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hey guys I'm Jordy and this is your Guide to the final boss in trial of the grand Crusader the undead Lieutenant of the Lich King and King of the nerubians a nubarak our guests have arrived just as the master promised now anubarak is a three-phase fight and I'd argue is definitely the most challenging fight in togc upon the twin docker's death arthas shows up and talks some before plunging frostmore into the Arena floor and dropping the raid deep beneath the surface to a new barack's Cavern below now for raid composition on this fight we're gonna Flex up to three tanks I know you've only needed at most two tanks for raids up to this point so let's hope a fury Warrior or a frosty K you brought along is willing to be the bigger man and throw some beef gear on we'll also be using four to five healers and a normal spread of melee and range DPS now a nubarak has a few things that he'll do throughout the fight that you're going to be contending with for the first and third phase nubrack fights the raid as normal meleeing the tank and doing most of his abilities in Phase 2 which occurs one minute and 20 seconds into the fight he'll submerge and Chase a random raid member around the room speeding up over time unless he's dealt with we'll get into that later first regardless of phase he'll put a frost dot called penetrating cold on five random members of your raid this is 6 000 Frost damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds ticking a total of six times in phase one and two this is super easy to heal through but in Phase 3 which we'll get to later things will get more complicated so remember this one now anubrack himself doesn't do all that much except one thing the cast's ability called freezing slash this says damage to their current Target and freezes them for 3 seconds this can get kind of annoying so be careful if you have to move him while he's up top he'll also summon waves of ads called nerubian burrowers every 45 seconds these do a couple things first they will occasionally try to cast submerge this will cause them to submerge and disappear for a while before re-emerging later on you don't want this so you'll be tanking them on top of patches of frost more on that in a second they'll also cast Shadow strike this is an eight second cast that they'll do every so often that will cause them to Shadow step behind a random Target and deal 40 000 Shadow damage to them this is interruptible and it's absolutely critical that you get every single one that they cast next we'll apply a debuff to their current Target called expose weakness this stacks and increases the physical damage that the target takes by 25 up to 9 times or 225 percent there's nothing you can do here it just means that they're gonna hit you hard finally and most importantly they have an aura called spider Frenzy every burrower within 12 yards of each other will buff the others with this increasing attack and casting speed by 100 and movement speed by 20 percent this is why you'll be using three tanks two of your off tanks will each pick up two spiders each and position them on top of the opposite flanks of a new Barack but out of range of the other two so these auras don't stack up too high and cause your tanks to get nearly one shot all right Those ads will be relevant in phase one and three of the fight each phase one you'll get two waves and they'll continue spawning every 45 seconds in phase three so you'll have to deal with them as well now in order to prevent these things from burrowing you're going to be using these Frost orbs that are floating around the room if the spiders are on top of the frost patches that they drop on the ground when they're killed they won't submerge which means you won't fall behind on doing damage to them and can quickly clean them up now there are six of these orbs in this room two of which you'll tank the burrowers on and four of which you'll be using in phase two to help impede a new Barack from killing everybody more on that in a sec all right we'll skip phase two stuff until we get to the walkthrough and just quickly go over the leaching swarm a new Brax soft and rage mechanic that held cast at 30 beginning phase three now at 30 the entire raid will be afflicted with a debuff called leeching swarm every one second you'll be hit with a DOT that does 30 of your current HP so if you have 10 000 HP you'll get hit for three thousand putting you at seven thousand then a second later they'll be hit for 30 of 7 000 which is twenty one hundred putting you at 4 900. a second after that 30 of 4 900 which is 1470 putting you at 34.30 and so on the minimum amount of hpe that can be leached is 250. so if you find yourself at 250 HP you need a heel or you will die now this also heals a new Barack for the amount of HP that he leeches so the lower HP you are the lower the dot ticks for and the less HP anubrack himself is healing so you're incentivized to keep the raid as low as possible without anybody dying now that's not exactly simple but it's very doable we'll discuss that in a second all right that was a lot of info to throw at you let's get into the walkthrough on how you'll be handling this guy okay on pole your tank should run in and tank a new rack where he's standing facing him away from the raid his aggro range is pretty small so don't be afraid to run up there once he's in position you'll assign two dks and two range DPS classes to each grip one Frost orb one from the left and one from the right to the ground on the opposite flanks of a new Brack's back legs and then kill those orbs they need to be killed in this specific orientation so that the borrower tanks can keep them spread out far enough from each other while also close enough that you can cleave all of them down adequately you'll get the hang of it just try to emulate what you're seeing here okay so the frost orbs are down here comes the first wave of ads now they spawn in pairs behind the raid and each tank should taunt and begin threading them as best they can on their assigned side of the room and then quickly work to get them on top of the frost patches on the ground Hunters should be assigned to help out here with Miss drugs it's critical that they're tanked on these or they will submerge and you'll find that they re-emerge when the next wave is there giving you big issues once safely on the frost patches The Raid should cleave them down and do some good damage to eliminate them after some time they'll cast Shadow strike these must get interrupted there will be plenty of people nearby with the ability to do so so assign a couple people per side to watch it and stay on top of it as the ABS die a second wave will spawn same thing tanks pick them up drag them on the patch MD them hunters and do your best to finish them off quickly now about one minute and 10 seconds into the fight your tank should boot away to his left or right away from the raid dragging a new Barack to the far wall while the raid finishes off the ads if done correctly a new Brack should submerge safely away from the raid and the adds should die now we begin phase two your range DPS should go around knocking down the remaining four Frost orbs out of the sky and dropping the frost patches on the ground as they do this a new Barack will fixate on somebody similar to various fixate mechanics that we've seen in the past like Guru and ak-20 and while underground they'll stab up through the Earth as he chases them don't get hit by these they will kill you now as the fixate person runs around the room they should kite him towards a frost patch on the ground if he runs over one he'll punch up through it and fail stunning himself for a few seconds before choosing a new Target and resetting his speed if you fail to do this he'll just move faster and faster before zooming around the room one-shotting everybody so stun him with these patches paladins you can also Bop people with them it will pause them in place and give you some extra time if your DPS is good you should only need one of these submerged phases so don't be scared to run him directly into each Frost patch do not however use the frost patches that you placed at the back of the room initially where you tanked them those are specifically placed for tanking the Brewers and should be off limits for kiting him during phase two alright so you've kited him into these things a few times and boom he's re-emerged your main tank will pick him back up and then we just reset moving him back into phase one position and continuing DPS now there's nothing new here heal the penetrating coal dots kill the burrowers as they spawn blast the boss if you've done some good DPS you'll quickly be approaching 30 in the beginning of phase three as you hit the threshold you should hit lust make sure he has a moral strike effect on him and start blasting the boss okay let's talk about leeching swarm High healers I'm talking to you yes I know if you're looking at these raid bars every Instinct in your body is screaming I must heal these people for their HP is low and it is my job no bad healer bad you are not to heal anyone in the raid except the three tanks and any of the five people that currently have penetrating cold on them literally no one else you might be asking yourself why well we've set up the raid so that everyone has some sort of passive healing the melee and hunters will be getting Crocs of Judgment of Light which should easily keep them above the 250 HP threshold without needing any extra healing additionally we've got a shadow priest and a group with vampiric Embrace this should do enough passive healing to keep anyone in his or her group up enough that you don't need to help them out and finally a couple shamans with healing streams out in their groups should do enough to comfortably keep their groups up through the leaching swarm now there are a lot of ways to do this The Meta will likely change you can utilize cleft Holy Light splashing lots of different little ways to organize your groups and healers here but this group comp will work if you want to discuss this more hit me up at my Discord or whenever I'm streaming and we can discuss what this does mean though is that anyone that gets the penetrating cold debuff will be taking 6 000 Frost damage after three seconds which should be more than enough to One-Shot them from their currently low HP threshold as such we're going to need to work quickly to get healers on certain targets and then those targets healthy enough to take the ticks of penetrating cold and leeching swarm so they don't die now there's a few ways to do this dbm has a feature that assigns raid markers to anyone currently Afflicted with penetrating cold make sure your raid frames show it I use a weak core that assigns a number in this poll I'm number three and four but I could but easily be assigned to Circle and star and I know that those are the two people that I'm supposed to keep up through the dock that's it that's my only job in phase three keep them up here is how we assign our healers in phase three there are a few ways to do this but this worked for us and it will work for you okay so regardless of how you do it everyone is responsible for keeping up their assignment and only their assignment do not drift to heal anybody else any extra healing or shielding you do will only heal the boss more and slow your kill time so trust the process and do your job otherwise the ratings to blast as hard as they can because you will run out of steam eventually pop lust go ham the ad should be cleaved down as usual but they aren't a priority they just need to die before another set spawn if you're close to a Kill you can also move them off the frost patches to allow them to burrow they'll disappear for a while but if the boss dies while they're still underground you've still won so who cares if you've done enough DPS during this phase kept the tanks and the penetrating cold targets up and kept the battlefield clear of burrowers new Brack will go down and you can collect your loot as well as the tribute chest containing a cash reflective of your white count up to this point congratulations all right let's talk about some tank tips this fight leans a lot on the off tanks to get their position correct as the nerubian burgers come in get some good snap threat and then move them quickly on top of your assigned Frost patch you don't have time to mess around we'll cast Burrows soon and the frost patch is the only thing stopping them if the ads do wander too far and pick up an extra stack of spider frenzy pop a cooldown preemptively they will truck the hell out of you with any extra Stacks so play it safe and don't let them Global you additionally watch those interrupts you should be able to get most of them yourself but feel free to call for help if you need it the DPS are just pumping and have the spare globals to lend a hand should you need it and in phase three you've got leaching storm on you and you're getting hit by burrowers so any extra cooldowns you have when things are looking spicy will help the healers a lot do what you can okay and some healer tips this is a very weird fight but you've got to untrain yourself from just spamming The Raid it is wrong any healing you do in phase three isn't even counted on the logs so don't bother also healing partners are cringe for your penetrating cold assignment pop super fast heels on them first to get them above the threshold of death and then swap back and forth to keep them up as a disc priest I powered Shield each of my assignments and then spam flash Shield back and forth on them this is enough to keep them alive and fighting without letting them drop below the 6000 HP threshold that they die at because of the penetrating cold tick and for DPS you've got to save everything you've got for phase three the healers are going to be stressed as hell keeping the raid up from these dots and the tanks alive so anything you can do to juice the boss during that time is encouraged and if you get a penetrating cold dot on you in phase three pop a defensive to help your healers out dks can AMS Rose cloak whatever just help them out so you take less damage and stay alive all right well that's it for a new Barack and trial of the grand Crusader this rate is a short one and I know that personally I'm already rearing to tackle ICC a raid of which I will have a full Suite of guides so make sure to subscribe to see those when they do eventually drop I've also got a full assignment sheet for togc coming soon a loot Pro guide that I do with Pummel that's already out and a week or a guide I'll be doing the foji in the coming days so if you want to see any of that make sure you subscribe whew okay well that's it for me and t-o-g-c good luck on the wipeless or deathless if you want to see that Crusader's White Horse and I'll see you all out there all right
Channel: Joardee
Views: 15,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, wow classic, wotlk, wotlk classic, wrath of the lich king, wrath classic, trial of the grand crusader, togc, phase 3, boss guide, anub togc
Id: gaL3LpKNE94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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