Strawberry Chocolate Bombs Step By Step

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to pretty pastel pastries if you're new here hi my name is giselle today i have for you guys these super easy strawberry hot cocoa bombs just in time for december now let's go ahead and hop onto the tools and supplies so let's first start off with our chocolate melting wafers i love using the brown ghirardelli right here i have my oxo silicone cups everything i use will be linked in the description box down below for you guys don't forget to check that out we're going to be using nesquik in the flavor strawberry a tablespoon some mini marshmallows now right over here have my half sphere molds already cut up a cupcake tray with some cupcake liners now right here i have my sheet tray lined with some silicone now right over here i have two small spatulas a small pastry brush some scissors and one or two brushes now onto decoration we have our silicone butterfly mold we're going to be using these sprinkles this one is from the brand sweetest thing bake shop we are going to be using color mill in the color candy and lastly some diamond dust rose gold and some piping bags so we covered everything here in today's video now don't forget to stay till the end because i will show you guys the many ways that i like to package all my cocoa bombs all right guys with that being said let's hop right into the video i forgot to mention we're going to be using chef master candy coloring in the color violet now to our chocolate i'm going to go ahead and place this into the microwave for 30 second intervals and we'll be right back so this is right after the first 30 seconds and as you guys can see there's a little bit of melting going on towards the bottom you always want to grab your spatula and keep mixing everything around just so that the heat distributes evenly after this we're going to place it into the microwave for 30 seconds more now my chocolate is all nice and melted at this point now i'm going to add some to this small cup right here and we're going to reserve this for drizzling later so let me just go ahead and add some to this cup [Music] so this small cup is only used for drizzling so i'm just going to set this one off to the side and to this one we're going to add some of our color mill in the color candy just always make sure to shake it up now i'm going to add a couple drops in here you can just see the kind of pink you would like i'm going to add like about three drops and we can go from there so i added about 15 drops and that pink looks absolutely beautiful i loved how it turned out now we're gonna go ahead and hop onto our silicone molds so to coat our half sphere mold we're simply going to grab our chocolate and we're going to place it into this mold it doesn't matter how much you add inside um we're going to end up removing a lot of it out now we're going to go ahead and just move this all around make sure to get every side [Music] now since we have that all nice and covered you see that extra chocolate in there we don't want that to stay in there we're going to place it back into our cup and make sure to take off as much as you [Music] can [Music] now since we're done we're going to place these into the refrigerator for about five minutes and we'll be right back now our cocoa bombs are nice and set out of the refrigerator i'm going to show you guys what to do for step number two so we're going to grab our melted pink chocolate i just reheated mines by the way now we're going to grab our cocoa bomb and our pastry brush and we're gonna go ahead and actually dip this right in here and we're gonna go ahead and add some all around and it's as easy as that guys we're all done with this one let's go ahead and do it to the rest and we'll be right back [Music] so now that our chocolate is nice and set it is super easy to take it out of its mold you're just gonna go ahead and start pulling away from all the sides and once you do that you're gonna get your palm of your hand you're gonna place it here you're gonna use this hand to guide it upwards just like that and they came out so pretty i'm gonna do this to the rest of them and we'll be right back now at this point we're going to grab half of the sphere mold we're going to place it on this really hot plate just be really careful and you're just going to spin it a couple times we just want the bottom to be nice and flat you're going to pick it up from the bottom and as you guys can see that is perfect now i'm going to place this on my cupcake mold right here now we're going to do the same to each and every one of them and we'll be right back now that we have that done i'm gonna go ahead and grab my nesquik and i'm going to add one tablespoon and actually one teaspoon inside so let's go ahead and do that [Music] now from here this is going to be one of the most trickiest parts a lot of people have like problems with but don't worry it's going to be okay just go ahead and follow these simple steps so you're gonna grab your cocoa bomb we're gonna do the same as step number one so let's go ahead and do that together now you wanna pick it up from the bottom and really quickly place it on top of your cocoa bomb now from here you want to ensure all the corners are nice and like set um and a way to ensure you're doing that don't just place it on top and just like you know just call it a day actually like go throughout these three corners here one two and three and just press them there to just make sure that it's nice and centered and just hold it at the top for a couple seconds [Music] and that cocoa bomb should be nice and sealed but if for some reason your cocoa bomb tends to be a little bit like more like not so leveled and straight that is most likely because you're pushing it off the corner right here and we definitely do not want that so like i said before pick it up from the bottom directly so we're going to go ahead and do that to the rest of them and we'll be right back [Music] now hopping into decoration we're going to have some pink left over and we also reserved this white from the beginning so basically to this pink one we're gonna add some chef master candy coloring always make sure to shake this up and i'm going to add one drop and we can go from there so one drop was perfect it left us with this really beautiful like lavender color and we're both going to place these into our piping bags and i also got a question earlier asking how do you add your chocolate into your piping bag and it's really easy if not i have an alternative for you you're just going to go ahead and open it up i like to cup this over my hand just like this and just like put it right here by your hand you're going to open it up now you can see that the chocolate's not going to overflow over here and you're going to have a huge mess now you're just going to grab your chocolate and you're gonna add it inside [Music] now from here i like to just scrape away the extra chocolate you're gonna pick this back up directly so go ahead and close this up you're going to pick it up just like that and that is pretty much it guys that is how you fill a piping bag with some chocolate and if you ever want to set it down for any reason i would recommend you set it down like this okay now i'm going to show you guys the other way that i like adding chocolate inside is you just grab a cup um a smaller one would be a lot better you're going to add your piping bag inside and you're just going to cup it over your cup [Music] just like that now it is much easier to also add in your chocolate so let's go ahead and do that and at this point you can actually use a spatula to help scrape all the chocolate inside [Music] so now that that's done you're gonna pick it back up and try to push as much as you can down and yep it's as easy as that guys [Music] now from here we're going to grab our butterfly mold i'm actually just going to use one and we're going to use this really pretty lavender color and just pipe it inside so let's cut a small tip on here and from here we're just going to go ahead and pipe it inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we're going to place this in the refrigerator for about four minutes so i went ahead and cut a small tip on my white chocolate piping bag now from here we're going to do a simple drizzle and we're going to add some of our beautiful sprinkles on there [Music] now we're going to grab some of our sprinkles and just sprinkle it all around then we're gonna go ahead and move on to our next one and we're gonna drizzle this one in our beautiful lavender [Music] then quickly we're gonna grab our butterflies right here and just place them around with the little amount of chocolate [Music] [Music] then we're going to grab some of these really tiny chocolate balls right here and just place them all around [Applause] now from here we're going to grab our diamond dust in the color rose gold and i'm going to add a little bit on the side of my silicone then we're going to grab a small little fluffy brush you want to pack a little bit on there and we're just going to go ahead and add some to this butterfly [Music] now for our next bomb we're going to combine both colors together and form it into this really awesome combination so let's go ahead and drizzle some of this lavender and some of our white [Music] and just to finish this one off we're going to add some white amount of chocolate and we're going to add a couple of marshmallows in the center now i'm going to grab back my small little brush and add a little bit more diamond dust to the marshmallows and to our last cocoa bomb we're going to grab it just like this and we're going to add some chocolate to the sides you want to work really quickly with this and just go all around the bottom [Music] now since we have that all nice and covered we're going to grab our sprinkles and just roll it in here [Music] just like this we're going to place it on here let it set now i'm going to place this one actually in my cupcake liner just so that i know like where is the middle so let me just place that in there and then now we know it's like nice and centered we're gonna go ahead and add one mound of chocolate just a little bit and i also went ahead and did a chocolate butterfly so we're just gonna place this one in the center [Music] so on to packaging we're first going to start off with this one right here and we're gonna go ahead and place one of them inside now around it i actually like adding marshmallows so let me go ahead and do [Music] that [Music] now onto our next packaging we're going to use this one right here this one is for a four slot cupcake holder and i'm going to show you guys what this looks like when it's all nice and decorated [Music] now our last option is to place it in a mug just like this i personally like this one because it's big enough for you to place the bomb inside and you can also see what's happening so i did purchase this one off of walmart so let's go ahead and add our butterfly one inside but before we place this one inside i'm going to place it into this one right here and we're going to seal it off with a cute bow [Music] so now that we have that bow nice in there we're gonna place this into our cup but we can't forget the extra marshmallows now if you were to leave your extra marshmallows like exposed to air they would get hard within time so i went ahead and bagged mine in this cute little bag and i just also went ahead and added some diamond dust and rose gold to these little marshmallows and since this bag is pretty flat this fits right behind our bomb [Music] and lastly i purchased these teaspoons from walmart as well and let me just go ahead and take this off now to this teaspoon you can just go ahead and add it in there or you can also add a bow um up to you but i'm just going to leave mines like that now to just bring it all together i grabbed this really big plastic bag right here and we're going to add this inside now to close it i'm going to use a different colored ribbon actually changed my mind i'm going to add a ribbon to this one right here in the center you're just going to lift it up and tie the bow so i just ended this off with my bow and a really cute pen my sister made me so thank you jennifer um but yeah guys that is my last one to show you guys for packaging and i just love how it came out um everything is in there and it is just ready to be sent off to your best friend family member anyone um but i really hope you guys did enjoy this video so we're all done with all of our designs i love how each and every one came out don't forget to give me a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you aren't already now today's post notification shout out goes to aracelis gonzalez thank you so much for watching my videos here on youtube i truly appreciate you alright guys i'll see you in the next one bye have a lovely day [Music] you
Channel: Pretty Pastel Pastries
Views: 349,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate, chocolate bomb, strawberry bomb, hot cocoa, cocoa, prettypastelpastries, hoildays, christmas, baking
Id: hFWwtif9D0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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