Strawberry Shortcake πŸ“ The Hot Sauce Cook-off! πŸ“ Berry in the Big City πŸ“ Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] keep them coming Apple good morning strawberry hi Apple well what do you have today that's fresh and exciting somebody thinks it's time to change the menu at the cafe time to fire up the flavor Notch up the nachos spice up the spice dial up the delish meaning she wants to fix something that isn't broken well as I always say it's good to find new ways of doing things shows you take pride in your work Barry can bloom has just delivered his crop of chilies a hybrid I call the hot and not crossed half a jalapeno with a sun sweet sugar plum and a hint of mint I've been growing them for years I sort of like them ah but I don't imagine anyone else will mmm they look beautiful and smell great as much as I don't like to agree with my sister she's right I use them to make my hot and not chili sauce oh what do you think [Music] that is the best chili sauce ever we have to have it at the cafe that's twice in one day I've agreed with her I'm starting to get worried it's wonderful berican Bloom what's your secret no secret really I follow three Simple Rules can't rush everything takes time never give up there's a solution for every problem and always add a little loving care any job worth doing is worth doing well I got a text message on my phone but it says it's for you Barry can bloom it's from don't tell me wait it's this time of year I know who it's from tell him I brush here left town out of the country not expected back for a year or ten wait he sent you a video who is Sky [Music] my cousin Bertram oh where are you cause I tried every number in very bitty city this time of year I buried my phone in the bottom of a flower pot it didn't bury your phone in the bottom of a flower pot again did you you know it's that time of year what's he talking about jelly slash contest at the big berry County Fair I hope you're not entering the contest you know I'll win the golden chili again I thought I'd give you a preview this year I've cooked my best batch yet using my most powerful Peppers lucky lucky ready for a taste test my little friend I'll just give him a troop overdrop to warm up the pallet you see don't try this at home eh he's a trained professional [Applause] let's see about that cause [Laughter] sometimes he makes me so angry I could just just oh do forgive me creating Galloping gooseberries I've never seen him so upset cousin Bertram's been getting the best of me since well as long as I can remember when I entered the first hot sauce contest well oh he's won the golden chili every year that is so so wrong right exactly well you don't need a gold medal to prove how good a chili sauce cook you are oh thank you my dear but it wouldn't hurt I mean fine sure a medal isn't everything but it's something and that's better than nothing and it'll be the perfect way to show up that killing of yours sour is right there's no reason you can't beat Bert ah yes but really I I couldn't it just isn't my My Style Style when I was faced with making eight dozen rhubarb Trifles in one night did I say it just isn't my style when my souffle deflated like a flat tire did I climb under the covers and pull the sheet over my head no I say enter that contest and beat him yeah why thank you but really yeah there's a what I do maybe Barry can bloom should do what's comfortable for him course he should and that means he's gotta win that contest here the name Barry can bloom will mean hot sauce yes why yes this year is my year [Music] and victory victory that's the spirit don't let anything hold you back Barry can bloom you're going to have the hottest chili sauce that ever was with this recipe apple and I've cooked up you'll slump Bae that bully birdie once and for all how are those new Chili Peppers coming along oh very narrowly there my dears I call this one the hopper button just a drop of boom's very best plant food careful now they're Barry oh [Music] oh yes that's what we want to see are we ready for a taste test absolutely volunteer volunteers just try a drop okay [Music] give it a moment the hop and pop and chili pepper has a delayed reaction all right [Music] we are gonna win it's for you it's him another video it's okay you got him beat he just doesn't know it yet greetings cause I thought you might like to see how things are going here behold my latest creation [Music] let's see you talk back there's hot and there's hot and that's hot you'll just have to make yours even hotter more Peppers Berry can bloom the hottest you have [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] oh yeah there's values with hot sauce it's rocket fuel there's no way I could compete with him how does he do it Bertram I don't know he wins he always wins there's no use going on wait wait here take a look at this what am I supposed to look at stop so relax his trick should have known that my dear is the hottest chili pepper in the very bitty world the big blue blazer wow do you have any can you grow one no unfortunately no it's a very rare species a giant chili that only grows under conditions which cannot be duplicated in a garden well if Bertram got one they gotta grow somewhere so where no one knows it said they need a speckle of sunlight a dollop of you a whisper of wind and a Twist of Morning Mist speckled sunlight dollop do wind whisper twist twist mist [Music] it's those conditions where exactly is this Meandering Meadow Dew Drop Dell up Loganberry Hill then a half a mile to the meadow sounds easy if we get one of these big blue blazers can you make it into hot sauce well of course but there's hardly time my dear a contest is only a day and a half away how long would it take to get there and get back if there's no bad weather um we can have it by noon tomorrow plenty of time what do you say apple should we go for it if it's a giant chili we're gonna need some help bringing them back I'll call Strawberry okay Bloom have everything ready to go the second we bring the blue blazer back come couple [Music] oh it's lovely of them but still hopeless Bertram always finds a way to win thank you for this is what he months absolutely they keep his spirits up while we're gone okay ow let's go go go we need to get to Loganberry hill by Nightfall [Music] [Music] [Music] well how's the pickleberry casserole are we ready for more wonderful but be sure to leave room for dessert we have a fresh butter berry pie that's simply scrumptious I understand what you're doing my dear and I am very grateful oh I'm just trying to feed you and keep my mind off the contest it's sweet of you sweet and it worked I haven't thought at all about it where are you can't hide from me him hope you're not wasting time with the contest uh you don't stand a chance take a look at I thought I'd turn that off it hardly matters my dear he's right of course I'll never win that contest the bear can bloom what is it you always say never give up I do say that don't I and I won't give up there's still time still hope if our friends get back by noon tomorrow according to your map we ought to be there right about there must be something wrong the map doesn't show this we can't climb down there it'll take awake what are we gonna do huh strawberry I'm thinking about what Barry kimbloom says there's a solution for every problem come on [Music] isn't this lovely and no way for cousin what's his name to intrude a ditch for me well thank you for me [Music] look there it is the big blue blazer hi we're having safe wanna go for a walk why not it's two side [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] did we actually made it it's amazing what you can do when you really try going strawberry what is this moment to feel proud of what we've accomplished we did it and we did it for Barry Ken Bloom right but we gotta get going no [Music] [Music] [Applause] well now what do we do [Music] we better not go out there we have to find a way too much you have here but I see you found the last blue blazer of the season doing my cousin much good out here well you don't need to worry we'll take care of this oh no let me help I insist what are you doing Oh Me Oh My I do that [Music] oh Jessica what a shame I've seen some low things in my day but you are the lowest you you don't play fair Berry Kim Bertram no I play to win [Music] it's nearly mean I'm sure they'll be here it was an ambitious undertaking my dear I'd be very surprised if there they are eat it you're back and bottom of a gorge in little pieces but but what happened Barry can Bertram he destroyed the blue blazer we're so sorry Berry can bloom there's no cause to be my dears you tried your best and that's all anyone can ask I guess we better pack all this up yeah we'll do it it's the least we can do what is a delicious Aroma oh another batch of hot and hot sauce made it while I was waiting [Music] isn't that good we're adding it to the Cafe's menu have you ever entered this in the contest oh goodness no it's not nearly as hot as the sauce cousin birdie makes but it's delicious and what really matters is it's yours you know she's right who never considered it before a why not we don't have much time but we can get it there if we hurry [Music] well now all we can do is wait to hear from the judges [Music] have you heard anything about the contest yet uh no but I know my dear no I hadn't thought about it really until you just mentioned it put it completely out of my mind Hey any word from the judges the not that I care mind you well only curious I came by to see if you've heard anything not yet but we could get a call any second [Music] if you see what I mean [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] ER they said Barry can Bloom's sauce showed great craftsmanship a lot of time and effort went into it and it was obviously made with great loving care that's more than a sauce it's you American Bloom really my dear I find myself speechless simply don't know what to say well I do I say Get Busy start making more hot not sauce we put it on our very best bits page catalog and we're already getting orders oh no not again no it's from the contest judges [Music] very best friends forever never let each other down as long as we're together things will always turn around pardon me I didn't mean to interrupt hi jdbug no problem just rehearsing for this week's Cafe Cabaret can I get you something I was just wondering if I could bother you for a cup of tea of course have a seat wherever you'd like or what kind of tea are you in the mood for ah oh something warm and comforting lemon or mint oh dear oh my I can't decide what do you think chamomile [Music] you seem a little jumpy is anything wrong I'm nervous it's my cousins Sadie bug and Katie bug left a message on my phone that they're coming to visit for a whole week and I'm gonna have to tell them they can't why not my um guest room it's being repainted Oh They'll be so disappointed beside themselves I don't know how I'm gonna tell them oh my well what if they stay with me here at the cafe oh they put you through much too much trouble I'd be thrilled to have house guests it'd be fun are you sure really I'm very sure [Music] I have a book with tips on how to sing somewhere up here good I want ideas on how to make them feel really welcome and special we can make them gift bags oh yeah like little travel or oh you know um overnight kits oh I could even sew them here it is thanks blueberry I could put a toothbrush toothpaste and booty hand soaps inside whoa that would be very nice orange the very best hostess take the guesswork out of having guests at home away from home the first rule of being a Hostess is making your guests feel comfortable comfortable oh what else does it say um a good Hostess will tolerate the quirks of her guests never embarrass them by pointing out that their ways of doing things are different from yours so if they sleep upside down don't say anything I guess so their arrival should be a celebration we could throw a tea party in their honor oh we can have it in the cafe I'll make a welcome Banner I'll help you thanks lemon watch out your guests will love it so much next thing you know you'll have to open a hotel [Laughter] [Music] goodness all this for my cousins isn't it gonna be fun oh but strawberry you've gone to so much trouble you all have homie oh my you even embroidered their gift bags but that's what being a good Hostess is all about jdbug I'm enjoying this really but you don't even know if they'll end up staying very long I thought they were staying for a week oh yes but never know what will happen [Music] [Music] welcome to very bitty city it's so nice to see you everyone this is sadiebug and katiebug you'll be staying with me at my Cafe can I help you with your bags sure knock yourself out thank you during the day I'm sure you'll be visiting with your cousin but after the cafe closes I have a place fixed up for you upstairs why would we visit jdbug when we can hang out where the food is [Music] oh uh you're just joking right your cousins sure are kiddos jittybug yeah getters [Music] I want that it's not fair let me see yours yours is better hey that's favorite color what no straw I beg your partner a straw that's wacky [Music] oh my God excuse me it's mine no binders keeper oh girls we don't use straws in a tea cup remember a good Hostess will tolerate the quirks of her guests [Music] [Applause] [Music] um I don't know if that's a cork or just Bad Manners Bad Manners I'm afraid my cousins are the worst of the worst [Music] ha haha goodness well at least they seem comfortable I think I guess this is just their way oh strawberry I am so sorry I don't think you're gonna be able to tolerate their ways for very long no no jdbug I volunteered to host them and that's what I'm going to do [Music] strawberry how's everything going with the twins that's fine wow look at all the great stuff I brought you a treat [Music] come here look at this let's not use up all of oranges perfume [Music] um thank you strawberry my pleasure well I'm off to deliver the rest of these see you later thanks again you're welcome girls hi girls how's the dance number coming almost ready for this week's Cafe Cabaret we can dance we're really good huh [Music] thank you [Music] they should do a comedy routine at your Cabaret don't encourage them so how's it going being the perfect Hostess uh well oh boy you must be having a great time uh-huh they must love the guest room the way you fixed it up for them well they like my bedroom better you gave them your bedroom um took it but it's nice for me to have a chance to sleep in the guest room [Laughter] aha uh-huh too bad there's not a book called How to be the very best guests those are my cooking utensils please don't put them in the dirt ah come on what are we supposed to do yeah we want to be sculpted we're making art let me try that get your own girls please if you'd like something to eat I'll fix it for you but I'm going to have to ask you not to eat out of the refrigerator please uh this is a cafe like where people eat them and that's what we're doing [Music] very best friends forever never let each other down that's so super fun carry off IE hey give me a turn I sing better than you uh girls I really need to practice for Cafe Cabaret it's an evening of entertainment I host in the cafe it's in a couple of days oh we'll help you testing how do you turn this thing on please we are live hit it City bag very best friends forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right what is the big idea we were really going somewhere with that going somewhere I wish you would go we don't want to give away the surprise of the performance before Cabaret night do we oh she's totally got a point okay from the top could I have a word my Shortcake of course so my guests aren't disturbing you are they well uh I really came to see how you were holding up oh that's very kind of you Mr long face well I was thinking you could probably do the break from hostessing why not let me watch The Cafe for the rest of the day and you take a breather at the pond or anywhere far away from here oh I couldn't after all they are my guests you could I insist Mr long face I don't know how I can thank you enough you better go now while they're occupied I'll keep them entertained [Music] good luck the fragrance of the blooming flowers was carried by a warm gentle breeze to the snout of the little rabbit who knew it lasts spring had arrived there was only one thing that kept the little rabbit from enjoying the calm piece of the meadow sorry custard cupcake we'll finish the story later I can't relax I have a strange feeling that all is not right back at the cafe I just feel like I better check on Mr longface and and those twins [Music] Mr log face I'm Sorry Miss Shortcake I tried to stop them but they're they're Unstoppable they buttered the floor better at the floor why would a person butter a floor [Music] [Music] oh my turn you don't fit on the flashlight [Music] [Music] the Cafe is closed I'm sorry oh yeah we'll come back later and help you clean up we got a little carried away [Music] a little help here [Applause] foreign [Music] Cafe hope you're having a very nice day hello princess berrykin yes they're cleaning everything up doing a very good job I can't believe those two left the juice Taps running I'll talk to you later princess I came to help thank you blueberry strawberry it's time you sent them packing who you know who those house pests how can I kick someone out that I invited I mean are they really that bad I know you don't want to say anything bad about your guests but sometimes it helps to confide in a friend you know let off some steam you know you're right I should confide in someone so you see girls I do want you to stay here and I want you to feel comfortable but I want to feel comfortable too girls are you listening so I need you to be more considerate to me and to the customers and I can help you with your manners if you'll agree to listen listen I've heard enough so have I hope have you ever heard such rudeness in your life huh we can tell when we aren't wanted [Music] well I don't know how staying with me would work you see I just moved all my new clocks into the guest room it's my lock winding room sorry oh well um you could sleep on my floor that is uh oh if you know it I didn't have all my dress patterns laid out just now oh I'm really sorry all my cousins are visiting right now there's uh hundreds of them I'm just a full up uh I'm leaving for a vacation tonight right right now um oh we could house it oh no I mean you see the floor just got polished I can't walk on it [Music] very bitty city is so rude yeah I really like those people and gladiola Glenn and the folks in melonville rude rude rude oh people seem so friendly at first then if they're always turning on us I just don't get it hello how's about putting us up for the night I'm afraid I can't why not the truth is I don't like the way you treated your last Hostess my friend Strawberry oh neither do we okay we are so sorry ladybug and katiebug we told you the truth we made up excuses so we wouldn't have to host you and that wasn't right you none of you like us we like you but we don't think you've used good manners as house guests you can be funny but you aren't very considerate hey I figured it out [Music] don't feel badly strawberry everywhere else the twins have stayed they've been kicked out by bye bye you are the first host who didn't kick them out it's true we got something to say oops oh I mean um may we come in well well sure please do okay we'd like to say we're sorry we thought everyone else was rude but now we see it was always us yeah you were like the perfect Hostess and you were the first person to be honest with us and we were totally awful uh-huh icky really ew will you still teach us how to have good manners and be a nice house guests I never thought I'd see the day I'll make you a deal I'll teach you good manners [Music] but good luck teaching us to sing yeah we're pretty awful yes you are [Music] very best friends forever never let each other down as long as we're together things will always turn around [Music] in the end it's always worth it so make you move and do your dance but it's okay when you've got your friends [Music] sometimes the sun will shine foreign [Music] must be pretty important very important it's a birthday card to a friend of mine oh I hope I'm mailing it in time when's the birthday next week oh it'll get there in plenty of time another letter bless you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] I'm afraid I've come down with a case of bumbly Wheezy Sneezy fever oh dear that's too bad well I think you'd better go home until you feel better I think that's a very good idea yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] bless you thank you turn him yeah thank you oh now how am I gonna get the mail delivered today is there a problem postmaster man the problem is all my delivery bees are on vacation which wouldn't be a problem because they still have one left well the problem is it oh Zoom now the only one oh dear but even that wouldn't be a problem I can deliver the mail to Barry bitty city myself but but not this what's that special delivery for Clement Cricket clear out and acorn Acres label says it's for his birthday when's his birthday today today okay oh no [Music] here JD bug let me help you no no you should be delivering the mail I guess you're right poor Clem looks like his birthday present will be late but we can only do our very best wait what if I helped you deliver this package I mean That's mighty candy you miss Shortcake but all the way to Acorn Acres this is not exactly a hop skip and a jump you know yeah it's across the bridge way on the other side of the river I have a scooter I'm sure I can get it there in time and I have the day off from the cafe so I am at your service well now that's about the nicest thing I've heard in quite a while are you sure you want to give it a try very sure sir all righty then raise your right hand please repeat after me a strawberry shortcake I Strawberry Shortcake through snow rain heat or very gloomy night through snow rain heat or very gloomy night do promise to do my very best to deliver the mail on time do you promise to do my very best to deliver the mail on time you are now an official delivery person of the berry bitty city post office thank you strawberry that looks great on you thanks orange thank you strawberry this means a lot to me in the post office soon I expect Mr Cricket JD bubble stamped the package and get you on your way [Music] okay jitterbug here let me no no you should be delivering the mail hey I guess you're right here I can help why well I thank you Miss Shortcake [Music] well if you can stamp this package I'll be on my way oh right dance no [Music] no that was me [Music] stamps stamps there do not open till Christmas oh absolutely it'd be cheating huh but it's his birthday oops [Music] fragile put this end up Return to Sender oh special delivery [Music] don't drop this package oh oh here's a sorry doesn't live here anymore I've been looking for that one for months no wow congratulations to our new postal carrier orange told me all about it hi Plum love the hat did you get to keep it no just helping out for the day [Music] hi I'm pupcake take good care of this package okay it's gotta go all the way to Acorn Acres Acorn Acres way out there oh can you make it in one day oh it's still morning plenty of time oh wait who's taking a decorating class strawberry lemon what is it I've got a problem [Music] cupcake you better wait here take care of the package okay [Music] lemon are you okay uh uh sure sure what is it something's wrong isn't it here there's a great article on two-tone toenail polish see how my hair looks fun I use a new hair mousse and it's not exactly working out I'm scared she's gonna oh oh I don't wanna think what she'll do when she sees his chicken let me see okay but please keep your cool as always yeah okay come on oh it's coming along nicely wow that's a hairstyle all right now can I not yet lemon I've got to deliver a package for the postmaster I'd love to stay but oh no no no no no no you can't leave me please strawberry please think it's something I don't know what to do I'd like to keep blueberries my friend but when she finds out she's gonna no okay where's the bottle hmm [Music] you know I had a cake recipe that kept coming out just like that too hard so I added pudding to the mix hoodie try washing her hair with some vanilla pudding then rinse it then add stay in conditioner with a little um avocado oil that should smooth it all down you think worth a try and don't worry blueberry always comes around thanks strawberry you calmed me down I was just so flustered I couldn't think you're very welcome [Music] berry bitty city post office we do the very best we can JD by speaking oh no uh yes sir I'll tell her right away has strawberry gone yet yeah uh why the postmaster just heard at the storm we had the other night it blocked the road to Acorn Acres she won't be able to get through oh [Music] [Music] no matter what your thoughts [Music] oh now what'll I do [Music] very good pup cake but even if we could clear the road it'd take us too long wow oh I think the only thing to do is keep going without the scooter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] there you go I wonder how far we have to go oh look cupcake that's the way to Oak Tree Meadows the road to Roseville Brookville um and that must be the way to Acorn Acres great now which way should I go I can't I can't think but do they listen because you didn't ask nice what do you know about nice uh nice is my middle name and then Excuse me yes um okay what is my middle name then ladybird you're [Music] how did you know that um girls because maybe I've known you all your life and I'm your twin sister my luck if someone had asked me I would have picked a different twin sister me too or or or I'd pick triplets but none of them would have been you uh hello well don't just stand there we need your help you certainly aren't talking to me are you we most very certainly are certainly for certain oh well what can I help you with can't you see sorry but um you're gonna have to tell me let's make her guess silly stop fooling around is serious well I have a serious thing too and oh can you tell me how to get to Acorn Acres what it grew away from us the group away angrier I doesn't mean you were hungry at first girls please please explain how did your picnic grow awake well we were looking for a place to have our picnic and I had some great ideas but she wouldn't listen because my ideas were best and while you were discussing the flower grew up where you left your picnic things and now our there and we're down here and I'm hungry I'm hungrier I am come on we better get your things before they grow away any further you're gonna help us of course but we need to be quick that is so nice of you [Music] almost there steady steady now lower watch out cupcake [Music] there no [Music] mine mine I made it you made it for me okay then what did you make for me don't don't with your shaky hands I I think not oh come on cupcake I guess the only thing we can do is try one of these roads you going yeah don't you join us it's a picnic for two but you can share some of hers oh thank you but I have to deliver a package to clam cricket if only I knew how to get there oh my birthday yep too bad he didn't have a party maybe he didn't invite us why would someone not invite me how did you know it was his birthday he's a friend of ours yep lives are right up the road right up there this road uh no that one that one that way to the river oh yeah you're right I am yep just follow to the river go across the bridge over the next hill and you'll be right there go thank you anytime sure thing here's my cupcake it sounds like a river look cupcake the bridge come on on the other side is Acorn Acres we're almost there oh we're gonna make it in time [Applause] that was close [Music] [Music] no way are we getting across [Music] thank you [Music] hi strawberry how did your delivery go on Acorn Acres I couldn't get there the road was blocked the bridge was out oh strawberry listen I have to go tell the postmaster what happened okay is there anything I can do to help I wish there was I just don't know what it would be hey your hair looks really nice your idea really worked thank you and the avocado oil my hair's never been so shiny I love it I'm glad [Music] what a day but everything got delivered sorry to say not everything I'm very sorry I tried I got as far as the bridge but it was out yeah I'd heard about it after you'd gone too late to stop you I'm afraid it's quite a thing you did getting that far but I didn't deliver the package the mail didn't get through oh and I promised it would actually you promised to do the very best that you could and you did that you see there are times when things happen they're out of our control the only thing we can do is the best we can I'll call the post office in big bitty city see if we can bring in some help maybe take the back road through oak tree Meadows and get to Acorn Acres that way will they get here in time well we we can only do our very best I just wish I could have delivered it maybe you still can strawberry [Music] ha what's all this I am sort of spread the word that you needed help you always help us when we need it so we decided to help you here in berry bitty city we always try to help each other get the job done we all put our heads together and came up with an idea to help you deliver the package oh thank you everyone what idea cupcake where are you [Music] what do you think do you need a bridge now I think this is perfect thank you everybody I miss Shortcake oh ready hang on cupcake [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes special delivery for climb crickets this is for you and happy birthday thank you [Applause] hello Miss Orange thank you so much for getting me this pogo stick very thoughtful of you look what I can do now it helps when you're busy oh no it's fun and I want the built-in hypo meter Jamie bug did a package come into the post office back there for Barry can bloom it's definitely one of these oh watch out [Music] oh here it is well do you think it's the vacation brochure you've been waiting for oh well you'll see you must be so excited finally going on a vacation well actually yeah I'm not going you well I decided it was more important to buy these special Berry seeds so I can't afford a vacation just now these new berry plants will really do great things for the berry works and everyone in very bitty city oh but Barry can bloom you gave up your vacation last year to sit with my sick petunias and the year before that to help bring in the berry harvest maybe next year well I'd better get these seeds into pots wait don't you want to see the new issue of berry bitty World Traveler oh Iowa take a look when I'm closer to taking the vacation [Music] works too hard that bloom not good for a berry can hi orange I just saw Barry can bloom and he seemed not very happy well not really I'd say more sort of sad oh no I mean look the magazine is holding a contest anyone who can break a berry bitty world record wins a vacation of their games that's what El cheer up Berry can bloom a vacation I have an idea how to get him one [Music] it's a very good idea orange I'm good oh it's great they can Bloomer really deserves a vacation but breaking a world record to get him one what can we do that's world record worthy well what are we all good at you're an expert cook raspberry is an amazing fashion designer and Plum you're such a talented dancer thank you we're all good at lots of things so which one of us should try and break a record well that's my other idea if we all try to break a record each of us doing something different we'd have a better chance of one of us winning the contest oh let's do it orange you're in charge oh uh okay [Music] oh still not high enough the berry bitty world record is twice as high as this souffle well gotta keep trying [Music] [Music] hello Mr long face Barry can bloom good David Shortcake good morning any specials today uh why yes strawberry souffle oh sounds delicious I'll have some too please coming right up as I was saved Mr Bloom I've been reading this fascinating history of strange sicknesses bizarre ailments that anyone could catch goodness how catchy are these um the things we could catch oh very catchy sneak up on you without warning I'm on a chapter now about a disease called goofa lupus wakiitis it causes people to do strange funny looking things things they've never done before and that don't make any sense enjoy wonderful thank you [Music] blueberry anything else I can help with before I leave for lunch no no [Music] see you after lunch then hello berry bitty World Traveler magazine I'm calling about your contest for the free vacation well I just wanted to let you know that there are some very big records that are about to be broken over here in Berry Beauty City but but how many I'd say about six records oh I don't know what they'll be just that they'll be big very big you'll send an official contest judge on Friday perfect thank you so much goodbye well it's all set all set but orange I'm not sure we're prepared prepared I've been stacking cans in my store for I don't know how long I'm an expert and that judge is going to see a stack of canned goods like never before uh okay but but what remember you're in charge what should we do oh I guess I kind of jumped ahead I'm sorry um hey I'll make sure everyone has picked something to break a record with good idea what are we gonna do maybe if I help you come up with something it will help me come up with something foreign guess we're not going any higher I can't stack them outside they'll get dirty I know how's it coming along raspberry well I'm trying to make the very biggest dress ever I tried to make the smallest dress ever but I couldn't see that small to make those silly stitches looking good keep at it the contest judge is coming Friday oh what looking good sorry lemon I didn't mean to startle you oh it's okay it wasn't really record-breaking anyway I tried everything I can think of even painting toenails faster than anyone did before whoa how'd that work out oh well think quick you've got until the day after tomorrow that's when the judge gets here [Music] um the record for reading stuff upside down is safe I simply cannot stand on my head for that long I'm sorry good try though [Music] having fun you try and dance while walking on your hands show me I don't think I can I've been practicing for hours but okay for you that is incredible hahaha [Music] [Laughter] I feel sick times mini Mountain The Climb to try they treasure the fine could they top the ticket but they only end oh that time was slower than the last I'm not sure that breaking the record for reading backward is what I'm best at come on we may be bitty but I know we can do big things okay times many mountain declined to try they treasure the fun could they tough but to get put thing only if time's Minnie Mouse The Climb to try they treasure the fine could they top the toget could they only end [Music] oh dear foreign [Music] what what my hair um I'm having a problem with advice let me help you with something Barry can bloom uh I was worried about her [Music] oh bitter berries what do you uh worried about well I mean that is a Miss lemon don't you think she's acting a bit strangely no but oh well you know she just really loves to exercise if that's all it is oh would you like a mineral salt with silk no thank you I think I'd better get this planted to the ground well I'll see you soon I mean around foot silk good one lemon nothing I try seems good enough he had a record-breaking way I mean not to mention Barry kimbloom is getting suspicious which he wouldn't have if you hadn't been practicing your record-breaking in broad daylight where else can I practice my Studio's too small girls please let's not pick her who said that he did why do we have to meet like this anyway because Barry kimbloom is out there tonight checking his night-blooming jasmines I think my big dress is just silly the judge is gonna laugh at me guys guys where's our can-do spirit orange is the only one who has can-do Spirit stacking can do spirit that is ha ha ha that's good because the person in charge should have can do spirit being in charge is harder than I thought oh come on girls you must be able to think of something but not for me remember this is for Barry kin bloom oh foreign [Music] wait or or your cat's stacking it gives me an idea what maybe we need to share ideas instead of doing it all alone maybe instead of cooking things I could stack fruit the highest fruit Tower in very bitty world yeah and after you win we can eat it you know what strawberry your poofiest highest souffle idea gives me an idea too maybe I'll try a poofiest highest hairdo oh boy that's terrific oh but what about me I'm running out of material for that big dress I'm stitching that's it what about a dress with the most stitches I mean you've done so many of them in that big dress already and no one can stitch faster than you oh yes thank you blueberry I'm using it and you know what no one can read out loud faster than you why don't you go for the record of your really fast instead of upside down and backwards and well you know I can't believe I didn't think of that before thanks raspberry see girls I knew we could do it if we helped Inspire each other a little what about you Plum I don't know what about pirouettes most pair of girls we've got it all our worries are over skipping backwards eh he also this Orange has been taking her merchandise and snacking it outside oh a classic case of goofa Lupus wacky ideas thank goodness you brought this to my attention there's no time to lose oh dear but are you sure that we need to bring the doctor [Applause] very sure [Music] time to take charge [Music] today's the day you ready you look like is that good nope that's great [Music] [Applause] hello orange hi hi buzzly Bookworm are you up and running uh yes I'll let you hop to it then see you later [Music] Elijah Bell lived in a note the more he saw the less he spoke the less he spoke the more he hears I tell me I'll be like that wise old bird a wise old vowel lived in an oak the more he saw the less he spoke the less he spoke the more heard why can't we all be like that wise old bird [Music] not fast enough for the world record faster faster [Music] [Music] hmm I personally have never come across this you'd best informed princess berrykin no telling how far this is going to spread It's Magic I better see the other patients [Music] around the corner oh keep moving [Music] are you in there [Applause] even Miss Meringue she has other girls she needs to see you're right it wouldn't be fair [Music] I've never seen anything like this thank you hi well what do you think I think you better stop this club oh well I just get too dizzy dizziness hmm but wait until you see raspberry we were just on our way now now it's best not to exert yourself my dear oh no you mean you can already tell it doesn't have enough stitches well I'm sure you'll be amazed by what strawberry is doing yes I'm sure we will I'm afraid this is beyond medical science [Music] what I'm going to call in more doctors there's no telling how far this could spread foreign too late you didn't get to take a measurement I'm going to take your temperature I've never seen anything so severe in all my days as a doctor doctor hazelnut bee no stick out your tongue say ah and tell me why have you been stacking fruit to break a world record so we can win the contest she believes she's in a contest but we are in a contest all of us aren't you the judge I'm the doctor Mr longface called me in to help you because you are all sick but we're not sick now girls you can't deny your strange Behavior hopping and twirling and stuffing clouds and cartwheeling and we were trying to help orange win a vacation for you a vacation for me if we break a berry bitty world record we'll win a free vacation from the travel magazine and we we're going to give it to you oh dear that's the most wonderful I can't believe it but we failed I don't think we failed orange you really took charge and inspired us to do much better higher bigger faster than we all imagined we could even if none of us broke a world record uh but one of you did break a world we did how do you know I am the contest judge from the magazine you possibly Bookworm yes they have Representatives all over but it is hard keeping up with you girls my stack of cans is that how we broke the record no your pogo stick bounces I have been counting them since I saw you on it a while ago and look your hoppometer confirms it you've had 10 more continuous bounces than the old record older imagine vacation to anywhere in the world I don't know what to say I'm just so relieved they don't have a goof what was it goofa lupus wacky itis it's all right here in my medical book goofa what oh Mr long face this isn't a medical book it's a joke book it is yes it's just a comedy book full of silly made-up maladies my goodness I'm very sorry I guess uh the joke's on me don't worry Mr longface it all worked out now that my tower of fruit is on the ground who wants to come in the cafe and celebrate American Williams vacation with a big helping of straw [Music] hahaha [Music] special delivery for Barrick and Bruce oh he's on a break we'll take it blue wow wow it's from very big city motor parts [Music] of a bounce and berries this is what the boss has been waiting for the new hydraulic juicer rinser for Cherry Jam's tour bus well let's get to work we'll have cherry jam on our way home before you can see bye [Music] [Music] it's the boss oh you wish I'd never laid eyes on you wait [Music] I got it that Gadget we got we just didn't get it get it got it oh yeah [Applause] what was that uh what was what that uh just Barry can Byron installing a new set of lug nuts very large lug nuts [Music] raspberry watch out [Music] you lost again you've lost three games in a row we've heard of being a good sport but this is Extreme raspberry is there something else you might be so giggly about okay okay I'm sorry just okay so last night right after the talent show something very unbelievable incredible um just great happened Excuse Me Miss raspberry tort here's my car darling [Music] give me a call when this hoopla dies down I'd like to talk to you about your absolutely fabulous fashions wow yep here's your card raspberry that's great yes wow yeah what'd she say when you called her uh well I haven't called her what why not because I'm so scared excited nervous I because what if it's if it's not what if she says who raspberry the dog trainer oh dress designer ah yes It's All Coming Back to Me Now the glitter gown well darling are you sitting down because congratulations we're hiring you to make 6 000 addresses for the annual very big City Firefly convention [Music] I mean who needs that you don't know that's what would happen and you won't know till you call yeah well maybe later I can wait we can't but our our game the game can wait she might make you a fashion star think of the pain the fortune the fans uh hello really oh you do me yes oh well I guess yes what oh she uh they want me to come to very big city immediate right away and talk about yes yes starting a new line of raspberry glitter you know glitter gowns you have to help me tell me what to wear and what do I saying how do I act and oh big city you don't need any help from me raspberry just be yourself come on we've gotta get you packed wonderful now let's um Miss Jam oh hello Barry Kim Bruce came to give my apologies I'm afraid your part still hasn't arrived part uh uh hydraulic juicer rinser for your tour bus oh oh yeah of course no problem go well thank you for being so understanding Miss Jam I know how anxious you must be to get back home to very big city and get your tour underway tour oh yeah ah don't worry I'm in no hurry go don't don't worry I'm in no hurry she's so nice I'll get to the bottom of this yes hello very big City Motor Parts I'd like to speak with the manager please [Music] strawberry which one's dressy enough for very big city uh we should ask Cherry she'd know that's okay want to bother her what's wrong strawberry do you think cherry doesn't want me to go did she say that to you no [Music] so excited for me I just don't know you're right you don't know and you won't know until you ask her yeah okay pretty pink or Berry merry magenta uh both better to be prepared [Music] raspberry I made you some hair scents for the trip good luck raspberry oh thank you lemon did you talk to Cherry up I will yep good good luck have a great time raspberry oh thanks Jerry I just um I wanted to ask you do you know which Harrison do you think's best for very big city you're the fashion expert goodbye everybody a few days [Music] gotcha oh muffin crumbs blueberry Plum's turn a dress [Laughter] raspberry will sew that up in oh that's right not here not here it's an email from raspberry listen to this I can't believe what's happening they're giving me my own Design Studio my own staff [Applause] [Music] I'm coming back tomorrow to pack up the boutique they want me to move here [Music] move there yeah uh wow I didn't think she'd be moving away well it's probably just for a while [Music] I know let's make some treats for a surprise celebration for her you mean a send-off strawberries right let's not show her how much we'll miss her just how happy we are for her let's get started [Laughter] [Music] thank you hello girls I mean wow step aside make way for the future fashion star of very big city the fabulous [Applause] raspberry the fashion scene oh dear I think we got off on the wrong stop my whole my home at home you mean your old home girls girls it's Mavis marushino from the fashion further forward show she's spent on me and my fashions welcome to berry bitty city Mavis that's Miss Maraschino to you Deary oh sorry I thought you'd remember me from that time you interviewed me I'm Cherry Jam blood Scarlet comma buttons oh Cherry what have they done to you honey I can get you a limousine straight to Salon devil no no no no I'm just taking a little vacation here with my friends and they're holding you prisoner aren't they did they take your clothes my lawyer can miss Maraschino Mavis doll Mavis please Mavis I'm quite happy here and I am choosing to be here oh well you just say the word and my people are at your service in fact I've been dying to get you on my show now where's my little protege to your best hotel excuse me girls [Music] bye um what was that if you find out don't tell me I don't think I Wanna Know foreign Paisley you poor deer however did you survive in such primitive working conditions yourself a favor my cashmere kitten leave it all behind especially that but this is my very first sewing machine always been with a dinosaur my soon-to-be Superstar Let It Go fashion forward means forward not backwards may this feels need for major manicure there wouldn't be such a thing as a beauty salon in this Outpost weather why yes there would it will be right over for an appointment now raspberry is on a busy schedule raspberry we'll be in a little party at the cafe tonight oh uh I mean okay yeah I'll be there [Music] oh no no no no Miss Meringue that's so last century oh no oh no dear you're thinking too small raspberry is not just a designer of fashion she's a Monumental Fashions and no no no she's a winter not an Autumn I want her Studio painted Winterberry Rose not full move they want to speak to you again don't Mouse your nails from head to foot everything about her has to ah every shape every color must draw a fashion oh wait and what do you call this Blackberry seed facial mask we wanted Blackberry seed and guava I guava no guava very big city salons are never without it and out the snootiest stylists oh but Cherry dear they're the most famous most highly not after maybe that's why they never make friends with you like lemon does this will never do don't worry dear Mavis is here we'll have it all read on when you get home to berry Big City competition so she's trying to convince you not to go she's jealous of me oh raspberry maybe you should ask Jerry this is a Bittersweet goodbye ears and smiles at the same time [Music] you're not here we'll feel so wrong my time goes on and we have our memories [Music] [Applause] [Music] without you there's a missing to so true no matter where you appear in our minds and you're in our hearts let's hold hands and sing this song and though we're sad we must be strong I remember all the good times [Music] friends [Music] without you the sun won't shine as bright without you things won't seem just right [Music] without you nothing will be the same without you we won't feel complete without you there's a missing piece it's so true no matter where you are you're in our minds and you're in our hearts nice I think raspberry is going to love it she isn't gonna hear it Rara raspberry isn't coming Mavis said she needs her beauty sleep forgot us the raspberry I know would never accept an invitation and not show up missed the raspberry I know is there any reason you wouldn't be happy for raspberry yes there is I mean we're all going to miss her but this is her chance to be a star when you're a star sometimes it's hard to be yourself raspberry isn't acting like herself and the raspberry we knew was happier so you're not jealous of raspberry oh no I'm worried for her you know the stars shine much brighter here than in very big city oh not this Cafe again however did you survive with just one restaurant I guess strawberry is just such an incredibly inventive cook we just never got bored [Music] what's going on with me here raspberry hi uh do you know where strawberry is that's where we're going Greece I can't believe they didn't me come on Mavis I can't miss it it's my very favorite event boats oh wait if it's boats you won't I'll sign you up at the very big City Yacht Club [Music] raspberries here she does care about us let's go back and restart the race hi raspberry glad you're here hi cheery why aren't you racing it didn't feel right taking your boat out without you oh I wasn't sure if you wanted me here after last night's party we weren't sure if you wanted to come the oh oh I oh no oh don't worry yourself kitten who wants to go to a dismal hoedown anyway well I hope oh it's so not you button actually it was a surprise going away party for you [Music] jump in can we be a team [Music] hey come on Mavis we can catch up bitter button hooks you're not serious Us in that she's my Champion vote come on get in it'll be so fun I am not getting in that bucket this is not you Mavis watch out [Music] look at me Mavis [Music] I think that look is you how could you do this to me this Maraschino I have nothing prepared for my next show [Music] it's kind of utilin Mavis your tour bus Cherry it was kind of you to throw her this going away party all going away party for Mavis it's a staying home party for both of you are you sure you want to give up everything in very big city nothing there can make me feel like a star the way my very best friends do the way you do cherry sorry I thought you were jealous of me I wasn't being kind wasn't being me I'm glad the real me is back welcome home [Music] you're swamped I'm under water manicure Suds and facial cream this has been the busiest summer ever not as busy as mine the whole summer I haven't been on my feet a minute I know how you feel blueberry it's been forever since I've had a vacation [Music] see you plum a surprise vacation for my friends to the very best tropical resort in the whole bitty World an island paradise called beyond the berry Breeze blueberry is everything okay uh uh oh just Breezy I mean uh beyond great I mean very fine gotta go bye bye [Music] oh hi you're looking at swimsuits but Summer's almost over silly uh this I thought it was a hat uh what do you think I think you're trying to hide something are you planning a special surprise swim party um no so you don't need a swimsuit no no absolutely not not at all okay then would you help me store these suits away I have to make room for my fabulous fall fashions wait stop I can't hide it anymore but you gotta promise you won't tell anyone of course um absolutely strawberry is going to take us [Music] surprise my fall colors are in fall uh we really are more interested in your summer Colors oh my God in a mango mood you had or how about your playful papaya or said In Summer Sunshine why do you want summer colors all right I've known you long enough to sense when secrets are simmering [Music] um okay okay but it's a secret [Music] okay the most important thing about not letting strawberry know we know she's taking us on a vacation we're not supposed to know about is acting surprised when she finally tells us now let me see your very best surprise reaction wow [Applause] [Music] Oh yay I mean from the top one more time with feeling visualize that she has just walked in and told us the news your reaction is [Music] well finally you've got it you're truly surprised surprised by what uh we're practicing for my new play neat I won't interrupt I just came by to find Orange and oh see if you have a diving mask and snorkel at your store oh uh sure strawberry come on where can it go snorkel on our vacation [Music] [Applause] how to snorkel oh it's easy we'll teach you [Music] this is the best way to chop onions they usually make me tear up so [Music] you silly God [Music] what did you say I said that was close he's doing now I know she's waxing a surfboard [Music] foreign [Music] I have something very very important too um hold on um oh here it is I wanted to ask you if you'd help me write this essay for a contest describe your dream destination I would take my friends on a surprise vacation to the very best tropical resort in the whole video world I Island Paradise called beyond the berry Breeze ah I am so surprised but well that's all I've got so far you you made it all up yeah I just keep writing and rewriting and tossing it out oh I was gonna give up when I thought of you you're the perfect person to help me share just to leave it with me and I'll see what I can do to mess it up I mean fix things for good I mean fix it up thanks blueberry you're the best I mean I'm the worst [Music] password come on it's me well it was your idea beyond the buried Breeze that's it hi you blueberry ready to try on your Beach sarong no no no beach sarong what's wrong blueberry well I did some research on beyond the berry Breeze Island and can you believe it there are um uh no restaurants there anywhere uh no place to eat at all I mean what kind of vacation would it be if we can eat it did you tell strawberry no I mean I can't give strawberry the bad news until strawberry gives us the good news about the surprise vacation I'm sure strawberry will cancel the trip when she finds out we won't let that happen we can't let strawberry down we'll live on Island food like coconuts and mangoes and mangoes and coconuts no you can't I mean the Island's food only grows on very tall trees way too high for bitty girls like us to reach so perhaps uh we should forget the whole thing until next year or maybe the year after that maybe you're right blueberry what if we couldn't climb all the way up to the I mean oh maybe we shouldn't go I was so looking forward to it I'm so so sorry well it's not your fault [Music] oh that was awful I hope they weren't too disappointed what's up blueberry oh Bosley bookworm I've really gotten myself into a pickle you're inside a pickle no I thought something strawberry said and so she [Music] made up some things that I thought they wouldn't like about the vacation oh may I ask did it work yeah well it did but I never want to go through that again no I would think not well I'll see you later bossy Bookworm I want to see what that sound is big [Music] we're not going hungry on vacation I don't know where's your can-do spirit kinda and I can't do place don't give up blueberry no wait [Music] um oh cheer up blueberry we'll have to work on the landing but look at all the fruit you picked nothing's gonna stop us I'm very very sorry girls but um what I'm trying to say is well the trip is off [Music] strawberry canceled it yeah uh no I mean she will yeah uh I did some more research and uh uh very big blue jay so so well the only airline that flies to be on the berry Breeze Island is uh called a berry Big Blue Jay Airways and believe me it is bad news you sit on a bird and hang on for dear life and they don't even land you have to jump you have to bring your own parachute [Music] I guess we won't be going to be on the berry Breeze [Music] more things they were so let down what have you just told them about your pickles that you were in then tell them what really happened maybe I know I was wrong not to tell them from the start but I you need to tell them the truth now because they've already given up on the trip I'm sure of it what's that maybe is the sound of them giving up [Music] what are you doing surprise [Music] we're practicing for that wild ride on very big blue jay Airways it's not impossible in fact it's gonna be fun come on join us maybe some other time like now mostly we'll take this flying thing a step at a time blueberry we want you to start small and work up to total and complete free fall free fall Sky it's for the vacation oh the vacation yes now remember baby bounces just little little baby bouncy [Music] what do we do I don't know think of something just give up on me it's it's hopeless better just leave me here [Music] that's right leave me it's better this way I don't deserve to be rescued [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is this diving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see blueberry we would never give up on you and we're not giving up on our vacation either yes I can see that wow what you doing with all these Birds um um blueberry got Godzilla stuck up in that flower yeah flower [Music] however did you get way up there in the first place uh well um I think I need to speak to Strawberry alone what is it blueberry you know you can tell me anything I'm your friend I don't know it will be after I tell you I I overheard you talking about that Island the one in your essay oh my describe your dream destination essay for the contest Yes except I didn't know it was a contest I thought I thought you were going to take us all on a surprise vacation and I told everyone about it the girls were so excited I didn't have the heart to tell them it was a mistake so I tried to give them reasons not to go but they just won't give up on it my strawberry they're never going to forgive me well don't give up on them tell them the truth that it was all my misunderstanding there's going to be no vacation I'm sorry for everything I put you guys through so there's going to be no vacation no snorkeling no surfing no mangoes or coconuts parachutes or or bungees no Blue Jays mangoes snuck Blue Jays it's all the things we imagined would be part of our vacation for the Blue Jays it sounds like a perfect vacation a dream destination hey we can put all the things we imagined into your essay great idea will you all help me write it [Music] I love all these ideas if only oh I just want something to make my essay really different really unique something Beyond oh maybe I should just give up and send it in like it is give up we never give up now that's the spirit blueberry am I something else we made up for Beyond the berry Breeze the secret knock beyond the berry Breeze and your Bitty song We'll Fight you with these that's it maybe we can make the essay Special by making it a song that just might work [Music] Tropical Paradise with blue skies [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Shining [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was great wonderful girls that's it let's record it and send it in [Music] here the contest results we won first prize in the vacation essay contest [Music] and we're going to an island resort called very Breezy Bay it may not be beyond the very Breeze [Music] it's real thank you for not giving up blueberry well I had some inspiration
Channel: Strawberry Shortcake - WildBrain
Views: 215,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strawberry shortcake, strawberry shortcake full episodes, strawberry short cake, strawberry shortcake full movie, strawberry shortcake theme song, strawberry shortcake songs, strawberry shortcake cheesecake, strawberry shortcake cartoon, strawberry shortcake cake, strawberry shortcake movie, strawberry shortcake games, strawberry shortcake toys, barbie, we are number one, anything is possible, cartoons for kids, cartoons for girls kids, cartoons for girls disney
Id: P1GDzAwRLbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 46sec (7546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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