Strange Graves In London - The Time Machine in a London Cemetery 4K

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I come luck my way whever I go luck good luck never stay for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves once again in London we're standing in the Brompton cemetery and what you're looking at right now is rumored to be a time machine now you might be saying to yourself wait a second Mr Grim time machines are not real they don't exist there only pure fiction well you may be correct but I will say this inside this Mausoleum the supposed time machine are their final resting place of three people a Woman by the name of Hannah CTO and her two daers and the two men who are responsible for building this time machine if you will are actually buried here in the cemetery one of them not too far from here and the other one in an unmarked grave and it has a very very interesting story now before we get too deep into the history of this Mausoleum and The Time Machine inside this tomb let's talk a little bit about the three people involved the first one being Hannah courtoy you see she was a very wealthy woman here in London and she had a slight obsession with ancient Egypt aside from that not much is really known about Hannah CTO but her two friends the first one being Samuel Warner he was a an inventor that was kind of I don't know if he really lied about a lot of his inventions or if he just kind of over embellish things but he is buried in an unmarked grave inside the cemetery we're not going to be able to find it this place is pretty massive but the grave of the other guy a man by the name of Joseph bonamy is also here we're going to get to that a little bit later on now whether there's an actual time machine inside this Mausoleum or not inside this tomb nobody really knows like I said the key has been lost nobody can get inside I'm sure if they wanted to they can but that's kind of like a disrespecting the dead or desecrating the dead isn't it now if I back up all the way like this does it kind of look like something from a very famous science fiction TV show like doctor who doesn't it look like the Tardis now if you're a hoov and you know exactly what I'm talking about now Jessica she was just over here off to the side looking at slugs there's slugs everywhere here and and we cannot get enough of this there's been a few different tour guides walking through Birds slugs you name it all here this place is it's beautiful it's like a fine mix of an unkempt cemetery and a well- manicured Cemetery now the history of this Mausoleum the history of this tomb that supposedly holds a time machine it was completed in the year 1853 5 years after Hannah CTO death now to touch a little bit more about the death of the inventor supposedly rumor is the story one of the stories is he was murdered to keep quiet like we just said now the guy who had all the knowledge of how to build this and how to travel through time from all of his trips over in ancient Egypt supposedly they put different things inside here that let people know that make people go hm this does look like a time machine it has to be true it has to be true if one of them is these down here at the bottom of the door you can see that look like little dials you can actually see through them Jessica was trying to look through there with a light earlier I got a little excited because these ones over here are very worn away and at first I thought oh is that a little Scarab at the bottom but no it turns out it's not the one over here is is perfectly preserved but there are scarabs on the door and at the bottom to me it looks like the old seeing eye the eye of raw I know you said that the key is lost but has anyone just tried knocking give it a go okay that was me that was me so let's take a closer look at this Keyhole it definitely looks like an old key that's for sure and it'd be really cool to get in there really cool no answer no answer at all now if we take a few steps back and look up towards the top of the Tomb there's something else here another marking that makes people believe that this is a time machine and it's like a little glass ball and it looks like more like a dial than what's at the very bottom you see it there about the center of your screen it's that round glass ball with those eight dots those eight holes right next to it whether it's a a dial or a su dial or something it can be seen on all sides now what's really fun about this supposedly this some say that this isn't really a time machine that instead it's a portal that if you go inside and you can activate the portal it would take you to other locations here in London other cemeteries even I don't know if it's ever on record but this has to be the inspiration for the Tardis back up a little bit it's crazy beautiful now when it comes to the Grave the unmarked grave of Samuel Warner like I said we're not going to be able to find it there's really no way of knowing but we do have a picture of Joseph Bon's grave we just have to find it and then we're also going to take a look at the cemetery because there's a lot of really really beautiful stones and statue work here now they were not kidding they said that the grave of Joseph bonamy was really close to the time machine tomb and they were right now we kept our search relatively close and then right over here you see not too far is the final resting place of Joseph bonam look at that like how says Joseph bonamy sculptor traveler and archaeologist that's crazy cool so I think that's pretty much it for our story of The Time Machine tomb here in London and we kind of want to spend the rest of our time just walking through the cemetery taking going to look at everything it's beyond beautiful here now aside from the time machine tomb as far as I know there's really no like notable pop culture Graves here so we're just kind of walking around taking a look at everything man this is beautiful I know I say it all the time but I feel like this should be the entrance to our house we need a door like this [Music] now baby ghou there may not be a famous pop culture grave here but one of your favorite movies was filmed here and that's guy Richie's Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law in fact there's a scene that was pretty much shot from right about here the opening shot you can see that building to your right and then that building a little further down at the end of this road this is really cool I had no idea this would be so large in the scene this is where Sir Henry Blackwood was buried after he was hanged for his crimes and essentially Sir Henry Blackwood was Sherlock Holmes Nemesis in the movie and they come here because the constables and other officers are in a tizzy he it's been broken open and the body's gone has he come back to life they think so coming down to these doors actually reminds me of the very beginning of the film when Sir Henry Blackwood is essentially caught in the act performing his black magic Deeds he was attempting to sacrifice a girl to gain unnatural Powers the power to resurrect himself which supposedly happens on this very spot so they think have you watched the movie I won't give it away but I love this this is gorgeous I can't remember if there are snakes in that scene I want to say so or maybe I'm just imagining it because I love snakes but this is really gorgeous and I had no idea this would be here in the in the scene this is all filled with rubble and you don't get to see this beautiful detail oh wow peeking through the doors here I really have expected it to be empty but in the center it looks like what I would call an old wooden Pulpit for performing a sermon or performing a service and stacked up to the ceiling are some of the oldest caskets I have ever seen so let's see here above where we were just filming it looked like there was a bit of a walkway like a bit of a hallway above the Crips and that's this structure right here just behind Jessica and I love hallways I love these the different lines that they create I have to walk through it at least partway down it this is crazy cool so right about now we are standing above the CP that we were just pointing out from the movie and this really is something else I feel like I should be underground or something like that not above ground this is pretty wild I feel like we're in a Coliseum of the Dead just a bunch of crosses and a bunch of Graves and a bunch of different walkways wow in a way it kind of feels like like I just stepped into like a secret garden this is something else it may not have these giant mums or statues and things like that but this covered walkway it's beyond gorgeous beyond beautiful so let's see here we visited the time machine Tombstone the time machine tomb the Maz Liam here at brumpton Cemetery got to take in some Sherlock Holmes filming locations all in all this is a nice little Cemetery trip a little Cemetery Safari and with that thank you for joining us and until next time happy Halloween G my way wherever I goad is good luck stay to Day always the in my way
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 65,429
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Keywords: London, Things To Do In London, Best Things To Do In London, Free London Activites, Visit London, Top 10 Things To Do In London, Top 10 London Secret Attractions, 10 Mistakes Tourists Always Make In London, Top 10 Free Things To Do In London, London Travel Tips, London Best, London Travel Tip, Top 5 London, London Complete Travel Guide, London Complete Travel Guide 2024, London Tavel Guide, Time Machine London, London Time Machine, Highgate Cemetery London, Highgate Cemetery
Id: 0Z1zRuOzNLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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