Strange Grocery Taste Test!

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this video is sponsored by hellofresh stay tuned to the end of the video to learn more hello friends and welcome back to brutal foods my name is chef ian brutal foods and once more today i've assembled a number of tasty morsels to try i simply walked the aisles of my local grocery and grabbed anything that looked interesting and that could be interesting in a good or a bad way uh so now i'm just going to sit down try them all and assign them each a rating on the esrb rating system today we're going to be checking out lunchables brunchables bacon and cheese puff works naturally flavored strawberry pb and j peanut butter puffs pop tart crisps frosted strawberry-licious oh my s'mores gourmet chocolate experience yoplait yogurt pink starburst flavor and gushers flavor with busting bees oh wait no i'm sorry that's uh that's bursting bees burst them and finally we'll wash it all down with a caramel flavored coca-cola with coffee what a healthy sounding meal i actually picked up way more things at the grocery store than i initially planned on so let's not waste any more time let's get started i'm specifically filming this video in the morning so that i can take advantage of all the breakfast items i ended up with i got about three so let's start here with lunchables brunchables uh initial observation i love the name it's got lunchables it's got brunchables and it looks pretty munchables it actually looks kinda disgusting but that doesn't rhyme bacon and cheese oscar meyer fully cooked bacon kraft cheddar pasteurized prepared cheese product flatbread and blueberry muffin does seem a little strange that the only food you can actually see with your eyes is the blueberry muffin well because yeah the blueberry muffins gonna look good but what does the flatbread and the bacon look like you can't tell it's uh it's hidden from view my guess is that this meal is just not gonna look very good especially if this is as good as they could get it to look on the front it doesn't look particularly appetizing [Music] let's eat it anyway [Music] well i'm not going to say that it looks amazing and i'm not going to say that it smells amazing either because it doesn't i don't think it looks so bad that you should hide it from view exactly but it looks sad it's not a very glamorous reveal you got your muffin flatbread your cheese and the bacon right off i'm hit with a very strange smell it's gotta either be the bacon or the muffin each compartment has its own unique smell and it all smells a little bit weird i guess since they're all vacuum packed in their own chamber maybe i just release all the scents at once and it's just stinky right now but i don't love it okay so it comes with two different flatbreads that you actually break apart that looks good okay the smell is getting to me so let's pick up the pace here flat bread next i'm going to put some bacon on here though i'm allowed to build this sandwich however i want according to the instructions as long as i have a base flat bread and a top flatbread doesn't say anything about not using the muffin i might be able to put the muffin on the sandwich but i'll resist [Music] i don't like this cheese it's pretty much regular craft american singles cheese you want some fake ass cheese alongside your real bacon i don't know the bacon doesn't look bad this kind of looks just like when you buy bacon jerky it pretty much just looks exactly like this the bacon's all right you probably get better bacon just buying some bacon jerky but that's not bad that's not bad so i've assembled our sandwich and it looks [Music] good it looks a little fakey a little cheapo but that's because it is a little fakey and a little cheapo so let's just get on with it already anything about this huh not interested [Music] oh my god well it doesn't taste bad it does just taste like bread in fact i'm a little shocked at how overpowering the bread flavor is i don't i don't taste any of the cheese i don't taste any of the bacon just the bread or this bread where's this bread oh i need something to drink well i just described this sandwich as very dry very pita bready it's pretty much just a pita pocket um without anything inside i mean i know there's stuff in there but i don't taste it what if i just loaded up the remainder of the sandwich with the rest of the bacon and the cheese i really just i would like to taste something besides the bread [Music] there we go nope i like the bacon i like i'll eat the bacon but i won't eat the rest [Music] it's really honestly just not very good very dry very bready all you really taste is the bread like i said that's what i said and now i'm dead all right let's give the muffin a check the muffin looks alright it looks a lot like um is it little debbie that has the mini muffins it looks like the mini muffins you know the ones [Music] [Applause] it's okay it's like the little bites muffins only not as good but still the best part of the meal i suppose that's supposed to be the dessert portion but it really is only the only uh the only edible portion of the brunchable not a fan i'm usually someone who likes more bread in a meal i like things to be a little more bready instead of having too much filling but even for me this is just dry and it just tastes like dry pita bread you might as well just eat some dry pita bread not very good [Music] here's a review from the brunchables on tastes weird but energizes and cheap i feel weird every time i eat this but it's so cheap and great for work breaks taste two out of five quality two out of five value five out of five i guess this review is mostly accurate i do feel a little weird having eaten it um but i guess i feel energized i don't know maybe just weird don't keep eating something if it makes you feel weird right just maybe stop we're very sorry you experienced this this is very unusual as we operate under the highest quality control procedures at all our plants but the lunchable team wants them to call to figure out why this person feels so weird but they keep eating it all right well if i'm going to rate this using the esrb rating system i suppose i would give this one a um ao adults only don't feed this to your kids but you know if you're an adult and you want to eat something terrible that's cheap and makes you feel weird all right so i don't recommend the lunchables brunchables for lunch or brunch but let's see if we can't find something tasty in the breakfast zone with pop-tart crisps crisps is a difficult word to say crisps i've always been a fan of pop-tarts specifically the uh uh specifically the uh purple and blue one what's that called it's got a weird name berrylicious or something the reason these are interesting to me is that i'm hoping it'll be kind of like the corner of a pop-tart i think that the best part of a pop-tart is the corner that's where you've got the best breading to filling ratio you want a little bit more of that bread you know i was talking about with the lunchables very important you get a little bit of that bread not too much of the filling and so that's kind of what i'm expecting with the pop tart crisps on the back of the box there is a crisp quest which is a maze made out of pop tart crisps which is pretty cool i was always a big fan of mazes growing up so i feel like this would have entertained me as a child seems like people in the maze are divided against either eating the maize or completing the maize it's also got some fun facts that are going to amaze you that's made with five grams whole grains which really would have impressed me when i was a kid and there's also no high fructose corn syrup [Music] something super interesting that i would not have expected from a pop-tart it says right on the front not for the toaster that's kind of wild right i mean i still think that putting your pop-tart in the toaster is basically a sin but even i am surprised that they just wouldn't let you do it at all pretty fun packaging though i mean i guess i don't know it's a it's blue [Music] it has been a little while since i've had a real pop-tart but the crust looks different to me it even feels a little bit different i'm gonna bet that this doesn't taste exactly like an old pop tart it smells similar i believe that the filling is maybe the same but the crust definitely seems a little bit different to me has a very familiar taste it doesn't remind me of pop-tarts but it reminds me of something i think it's possible that the inside of the pop tart is the same maybe this filling but it's not as close as you might expect it's pretty different it's also not very crisp um which is a surprise i keep biting it hoping it will like snap but it doesn't i think the crispiness just comes from the icing on top and speaking of the icing on top it looks really weird it's not solid it's like a bunch of little lines going down the pop tart kind of strange and you know now that i'm really looking at it it looks like you get even less of the area that i was hoping for it looks like the filling really reaches all the way to the end of the pop-tart which might be a plus for some people but i like the crust i like when i get a little bit more of that crust [Music] yeah it's not crispy it's arguable if it's even crunchy i would say it's a little bit crunchy but not crispy all that said these aren't too bad maybe not what i expected but still not too bad it's very sweet it's basically a uh breakfast candy bar is what it tastes like i mean i know it says that there's no high fructose corn syrup but it sure does taste like there's a lot of sugar in there but that might be fine for some people you might not care about too much sugar i don't watch my sugar all that closely but in the morning i feel like it's a very strong flavor i don't think i would want something so sweet right off the bat would i eat it over the bruncha bowls absolutely absolutely this tastes way better than the brunchables it's not packed with seven grams of protein but it is packed with uh five whole grains and nine grams of sugar but i'm not really here to judge the health so much as the taste and it tastes pretty good maybe not as great as a pop-tart but that's coming from someone with nostalgia for pop-tarts so anytime they change anything it's going to make me upset this doesn't really make me upset it's just kind of like a why um more portable i guess i don't know you know it kind of reminds me of like a fig newton maybe that's what i'm thinking of like a crunchy overly sugary fig newton not so bad honestly i kind of like them now if i'm rating this on the esrb scale i think i got to give this a t for teens it's friendly and familiar it's like a pop-tart but it's a little bit different it's got a bit of an edge like a teen might have pongo a verified pop-tart crisps user says horrible this is a pop-tart that you don't pop in the toaster what is that about i hated the sweet cake i'll agree that it is a little sweet probably sweeter than a pop-tart i think but it's how do you not expect it to be sweet it looks like sugar use your eyes use your brain all right now i'm starting to get a little worried because it's time to try the yoplait yogurt pink starburst flavor and gushers with bustin beads they both come in at about 60 cents each and um i'm concerned i probably shouldn't have picked these up don't really know why you would need or want starburst and gushers flavored yogurt but here we are there are actually more in this line there are more starburst flavors and i think there's one more gusher flavor this one is the blue raspberry variant uh i just picked two flavors that i actually enjoy pink pink starburst is my favorite starburst and i don't hate blue raspberry uh it's not my favorite but it's fine i didn't realize until i got home that this one had burst in beads uh that scares me so i'm gonna save that one for last let's check out pink strawberry or just strawberry strawberry starburst pink strawberry starburst well it's pink it's very very pink now before i start here i will be transparent and say that yogurt is not my favorite thing in the world but i really wanted to try this anyway so i'm going to do my best to rate this as a yogurt versus what i would really want to eat because i'm just not like a yogurt guy you know i'm not really a breakfast guy in general so it makes a lot of sense for me to review all these breakfast foods if you think about it [Music] i was getting ready to say that it tastes just like a regular strawberry uh yogurt but it doesn't it's got a not off flavor but different than just a straight-up strawberry it's very weird it tastes to me like they're clearly going for like a fake strawberry flavor which i guess they are because it's not like pink starburst tastes just like a strawberry or anything it's not it's not bad as someone who doesn't really love yogurt it's not bad it kind of tastes like candy still very tart not overly sweet especially coming from the pop-tart crisps now this is a pretty good sweetness level i think for a breakfast i don't think i would choose it over a regular strawberry i think to me it's a little apparent that they're chasing that fake strawberry taste i think i'd rather chase a real strawberry taste in a yogurt but it's not so bad hey if you're trying to get your kids to eat yogurt i mean put starburst on the front and there you go i get it let's try this gushers blue raspberry here no oh that's unfortunate well it is very blue but the problem is that the busting beads are green that looks weird doesn't it i mean isn't yogurt technically spoiled dairy or something you don't want something in your yogurt that looks a little moldy right i don't know the and beads are also a lot bigger than i expected i i thought they were going to be maybe half this size but this is like the size of a pea or something they're pretty big the beads are just so green like why not fill it with blue beads why they gotta be green [Music] what the [ __ ] so the busting beads are filled with a liquid not like kind of a gummy gushery texture it's a liquid it says on the back that it has passion fruit juice in it maybe i'll try and taste that next time it was very unexpected i did not enjoy that experience and also if the if the pink strawberry was trying to go for a fake flavor this thing is like toxic like it's trying to go for a flavor that doesn't even exist look at that look at this radioactive yogurt you really want to eat these radioactive uh busting beads oh my god it's so weird it's oh i will give the beads some credit um they do like pop in your mouth when you bite down on them you feel that bead bust in your mouth let me tell you it's so weird and then after the the bead has burst the skin stays there you have all these like bead skins that you gotta swallow it's it's strange how much more of this do i gotta eat are you satisfied yet [Music] no [Music] it's really hard for me to taste the actual yogurt i feel like i like the yogurt but i don't like what's inside the beads and when it all mixes together i definitely don't like that [Music] now honestly even just the yogurt has kind of a funky taste it tastes kind of how it looks it tastes like blue okay it just tastes like blue also there are so many bursting beads in here you can't avoid them [Music] no no really gross not for me i would say that this is good as maybe an experience it was interesting to try but it was not enjoyable to me at all i would say that maybe kids would like this but honestly if your kid likes this they're [ __ ] freaks this one still tasted pretty good a little fakey like it's chasing a fake taste but this one i i feel like i might have like intestinal issues from these uh bursting beads i'm going to give pink starburst an early childhood rating i would say that kids might be attracted to this but adults unless you're a huge starburst enthusiast are probably going to prefer a regular strawberry yogurt and then for the the bustin beads i gotta give it adults only only adults should try this and only if you really know all of the risks these beads okay they're not messing around they are busting bursting so yeah that's that's kind of my opinion on these two definitely avoid not too bad uh and that's coming from someone who doesn't eat a lot of yogurt uh doesn't really care for yogurt in general so uh do with that information what you will [Applause] initially i was going to wait until the end of the video to try this but i actually think that it fits in with the breakfast motif of the first few so let's go ahead and take a look at the coca-cola with coffee i actually heard about this stuff right before i found it in the store and i mean like a day before i found it in the store i just discovered it and then i walked into fred meyer and there were displays for the coke with coffee everywhere it is not a subtle grocery store campaign at least in my area it is very aggressive it was hard to walk the fred meyer without noticing the coke with coffee so i had to try it it runs 129 at safeway with a club card at least otherwise it is 2.39 now this is just one flavor there's actually three total flavors we've got caramel vanilla and dark roast and then each of those versions also has a sugar-free variant i decided on the caramel version because i figured that flavor would complement the coke half of this equation pretty nicely and i decided to go with the version with sugar in it because i ain't no [ __ ] no guy ain't no diabetic [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] smells interesting i know normally you wouldn't smell a drink before you drink it but i feel like it's it's my duty as a food reviewer to also review the smell it smells like coke but maybe with some coffee in there was that helpful wow that's interesting that is super weird it's kind of exactly what i expected and that's weird to me it really does taste just like coke with some coffee in it it's kind of crazy the caramel my taste buds are having a little bit of difficulty pinning that flavor down i think that if i lined each of the flavors up and gave them all a taste it would make a lot more sense to me right now i'm struggling to find the caramel though right now it's just kind of coke and coffee very interesting i'm intrigued a little confused i want to try the other flavors actually it has an aftertaste it might be a coffee aftertaste maybe it's the caramel but it definitely has some type of aftertaste that i'm not super crazy about but i mean coffee gives you an aftertaste too so that's not a deal breaker or anything pretty crazy i'm gonna go as far to say that this is probably one of my favorite cold brew drinks that i've had i don't like a lot of cold coffees i like a hot coffee i don't care if it's 110 degrees outside i want a hot coffee but sometimes it's not always the best option sometimes you want to travel with a drink that you can open later so you want something cold typically i would get these starbucks frappuccinos drinks which don't taste anything like an actual frappuccino but nowadays i might give this a shot taste wise i think it's better than the cold brewed frappuccinos it does have a bit of a coffee taste in there and i'm a fan of coke so i kind of like the carbonation and the hint of coke in there the more i drink it the more i think that caramel comes through but i'm really not digging the aftertaste i think if i had something like this i would need a like a pack of gum to chase it with but yeah i'm getting energy here's a downside to the coca-cola oh with caramel the carbonation and i'm a fan of coke so i kind of like the carbonation and you may have gathered this by now but i have a bit of a sensitive stomach especially in the morning which is when i would kind of consider drinking this and the idea of waking up and the first thing i drink is a carbonated beverage does not sound good one of the other i can handle coffee carbonation putting together is a little bit of a recipe for disaster for me um but it's still pretty tasty even now i'm getting burpee and a little nauseous i'm gonna keep drinking it though don't keep eating something if it makes you feel weird right just maybe stop really interesting i'm not gonna say delicious but very interesting honestly i was never a big fan of vanilla coke but i would imagine the vanilla variant of this might be the superior one i don't think i would like the dark roast i think that might be too dark but i think the vanilla one would be good but honestly it'll probably be forever before i try another one of these because i feel like i would only be getting it just to try it it just doesn't fit with my lifestyle really this drink is that a thing i don't drink a ton of soda anymore and when i do it's not in the morning which is typically when i want my coffee so this one's a bit of a question mark for me but i don't know maybe someone out there might want to try it now it's pretty interesting how many times have i called it interesting enough times i can't finish it though honestly it's making my stomach a little upset not a huge red flag because again i've got a sensitive stomach so not a huge sucker for me but pretty interesting pretty good alexis g124 says three stars has an odd taste has an odd taste but is not the worst i want to try the other flavors but so far i've only had the caramel it literally tatsy like coke and coffee beans i don't think i would get these to drink all the time but if it's all i could get i would drink it again that's probably the most agreeable review that i have found on brutal foods that is how i feel i agree with alexis g 124. so yeah i guess i gotta rate this on the esrb scale i'm gonna give this uh oh my god i'm gonna give this uh an adults only i feel like i think i have the hiccups now i think i better give this coca-cola with coffee i think i'm going to give this coca-cola with coffee an adult only rating because i think this is a very adult flavor i know you've got stuff like frappuccinos you know from starbucks with a bunch of sugar that ends up tasting like a candy drink and despite excuse me despite all the added sugars in here still got a very strong coffee taste um and a very strong aftertaste it's very bitter and if children's stomachs are weak and pathetic like my own it's not going to go down very easily is it i'm sitting here with hiccups and i got two other items to review but it's just completely wrecked my stomach i changed my mind i will not be drinking more of coke with coffee as intriguing as the combination is i just don't think it's for me if you've got a sensitive stomach maybe double think on the coke with coffee because it's not treating my eye too well next up are the puff works naturally flavored strawberry pb and j peanut butter puffs this was actually the first thing i grabbed um at the store i found it in the uh chip aisle and i'm really curious because i've noticed kind of a puff trend it's like a cheeto that's not a cheeto they've got all these different flavors you got chocolate puffs peanut butter puffs savory puffs sweet puffs and i want to know what's up with all the puffs made one batch at a time with organic peanut butter simple satisfying and great tasting am i gonna have hiccups for the rest of this video here we go [Music] maybe not [Applause] oh don't like that at all what is that about what's that smell okay maybe it was just the initial you know whiff of smell but i did not like how that smelled initially now that i'm getting in there again it does smell kind of like peanut butter so that's good they look so weird and they smell just as strange i have not been very adventurous with my snack puffs i mean i'll eat a cheeto i'll eat a pirate's booty but um you know nothing like this is this supposed to be for like a snack for a dessert the the pb and janus of it all makes me very confused as to what time of day you're supposed to be eating this probably no time of the day i mean look at this doesn't that look good it looks like a poop i mean it just looks like a lot of little poops [Music] okay really weird um okay um okay you know for all my complaining before i ate one i gotta say that tastes like a pb and j especially after the the puff breaks down it's almost like you just ate a pb and j sandwich okay okay okay i'm coming around it's not terrible i still don't know when i'm supposed to eat this but it's not so bad it's almost like future it's almost like future food it's like can you believe they packed all the nutrition of a whole sandwich into a tiny little cheeto puff not that that's what they did but in the future maybe all of our meals will be condensed down to little puff experiences i've changed my two i have changed my tune i thought that these were gonna be scary and terrifying but it's not a bad little snack especially if you're a fan of pb and j it's straight up just tastes like a pb and j these pb and j puffs are going in to join my coke with coffee in my belly this is all right honestly i think i could see kids liking this kids like pb and j's this tastes like a pb and a but maybe you should just make them a pb and j like are you gonna give this as a side with a pb and j here's your peanut butter and jelly with your peanut butter and jelly cheetos i don't think so but it's pretty good say you're a really enthusiastic peanut butter and jelly eater but you know you're going on a hike and you can only pack 10 pb and jelly sandwiches you've eaten them all but you still want some snacks that taste like pb and j here you go it's right here that's not me though um if i want a pb and j i'll just make a pb and j i'm going to give these puff works strawberry pb and j peanut butter puffs an e for every one i think everyone can derive at least a little bit of enjoyment for this i think kids would probably like this if they're a big fan of pb and j uh adults you know there's probably some people out there who would also snack on this but most of all i think it's just an interesting experience to get your 4 grams of protein you got to eat 30 of these one serving size is 30 which is kind of crazy i feel like with other chips and less healthy things you get a smaller serving size but in this case if you want any of the nutrition it seems like you're probably gonna have to eat most of it i don't know i don't know how nutrition works i don't know how nutrients are dissolved in the body i'm not a scientist i'm chef ian brutal foods i promise that between takes i am trying so hard to stop up hiccuping um no no luck so far it turns out that most of the reviews on amazon for these pb and j puffs are positive i mean going even further most of the negative reviews are about receiving either damaged or expired product and then there's nana mac and then there's nana mac terrible don't waste your money on this overpriced and as my kids said were a yucky snack first of all there's nearly no flavor of either peanut butter or honey these are higher in fat sodium carbs and sugar then they're far more delicious rival puffs i'm not going to read this whole thing uh it's a full paragraph and to be fair she is talking about the honey flavor of these puffed puffs uh but the review was just really funny yep anyway she likes pup puff chips nutter puffs or something like that so maybe try those good for kids though i mean those kids sound like they were pretty picky i think most kids would probably enjoy that honestly it wasn't too bad okay we gotta move on we gotta finish this up i have not stopped hiccuping since i took my first sip of coke with coffee i i need to lay down bone or something but not before dessert with oh my s'mores [Music] this candy bar is 5.79 at bartel drugs and you might think that that is overpriced but what you're paying for is actually a gourmet chocolate experience that is actually what sold me on picking this up uh just the fact that it listed it as a gourmet experience and i had to find out also you can't really tell just by looking at it but it's uh it's pretty thick and it's bumpy like you can tell that it's got uh raised pieces on it somewhere it just feels unlike any other candy bar that i've held so i wanted to see what was up also i just like s'mores i'm down with a s'more candy bar over christmas i had a number of chocolate covered marshmallows which i thought were really tasty so i'm hoping to get into some of that [Music] huh well each of the bars they have words on them it looks a little weird chew wow woo tickle tease dazzle crave ah tinkle now maybe i'm just not a gourmet chocolate guy but i don't expect to find this kind of thing on a gourmet bar oh my god what is this what what happened here this is not what i was expecting given this packaging this is just some marshmallow stuck on the bottom of a candy bar i'm judging a lot before i taste but if you're gonna call it a gourmet experience it can't look like this okay i need to start eating it because it's it's melting in my hand right now [Music] i'm gonna try a square that has a marshmallow in there uh so i could get the whole experience oh my god it's interesting i'm realizing now that today i've tried a lot of products that are trying to taste like other things the yogurt's trying to taste like star burst yogurt's trying to taste like gushers puffs trying to taste like pb and j candy bar trying to taste like s'mores and this has to be the furthest away from what it's trying to imitate this does not taste like a s'more um disappointingly so no no if anything this reminds me of a toblerone the texture is a lot like a crunch bar very crunchy almost like puff rice but instead of puff rice it is honey graham cracker and you can really taste that honey and it's not bad i mean it's not bad but for six bucks i don't know i really don't think that this is going to remind anyone of s'mores it just doesn't taste like a s'more you really wanted it to taste like a s'more it might be a better idea to have the entire base be a graham cracker and then the top have the marshmallows on it but really it just kind of tastes like a toba rum not bad not terrible doesn't make me hiccup so those are all good signs i just think for the price you can do a lot better in fact you might be able to do better within the brand itself it seems like this company uh show wow wow something like that specializes in these unique flavors interesting combinations and you know that's weird but it's different it's interesting it just seems like they probably have a better option than s'mores i'm looking here and they've got things like potato chip honeycomb and sprinkle dreams the most popular bar seems to be bacon luscious chocolate and i mean that sounds delicious but the s'mores i mean that should say it all right there honestly look at that again it's pretty hard to find reviews for this specific candy bar i don't know if it's new or something and the ones that i have found are a little questionable i know this is a little hypocritical coming from a youtube food reviewer but if you load up your reviews with things like hashtag will work for chocolate uh it's a little hard to take you seriously wow this is one of the best chocolate bars that i have ever had the chocolate is perfect not too bitter or too sweet the graham cracker pieces are wonderful little crispy bits not too stale or soggy again not a bad chocolate bar and if money is no object to you you might not care that it's expensive but if i'm paying six bucks for candy it's gonna be some nice candy right it's either gonna be really nice candy or a lot of candy and this is kind of neither honestly i don't even think it's that much nicer than a regular candy bar i mean i would take a take five over this any day but that's you know comparing apples and oranges to the greatest candy bar ever made so maybe that's not fair i give that candy bar and e for everyone i think that most people would probably enjoy it and it's also one of the more normal things that i've tried today that and the pop-tart crisps were probably the most normal things that i had i had anyway that's it i cannot stop hiccuping uh uh i really regret the coke and coffee now i went from oh this is cool to oh i don't know about this and now i'm like why did i drink it why did i just not drink it i could have just not not had any of it but i guess i did it for science i did it for you guys at home and i also did it for today's video sponsor hellofresh hello again friends it's me captain chef ian brutal foods and today i'm traveling the cosmos aboard the uss fresh spreading the delicious word of hellofresh america's number one meal kit now i know what you're probably thinking hellofresh never heard of them this is the 100th youtube video i've watched today and yet still i have never seen a hello fresh advertisement to enlighten me let me give you the tasty tidbits hellofresh cuts out the stressful art of meal planning and prepping so that you can actually enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in about half an hour and if that's not fast enough for you they also offer oven ready and 10 to 20 minute meals as well select from a wide array of delicious recipes and hello fresh ships the pre-measured ingredients and recipe cards right to your door all you have to do is prepare it the planning procuring and prepping ingredients for a lot of people that's the hard time consuming part of cooking that you just don't want to do with hellofresh taking care of that part for me though i instantly began eating healthier and saving money because i was no longer so dependent on fast food delivery it's really flexible too you're able to add in extra meals to your weekly order or throw in extra proteins or even add in yummy meal compliments and oh baby is the food yummy ahoy look down yonder at those pork tacos me hearties hellofresh isn't just convenient it's also freaking delicious you'll prepare restaurant quality dishes in less time than it can take to order delivery which would probably arrive cold anyway the ingredients are fresh the recipe cards are easy to follow and before you know it you'll be saying wow if cooking is this easy then why have i been eating garbage this whole time it's also really easy to put your own fun twists on the provided recipes we put some spinach on these tacos just because we had it on hand and i like a nice spinach layer on my soft tacos to keep the tortilla from getting moist so that's fun to recap hello fresh is delicious flexible and can save you time and money i especially recommend it if you've developed a bad habit of ordering in lately and you're looking to curb that habit in a fun affordable and delicious manner so go to and use the code brutalmoose10 to get 10 free meals including free shipping it gets you a great deal and it helps me out as well when you use that code so thanks in advance and thanks to hellofresh for the sponsorship okay well now that you all have been educated about hellofresh i'm off to spread the delicious news elsewhere like maybe idaho or something [Music] you
Channel: brutalmoose
Views: 2,830,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brutalmoose, brutalfoods, food, taste test, mukbang, weird, eating, Coke with Coffee, Gushers Yogurt, Starburst Yogurt, oh my s'mores, peanut butter puffs, pb&j puffs, pop tart crisps, review, food review cringe, food critic, food review, eating show, comedy, tasty, taste, foodie, snack food, american food, convenience food, comfort food, junk food, reviews, new food
Id: ONCA5ByrQe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 35sec (2675 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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