50 Tips and Tricks in Astroneer!

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everyone knows that knowledge is power and that with great power comes great responsibility therefore it is no surprise that I am a very responsible individual and in my incredible generosity I've decided to bestow a great deal of my astroneer wisdom to you the viewer in just one video stick around until the end and you won't regret it for you will have learned 50 tips and tricks in astroneers so without further Ado let's jump straight into this with the first tip kicking it off here with our first tip and trick and astroneer is that on glacial there are very overpowered research samples inside these things you'll see on the surface now there are three different kinds of this but this particular one that has the symbol on it wants you to put pneumonium on it and when it opens up it will give you this right here and this gives you 7 000 bytes when you research it which is really friggin overpowered for our second tip in astroneer I recommend that even if you don't want to build a proper like true flat structure at a true flat location that you at least go to a true flat location to build a normal base because then you can have actually flat ground now if you don't know anything about what I'm talking about here if you don't know what a True Flight location is or a true flat space or any of that stuff then I have a video about that that I will link in the description and right up there at the top right because I do not explain that here because I want this video to be less than six hours long before our next one we can automatically turn our soil into scraps by making the source interferes automatically make resin then by making that resin automatically craft into small canisters and then by scrapping those small canisters this is really overpowered because basically what you're allowing yourself to do is trade soil on the trade platform and as we all know the trade platform has access to some pretty powerful stuff this next one is basically an only useful in the early game as by the late game you will have better options but yes in the early game in the very first layer of caves on the home planet you can find fully functioning medium generators which put out 9 units of power a second for a single carbon and this can be pretty helpful in the stage of the game where all you have is a few small solars and a few small wins if you do want that extra power so you can come down here and find those our next tip involves research and that is that these research items are actually not as fast as these research samples for getting you bites so if you run into a cave and get a bunch of research samples that is faster than doing research items however if you do both at the same time that is obviously best so I recommend doing both at the same time unless you just want to do research samples which also works pretty good storing small wind turbines on a large storage Silo bead like this costs way less than an XL produces way more power than an XL and it takes up way less space than an XL so there is no reason to use the extra large wind turbine instead of small ones especially if you put them on a silo like this because it's just bad for our next one I recommend that you stay away from kalador visenia and no of us in the early game because they do not provide anything that you need in the early game that other planets don't provide better in fact you can actually get every item in the game without ever going to these planets but that doesn't mean they are bad because they do provide some late game resources in larger amounts than you would be able to get them otherwise so I do recommend going to them in the late game for said resources but in the early game you don't want to get those resources in such large amounts because that waste the blast off for no reason so in the early game steer clear of these planets our next early game tip slash trick and astroneer is that you can find Dynamite on debris just like this which is useful because in the early game you cannot craft Dynamite but you still need it because you have to get EXO chips from Exo caches for our next one everybody knows that you can trade scrap in the trading platform but if you press the up and down arrow keys you will see that there are actually two other currencies that being a stronium and the fault finder which I still don't know what the fault finder is and I don't know how to get it but that's there too so you can use both of those to trade and trading platform along with scrap in case you didn't know that if you want to build a true flat base you should consider putting said bass right on on top of the gateways instead of nearby to the gateways because this will give you more room to build and also it's just epic I mean look at this view this is a proper sky base and it makes sense too because it's sitting on a Gateway instead of just floating like magic so pretty cool base idea you should definitely try so this next one's sort of similar to the last one the Gateway is getting your way when you're trying to build a base so you can build on top of them but also you can get a save for the gateways floating so you can just build straight under it and as you can see I've done both on this one but yes you can build under the gateways if they're floating and the way you get a floating Gateway is just by creating a save scene if your gateways are floating then deleting it and trying again it's completely random some says wear floating gateways most will not so you just gotta keep trying if you place extenders exactly vertically mirrored to one another just like this their cables will be invisible when you connect them now I don't know how you would make them perfectly mirrored to one another without using true flat so this may only be useful at a True Flight location however if you're building a true flat base and you want your extender cable to be invisible just place them perfectly mirrored to one another just like this and the cable will be invisible for this next one I recommend do you always bring an aluminum with you whenever you blast off to go to a new planet so you can craft a soil centrifuge easily and the reason we want to Source interviews on new planets is because it makes it really easy for us to get as much of the basic resources as we want which will make it really easy to set up a new base on new planets just like with the tip we just now went over there's actually a second item I recommend you bring to with you to other planets that would be the medium generator so if you find one on the home planet I recommend you package it up and bring it with you which means you do want to make a second trip so I actually recommend you make an extra Thruster and just do a blast off and take the first stuff to the other planet you're going to and then go back to your home planet and get a generator and a bunch of carbon which may sound really annoying having to blast off twice like that but having a medium generator with as much fuel as you need like this will make setting up a starter base on another planet 10 times easier than it would otherwise be so I cannot recommend enough packaging a medium generator and taking it to other plants this next one may seem a bit random but it's actually pretty dang useful and that's that all of the things in this game actually still work while they're out of render distance so if I turn on the source refuser example and somehow immediately teleported to a different planet it would still be doing soil centrifuge stuff even though it's not rendered in a more useful example of this would be the research chamber if right now I was on a different planet it would still be researching which is really nice to know because you don't actually have to stay in the vicinity of things for them to do their thing for our next one I recommend that you use the wide and boost mod basically all the time whenever you want to gather soil because they're actually really good in fact they are so good that they're really not that much worse than the truck drill uh but even though they're kind of almost as good as the truck drill the truck is still way better for Gathering soil because it has way more storage capacity and it also brings oxygen with you so you don't have to worry about doing annoying tether stuff and it's just generally a more pleasant experience using the truck not trying to say that the wine booster almost as good as the truck but they are almost as fast as the truck so that's something to keep in mind with how actually overpowered the widen boost mod are since the small Shoto only has one storage spot if you don't feel like putting an oxygenator there you can put a medium storage there instead and then just juggle your shot with you and take it with you wherever you go instead of doing tethers which is sort of efficient actually that's what I always do the first time I blast off but alternatively you can actually have both you can bring a medium storage with you in order to take back and bring an oxygenator packaged up so you can fit in your inventory and then leave the oxygenator here for a base and then take the storage back with you but yes you can also just carry the rock if that's what you want to do and that's usually what I do on my first Blaster earlier I pointed out that we can automatically turn our soil into scrap but since I mentioned that I also feel like I should mention that that's not always for the best you also want to have a normal sort of interviews like I have over there because some things are cheaper when you just use your soil instead of turning your soil into scrap for example if we get compound in the trading platform from turning our soil into scrap it is twice as expensive as just getting it in the source contribution to begin with so you do want a soil it's a scrap thing but you also just want a normal solar system fuse because some things are cheaper that way now our next one involves shuttles and that would be the fact that I think you should you know you should always skip the medium shuttle in your progression in the game because it's not that hard to go straight from a small shuttle to a large shuttle so unlocking the medium one just waste your bites and the resources it takes to craft it because eventually you're not going to be using it anyways and really it's not a necessary stepping stone in order to get to the large one you may also want to do this with your Rovers which is what I do but there's a better argument for crafting a medium Rover than a medium shuttle if you ask me because the medium shuttle is just so extraordinarily easy to skip that in my opinion you should just always do it in fact I've never crafted one before I have never crafted a medium shuttle in this game despite having almost 800 hours so if that doesn't tell you anything I don't know what much like with the shuttles there are three different tiers to the drill mods and also just like the shuttles I recommend that you skip the second one but with this one maybe even skip the first one because again it's just not that bad to get to the third one but you might want the first one because sometimes you do indeed need that in order to get to the third one without annoyance using the drill and paver on the Rover is a good way to make roads which can be nice because they're neat but also it might be a good way to make less cluttered well I'm sure it is no surprise to anyone that the large Rover over is easily the fastest way to gather soil and that's good for Gathering soil but it can also be dangerous because if used irresponsibly it could easily destroy a planet pretty quickly if you don't contain it to one area and so that's what this one's about I recommend that you gather soy with the large Rover but I recommend that you very specifically keep it to one region so that the whole entire planet does not suffer as a result of it just go back and forth like this instead of doing one long tunnel across the planet because that can cause problems and maybe even you would want to go to a different planet and do it there instead but at least keep it to a contained area so it does not cause problems across the whole planet the inhibitor mod is good for Gathering organic as it doesn't destroy the ground but it gives you all the stuff you need if you use the inhibitor mod with the terrain analyzer then you can actually try to place soil and instead of placing soil whatever color you have in the terrain analyzer will be painted onto the soil instead of actually placing any so if you want to paint soil without destroying it you can use both of these items together speaking of though yes there is indeed a creative drill menu and the way you access it is by pressing if while your terrain tool is out and then you will be able to access all these nice uh settings here where you can deform faster to form a larger area and to form further away and most notably there is a crap ton of colors here so that's nice the narrow mod is really useful for building true flat bases because you do need Precision in order to make sure that your walls aren't extra thick and in order to make sure that they aren't extra wide sometimes you do not want them to be huge so you need the narrow mod in order to achieve that we all know that the wide and boost mod are incredibly efficient at making us gather soil much quicker than we normally would what you may not know however is that the boost mod is way worse than the wide mod by itself because it only makes us mine soil 18 faster than we normally would whereas the wide mod makes this mine soil 160 faster than we normally would but I still recommend that you use both of these together because when combined they actually mine soil 330 faster so it's still good to use both of them at the same time but if you have to choose to get one first do the wide mod because they cost the same in terms of bites and in terms of what they call across the craft except the wide mod is obviously way better and it also draws less power which is weird because you know that you should make the better one draw more power but you know what whatever I'm not a Dev I'm just saying that that's kind of weird to me I have mentioned many times how powerful these research samples here are and I've also mentioned that they respawn over a pretty short amount of time so something I like to do on glacio is coming to the first layer of caves here and run eight stacks of tethers through the caves so that when these things respawn I can just follow that same tether line and get like 10 000 bytes it's ridiculously efficient this next one has to do with wind and solar power and that would be the best way to get each if you want to get a bunch of wind power the cheapest way to do that is actually to spam a bunch of Smalls spamming a bunch of small wins is always cheaper than using any other kind it's better than the mediums it's better than the largest and the extra largest you will always get power for cheaper by getting multiple Smalls instead of getting the larger versions which is a huge balance issue if you ask me but that's not the point of this the point is just to point it out and you would think it would be the same for the solar but it's actually not because solar has the medium as its best one for how much it costs in terms of how much power you get in return so if you want to get a bunch of solar use the medium if you want to get a bunch of wind use the small but if you want to get a bunch of power in general nobody really cares about either of these because the RTG is the king of the world and you should be using these in the late game if you want to get a ton of power because why wouldn't you earlier I mentioned that we can get a medium generator in the early game however the medium generator has the weakness that we have to turn it on manually whenever we need power so we have to be at the base in order for this thing to actually be useful however we can automate that when our solar panels lose power that it will turn the medium generator on so we have a power sensor here that says whenever power is gained or lost it will turn on or off the medium generator so right now if it becomes nighttime generator turns on except I skip to night time so if I did it right yeah when it's actually night time the solar panel is not getting power so it turns on the medium generator and vice versa it is daytime now it's getting power we don't need the medium generator now there is one downside to this and that's that it's really easy to make this system work with either solar or wind but it's hard to make the system work with both solar and wind so if you use solar and wind at your base at the same time making the medium generator fully automated is going to be kind of annoying but otherwise it's very easy if you do one or the other on the surface of glacio on debris just like this you can find fully functioning large wind turbines and while I only suggest you craft small ones and never craft large or extra larges if you find them fully functioning that's a different story because they are pretty good if they just already exist for you and you don't have to craft them and word on the street is that you can also find extra large ones fully working but I've only seen debris like this so I don't really know if you actually can find extra large it's fully working but I know you can find large ones working because I have seen multiple of these so it's definitely worth checking out if you're on Glizzy I'm sure most of you know that you can find Copper or malachite on the mountainous regions of the home planet but you can also find it down in the deepest caves so if you come down here to where it turns red you'll be able to find Copper here as well and it's pretty dang calm if you hold control while walking your character will walk slowly so earlier I briefly mentioned that some things are cheaper in the soil sensor Fusion in the trading platform I barely touched up on that so I want to go ahead and give you the complete rundown right now so you have to figure it out on your own I'm just going to tell you the only two things that are actually cheaper by turning your soil into scrap first is going to be graphite and ammonium everything else is cheaper in these soil centrifuge itself but obviously the trading platform is useful for more than just graphite ammonium still because there are things in here that are not in the soil centrifuge but as far as things that are also in the soil centrifuge the you are better off getting ammonium and graphite in the trading platform instead so turn your soil into scraps before you get graphite or ammonium because they are twice as cheap in the trade plug I actually don't really know what that's all about if you build some kind of true flat structure you can hide sensor arcs inside the walls and then make a gap through the sensor thingy in order to make the sensor thingy appear to be a window which makes bases look so much cooler so earlier I discussed that you can find Dynamite on some debris but what I didn't mention is that they are kind of rare sometimes you might have to go a pretty far distance in order to just get one so whenever you blow your Exo caches open with this thing you want to make it count you want to get as many extra caches as you can with just one dynamite and honestly I don't really know how many you can blow up at one time with just one Dynamite so we're about to find out as a family right now how many you can blow up at once oh okay you can blow up like as many as you want so get a ton of EXO caches before you detonate it and you know maybe I shouldn't well I could probably could have went a little bit further from the base before I did that but you know what I'm saying you can get a lot of extra cash just one dynamite and in the early game That's essential because you cannot craft done this next one is a huge one and it is easily the most important one for the late game and it is the biggest Time Saver you could possibly have and that is to never craft a single Nano carbon alloy by itself so what I mean by this is if you get one of every single ingredient you need to craft a nanocarbon alloy you will get one nanocarbon alloy so if you go to each planet that you need to go to and you get one of each item you're gonna get one out of carbon alloy however if you spend just a little bit of extra time on each planet to get a lot of what you need to make a nano carbon alloy then you're going to end up with a lot more nanocarbon alloy in the end for only tagging on a little extra time what I recommend you do is fill a medium resource canister full of every nanocarbon alloy recipe so that you would get a medium resource canister full of nanocarbon alloy in the end now it might sound like that takes way longer than just getting one of each ingredient but it really doesn't because while you're Gathering a resource you're already on the planet where that resource is so getting all the way to 32 instead of just getting one is really not that much extra time but it's 32 times as much nanocarbon alloy in the end so I cannot recommend it enough it is very very overpowered because all you got to do is just go on one Gathering Voyage of getting 32 nanocarbon alloy and you'll like never need rtgs again or anything like that it's just an incredibly overpowered thing and I recommend it if you've ever wanted to play astroneer with someone but you don't have any friends then you are a loser but also we can fix that because if you go into the astroneer steam forums there is actually a section where you can find other players who want to play astroneers so boom look at all this these are your future friends if you go into these forums you can start a new one and tell people hey I want friends or you can go to one where somebody's saying Hey I want friends you can be like hey let's be friends and uh that was a stupid way to demonstrate it but yes you can find other people to play for in with with not play for you can find there's people here another thing you can do is limiting the amount of power that goes to an atmospheric condenser using a splitter so why would you want to do this well that's because atmosphere condensers take 20 units of power a second which is absurd that is a ridiculously large amount of power so if you wanted to make it so that it's always on but it's not taking a full 20 units per second you can just use a splitter and scroll this to however many units of power second you'd actually want to have now obviously with the amount of power I'm putting out here I don't actually care but on some basis you may not have you may not want to give it as much as it takes so you can just limit if you build a sky base either the North or South poles and you put your solar panels exactly upside down they have to be perfectly upside down but if they are perfectly upside down they will get some light literally all the time because the Sun stays level at this altitude and it will never ever stop giving your solar power's power so they will be like really overpowered rtgs that don't cost as much this next one is an infinite bike strategy and while it's not the best one it's still a pretty solid one so you may want to know about it that's if you take an astronium and put it in here obviously the amount left that it has to be researched goes down and when it hits zero it disappears however however if we stop at any point before it's finished and then put it in a resource canister and bring it straight back out it will reset how much is left so we can research one astronium for the rest of time because it just resets whenever you put it through again ever since the rails update if you want to transport items over a long distance never use Auto Arms because they will draw way more power and it will cost way more than using trains to transport items instead only use Auto Arms if you want to pick something up never use it just to move items across a long distance if you do not want your extenders to go in Only One Direction you can hold F on them and the entire line will become multi-directional meaning power can go both ways as you can see I did not know that when I made this base because over there I have extenders making a full circle here so that it goes both ways so don't be like me don't be a fool most of the time you need to split power into multiple directions you are better off using medium platform a instead of a splitter because Splitters will put the power in both directions no matter what so if we're not even using power on this side then half of the power is still going to come over here which means if we only have one thing on and it's over here it's getting half the power for literally no reason whereas medium platform a is both directions and everything and it will make things go to wherever it is needed and it will distribute it among everything equally so only use the splitter if you typically want something not to have much power because otherwise it's a waste of resources to craft and a waste of resources as in it wastes your power do not craft glow sticks earlier I mentioned these really overpowered research items on glacio and they are really good but maybe you don't want to research them on glacio because if you're on a different planet maybe you don't have a really good base set up or you have research chambers that will always get power so if you want to take them back to your home base it'll be very easy to get them to the home planet by packaging them up because they become so small that you can just shove them in your inventory and then when you unpackage them at the home base you have research items that are worth seven thousand a piece and that is really epic if you build a base above Sky limit which I most definitely have here you can still use landing pads on them they are fully functioning and the reason this is useful is because other than landing pads the only way to get above Sky limit is by building soil which is definitely annoying and also ugly even if it wasn't annoying to walk that far or something so using landing pads is easily the fastest way and the most handsome way to get to a base that is above Sky limit so that's what you should use if you want to make a creative save but you don't want your creative savings to be brand new without any bases or anything and you don't have to make bases just to have bases on a creative save then something you could do is actually duplicate your survival save and then call it like I don't know whatever the frick you want to caught and then when you go in there it'll literally be your survival save again but then you can turn it into creative mode and basically have a creative version of your survival mode so you can do creative stuff while having like a actually realistic type of bass situation that might not sound useful but I find it useful and you'll see me do that my videos a lot I use my main survival save in a lot of videos but it's almost always in creative mode but I didn't want to actually turn my survival save into creative mode for that so I just did this I duplicate it and then I make it create we are all likely guilty of running our tethers to stupid places at times and then we just leave them there because we don't have to pick up each individual one and put them in our inventory just like this however what you may not know is that you actually don't have to do that if you hold shift and click on them they'll go straight into your inventory so you can just run back like this and preserve your tethers whenever they go somewhere useless if you use the wide mod to make a cave entrance all you have to do is flatten out the ground and it will actually make a space large enough for you to walk down without having to do normal drilling just like this you can do flattening which is much more pleasant and it makes a flat level surface the wall our last tip in astroneer is to scrap your Dynamite now this is something I'm not going to show because I do not want to spoil the mystery for you but scrapping your Dynamite can actually get you like three or four scrap it actually varies a little bit most people don't know about this but if you scrap your Dynamite it will give you more scrap than you may actually think which is definitely a good thing so I definitely recommend that you give that a shot foreign [Music]
Channel: 褒WorldClassJerk男
Views: 30,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yza9gHPbmps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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