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hello my castaways and welcome back to another stranded deep speed run wow guys i have an absolutely incredible run to show you today so a lot of people have been asking for the glitches speed run and i will be doing one soon but you can probably tell by the length of this video that this is not that so we are back for another glitches allowed fixed seed normal difficulty speed run now the reason for that is because if someone beats my record i can't just let that go and if you've been following stranded deep speed runs you probably know i'm talking about a gork so a gork is my friendly nemesis in the world of stranded deep and if you don't know who he is go check out his channel he's a great speedrunner he's given me a run for my money plenty of times and he has helpful tips and uh how-tos on stranded deep as well as some funny stuff on there too so uh not only did he beat my time he did it by playing the same seed as my world record and i obviously can't just let that stand so i'm proud to say that i've come back very strong with a new strategy that has shed nearly 20 percent of the total time off the record now considering we cut the speedrun time from like four hours to under 45 minutes i think that much of a drop at this point is downright staggering so i've employed a new strategy that seems so obvious i really kind of feel stupid for not realizing it earlier and i've said a long time the 35 minute run is possible and this ladies and gentlemen is that run so let's go ahead and get started all right here's our new world i found it before i came up with this new strategy so it's still not the ideal setup but all the pertinent islands and bosses are in such a tight cluster i figured it could work so our basic plan is to skip all the bosses for the first day and focus on getting our potatoes supplies and getting the fuel distilled by the time we wake up on day two now that might sound simple but it is like downright hectic so keep in mind then in order to make our stills we need to have three jerry cans and four plank scrap that we have to search through the wrecks for emptying out the junk in the crates as we go and refilling them with what we collect for the stills and everything else too we also need to find a bare minimum of two leather so that we can make a pickaxe to collect the clay which we'll need for the stills as well now we need to collect that clay before nightfall so we can actually find the clay nodes in the water and on top of that we also need enough sticks and rocks to make the campfires the fire rings that go around them the frame for the fuel stills and the kindling to light them now hang on we aren't done yet we also need at least four lashings for the stills one lashing for the axe and one lashing for the shelter to sleep through the desert distillation now hang on we can't just go throwing these things together we also need the know-how aka level 5 crafting to even make them now you may just be thinking chill out we'll just go make some spears that we're going to need for lusco later but we don't have enough time to just go doing that through our crafting levels we need to get every single ounce of crafting experience possible out of every action to be able to get the fuel distilled by morning so on top of doing everything else i just said we also need to collect 40 fiber sleeves for 10 lashings and then use those lashings with 10 coconuts to make 10 coconut flasks that we'll need for more crafting exp and we'll use as our water to escape and since we have to get 10 coconuts for those we'll go ahead and grab five more for our food to escape as well so guys keeping up so that still won't be enough crafting xp we will need to make a box or two of spears as well craft the campfires and rings and even the kindling to light the stills ahead of that level for more efficient xp that still won't be enough now practicing this method my answer was just to make more spears that i didn't need but it required more time for chopping wood and it just wasn't efficient enough so that's why this entire time i'm going to be running around just turning stones into tool tips to fill that gap in so i can get the crafting xp to get that still made by nightfall it's quite a process now i hadn't actually paid attention to this until uh pointed it out but it is a fixed 15 minutes for the first day when you spawn in until the first night um so i have only 15 minutes to get this stuff together and get to the island get the potatoes and well i mean everything i just said so um yeah it's a bit of a race but then again we are doing speed runs so what do you expect of course the slowest part of this entire process uh like every time i've done a practice run or failed run um yeah doing it this method is just getting all this crap out of the crates it takes forever i would love it if beam team would uh fix the uh the patch that they made which made it impossible for you to drop things out of your inventory you have to hold them in your hand and then drop them uh it slows me down probably a full like minute or two just getting everything out of these crates that's pretty annoying i've complained about it probably every time i've done a speed run since they changed it but i'm i'm sure they will change it back all right so i have a basic crate strategy that i've been employing for the last couple runs it's just to have a crate for gas which is you know the things that i can't make it's all the planks the leather the potatoes the jerry cans all that stuff that i just have to collect up and then gas two which will be my stones and lashings and uh i don't collect up a palm tree uh like a log in a palm to make a shelter at the end of uh at the end of this island stream but that was what the i planned that space to be so i'll probably just be smashing more uh lashings in there to make potato or potatoes coconut flasks and stuff so i'm getting up my uh my rocks and then after i get these six any rock that i pass i'm gonna be turning into a stone tool tip i haven't calculated exactly how many of these i need to uh fill that gap of crafting xp i was talking about but it's probably somewhere in like the 10 to 15 mark so not a terrible amount and if i just stop really quickly while i'm zipping around the map and i can do that really really fast oh i was talking about my crates um besides the gas crates i had a crate for sticks a crate for the food which nicely fits all the coconut flasks and um a couple extra coconuts for extra food if you need it in it and then one of my creases for just the stuff that i collect like my uh the stuff that i have when i start off with like bandages compasses and some light sources and then let's see what else do i have i think that's all oh and then crates for spears of course now the reason i'm not making an axe right away on this island is because i know that there is a refined axe on the next island so while it is crafting xp that i could get it's i'm not gonna make it uh yeah i think i don't think it actually matters what you make it's just how many things you make that would probably be something for me to look into but uh so i figured it would probably be better to save the lashing for the axe and just make more uh stones it's a whole lot of double coconuts uh on this island so i wanted to just go ahead and get those out of the way so i'll have to think about it later i don't know if i get all of them on this first island but i get most of them make sure i set aside my four lashings for the gas before i make any flasks because if i'm caught without those then i'll have to wander around it dark to make more lashings all right and we're off to the second island so when i'm coming in or rather when i'm scouting these islands out uh i try to note where i put or where i put where i find these potatoes so that you know i have like pretty much a basic incoming trajectory uh coming from the last island so i just like know where the potatoes are based off of that incoming trajectory and the uh the survivor shelter on this was when i found this seed i was i guess i just forgot about them i just don't expect to find survivor shelters in speed runs anymore they're so rare but man they are awesome help with this uh refined axe that's sweet uh i would be happy with the one that has i think there's a couple actually that have the refined spears in them that would be great the lashes is wonderful but really just having more crates i think there's like one uh survivor shelter that has three crates instead of two so maybe in the future if we can find uh get really really lucky and have these uh have survivor shelters on two of the three islands that we need to visit maybe we can uh knock this time down to under 30 minutes um but four in the past i've said you know i've been very adamant about being like oh we can get under 40 minutes we can get under an hour we can get under 35 minutes now uh i don't know how easy it's gonna be to get under 30 minutes that's going to be optimizing boss fights and like i said getting lucky with survivor shelters cherry cans and you know a really really optimal seed world yeah it just takes so much well there yeah that was a waste of lashing with that bow but it just takes so much less time to craft these little stone tool tips instead of uh you know chopping down logs or even just crafting lashes which take almost no time to collect but still [Music] now i'm glad i crafted this two stone tool tips because that reminded me that i needed to make a pickaxe that's one of the things that i uh in the handful of times i've tried this method on this seat or not that's one of the things i forget a lot is getting the clay just it's just something i i don't know why i just struggle to remember it every time [Music] now i i really hate uh how i like watch how you can see the shadows moving that gives me such anxiety when i'm doing these speed runs because like it's just time ticking right in front of my eyes look at those look at those shadows move oh terrible all right we have the level right there to be able to make our pickaxe and thankfully i find a clay node pretty quick here yeah right there it's not in the best spot but i'm not gonna go looking for another one that's for sure [Music] all right all right that should be all the lashings i need for the still and most that i need [Music] flasks so if you're keeping count i'll still need five more lashings to be able to make my shelter and the rest of the code [Music] and there is our ending ship um oh that's right i started going off to the wrong island i had a bit of trouble with that on this run just because i was like like i said it's very hectic doing all this by the first night so i was struggling a lot to be able to get everything done and it was really stressing me out so i was i was kind of taking some liberties and literally cutting corners on checking my direction and uh that was a nice landing uh and it almost got me lost a couple of times in fact i almost didn't even make this time i almost didn't even complete this run because at the very end i i went zipping off in what i thought was the right direction i completely got lost but then i just happened to find my way it was uh very lucky so you'll notice i when i jumped off of that kind of high uh wreck it actually hurt me but that's uh one of the quirks of this like speed walking and swim jumping kind of thing if you i mean i'm sure you've noticed that i've swam and jumped out of the water and reached some really incredible heights but i didn't take any fall damage i'm pretty sure that the game just registers your height as like right above the water when you do that so you can go anywhere you want doing that but if you uh speed walk off of a tall surface like a palm tree or you end up on one of the uh big rocks on the uh the middle rocks like the big islands that have cliffs everywhere you speed walk off of that on the land uh that will kill you or hurt you like it did just there so interesting little quirk very handy for getting onto the ending ship ah ah and yeah i'll take some free uh hunter levels here crap that's cool speaking of hunter levels one of the ways that this world could have been more ideal uh was if the boss location for luska and meg were switched so if you remember our speedrun map meg was the boss location that was just north of our starting island and i really would have preferred lucca to have been there because if he is our last boss then we get more hunter levels from the abia and meg which are arguably way easier bosses and uh with more hunter levels we do more damage for every spear that we toss at luska so pretty good and this other crowd doesn't want to leave me alone so i made a little bit of a mistake i didn't collect all the sticks as early as i wanted but this is also an island that has ficus on it so it didn't really matter um yeah i figured i could just run around and get them were there three crabs on this island ah did i kill one on the previous i think there's a potato like hiding in a bush on this island i'm not missing any more potatoes after the last one man that was that was a mistake i'm not gonna make again and i say that i probably will but you won't see it so [Music] so i'm starting to get a little nervous at this point in the run because as you can tell it's getting dark and i still don't have all the stuff i need or the crafting levels i need now i'm pretty certain uh at this point in my head while i'm playing the run that i've crafted enough stone tool tips to bridge that gap but i don't actually know because like i said earlier i never did the math to find out how many stone tool tips i needed to make that difference [Music] and that was the last coconut flask we needed for food [Music] [Music] and so i'm heading off into the island to uh try and make up some more spears which is uh ultimately good because i will need those for loose guns [Music] just checking that crafting level and of course i still don't have it yet i don't know why i kept on walking past that one uh like four stick ficus over there that would have made sense to just use that one but hey whatever there we go we're ready to go and i figured i'd grab these up for uh more spears because i probably won't have enough i guess i thought having a few extra sticks for spirits was a good idea oh no i needed them for the still because i didn't collect uh enough sticks earlier that's why all right and we are off to the races so this is where the run really gets exciting for me at least because it's all just speed walking getting to the bosses killing them as fast as possible and then getting the hell out of here as fast as possible too i think i still need to make my uh shelter and that is the last thing that i'll have to do before just chuck em who needs a man we are super human we can throw these things like hundreds of meters and i am feudally looking around in the center of the island for palm saplings because that's a great idea i mean they do show up there but i should be walking around oh that's right we had extra yucca trees that's what i was thinking okay and we need to find a nice short palm so we don't have to chop a whole bunch of logs off of it and make our shelter and luckily even though that palm tree was embedded in that bush it didn't like you know fly off into space like they'd like to do sometimes and that is fuel by the first or second morning guys i think that's the first time anybody's ever done that i would say that should be a speed run in and of itself but uh i don't really want to do this if i don't have to do it for a speed run it is very stressful all right we're ready to go now i gotta backtrack to our starting island so that i can go to luska and the abia then go off to meg and then basically come right back here so i go to our uh ending ship so that's one of the ways this world could have been better is if i had the three islands with potatoes and all the supplies i needed first and then i could just sleep and then go instead of backtracking go further on to the three bosses in the ending ship i would love it if we just had all of those things in one straight line or like you know kind of a zigzag or something or even a crescent around our starting island that's the kind of world i'm looking for so if you guys find a world that looks like that please please let me know because i have been i have go i've rolled probably well over 1500 world seeds looking for that one world and i have yet to find it [Music] we really woke up at like the perfect time uh to get this done all in the daylight because the sun was just coming up i mean honestly if we had woken up at 5 30 or like 4 30 when it was still dark we had a couple minutes for the sun to come up before we got back to the starting island so it would have been okay but having a full daylight so i don't even have to mess around with anything else that is all perfect we're just going to chop this guy up we're saving all those spears for um you can't just chase him down his boss location and then he respawns at full health or one of the things i would have liked to have had on this run was an air can i don't think i even found one in the beginning or if i did i threw it out um it would have been helpful but it would have just been more comfortable it wouldn't have actually seen maybe go i'm just getting my method down trying not to go too fast and talk about this too with the speed blocking it is so easy to go faster than the bosses it's very very hard to match their speech it's just one of the quirks of speed walking um very difficult to do but if i can nail that for both 80 and meg i can probably drop my boss time in fact i think the world record for most of the bosses sits around like 30 35 maybe like under 30 for meg around 30 for avia and then i want to say like 45 or 40 for luska seconds yeah it's it's me i did it yeah get out of here so uh i did a new uh kind of trick this time with the crates as well i realized that you could just drop the crates and i mean i've realized this for a while i just never thought to actually do that you can just drop the crates and really quickly access them so you don't have to go up to the surface one of the reasons i would love to have [Music] is now uh i think right about now is when i'm realizing that i did not restore my uh food and water so i'm like completely dehydrated or something right now uh so i need to i need to go heal my uh or get my food and water back up so he does bite me i can hear myself because right now so i do love that swim jumping for this reason i can get a full breath and kind of just have like a second or two of respite from the boss i don't have to mess around with you know trying to swim get hit like that like that exact thing so i have to be standing i can't be swimming to eat that ration oh i guess it still counted that was actually a bit risky um that crate had my fuel in it so if i had dropped that or it fallen off in the uh couple seconds where i had it up there i would have had to go down to the bottom of the ocean and get it and it doesn't always work it's very hard to find things down there so i wish i'd had more spears so i could have just kept on safely chucking them at him but i've also been practicing killing him with an axe or at least doing some of the damage with an axe uh it's difficult but you can usually avoid getting hit by him if like when you're kind of closing in on him you turn right as you go to hit him and then uh i think he's just not fast enough to like hit you with his tentacle like he he goes and you're already gone uh which wouldn't happen if you weren't walking i would have liked to kill luska a whole lot faster but just didn't work out that way it's okay um i was just happy to complete this run especially with such an incredible time it's not the best coming in hot i've always wanted to kill meg while she's jumping through the air like she does sometimes to like bite you i wonder if she would stop or if she would continue into the water i didn't do it but something to think [Music] about if you can kind of get inside inside god it sounds terrible if you can kind of uh get inside of the meg's like uh sprite so you can see you know through her she will kind of do this thing where she tries to turn to get you and she'll kind of circle you so that's what i've been trying to do so i can just keep on hitting her non-stop all right now we're done now we've gotten all the boss kills we just gotta go find the ending ship island and man i uh i almost got lost here like i said earlier i was trying to go straight through the islands instead of going to one island and the other just to save like a couple seconds and it almost ended up costing me the entire run yeah see i just got slowed down because i'm like wait is that where i need to go i'm getting myself mixed up between uh finding myself finding out where i am in the world and looking at my notes to see where i need to go next like i can't figure out which one was the island i'm on now so god so stressful now we can't actually get up to the plane until this ending ramp renders in uh if you try and well if you're trying to speed walk and jump on top you'll just fall right through you don't hurt yourself like always with speed walking but um yeah you just fall right through it then you have to go up again there we go all right i absolutely love doing this it's always so fun it's the perfect way to end a speed run too it just looks so badass stairs so i think even still now i was like wondering what is going to screw up because i just cannot believe that i'm here at this time so all we got to do now is pop this stuff into these crates and uh make our parts for the plane and get out of here and that's the run now i i still really wish that beam team would uh put in like a quick crafting for the parts of the in plane it's really just a convenience thing it's not gonna save me that much time maybe like a second or two um maybe on the next couple speed runs that music work battle back and forth through i will uh feel differently about that second or two but for now it's uh like i said just a matter of convenience not that you shouldn't be listening beam team all right it's done let's go let's get [Music] home yeah yeah i'm not i'm happy doing it [Music] [Music] all right let's take a fuel plane and that's it last interactable action in the game yeah going home not in like a loon [Music] beautiful day to escape yeah yeah cork didn't win this one mr ducky he did not i got him here [Music] so going forward i am finally going to be doing the glitchless run um it's gonna take a lot longer and it's gonna be a lot more difficult since i don't have glitches to fall back on but i'll be doing that one next and um i am planning on doing the random world seed run after that it's that one might take me a lot longer to put out because i just don't know what i'm gonna get and if it's taking me like a ridiculous amount of time i'll probably just like nix the run and uh start over i did one practice random seed run uh like a couple weeks ago and i ended up with two of the boss locations and the ending ship right next to my center island so i'm thinking that was probably my one chance uh my one chance to actually uh do that but not uh not gonna probably not gonna work out that well in the future all right this is the end so as you can probably tell i didn't make the 35 minute mark but that's 35 minutes and 11 seconds it's pretty damn close so i am very happy with it if you guys enjoyed that please like and subscribe it really helps me out and i will see you again in the future for another stranded deep speed run keep on surviving guys
Channel: Speedy Deep
Views: 258,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stranded Deep, speedrun, castaway, cast away, stranded deep glitches, world record, world record speedrun, beam team, speedydeep, fastest, meg, abia, the great abia, lusca, lusca the great, gameplay, let's play, lets play, commentary, gameplay commentary, how to beat the game, winning, insane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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