Hot Chocolate Bombs for the Holidays | Christmas Hot Cocoa Bombs

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hello everyone welcome to my channel i'm Brittnee  and today i'm making a variety of holiday hot   cocoa bombs it makes sense why hot cocoa bombs are  really popular these days because they're so fun   to make and also fun to eat well drink today i'm  going to show you how easy it is to make a snowman   santa suit rudolph an ornament some tangled up  lights and a marbled hot chocolate balm to get   started let's go over the supplies that you'll  need and remember i always link these in the   description box down below a half sphere silicone  mold silicone cups for warming your chocolate hot   cocoa powder some marshmallows if you want some  food safe gloves some edible gold and silver   powder plus lemon extract for painting candy melts  in all different colors and some parchment paper   piping bags just click the card above to see  how i make these for the designs that i'll be   doing today i'm going to teach you three different  techniques that you can use to get creative with   the first one is where you create the cocoa  bombshell first and then pipe on finishing   decorations after the second one involves piping  decorations onto the mold and then creating the   shell the third one is a marbled effect where you  create the design as you're creating the shell by   pouring in chocolate and then pouring it out i'm  going to start with white chocolate and to meld it i'm going to use this silicone cup you  don't want to use glass because it can   trap in heat and burn your chocolate so i'm  going to start by putting this in the microwave   actually i want a little more i'm going to put  it in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time   and stir in between so here's what it looks  like after 30 seconds it doesn't really look   too much different but i'm going to give it  a little stir anyway and then 30 more seconds stir it again and you can see  that it's starting to get melty   and you don't even want to heat it until all the  little pieces of chocolate are melted you actually   want to stop early and then just stir it to finish  melting and you see if i keep stirring i might not   even need to put it back in the microwave  because there's only one tiny little chunk   and the warm chocolate just by stirring will melt   and that's how you prevent burning your chocolate  and by overheating it so it only took 60 seconds   and it's ready to go after you melt your  chocolate you're going to grab your sphere mold   make sure it is clean and that it doesn't have any  little fuzzies or anything in it an easy way to   clean it is with a cotton ball and vodka but if  you don't have that around hot soapy water will   also work well just be sure to dry the cavities so  that they don't have water spots so there's many   different ways you can create the shell with  the chocolate in the mold and i like to do it   this way just put a little bit of chocolate and  take a glove and just spread it with your fingers   i like this method because i can feel how much  chocolate is in the mold like how thick i can   tell how thick it is and i also think it's just  quicker and easier to just quickly rub it around   make sure the whole mold is coated you  can use a spoon or a paint brush but   the paint brushes are annoying because you have to  be careful with getting hairs falling in and also   i the chocolate sets up and then gets stuck in the  brush so i just like doing this and when you're   finished you just throw the glove away it's easy  to clean up and you don't need any other supplies and when i'm filling this i'm just kind of  scraping the chocolate that's like on the   finger up along the top edge because that part  can usually get a little bit thinner than the rest   and i need four white ones for my designs so  i'll just do the first coat for four of these before they set up too much  it's good to scrape them clean   because it gets harder once the chocolate sets  up and then you can end up breaking the mold part okay and so while the white ones start to set  up i'm going to do the first coat for   these two with dark chocolate  these this one will be the reindeer and now i'll just quickly do  a second coat on each of these so now you just let them chill in the fridge  for maybe five to ten minutes until they're   firm so that you can take them out the bombs are chilled and ready  to be taken out of the mold   to do that you just gently press the bottom  and they should come right out it's pretty easy just be very careful and i'm just going to set them on a piece  of parchment paper on this sheet tray   until i'm ready to decorate them but before  i decorate these ones i'll show you the   piping technique and the other technique so  i'll wash the mold and then do some piping okay so i'm going to start with a white  piping bag and what's going to become   my ornament and i'm just going to  like put a little bit of markers   so that i can section everything out i'm marking  the middle because i want a line to go across the balm like this and then next i want  to divide the half that's left into thirds   and they're not going to end up being  perfect because i'm just eyeballing it but they'll be close enough so  basically i'm going to do a curve   from here this will be the biggest part  of the curve and starting at this same one so i'm just going to start in the  center and curve it up to this point like that and the same with this side and the lines don't have to be perfect  because i'm actually going to pipe pipe over these when i take them out of the mold  these are just to like mark my sections and then   inside this i'm going to do some decorations  some dots with the white so i'm going to   do a really big white dot like this and then gradually get smaller hey like that and then i'm going to do  that in every other section   so not the one right next to it but  the next one and then this top one so now you might be starting to  see what where i'm going with   this what the design of the ornament  is going to kind of end up looking like and then one more on this one okay so this one is done with the white anyway and  i'll do the other one because we need two for each   sphere okay those two are almost done but while  i still have the white out i'm going to   do the santa suit so this one is going to be  top to bottom when i glue it the design is so this edge is going to be the belt so  i'm going to do like the like white   trim but like halfway below the belt so   i'm going to just like mark it so that it goes all  the way around evenly or as evenly as i can and i'm basically just going to pipe little like fluffs like little clouds just so it kind of looks like the fluffy  white trim around the bottom of his coat   like that and then on just one side that will  be like the front of the coat with buttons i'm   just going to add the trim up to the top  edge like that and then this other half is going to be the top half of the belt so the  top half of the coat i'm kind of just going to   do the part that will line up with that trim i do  the same like fluffy white trim and then i'm kind   of just going to do a collar i'm just going to  do a little opening like where his head would go   that's going to be the top of the bomb but  that's not really like the main point of this one   because this one will sit with the belt up  that's like the design of it so that's finished   now to finish off the ornaments i just need  to pipe a bit of red these are going to be the   background of the the dot sections are going to be  red the background of the other sections are going   to be green so i just need to finish these by only  filling in the sections with the dots with red   okay so once those are filled in now it's time  to take these four and fill them and finish the   shells just like the other ones so while i was  melting my green chocolate i just put these in   the fridge so this piped chocolate can set up  and now i just create the shells like i did with   the other ones by putting the background color  and i'm going to do it the exact same way by just   pushing it around with a glove and because this  one has quite a bit of chocolate i'll probably   just do one coat as long as i make sure to fill  in the missing parts of the mold with the green you just do it like that the exact same once  the designs are piped in the process is the same and then i'll fill in the santa  suit the exact same way but with red now these two get a quick second coat because  they didn't have as much piped chocolate   so they're a little bit thinner and into the fridge to chill okay i'm excited to see how these came out   ah oh cute oh this is gonna be fun i'm so  excited for the ornament it's going to also have   either gold or silver i haven't decided  yet i'm going to cover up the white lines let's see our santa suit so this  is going to be the bottom like that and the top is like this okay   now the last one is the marbled one so to create  the marbled effect i need to do a little layered   chocolate thing here i start with white  and i'm going to just drizzle in some red and then another little layer of white on top and then drizzle some green and then more white   and now i'm just going to take  the layered chocolate and pour some into one and the rest into the other   and swirl it to make sure it  covers every part of the mold and once all the mold is covered i'm  just going to tip out the extra chocolate and that'll be our first coat for the marbled   now once it's set up enough to not be  dripping anymore i'll just clean the edge and then let this set up before i do a second   coat now i'll just do a quick second  coat for these ones with white and into the fridge this one is very green now that all the shells are  finished i'm going to grab all the supplies i need   to fill them and glue them together and then grab  some piping bags and finish the final decorations   all right so i've set up a little station to fill  and glue the bombs together this pan has been in   the oven at the lowest setting just to warm  up just enough to melt the bombs a little bit   so to fill them i take the first half  and get it a little bit melty on the pan   and set it right here upside  down and then i'm going to take   whatever flavor of hot cocoa mix in there and  fill it up to your liking add marshmallows   if you want and then get the second half melty you  want to leave it on the pan until there's no gaps   and then place it on top and then  line it up and you can give a little   wipe with your finger to make sure it's nice and  clean and that's how you put together the bomb do now with this one i just have to make sure  i'm lining up the centers and also that i'm   putting the green against the red and the  red against the green to keep the pattern   consistent and then that these  are in line the top and bottom one thing i need to do real quick  before i can finish decorating   is pipe a couple decorations onto a piece  of parchment to set up to glue on the bombs   later the first thing i'm going to pipe  are some little antlers for the reindeer and then i need to create the top for the ornament with a little loop and the last thing is some  little earmuffs for the snowman do do so   so so so   do do do do   all right here are the finished holiday hot cocoa   bombs be sure to let me know in the  comments which design is your favorite let me know if you liked this video and  found it helpful by giving it a like   down below and if you haven't  subscribed to my channel yet   today's the day and if you'd like to  see some more holiday baking videos   just click on one of these thumbnails thank you  so much for watching today i'll see you soon bye
Channel: Brittnee Kay
Views: 27,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot chocolate bombs, hot chocolate bombs for the holidays, hot cocoa bombs, hot cocoa bombs for the holidays, hot chocolate bombs for christmas, hot cocoa bombs for christmas, christmas hot chocolate bombs, holiday hot chocolate bombs, christmas hot cocoa bombs, holiday hot cocoa bombs, snowman, ornament, christmas lights, santa clause, rudolph, red and green, chocolate, hot chocolate recipe, chocolate ornament, chocolate snowman, cake decorator, pastry chef, brittnee kay
Id: rmrMkHVwbls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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