so if you're a guitarist or if you play bass you know you can just hook it up right there and start recording mm-hmm so these are these are like there's a special kind of unique thing that you guys are offering with these yeah exactly they have quite a few actually there are a few quite a few of them I mean to begin with of course these this come with Cubase AI okay so you can have a DW to start producing music straightaway and of course if you want you can upgrade to you know artists or Cubase Pro and you know there are very good price if you want to go to that and of course you know this has media as well but these are really good tools for lots of people obviously for musicians you know if you want to record your band or create you know productions and stuff like this but they're also great if you want to stream online so for example if you want to go online on our Facebook Instagram YouTube this can allow you to do this with great sound quality compared to the you know stock microphone that comes on your iPhone or your iPad so the the fact that these work with both Mac PC and iOS devices you know there's no need for drivers you don't need to set up anything on iOS you just plug it in and they just work that means that you can basically use it as an order to face for your iPad your iPhone and you know stream record videos with good quality yeah because we all know that you know people love it super popular streaming at the moment and everyone's just use in their internal camera bikes and it just doesn't sound very good so this is a so we think this is a cheap it's an affordable way to get great audio streaming exactly in your iPhone so it's very affordable but the quality is really really good today and you know I mean like most youtubers you know say you know your video is as good as your audio is so if you go out on you know online and you stream something in your audio is mediocre band people are not gonna watch your video you know that's also great for musicians that wanna do like you know instructional videos are they gonna do educational videos because they can say okay here's my guitar I'll plug it in a star recording and I stream this live and I have good sound compared to you know can you imagine having an amp and trying to pick up the sound from your phone it's going to distort it's going to sound horrible with this one you can just plug in an SM seven go straight into to an amp great sound people enjoy it you know and of course they also have a loopback function which means that if you are a youtuber of you want to create educational videos and you want to stream or record you know a screen capture on your computer you can basically record both the inputs and the output of your computer for example you should do like a tutorial or I don't know a video app you can basically stream and record the output of your computer and the mics which is really and cool and that's it so this is the this is you are 22 and this is you are 12 well just a few differences between them just well there are a few differences first of all of the most noticeable is the preamps this has two Dupre premises are really high-quality zither the yamaha preamps that you find on client consoles on yamaha and of course obviously on this one you have media i/o which is great if you're using you know since I use this personally for some pedal effects for guitars because I want to sync them to my DW so the meeting is not it's relevant in quite a few cases so if you want MIDI that you're 20 - mark - is great for you this doesn't have MIDI but of course this is way more portable it's actually you know not that much smaller but you know you can see the difference but it's the same you know rugged quality has the same features and pretty much RCA that's the other difference but you have on this one this is great for DJ's as well you know because it has the RCA it has one mic input if you want to you know just plug in a microphone so it's a very streamlined kind of version this is a little bit more advanced and of course then we have the you r44 that has four mic inputs more outputs and you know the you are eight to four that has eight mic priests and it still has the same feature so you can basically livestream an entire band on Facebook or YouTube so that's it that's a very very cool one because I to my knowledge I don't know any other interface that can do eight preamps and lifestream you know and either purple as well right yeah absolutely I mean the great thing with these ones and this is another big thing is that you know there are them there might be solutions to stream online or you you might want to record on location but with these ones the cool thing is that you can basically choose if you're going to part the device by you know computer USB because there are bus powered this one's this to you or you can switch right here and go into DC mode which means that you can plug in a power bag like this one like a simple like you the way you charge your phone and these will work and they will also feed the phantom power you know with enough current to you know run two mics so you know it's a very portable solution you can have an iPad they come with Cubase Thank You bassist le so that means that you can hook it up straight to your iPad and record on location you know go somewhere maybe you have a gig and you want to livestream it you can just have a power bank this one and an iPad or an iPhone and you can stream it straight away or record it so you can live stream from anywhere in the world with great quality or exactly as long as you have internet connection so you're gonna show us how to make it work right yep that's all you need basically you're 22 more to us devise in this case I'm using an iPhone battery pack and a cable with the camera connector kit so that we can plug it into the iPhone okay that's it let's do it so basically the first thing I want to do is I'm going to use my power bank you know this is a normal power bank that you use for your phone and I'm going to plug it into the adapter right here like this and now I can turn it on now the thing is I need to make sure I turn it into this power source so five volts and the next step is to plug in a normal USB cable like that into my iPhone let's turn it on okay like this and as you can see the LED remains steady that means that now the year 22 more to do de interface for my iPhone but it's just like that you don't even need to go into the settings it works straightaway so now when I go on Facebook on Instagram and I start streaming live it's automatically that it's the the output of this one so basically whatever I have plugged in guitar microphone is so yeah the other cool thing that you know it's it's also very important is that sometimes you need to listen to music and you know you try and find adapters and these converters you know you know these are really really high-quality converters so now this one because it's this is the order interface for my iPhone whatever music I play on my iPhone it's going to be played through the nice converters of the U or 22 mark 2 so it's going to be coming out of the outputs so I can listen to you through my my monitors or my speaker's whatever so this is not only for input but also for output so whatever I play here goes straight from the outputs of your 22 mark to you so this is setup it's good to go and basically not only that but now if I want for example to turn on my camera and record a video that means that now the audio for the video is going to come from the you are 22 mark - okay so essentially you have studio quality audio for your videos on an iPhone or an iPad okay just like that using that one single cable and of course because it's use the power bank it's completely mobile so I can go anywhere record my performance stream its record just like record just the video it's as simple as that should we have a listen to some examples and yeah absolutely let's do it so now this is the video recording using the built-in mic so that's the sound quality you know that's how it sounds like friends there was a cordelia iPhone 10 and you know this is the sound quality from the built-in mic and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to grab my cable stop the recording and now we're listening to the audio from the you are 22 mark - that's connected on the iPhone this is the SM 7 and it goes straight into the preamp in the front which means I can change the gain level and of course you can use any microphone you want you might want to use a dynamic microphone you might want to use a condenser microphone because of course this has 48 volt phantom power and of course you might want to record scenes you might want to record a guitar amp all those things for example you might you know you have a museum and you want to show it off or you want to do a performance or you want to do an instructional video how do the oscillator sound all these things or you have a new pedal for a guitar you can do this with very very good sound quality studio great sound quality and it goes straight into your video so you don't have to do any syncing in post you know going to your video editors sync everything which sometimes can be very very hard this is all synced up so the video that we're going to get out of this right now is going to be with perfect audio with the choice of mic that we have and of course everything synced up we don't have to do anything in post we're just recording the sound of the guitar and the well unplugged bass for now using the built-in mics [Music] cool let's plug it in so now we're going to plug it in to the iPhone and we're going to turn on the battery pack lights on and now we should have yes now we can basically listen to the sm57 recording your guitar yeah this is connected on mic input 1 and then we have connected the bass yeah to the hiset input input number 2 so let's record a video now [Music] [Music] so now this is a completely mobile setup so again sm57 goes into Micra one base Heisey pritu and we're going to record everything on an iPad or in Cubase Ezeli without a computer and just with the battery pack yeah right yeah okay so I'm going to press record [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah three now we can play back and of course then we can add effects we can mix this we can add EQ compression reverbs all those things and this is of course the cue basically that comes with both the you are 22 mark 2 and the year 12 nice so completely mobile setup for live recording so I mean I think you know so anyone who wants to capture great audio be mobile it's you know stream live these things are banging on a like they're so good yeah and and and the thing that's super impressive to me is they're so affordable that's the thing it's affordable it's easy to set up so even if you're not very if you're not a techy person you know that you know knows about computers you just plug it into the iPad you don't even need to set up anything really I have exactly I'm not messing with drivers I'm not messing with set things I don't have to to go into the iPad settings it's just literally plug and play and can find my inputs on the Cubase ezeli app or of course if you want to go for the full-on version so Cubase is the full version way more options you can basically produce a full track on an iPad and of course you can have you know third-party plugins professional-grade plugins all in something as mobile as this so between this the interface and basically battery pack or you know it could be like a normal phone charger you know if you have mains you could be completely mobile stream record do you like rehearsals with your band or your bandmates and then listen to it yeah it's it's very easy that's that's the main thing yeah great if you want to find out any more information about this please visit the website and it will all be listed on there thanks for watching she is done for coming on in Thank You Alan hopefully to have you back soon don't forget to subscribe like if you've enjoyed this and we shall see you very soon okay
Channel: GAK
Views: 15,326
Rating: 4.9441862 out of 5
Keywords: steinberg, audio interface, audio, quality audio, capture audio, audio recorder, vlog, vlogger, streaming, stream audio, gig, band, live, gak, brighton, andertons, review, demo, preview, stenberg audi
Id: Te8djixisBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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