Strats, Specs, & Glyphs Explained - TOGC 25 Heroic PTR VOD 5/21

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hello my name is simonize and welcome to another simonized stream we're here on the Wrath of the Lich King Classic public test realm testing out the new raid trial of the Crusader I'm here with my you know with my guild run 25 man we just finished one run of the raid where we wiped a couple times we learned the fights and we all made new characters on the PTR and we're just gonna come in and do it again so this run should be much cleaner if you're watching on YouTube you can go down below the video and uh there will be time stamps to when we do each boss when we kill each boss whatever and uh also if you're watching on YouTube you know we're live six days a week at simonized show so at the very moment you're watching we may be live over there so maybe pop by see see if you can catch one live and uh you know say hi that would be cool um yeah great uh I think we're getting almost ready to go here we had to take a little bit of a Time Break to let everyone recreate their characters and make sure their interface is good and all that stuff uh Thor hello diesel MP hello hello Weber with the uh gotchi emote love it uh got that though says YouTube come in here live stop being weenies hk2z hello YouTube Billy approve dude I don't have that one enabled on my better Twitch TV I gotta find out what Billy approved uh emote looks like okay we're starting up with oh there we go I had uh Titan steel spellblade equipped for some reason just remove that option okay we're coming in with Northern Beast we're gonna do this fight as assassination like there is a little bit of cleave opportunity and a little bit of other stuff going on in this fight but for the most part it is single Target and assassination Superior at the single Target and here we go time to pump [Music] we're gonna hold the speed potion to acid maw and red scale or maybe all the way to ice owl I think it actually should be on Ice howl yeah you can do a vanish for another Overkill buff and I should have used a Cold Blood a little earlier switch on here to the snowbold get two mutilates good to go hit that I think we can do one more mutilate here I don't want to use where is it going bro I don't want to put mutilates on a Target if I think it's gonna die before I can invent them because that results in wasted combo points so I got to make a decision on each of these and be like well is there enough time left in its life for me to you know commit more mutilates or not or do I just switch back onto the boss like that bro someone didn't finish that one off okay there we go now we go here there's another snowballed vassal up the targeting with the vassals can be pretty finicky okay we're killing dread scale first on the worm boss oh that one got kind of a little close to the stationary one so then we got um you know that that's fine for cleaving but then we got knocked back with sweep which is not really what we wanted a lot of fire damage I gotta get away we gotta quickly locate it's gonna be stationary now the one we want to be attacking finish this one off you want to not be in front of it okay we're over here moving we up Hunger moving we gotta stay with it so we don't lose up time ideally we would have killed it uh just a little bit quicker to make that not happen oh okay now it is dead okay ice howl next want to be at maximum melee range on this boss oh our tank is dead that's a problem okay not that big of a problem a meta tank picked it up secondary tank picked it up boss is tauntable so there we go we're at proper range now see everyone else got knocked back well most of it people got knocked back but I'm gonna make sure I don't get hit by it [Music] oh yeah we gotta go max range nice we're lucky we didn't get hit by either of those this is a 99 parts for sure dude look at this clean Northern Beast kill look at that positioning is really good the Tank's got it so like they don't move at all which is really helpful for the melee to make it so like every time the tank moves the melee have to readjust also uh to get to Max melee range now where is he charging we're good where we are we don't have to move so you want to be as close to the boss as you can while not being in his path because you want to get onto the boss as quickly as possible to start dpsing him after he gets stunned but you know not getting hit by him okay we go combat for the next one all of this stuff sucks so combat and then we go equip my combat set boom there we are uh on Lord J we're gonna do a lot of um fan of knives damage on the first one yeah fan faint we don't even care about adrenaline on this boss because we're gonna sync up both of our blade flurries and both of our killings Breeze with another portal spawn another portals spawn exactly two minutes apart from each other and the nether portals they always spawn exactly when the timer is up whereas the volcano is more of a cool down effect uh like you'll see a timer for it and then the boss might cast it right away when the timer's up but he also might just decide to wait five or ten seconds so uh what we're going to do on the first nether portal which is about I think it's like 15 seconds into the fight we pop all the cooldowns and we just go we go absolutely Wild um there's a lot of multi-target damage opportunity on jaraxis um and because of that that makes combat a very good choice as combat excels in this multi-target damage [Music] put up our slice and dice you really wanted to try hard you would uh desync your trinkets so that they would spawn at the same time or they would trigger at the same time as the first nether portal what the hell Killing Spree there I didn't actually change my target to the nether portal there's a bit of a oof I could have got more Auto attack damage on another portal keeping slice up and trying to hit as many fans on all these as possible so we got two Mistress of pain spawn uh you should be able to kill another portal and only get one and that that's a little bit on me because I didn't actually do it the maximum amount of damage in the another portal as I could have okay we're back down to one target here so we're gonna temporarily be in basically a single Target rotation until the you know volcano spawns and then we'll have a multi-target rotation again there's the infernal volcano this time we swapped we were much better at swapping I did burn two combo points that were on the boss I could have uh sliced before switching targets and that would have been good but here we're uh using our faint ability to reduce damage from the infernals they do have like a pulsing AOE that they do um we don't really want to take too much damage of that but at the same time we want to do you know maximum throughput by utilizing our fan of knives and the faint helps keeps it keep us safe and to be able to do that okay another portal in 12 seconds we'll get a little rupture there we go this one we got trinkets synced out before that's nice here we go we can build a combo point and that one we actually swap Target for the nether portal so that was better we still ended up with two Mistress of pain you know it wasn't you know we need a little more damage on those nether portals to kill it fast enough to only get one slice nice pretty good we dealt 18 of our overall damage was fan of knives we had two nice blade flurries doing about 242 000 damage total and our killing sprees were 25k a piece which both of them got cloned by blade flurry too okay next boss is faction champions Talon Strike crossbow and pass pass oh that's bis [Music] pass pass uh for Rogues we want to do same poisons as last time do you guys remember what they are [Music] yeah I can deploy don't worry we got like five repair Bots deployed uh okay so on Faction Champions we did this on the first clear and I really liked this strategy we're not messing around with like single Target AOE well I don't have Jeeves even though my character is called Simon Jeeves that's you you're that's not why yes uh okay I was talking to some people on voice so on Faction Champions what we did last time and we're doing again this time is aoeing everything down I think it makes the fight way too complicated uh sorry yeah we just AOE stuff down um so one I have crippling poison plus deadly one of the Rogues has wound poison plus deadly and one of the Rogues has mind numbing poison plus deadly and like we're each just you know assigned to one of the mobs we like stun it and lock it down while casting fan of knives as much as possible we're gonna spread debuffs on everything the death Knights are gonna spread diseases on everything the death Knights we're going for total damage throughput these guys do have an AOE damage reduction of 75 percent however 75 off on your AOE you're still doing more total damage by aoeing even with this up and like the death knight diseases and the Rogue poisons aren't reduced by this our fan of knives physical damage will be reduced by that but it's like still we're dealing way way more damage oh nice we got a business necklace charge of the Demon Lord um we're doing way way more damage by just aoing and we're making it way simpler by not having all these different crowd control assignments and like no AOE like we're not using polymorphs or other crowd control that breaks on damage we do still have like a single Target kill order for the people that do single Target damage um but it's just like we're gonna AOE stuff down here we go do a little cloak of Shadows I'm keeping up slice and dice and then just doing as much fan of knives as I can we're mostly looking to get rid of his uh Hellfire cast while we're focusing while we're uh sitting on this Warlock want to keep Auto attacking make sure we're always like in melee range of our Target because Auto attack gives us combat potency pretty important we want to always have a combo point on him so that we can kidney shot if needed otherwise we'll just get all the other interrupts with kicks like right there we needed that point to do that kidney shot to stop the Hellfire and that one we can get with kick and we keep going uh jumping and doing my fan of knives is actually like intentional and important uh when you're moving which jumping counts is moving you get a little bit of a bonus to the AOE radius of your fan of knives ability uh so that helps you hit more targets basically now we've done a single Target strategies on this boss before and we've found that the kill time on a single Target strategy is significantly longer than doing this damage and that makes sense uh because this strategy is for um maximizing total damage throughput and it's also way less complicated so people aren't like losing damage time to running around crowd controlling various dudes or like doing like individual tasks they're just they're just focused on pumping so it makes sense that our kill time's much faster I got oh I got disarmed that's lame okay hang on come on there we go do a little Killing Spree with this blade flurry we're gonna come in at probably just over three minutes here I'm gonna get an adrenaline rush coming back that's not how I know we're about three minutes into the fight this is what I really like you know the raid you know the the developers of The Game come up with you know some really intricate and cool boss fight and then the players are just like and you know what just Zog the boss do a bunch of AOE damage ignore the mechanics I love it that that's winning if you ask me okay when Val tears what is our glyph setup we don't want ban what can we do instead tricks let's do tricks uh we also don't want Killing Spree on this one because uh [Music] oh yeah we're gonna switch back to our good poisons foreign okay so the one thing we're a little confused about in our first run is like how exactly we wanted to approach this twin valkyr boss foreign looks like Phantom knives damage is counted as AOE but possibly instant poison doesn't count that that's correct that's my understanding of the situation as well KJ cam fly all right so they're gonna talk probably for a little bit about this one because this was like our our most like we were most confused about this boss uh we were trying to do a strategy where it like basically um The Raid would stay the majority of the raid would stay dark Essence almost the entire time we would only swap for light Vortex and even though even when it was um shield on dark Bane they were just like don't bother switching damage the boss will beat the shield even with dark Essence um but it was uh a little bit difficult um and um yeah so what we're gonna do this time is not quite that strategy we're going to try to um switch to the appropriate color for every um ability that the twin Valkyries do the way they work is they have a shield ability and they have a Vortex ability um wait let me back up a second you have dark Essence and light essence when I have dark Essence I deal bonus damage to light Bane and ideal reduced damage to dark Bane and the opposite's true if I get the light essence I do bonus damage to darkbane and reduce damage to light Bane so I have dark Essence right now so I want to focus on attacking light bait uh the Valkyries have abilities either Shield or vortex uh when one of the valkyrs does a shield ability they put up a big damage shield and they start casting a healing ability you can't interrupt the healing ability until the damage Shield is broken so if light Bane does a shield we have to damage light Bane a whole lot if darkbane does a shield we have to damn you know we might switch to light and then damage dark Bane because like we need the light essence to do that hang on we're pulling the boss now so I I don't have much more time to explain I gotta get this opener properly which I've already up okay that was not perfect but it was okay so we're on light Bane gotta get that slice and dice back up abilities happening soon we've got to go to light essence because this is a light Vortex Vortex is the other ability they can do it just does a bunch of AOE damage and if light Bane casts it the light valkyr it'll do a bunch of light damage [Music] foreign the other effect of the essence is like when I'm dark Essence I can absorb damage of the same type so to counter The Vortex ability you want everyone in the raid to be the same essence whoopsies stay same this is a dark Vortex now most of us are dark Essence already so it's popping off and we uh don't take any damage from it because we're dark essence all right we're about to have another boss ability I'm gonna wait to do this blade flurry until after the ability [Music] so we swapped the light this is a shield cast by dark Bane so we need to do bonus damage to dark Bane doing blade flurry dropped a slice and dice that's not good I think we don't have the strategy quite worked out with making the most efficiency out of the swap effects but uh that was pretty good Shield Maiden plate Sky Weaver robes cloth Moon shroud robe trophy of the Crusade trophy of the Crusade breastplate of the frozen lake here's a little tip on the speed running strategy uh go to this door while you wait for the Lich King to do his RP if you fall to the bottom and you're here you're as far north as possible so you can you know be close to a new Barak you know much closer than if you were anywhere else in the room [Music] what was the poison on Main hand offhand for faction Champions asks uh jug Kings I was using crippling poison on Main hand deadly on offhand uh one of the other Rogues was doing wound poison main hand deadly poison offhand and the third Rogue was using mind-numbing poison uh main hand and then deadly poisoned offhand so we have three Rogues covering three different debuffs between crippling wound and mind numbing and just applying that to everyone you know in the faction Champions encounter made it super smooth like they were all slowed they all had healing reduction on them and they all had you know cast speed slow as well now for this boss there's a interesting consideration is combat is definitely going to do more total damage output if you count damage to boss and damage to adds um however our raid has enough leave damage and AOE damage to take down those ads I don't feel like we need more ad damage so I'm intentionally choosing um assassination because assassination is going to do more damage to the boss um my total damage output is going to be way you know going to be lower than most of the other classes but my boss damage is probably going to be on top just like the best um because I'm not focusing on like spreading damage to the ads and really the hard part of this encounter is the Final Phase uh the leaching swarm phase when you know everyone's at you know sub third you know the boss goes to sub 30 and then does leeching swarm which just drains Health from everyone and heals the boss and like you need a lot of Boss damage to get through that now I have one macro I want to change it's just like my tricks of the trade macro should be on elk bear okay here's a pull timer we get our uh tricks of the trade out well they said wait [Music] they said wait my tricks might be griefed 40 seconds okay that's good we all of our tricks were screwed up so we need that time oh just mine oh oh yeah I could see that I was actually the only one who screwed up their tricks I said everyone unlucky okay now I think we're good they they had one little detail they had to sort out okay on to the boss as soon as possible hunger for blood up uh I want to be sure to vanish early I want vanish for the Final Phase but if I do one early it should be up for the Final Phase uh also [Music] there we go two ice patches in front just how we want it our tricks of the trade is up so we'll hit it on Elm one of our warlocks hopefully they will notice and they will uh you know snapshot their corruption or whatever so you see we got everyone else they're able to take care of the borrowers pretty easily so we're not worried about like cranking even more burrower damage out by being combat [Music] okay this emerge is about to happen so the Tank's gonna pull the boss pretty far away we do the in venom and then we switch over here on typhy not on us gotta I had the penetrating cold debuff on me so I cloaked it off it's a just a put on spell was close that was really close oh unlucky uh that was screwed up okay so uh the person kiting brought him over there and I think kind of some people on voice chat uh kind of panicked they was like we don't want to delete those when we kite the spikes into an ice patch It'll like delete the ice patch those are like positioned really nicely for our boss tanking uh so unfortunately we have a wipe here which means uh no cloaks for us in this one but uh you know we had 50 attempts going into this foreign so basically the spikes weren't guided properly and we resulted in a couple of deaths there and then once there were a couple of deaths it was like okay this you know because it was some of the healers it was like okay this is over also like even if they were damage dealers like you need all of your damage alive for that Final Phase to be able to knock it down having damage dealers dead is also a big deal the way wow says I look forward to our cloaks being griefed every week by that one guy that doesn't know how to do impale yeah I think that is going to be a big source of drama and stress between players of like you caused the wipe no you cause you could have prevented it with this no you caused the wife this is why we didn't get a cape this week like that I think that's going to be stressful for a lot of guilds and it's going to be a problem foreign every time we wipe change hats dude no this hat is really good I don't have any hat that's fuzzier than this look it feels so good just look at my face and you can ah that's how you can know how fuzzy it is well it's also my only hat with a meta socket you see I put the meta gem in the middle right there so it's easily my best stated hat I mean meta gems super important two one gotta adjust position slightly do that nice early vanish I did the Cold Blood outside of my dark matter proc I think that's good because I mean dark matter is like 15 increase per chance cold blood's guaranteed crit so like it kind of in a way wastes some of the Dark Matter proc as like inefficient you rather use a cold blood outside of a dark matter if all other things are the same rather than within the dark matter anyways we're pumping tricks of the trade on El Marty Elm it's just called Elm on this character oh we had penetrating cold I didn't realize it it only had a couple seconds left um we should have cloaked it off much earlier oh I gotta get out of this in case it chases me okay it's not on me but if you're on the ice patch at the start of that phase it's really dangerous because you can't move very much when you're on the ice patch like that so you could you could cause problems so look the guy got bopped and then right before the Bop expires he actually walks onto the ice patch the point of that is to just delay as long as possible um you know that first um here here we go no stealth has it can I get a hunger for blood off of one of these dudes anyone pursue on adiabotics do we want to get rid of this there we go nice okay boss is about to emerge so I'm gonna tricks my tank get that hunger for blood and go right on the boss as soon as it comes up that's pretty important you don't want to lose damage Time by being on the other side of the map when the boss emerges and you want to have your tricks of the trade on the tank like prepped already so you could just mutilate the first Global he's up there uh delaying helps by reducing the total number of ice patches you end up using because you have a limited number of ice patches but frankly if you're only doing one submerge phase the importance of delaying is like basically none like you could just burn all your ice patches well it's up for the front too like you could you could burn four you get six in total so you could burn four of them during that submerge and as long as you only get one submerge like that's fine foreign s are back up here's leeching swarm I'm gonna start taking mad damage we're gonna hold the heroism just a little bit we have an extra add up one of them was allowed to submerge which is kind of dangerous I have the penetrating cold again [Music] there we go it's over we lived it your wisdom's up now okay we're gonna be at very low Health basically this entire phase just barely staying alive and that's good because the leaching swarm deals damage to US based on a percentage of our current health so if we're lower Health it deals with less raw damage to us and whenever leeching swarm deals damage to us it heals the boss so we want to minimize that damage minimizes the healing to the boss there's more borrowers up right now where I'd say a little behind on Boss damage you want to have this boss going down like before too many of these borrowers come up I think these are being kited now whoa whoa whoa is that a Kill [Music] there we go [Music] all right that is not exactly a clean kill I would say but it is a Kill one wipe on that one armbands of the Ashen Saint belt of deathly Dominion light guards of lurking threat carapace all right we just pass on all this who cares who cares who cares who cares who cares and we go again we've got raid time we're just going to go again
Channel: SimonizeShow TV
Views: 7,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, wotlk, wrath, melee, rogue, dps, parse, pve, raid, trial of the grand crusader, trial of the crusader, togc, toc, phase 3, p3
Id: ppWQ9ictAsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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