Early Game Tips & Tricks in Astroneer!

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all righty y'all this world class jerk and uh i have a war story for you okay i left on vacation for about a week and when i returned my monitor no longer worked anymore and so the issue here is that my uh you know i don't have a monitor anymore so you may be asking yourself world class jerk how exactly is it that you managed to be making this video right now well i'm gonna tell you it's because uh i'm using an actual if you can see here i'm using an actual tv instead of a monitor because i'm always persevering for the viewer so hopefully you can appreciate that value with the uh the links i went to in order to make this video and so uh yes without further ado we are indeed going to be reviewing early tips and tricks early game tips and tricks in astroneer and so yes without further ado we're gonna get straight into that now and i'll see you there by the way before we do you should join my discord link in the description to become a jerk today you should hit the subscribe button hit the like button hit that notification bell leave comments and suggestions and all that good stuff and for real this time without further ado we're gonna get straight into this all right jumping straight into this just like i said because i am indeed an honest man is that you want to get resin and compound on mass in the early game on mass that it's just a fancy way of saying you want to get a bunch of it because if you just get what you need you're going to need more immediately after in the early game because everything is about resin and compound if you want another platform you need resin if you want another thing on that platform usually that's gonna be resin or compound or a combination of the two so if you need just a few resin or just a compound in the early game and that's all you get you're gonna be going straight back to the resin or compound veins to get exactly that again and again and so you want to get as much as you can to sort of pile it up and then after you get a big pile you want to make your base because that's so much faster storing extra of anything at any time makes for future speed and that's something you want to keep in mind in the game throughout the entire game not just the early game but in the early game we're talking about resin and compound where that's concerned alrighty my children next up we're going to be looking at early game power we want to know how to get the biggest bang for our buck as the kids would say and so that brings us to the best early game power sources which in my opinion in my opinion is fact will be going to the medium generator and the wind turbines now why exactly do i think these are the best oh also by the way you can throw in solar power if you want to but i didn't really feel like it so we just did medium generator and wind turbines for the best early game power sources but in order to understand why i think these are the best i sort of wanted to review the pros and the cons of each the pros of the medium generator are going to be that it puts out a whopping 9 units of power and that's a crap ton for just one thing so that's that's really what makes this extreme but there are a few more pros and that's that it's reliable if it's on it will generate that nine units of power and it is on when you want it on that's that's the big thing here because most power sources in astroneer are just on sometimes and off sometimes you don't really have control over it but with the medium generator it's reliable if you turn it on it is on and that's that the next pro is that it has a cheap power source and uh that's it it takes carbon which is smelted organic so takes basically the exact same fuel source as the small generator but gives you nearly five times as much power which is great and that brings us to our next pro which is that it's almost always better to use than the small generator which sounds unfair because obviously the medium generator is going to be better than the small so how's that fair but i wanted to point that out because maybe you use the small generator in the early game and if you do then you're gonna love using the medium one instead because it's just so much more power for the same exact amount of resource except you gotta smelt it which isn't a big deal uh but anyways for the cons we're gonna have to put that it requires a fuel source now i know i put cheap fuel as a pro but the fact that it requires stool also kind of has to be a con because in astroneer nothing else other than generators takes fuel so it's it's just it's a con but uh the next con and the last con is that it is rare sometimes and sometimes it's not i don't know how to explain it but sometimes you go into the starter cave right underneath your feet you go into and that's where you find it by the way because i don't want to like i don't need to point that out i should have pointed that out first you don't want to craft this thing it's expensive to craft it's expensive to unlock you want to find one you can find them in the caves the first layer caves on the starter planet no big deal sometimes but sometimes it's a little more rare i don't really know what that's all about but sometimes it's just not hard to find one and sometimes it takes forever so i guess it depends on what you're willing to do to get one me personally i love them so i go after them every time but it can be a little more difficult sometimes so do keep that in mind but now it's time for the wind turbines and for the pros of this thing we're going to start off saying that it puts out a decent power output nothing like the medium generator but it puts out a decent output for the small one we're going to be getting 1.5 units of power when it's active and for the medium we're going to be getting five units of power when it's active and that's basically all there is to say about it and for the next pro we're going to put that it's cheap to unlock and it's cheap to craft at least a small one and that's what you want to unlock and craft in the early game i'm gonna i'm gonna spare you the details just know that if you unlock and craft you want it to be the small one in the early game uh but also the yes the next pro obviously is that it's free power you don't have to put fuel in it or anything when the wind blows it turns and that's power for you but obviously for the cons it's less output than the generator but obviously it can be more if you add more but per unit it is less output than the generator and obviously the biggest con of all the only reason this isn't literally an overpowered rtg is because it has inconsistent power out but it'll put it out whenever the wind's blowing and you're not on the wind's schedule and so that's why we like the medium generator and so basically the conclusion here is that you want to use these two together i mean it's incredible it's an incredible combo because basically the wind turbines is your sort of afk i don't want to be around to have to make sure i don't run out of fuel thing and the medium generator is going to be hey i'd be willing to spend some fuel to get this done faster and it's a great combination because the wind turbines will let you do stuff while you're not around the medium generator lets you do them faster when you are coming up next we're going to be talking about early game bytes gathering methods of which there are two and just like the last session we did with the power we are going to be comparing these two methods and showing their pros and cons now the two methods that we're going to be talking about are obviously the research chamber which we all know about you just put something in the research chamber and then you hit research it takes two units of power until it's done no big deal and then the other method which you might not use as much because it's only good on glacio is where you just go around in the caves and you gather the rock bite things now why am i mentioning this if it's only good on glacio well because we don't really need it to be good in the early game but as we'll get into later it depends on your situation whether or not you want to use that method anyway and so we're going to start off with the researching chamber method here and we're going to start off with its pros the first of which is that you can just go afk no big deal it is an automatic process as long as you have power supplied and so yes you can go afk and the next pro is that it has the potential to outpace the cave rock method which you know the cave rocks method it can be faster but the research chamber you can just add more research chambers and add more research and it's doing it all automatically so it can be faster than the gathering the cave rock bite samples or whatever they're called but for the cons it requires a research chamber obviously which doesn't sound like much of a con but we're talking about the early game here and so maybe you don't have a base fully set up yet so that can be considered a con also though it draws power while active so if you want to use power for something else maybe that's another reason why you wouldn't want to use this method in the early game and then obviously lastly here on the cons is that it becomes less efficient over time as the samples close by are used up and then the next ones are further away because of it let's say for example there's a research there's a research sample right beside your base and you research it in the research chamber the next one's further away so on so forth until they are further away and more out of reach and less convenient to get to and so that is the cons of using the research chamber but next up is the cave rock things don't know what to call them so i'm just going to call them the cave rocks we all know what i'm talking about you hold f on them and you get bites from them they are in the caves everywhere you've definitely seen them before but for the cause for the pros rather this thing we're gonna get started off by saying the efficiency remains basically unchanged due to respawns now what i mean by that is unlike the research chamber the research samples that you use for the cave rocks they respawn the cave rocks once you hold f on them about 30 minutes later or something like that they're back again so the efficiency doesn't really change because of that and then obviously another pro is that you do not need a base you can just need tethers as long as you got tethers you can get the cave rock bites no problem at all but now for the cons and that is that there's not really a whole lot of room for improvement i mean you can and make an afk version but you are ultimately limited by how fast they respawn and that's really what this is about so there's not a whole lot of room for improvement although it can be improved upon there's not too much room there but another con would also earth the last con here as well actually is generally it's generally only faster when you have no base if you have research chambers already that's probably the best method but if you're really early game and you're trying to like speed run bites for some reason this just may be the way to go for you especially if you don't want to make research chambers or waste any power from your base all right guys here we are on our next to last point and i'm just gonna be honest with you it's 11 p.m and i want to go sleep so i'm fixing to pick up the pace on these last two points here but right now we're going to be covering up the soil centrifuge we're going to be covering the soil centrifuge and the thing about the soil centrifuge is that uh we're not actually comparing it to anything else but we're still going to go for the pros and cons so the pros of this thing they're it's a it's very it very quickly becomes essential for getting cheap stuff fast because just like with the research samples for the research chamber when you get the stuff that's close by it's further away next time and that quickly becomes the case for stuff you're using all the time such as compound and organic so very quickly this becomes essential for getting those resources and soil is just cheap it's not a hard thing to get and so you definitely definitely want to use the soil future that the soil centrifuge is actually one of the most important things in the entire game in my opinion and again my opinion is fact so this is definitely definitely an important thing to use but another pro of this thing is once you get faster soil gathering methods it just gets that it just gets that much more useful because it's already very very useful but when you're getting soil so fast that it basically doesn't even count as a resource you have to gather anymore then it's it's just crazy it's overpowered straight up but as far as the cons go it it's arguably taxing in the early game to get the bites but honestly that's not really an issue ultimately considering how useful it is especially since it's useful all the way into the late game all right guys we're on the last point here and i'm getting real tired now and every single points taking so much longer than it's supposed to now i'm complaining about it and that's just making things worse so anyways we're going over the wide and boost mode next these are very essential for getting soil faster goes hand in hand with the soil centrifuge and just generally mounting out things the drill tool in this game very important so you do want to go faster the wadden boost mod is very good so for the pros we're going to say it makes gathering soil astronomically faster and it makes the source center fusion absolute force in the early game and then 2k bites to uh well this is the cons now 2k bots to unlock both which is that's a pretty big con in the early game but they're very very good so you still want to do that but another con is that they're not too great individually and you do want to use them together oh but that's gonna have to do it for this one guys and as you already know i'm in a rush to get to bed because that's just the way things are but actually i'm gonna eat first because i'm that fat but that doesn't matter and that's not the point the point is that this is the end of the video and you should join my discord link in the description to become a jerk today you should hit the like button hit the subscribe button leave comments and suggestions hit that notification bell stick around for the next one all that good stuff have a nice day [Music] you
Channel: 褒WorldClassJerk男
Views: 17,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wide mod, boost mod, astroneer bytes
Id: fIRmXiAO5yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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