Strangerville Motel & Diner 🍔 || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's melissa here so welcome to another speed build so today i am building here in the world of strangerville which is of course the world that came in the strangerville game pack and i absolutely love this world i can't really remember though the last time i have built here and i think that's a real shame because this world is so cool and it's so interesting and unique and i just love how different it is to other worlds that we have in game and this is going to be for my save file which is always very exciting but this time it's especially exciting because this is the last build that i had to do in this world for my save file so now it is complete it's all finished and i think it just came together so nicely i feel like the world is very like cohesive and it makes sense to me so hopefully it makes sense to you guys originally if you get this game pack this lot has a crashed airplane on it and it's a residential lot there's a guy that lives here i forget his name at the moment and what i decided to do was just get rid of the airplane altogether and i moved it or i moved him rather over to the plateau area and i built him a big house and i gave him a family and a whole backstory which i still need to write out i um i'm planning on doing that for most of the sims if not all of the sims in my save file i just haven't had the time to do it so please forgive me i know a lot of you guys were hoping to see that in the original release but um it just that's very time consuming and i just i don't have very much time so um yeah it is something i will work on in the future but i decided that that would be a better spot for him because i i just wanted more for your sims to do in this world of course there's like the whole story line and there's the lab that you can go to like the government facility and you can play through that whole story but once that story is finished i just don't really feel like it's very replayable so i wanted more reason for your sims to live here and to go here and so i thought that using this lot for community lot would just make so much more sense and it's such a huge lot too so i figured i could fit so much on the slot so what i ended up doing was building a motel and a diner there's also a swimming pool so there's lots of different activities there's vending machines there's a laundromat area there's um i think that's about it actually they can eat here they can stay here um there's also an apartment here too which i imagine was like the owner of the hotel um so you could play through that idea too if you wanted your sim to pretend like they lived here and maybe um you could play through like the story of strangerville that way because i think that would be kind of cool because i put a listening device up there um so i think there's a lot of different possibilities i'm going to upload this to the gallery as a restaurant and i'll put it in my save file as a restaurant but i think it'll function really nicely as other lot types too if you prefer maybe the way parks function or pool community pool lots that would work too maybe even other lot types as well that i didn't think of you might want to add a few things or remove a few things depending on what lot type you have it as because you know certain lots do have specific requirements and i may have not met those but either way i think this is just such a fun idea for this world and it just makes sense to me to have like kind of a shady motel in this world and that's what i wanted it to feel like and so as you can see i'm starting off by putting together how the apartments or not the apartments the um hotel rooms are going to look and so all of them look the same i just copied them over and switched up some of the colors just to make them a little bit different but overall i just wanted to like establish the look and the feel and then um yeah kind of continue from there and so i'm so happy with the way it came together and um i used some of the dumpsters that came from eco lifestyle that have like the graffiti on them and i add some like trash bags and stuff and a little bit of trash around because i wanted it to feel a little bit kind of dirty but i didn't want it to be totally trashed and like nobody takes care of it it's just it's just not like well taken care of it's taken care of but it's it needs some work and so you could even like maybe renovate it unfortunately this world doesn't transform like the eco lifestyle world i think that would have been so cool if you could transform this world to become more modernized it would just add so much more to it but i mean it kind of does change a little bit just not as drastically as the eco lifestyle world because originally when you play this there's like this pathogen and your sims become infected and there's like these plants and stuff and like a whole storyline that goes with it and so if you complete the story and you're successful then the world goes back to normal and there's no more threat to the citizens that live here so i mean it kind of changes in that sense and there's like this like fog like kind of nasty cloud stuff that comes through with like the spores from the plants i think exactly i'm not exactly sure but either way that you won't see that anymore but it doesn't drastically change like the whole environment doesn't change but i just love how rundown and desertis like deserted this world looks so i wanted to kind of continue with that but either way um yeah here i did add a second floor so it's a two-story motel there's i believe six bedrooms and then there's a registration area so you can get checked into the hotel there's a laundromat area so your sims can do some laundry weather here i didn't include any laundry hampers themselves because they would fill up pretty quickly with sims being on this lot especially if they use like the swimming pool or the shower or something and so i just imagined that you could bring your laundry along with you or you could just have a hamper while you're here visiting and then you could do laundry or something i'm sure there's ways around it but i didn't want laundry just to pile up from the sims visiting here and yeah like i said i did play this as a restaurant and it totally functions really nicely as a restaurant if you don't have dine out you could easily turn the restaurant into a bar you could put a bar in the spot of the um the chef stations that would totally work or um i'm sure there's different things that you could do um with that spot if you don't have dine out but if you don't have it i highly recommend it because um even though there's like a lot of glitches with that game pack i actually really enjoy that game pack and i really like the ability to build restaurants and i like the fact that you can also run them as well like i think it's such a good like a good game pack concept because there's lots of gameplay with both gameplay and build mode like it adds gameplay to both aspects of the game which i think is really nice and i'm hoping that if we ever actually do get hotels it'll be the same sort of concept where we can build them or we can run them and your sims can visit them and there's just all sorts of gameplay surrounding them i think that would be so cool and i'm hoping that we get them at some point and i hope that the items aren't too specific to like one theme i hope they're more like general hotel items i don't know let me know what your guys's like idea would be for like a dream hotel pack i would love to see just like a good variety of i guess we already have a lot of decorations that work for a hotel like this so maybe like some luxury items i don't know i feel like we have lots of luxury items too so i don't really know which direction i would want it to go in i more just want the ability to have actual hotels in the game rather than trying to use other community lot types to pose as hotels like this one so um yeah i don't know let me know if you guys have any ideas or thoughts on that but um originally i was going to put the cars parked out front as you can see here but later on as i was building this i really decided that a swimming pool would be a lot more useful than just having more parking space and so i get rid of the cars there in the front and i close it in with some fences oh it's not completely closed in but um i used some fences and make a swimming pool and i actually turned the swimming pool like a dirty color because i wanted it to look a little bit untaken care of and i could have completely trashed it and used some of like the trash and stuff that came from uh what is the pack called my goodness eagle lifestyle sometimes it is like nearly impossible to remember the names of pax but um i could have used like some trash and stuff that came from that pack in the live edit objects and filled the swimming pool with it i even thought about doing that for a moment you'll see that i grabbed like a mattress and some like wooden planks and i think about putting them in the swimming pool and having them like float on the surface but i just felt way too trashed for my liking i wanted it to feel i wanted it to feel kind of shady and like you might get bed bugs but there's not trash floating in the swimming pool but it hasn't been cleaned in a while there's it's still kind of dirty but i also thought about including a gas station on this lot just as like purely decorative and maybe done like a little convenience store or something but i kind of was running out of room even though this is a huge lot if i would have included that it would have it would have been way too crowded and i couldn't have added like the other things that i wanted to include and made it feel like it actually like felt like it belonged here which i really wanted to do but i think a gas station would be so fun but there is one that's just like just down the road in the distance your sims can't visit it unfortunately like i wish that your sims could like visit more lots even if they're not totally functional like i love what they did in the cottage living expansion pack where they can go window shopping so there's all of these different buildings and rather than being able to go inside of them your sims can still interact with them i think that would be so cool just for like just to make things feel like more complete and more full and more interactive even if your sims can't fully go inside of them so i think that would be cool like something cool to see in other packs anyways but um yeah over here is going to be the diner and the diner i am so happy with this is exactly how i wanted it to look i'm like so pleased with like the shape of it and it's been a really long time since i built a diner i built like i think one of them before maybe two but i think for i know for sure one and i believe it was before i started my channel it may have been one of my first videos i can't exactly remember it was early on when i first started playing the sims and i was really happy with that build um but i don't think i've built one since and this one is like i'm just so happy with it like i i don't know maybe i'm tuning my own horn i'm not exactly sure maybe you guys won't like it as much as i do but of course let me know what you guys think but i just think it blends into this world so nicely and that's really what i was trying to do with this entire build was make it feel like it belongs because that's just what i try to do with all of my builds especially for my save file because i want them to feel like cohesive worlds and cohesive neighborhoods and like the architecture actually makes sense for the environment and the surroundings and like the landscaping and everything i really try so hopefully it comes through um but yeah i'm just really pleased with it and i'm excited to have another community lot finished for my safe file because recently i just shared a nightclub in the eco lifestyle world evergreen harbor and it's like a converted like old warehouse that's been turned into a nightclub and a lot of you guys seem to like that and i love it too and i'm excited to do more community lots for my save too i just i find community lots intimidating and kind of hard to start and so um i don't get very many of them out but once i like do one and complete one i'm always like super happy with them and i don't they're one of my favorite things to build but like i said they're just kind of intimidating and hard to start but yeah in here i really wanted it to have that diner feel so i wanted to have checkered floors and the checkered floor that we have from base game just felt so tiny of like the checkers themselves um so i ended up doing this but i don't end up keeping it because i remembered that there was this flooring that came from strangerville and i placed it in here and honestly when i placed it i didn't think i was going to keep it i thought that i would just kind of see how it looked and assumed that i wouldn't like it but once i placed it i loved it so um yeah i end up not having checkered floors but it still feels like a traditional like american diner in my opinion which i definitely wanted um but yeah over here i have a bar counter area and i switch up the colors a few different times but i end up keeping the yellow i like the yellow and the brown um oh yeah and i used this jukebox over here but yeah behind the counter i have the chef station so like i was saying if you don't have dine out then you could easily put a bar back there of course if you don't have dine out then you won't have the bars the bars that i used um with the tables the tables actually came from bowling stuff but the actual seats came from dine out so you have to keep that in mind but of course there's other options from different packs and things that would probably work they just wouldn't look as realistic but um yeah i just i think it looks so cool in here i added um some ceiling lights that i thought looked nice just these simple base game ones i thought looked pretty perfect i didn't want it to look like too like gimmicky like i didn't want it to feel too um like mid-century i wanted it to have that kind of mid-century feel but i didn't want it to be too cheesy if you guys get what i mean so some of the other lights just looked a little bit cheesy to me but these ones kind of looked appropriate and i changed the color of them to be more of like a yellowy color i tried played around with some like oranges and different colors and um overall it just has more of an orange feel to it in here and i think it looks so cool and i just loved like the environment and stuff but um yeah i added lots of windows and unfortunately that meant it took away from like the wall space uh and i wanted to add like tons of wall decor and i add quite a few different things like we have some great paintings that came from strangerville with old cards and stuff that i think work perfect in this sort of interior and we have some neon signs and stuff and so i tried adding like a variety of those it wasn't as many as i imagined i would use because i used so many windows and like curtains and stuff but i don't think it would have felt the same if i wouldn't have used those so yeah i don't know i just i like so excited about this build um hopefully i'm not being too annoying about it but yeah behind the chef stations i really wanted to add some like counters at this point this little pop-out area is not big enough so i do make it a little bit bigger and i also was thinking about not including a bathroom because there's already so many bathrooms in the motel itself but then i thought that it would probably be kind of annoying during gameplay for your sims to be eating food and then need to walk all the way to the motel to use the bathroom so i do end up including one once i expand the kitchen a little bit and i think it totally makes sense and it doesn't look as awkward as i thought it was going to because the reason i wasn't going to include one because i thought it would take like away from the shape of this restaurant and look kind of weird but i think it totally works and it just makes so much more sense to have one and something i would have loved to have been able to use was the bathroom stalls that came from university because some of them have like graffiti and stuff like written in the bathroom stall themselves and i think that just totally works for this environment and the style that i was going for and it just felt so realistic but unfortunately those stalls are so big and they just did not fit so you'll see that here in just a little while um but yeah i also really liked these decorations that i put on top of the tables and the bar counter with like the ketchup and the mustard and the hot sauce those are base game items and they're so cool i just love having like decorations like that um but here i was adding a little bit of like water stains and cracks and stuff i add like a few more stains and stuff to the windows just to give it a little bit of a dirty feel but like i was saying i didn't want it to feel completely like run down but a little bit a little bit unkept um but here i did switch up the floors i think these floors just work so nicely in here they're not exactly what i envisioned like i was talking about i didn't um see myself really using this floor but once i place it i think it looks so good um over here i was going to add a side table with some decorations but i got distracted here and then i go back to that here in just a little while but um i just end up putting like a couple of plants and then like a sign in there but here i'm adding some counters and some cabinets and i think this looks so much more natural and complete and i loved those lights that i ended up using and then right here is where i end up adding the bathroom so this is as big as i end up making the bathroom just like a little four square bathroom with a toilet and sink and i just i wanted to use a bathroom stall so bad and i mean you could probably fit one in here if you really tried if you moved like the door or something actually now that i think about it i do end up removing that counter that's right to the left of the door and i probably could move the door over slightly to fit in the bathroom stall because that's the reason i didn't end up keeping it because it was blocking the door so if you guys decide to download this build and it's a little bit different that means i figured it out but yeah i ended up removing that counter because um the sims like that work in this restaurant like the waiter staff couldn't get to the chef stations to grab the food without it and so it just made the build a little bit easier for them to maneuver around i think i could totally make that work but yeah i just used some more half walls to kind of fill in the space back here and i think i could maybe make it a little bit a little bit longer it still might look a little bit awkward i don't know i might just leave it the way it is because it's totally fine and it's not totally necessary to have one of those bathroom stalls even though they're so cool but either way here's when i decide to get rid of this parking lot area what i end up doing is putting parking behind the motel and then putting parking in front of the restaurant just so they have like their separate parking spaces and to make each of the areas feel more like sectioned off like there's two actual businesses here and they're not all just one business even though they're on the same lot but then i found this sign from base game and i sized it up just a little bit using the tool mod and i thought that looked more appropriate more of like a regular realistic scale for the restaurant itself and then over here is where i create the swimming pool and something that i end up doing is i use this concrete floor throughout like the entire build and i was trying to figure out a way to blend it into the world and make it feel like there was an actual like driveway and an entrance because unfortunately the road doesn't really look like you can drive up here and so we're just going to pretend that there's a dip in the curb and there's a way for your sims to drive over here but i actually looked around at some of the surrounding lots and stuff just like the decorative ones and what a lot of them seem to have was gravel that led to the builds and so that's what i ended up doing and it looked a little bit kind of awkward next to the concrete that i used and so i tried blending it in with the terrain paint that came from eco lifestyle that's just like the concrete uh terrain paint and that kind of works but then i realized why do i just not use the concrete terrain paint like around the entire lot and then blend that into the gravel so that's what i end up doing and i think that just makes so much more sense um but over here i'm just moving the restaurant forward just a little bit and i was going to enclose it and make like a trash can area back here but what i end up doing is actually just putting the trash cans next to the parking area next to the restaurant and then also some more over by the cars in front of the restaurant and so yeah i think that looks pretty good that way and i really liked using this fence as well this fence came from get to work i believe and yeah i don't know i just thought it like suited this world so nicely and like blended into the environment really well because it's very similar to some of the fence that you can see off into the distance of course there is those fences in the live objects if you prefer those or if you don't have get to work but i thought this one actually worked really nicely and then the other fence that i use surrounding the rest of the lot is from strangerville in the live edit objects and it's a very just distressed old looking like wood plank fence and i think it looks so cool too like um all of like the distressed and more like rustic rugged looking stuff i just think works so nicely here but um yeah over here is going to be that parking area that i was talking about behind the hotel and then i put some trash and i'm using this fence that came from get to work to create sort of like some sort of parking system with the different parking spaces and then i blocked in some of them and did a zigzag pattern just to sort of kind of make it look a little bit realistic i'm not really sure what that's supposed to represent exactly but i thought it looked cool so that's what i went with but then over here i just fence it in and put a couple of these dumpsters over here and add in some trash bags around and i think this stuff is so cool and i really haven't got an opportunity to use a lot of that trash in other worlds besides evergreen harbor so i'm really happy to be able to use it here and i think it works so so nicely um and then over here is going to be the other parking area like i was talking about and this curb if you guys are wondering where it came from it came from strangerville you'll find it in the debug menu and so you can search by debug and find it of course i'm using the tool mod with the better build and buy system so it's a little bit easier to filter and find things that way but of course if you don't have that mod you could easily just search through the debug items and then filter by strangerville and you can find it really easily and also i think if you turn on the debug then you can find it in like decorations or statues or something like that um but here i am using this other fence that i was talking about this very distressed wooden fence and i size it down because i felt like at the full height it kind of blocked the view a little bit and i wanted it to be a little bit shorter so you could still see the rest of the neighborhood and then when you're over by the bar a lot you could still see this lot kind of clearly it wasn't totally blocked and hidden so yeah i felt like that worked a little bit nicer and then this area i totally struggled with what i wanted to do especially the gap in between the parking lot and the swimming pool i wanted there to be a way for your stems to look like they could drive through it but i didn't want to leave it completely open and just like a solid concrete area it just like it looks so empty and so weird but um i think what i ended up doing totally makes sense and it feels like everywhere has its own like separate space and it feels like it belongs here but yeah here is when i grabbed the gravel terrain paint and then i thought about actually using um the terrain paint that came from eco lifestyle to blend it in but at this point i did not think about just using all of that terrain paint for like the rest of the whole concrete area like i'm really surprised at myself for not thinking of that originally like i was trying to do this weird blendy thing but there was too many terrain paints and too many floors and it just looked not as smooth and as natural as i would have liked it to look um and then yeah mostly i used this tree because you can see this tree in the surrounding area and then on that i just used plants and grasses that i thought looked natural and no flowers there's quite a bit of flowers in the surrounding area but i felt like for this lot itself i didn't want to use any flowers so i use like dead grass some joshua trees some different cactus and stuff and i think it looks so cool and also some of these red rocks that you can see in the neighborhood and you can find in the hidden objects there's so many good live edit objects that came with this pack too like this pack and eco lifestyle and cottage living have to be the best i think for all the live objects and debug it's just so good um but yeah over there i just added a few more cactuses and a few more of the rocks and then i do section off the swimming pool and i just use this base game fence just to kind of make it more of its own separate space and i think this looks pretty good and i tried my attempt at making the swimming pool feel kind of round i could have used different like floor decorations to make it actually look more round i've seen tons of people do that um it's kind of like a trick but i don't know i felt like it kind of looked nice the way i left it so i ended up doing hopefully at some point we will actually get round swimming pools we have like nothing round in the game we have round floors and that's it so there's no curved walls no round swimming pools hopefully at some point we will get that but yeah i think this worked pretty nicely at creating an entrance to this parking lot and the restaurant and then yeah over here i do have a couple more of those dumpsters and i add some more trash around and some more bags of trash i thought that looked pretty cool and then next to the swimming pool itself i have a couple of lounge chairs and these umbrellas that came from seasons yes i believe they came from seasons and then i have a picnic bench and a barbecue so your sims can uh barbecue out here they can hang out by the swimming pool and i had my playtester sim lounge in the in the chair while i was taking screenshots and she fried to a crisp she is like tomato red you will see her in the screenshots i thought it was pretty funny and i felt so bad so i had her like go inside and use the restaurant as i was like playtesting everything and she just looks so miserable but um yeah i thought that was kind of funny and i also put a uh pool floatie in the swimming pool as well which i thought was kind of fun and i thought the red color kind of matched the build too but yeah here is when i decided to get rid of the concrete and just use this terrain paint that i should have been using the whole time to blend it in it just makes so much more sense and it looks so much more natural and less awkward with the actual like stop of the concrete and then the terrain paint just looks so much better so i'm happy that i thought to do that and right now i haven't done that with the swimming pool area but i do do that later on and then here i was adding some like extra decorations some like pipes and some boxes and stuff just to kind of i don't know add a little bit more extra stuff on the build and i was going to use these awnings that came from strangerville over these windows but i don't know i really wasn't liking them and plus the color really didn't match because nothing about that restaurant is green in any way there's no green it's like all orange and red and stuff so yeah i ended up not using it and then here i'm using this sign and trying to find one that kind of makes sense for a hotel and i used that one and i think this is pretty much it as far as the whole exterior goes oh something that i didn't include now or in the screenshots but i i added it like the very last minute before i placed it in my save file was a ladder into the swimming pool so if you download it there will be a ladder i don't think they're totally necessary i think your sims can get into the swimming pool without them but it felt kind of like it was missing something so i did include one but anyways over here is going to be where the laundromat is as well as the registration area so you can come and check into your hotel room and then there's also going to be an apartment above it and i really wasn't sure what i was going to do with this area of the build so i'm so happy that i thought to do this actually i did build another motel and i built it in the del sol valley world and that one is a lot more like mid-century and a little bit more gimmicky feeling but that one also had a laundry mat so i felt like this one just made sense and i mean if you're going to be staying in a motel for a long period of time it kind of makes sense to be able to do laundry especially with having like the whole like army and stuff in this world like there's so many different service sims and so um it would make sense that some might travel from different worlds and stay here for a long period of time for work and stuff or to go work at the lab and maybe they would stay in this hotel as part of that so i think that would be like totally like a fun story to explore too so that's something that i really try to do with my save file is make lots that you can tell stories with and so i think this is definitely one of them uh but yeah in here i have a atm i have some neon signs and different other signs and stuff that i thought kind of worked and that one that i just put behind the chair i end up swapping out for the other bulletin board that came from base game and i end up putting that one up in the apartment because it ended up looking more like somebody's collecting information and that's what i wanted the apartment to feel like because i also put that listening device up there and maybe even the person that runs this hotel spies on its guests that could be kind of like a creepy story that you could go with too but here i'm adding some extra like stains and stuff just to kind of add a bit more and then over here i'm adding some blinds and i added some stains to the windows in here too but then i realized that i completely stopped decorating this entryway so i get rid of this table i really wanted to add like a cool decoration that i thought would make sense on it but i couldn't think of any or find any so what i ended up doing is just putting a wooden sign and like a plant or two and so it's not exactly what i imagined but i could not find a decoration to put on this table that i thought made sense and so a wooden sign that maybe like displays their specials or something i felt like totally worked and made sense and i even thought about using that bathtub that's full of succulents that came from this pack and i thought the flag looked pretty cool too but it didn't quite make sense so yeah a bulletin board works and then i ended up adding some decorations to the back counter which i thought also made sense which i totally forgot about doing i think i just got distracted by other things and completely stopped decorating that build but either way that's it for the restaurant and also the laundry room and then in here is going to be the room where you check into the hotel and so i think this looks so cool in here i wanted a seating area i wanted either like a coffee area or some more vending machines what i ended up including was some more vending machines and honestly the vending machines i was so happy that i added them because as i was play testing it i realized that like random sims interact with them so much and it actually forced the sims to actually walk around a lot because there's really no reason for them to go into the hotels i mean maybe if they got the urge to go watch tv or take a shower then they might go into the hotels but the vending machines were actually like forcing them to go around the build and hang out in different areas and actually like grab food and stuff so it was so cool and it just made the build feel more alive and interactive and like there was maybe sims actually staying in the hotel and not just visiting the restaurant because of course since i am playing this as a restaurant build the majority of the sims were over by all the restaurant items but yeah in here i included a reception desk i'm using this one that came from get to work and the register came from get to work so lots of get to work in this build i felt like it just suited this build really nicely and it made sense and i felt like the register also made sense even though i think this is supposed to be a computer desk um the register just worked so much better for me and i use the tool mod to be able to place it and then over here i do have a seating area and these magazine racks also came from get to work which i think is pretty perfect and it makes sense so while your sims are waiting to get their room they can like browse through a magazine i think it's more appropriate in the laundry room area because while you're hanging out for your laundry to get finished you can read a magazine um i wish your sims could actually interact with that because i don't think they can actually pull magazines from it i don't think it's interactive let me know if i'm correct on that but hopefully at some point if they're going to give get to work like a pack refresh they would add that because i think that would be so cool because i know they're doing that with spa day i think there was just a leak on that so yeah that that's pretty cool i hope they revisit more packs it looks like with that one we're getting uh like nails where your sims can get manicures and there's like different clutter and stuff that goes along with that and new yoga mat so i think that's really cool i'm not sure exactly what all that refresh is going to entail or when it's happening i literally just saw a few things on twitter about it so it couldn't even i mean it could possibly not even be correct i don't know but um yeah that's what i saw but either way um in here i just added those vending machines i added tv in here because i felt like that kind of made sense too um it also just gives your sims something else to do and another reason to come in this room and hang out like i said i really was loving the sims like going around and using the different rooms um but yeah here i'm switching up the ceiling fans i was using those base game ones but they just felt way too tropical and these ones that came from the industrial loft kit felt like they made so much more sense to me and they looked more like they belonged in this build than the other ones of course if you don't have that uh kit then you can easily use the base game ones they totally work too they just felt a little bit too tropical but anyways over here i have a staircase leading up to the apartment and the apartment is very simple it has an open kitchen living dining area it's all one room then there's a bedroom with a walk-in closet from get together and then a bathroom so it's very simple and standard but i felt like this was such a good use of the space because honestly i wasn't really sure if i was going to add this i wasn't sure if it'd be totally necessary but the more i was building it and like the whole build and stuff i felt like it would be totally appropriate and make the build so much more interesting if there was like an apartment up here that you could play in and then i could add the listening device like i'm adding here and tons of like boxes and stuff and you could pretend that the sim is like spying on the guests or you could just do the gameplay with strangerville and live here and you could even like purchase the restaurant and then just stay here all the time or even just visit the restaurant and stay here all the time um of course you would still need to have a house somewhere else that technically your sim lives but you could just never send them home and pretend they live here you would still have to pay your bills at home for your like electricity and stuff but yeah you could just have them always travel here and pretend they live here which i think would totally be fun and such like interesting gameplay but yeah here i'm just finishing up the bedroom i really like the way the bedroom came together i love like like the distressed stuff on the walls like the ripped wallpaper where you can see the boards and stuff and here i'm using the tool mod to resize this rug to fit the room better i thought that looked pretty nice and i actually end up using this rug that i've never saw before i used it down in the registration area in front of the registration desk but it's actually a doormat and i place it in front of this apartment here in just a little while and unfortunately your sims cannot walk over it so if you ever want to block a door just use that doormat but i had no idea it existed thankfully it doesn't block the registration area the sims were still able to walk around it because i sized it up in that area so i think the spot where it was actually covering and blocking it didn't really interact with your sims too much but since i placed it in front of this door my sim could not get into the apartment and so i was really disappointed about that because i was actually pretty happy that i found it it is a bit like raised above the floor so i'm wondering if i use the tool mod to lower it if your sims can walk over it i didn't i didn't try that i just got rid of it and used something else but it's a really cool item so if you ever need to block something you can just use that and it just looks like a rug on the ground um yeah i had no idea that existed so i was really happy to find it but yeah anyways over here is going to be the living room area in here i have this couch for now it came from city living i think it totally works for the style but i wasn't liking any of the colors and i don't know it just really wasn't exactly what i was looking for so what i end up using is actually this couch that just came from the industrial loft kit this couch is actually really nice and i think it would work nicely on lots of different interiors and i was surprised at how much i liked it here because i think it actually looks like quite a nice couch like the texture is really nice and like it looks really like soft and kind of like high quality but i think in a more like dirty run-down apartment like this it actually works so well so i was really happy and yeah i love this color i thought the green worked really nicely and then i also really wanted to use that chair that came from eco lifestyle and i didn't have a great spot to put it so i ended up putting it at the listening device instead of a regular chair so if you actually want your sims to play here and use that you'll have to place a regular chair so i'm sorry about that but it just looked too good and i just i couldn't help but use it there um but yeah anyways over here is going to be the kitchen in the kitchen area i cluttered it up with tons of stuff i tried to make it feel really lived in and kind of messy and not very organized there's just random stuff on the counters and i think it looks really good and also at the front door i put um the umbrella rack and some shoes i really don't think your sim would probably keep their shoes out there but i wanted something to put in that area and it just kind of it kind of looked cool so i left it alone of course if it bothers you can easily get rid of it i also love the table that i end up using and the chairs the table and chairs came from eco lifestyle and i felt like they just suited the style so perfectly and i love the clutter and stuff that i put up on the table and i think this apartment is just so fun i think it looks so cool um but yeah here in a moment i decorate the bathroom oh and then i'm just switching up the sign so the bulletin board that i used down in the laundry area i swapped it and used the other one and i put that sign up here and i just i think that works a lot better but yeah the bathroom is pretty standard this is a very basic shape to bathrooms that i use in a lot of different builds but it just it works you can fit everything in here and i like it so yeah that's what i ended up doing and i put some water stains on the floor which i thought looked pretty cool and i just i tried to not go overboard with those but i think using them subtly it's like creates such a nice effect but yeah i think this is like basically it for the whole build though i hope you guys have enjoyed this one and i hope you guys enjoy the screenshots and yeah hopefully you guys are looking forward to more builds in my save file definitely let me know what you guys think about this one and yeah thank you guys so much for watching please leave any comments or suggestions you have and i'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 229,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: al4Q5P1f2WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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