The Tragedy of Varian Wrynn (2020) - All Cinematics Movie [WoW Wrath of Lich King - Legion Lore]

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do you see how Shirin the fate of this world is sealed the Legion cannot be stopped and now you will [Music] victory is ours hold fast Beckett or to finish this down call in the gunship right now puts forward and get wind runners archers to clear the skies Warchief do not let the horde die this day No she wouldn't [Music] I knew it I knew we couldn't trust her horn will be overrun we must retreat get everyone to the cut [Music] take this to my son [Music] [Music] [Music] you will be remembered as the team who sacrificed his life for nothing [Music] for the Alliance [Music] [Music] a king has fallen [Music] a father a friend [Music] a warrior a menu heroes come in all your power and glory for in the final hour all must serve the one true [Music] we're finished no escape for any of us [Music] [Music] how how could we have missed this until now ah King Varian thank you for coming on such short notice what's this all about Ronan I've I've called you here to ask for your help while our efforts against the Lich King press on bran ham has brought us frightening news of the horrors beneath me you are and of its dark prisoner prisoner ha with its binding shattered its influence on check it's gonna come after us and we're gonna be the prisoners you can see now what we're up against if this evil is not served and the armies of inaudible march on our doorstep you'll have to excuse me well what do you propose we do roll what are you doing here so soon the summons sounded dire Jana what's happened Bren bronzebeards forces assaulted the gates of PB d'Ivoire he said the war that the Titans in prison so long ago y'all Sauron has awakened I want to see this dwarf Garrosh to see the fear in his eyes then we'll know if he's telling the truth no no wait we are going to need all the help we can get to give me around what what are they doing here let me explain I thought I smelled the stench of lions pigs control yourself you want my blood come daughter hi a great deal in this conflict but we stand to lose everything if we do not stop fighting and work together a true war chief would never partner with cowards at the wrathgate the hordes partnership killed more of our men and the scourge I'm done with your horde may this death God [Music] you disappoint me Garrosh I do not want a repeat of the violet Citadel ah that was a show of strength worthy of a leader I only regret I did not cure we are guests here Garrosh and you will conduct yourself honorably what honor is there in thrashing about with blunted sticks this is a waste of time welcome Warchief thrall overlord Hellscream thank you for the invitation Lord fordring we look forward to observing these games speak for yourself frog I hope you'll see the merit of these events in time garage we cannot win against the scourge if we continue to war against one another wise words words of a fool you mean the Horde will destroy the undead without your aid human or that of the pompous King Karras enough under my roof gentlemen I trust you will behave of course Tyrion I apologize for his outburst it will not be repeated [Music] if you will follow me then Tyrion [Music] King Larry lady Jana welcome to the tournament your place in the Coliseum is waiting thank you it's the least I can do to support this we need to stand together you ask much of me Tyrion to sit and watch trusting the Savage is to keep themselves in check my people are here to ensure that they honor the rules of engagement that will do your subjects well to see you in the stands I'm sure through all will have his people under control perhaps I doubt the effectiveness of this gambit we'd be better served preparing our armies for the final assault but if my presence is required in these games to gain your support in the battle then I will remain for now [Music] rise up argent Crusaders the hour of Justice has tired can you feel it my son closing here the mass justice has been awakened the sins of the past have finally property you will be all though my soul was one of the first to be devoured by ocean there are thousands more bound within this blade and they cry out for release look now to your defenses my son former champions of Justice gather at your gates [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hungers that was soured fans boy the horn commander at the wrathgate such a tragic end Warner there in the distance don't force me hand ork we can't let you pass behind you lies the body of my only son nothing will keep me from him [Music] they I can't do it get back on your ship and we'll spare your life [Music] stand down Muradin let a grieving father past [Music] no cold kills ooh not at all I will not forget this kindness I thank you - I I was not at the wrathgate but the soldiers who survived told me much of what happened your son fought with honor he died a hero's death he deserves a hero's burial [Music] Jaina why are you crying [Music] it was nothing your majesty just I'm proud of my king Muradin secured the deck and prepare our soldiers for an assault on the upper Citadel I'll send out another regiment from Stormwind layaway Your Majesty [Music] as the terrible war against the Lich King continues the proud defenders of Azeroth fight to secure a lasting peace but there can be no peace when the world itself is devoured by rage a new age has begun the Alliance and horde can only cling to hope Deathwing has returned you [Music] we've made a thorough inspection of the wreckage your majesty there is no sign of Admiral Taylor or his ship 200 ships at my disposal yet the one carrying my son goes missing what of their last message show me whatever you have we have been drawn of course oh never face any casualties shipwrecked on an internal aisle but the white pawn is accounted for repeat the white pawn is safe and Oh a surprise attack requesting immediate sir the seventh Fleet has already been dispatched but it could take weeks before there's no time to waste we'll send a small elite force to secure this new land and bring back my son there's my survey team bring us in your highness this site has everything we need lumber stone and board Marshall Trotman and a handful of scouts pursued a horde war band up the beach they haven't come back Troutman may have gotten himself in over his head we'll split up let us stay here and establish a camp your first priority should be medical tents and shelters when the peasants arrived see that they begin construction of the docks Hornswoggle notify the rest of the survey team quarry and mining operations will begin as soon as the fleet arrives yes your majesty champion you know this land better than anyone you're with me let's go find troop men Marshall see to it that you hold this position until constructions complete but I need supplies what have you got plenty of stolen I but no sign of major or fiends in this holy idiom I'll take it anything else something even better history artifacts from an ancient and powerful race I'll make a deal with you Hornswoggle help my men get a stone quarry operation running and we'll protect you deep sigh oh I can't wait to see the look on Brian's face when he finds out I got an excavation greenlit by the king himself you'll have your quarry by next Sunday I used to think leadership was all about strength I see things more clearly now it's a little bit of give a little bit of take it's about binding people together a bundle of sticks is not easily broken here if we can reach out to the natives and keep horde aggression in check champion without your pioneering efforts on Pandaria this foothold wouldn't have been possible the honor is yours signal the fleet Marshall excellent work fortifying the harbor our next priority is to it father you can't do this all the hatred and anger our war brings here it poisons this place easy son we're fighting a different war now this isn't about hatred of the born this is about a love of what's right about doing what needs to be done this land is different than ours it's a treasure then we'll protect it with our lives son I need you with me on this we end this together [Music] together the Horde have holed up in a temple west of here night elf Rangers have surrounded it and locked it down enough to Rhonda father you can't let them turn the crank temple into a war zone that place is still recovering from a shot infestation and as a historical treasure trove everyone calm down this sounds like one of garages traps he's trying to lure us from the beach Troutman round me up some peasants and a mortar team and don't let down your guard father I'll bring a small group of champions with me and talk to ta'rhonda myself and when I can handle this I need you to trust that I'm going to do the right thing here I I trust your father a test a trial of patience will the wolf behave as a warrior or a king we have them cornered inside the temple we should strike now things are rarely what they seem ta'rhonda and my son tells me this is a sacred place all the more reason to purify it they're defending a fixed position I'm not gonna play their game we'll draw them out you are wasting precious time the day is ours and not a drop of blood was shed on holy ground I would have charged right in many more lives would have been lost my rush for victory there was a time when I would have done the same but I've learned a lot over the years I've fallen for too many of garages tricks from now on we define the terms of this engagement ta'rhonda I may not be a politician but I am a fighter I know we can win this war we need to stand together you have to trust me know that I will do the right thing if we act as one we cannot fail I see that now our strength is yours to command High Kingdom may this be the first of many victories a sword is the weapon of a warrior but patience is the weapon of kings this day brings victory but more difficult trials lie ahead [Music] moments ago in fact a great king sought help from a trio of powerful dwarves the Council of three hammers the Kings Scouts had discovered that Zandalari trolls threatened the drove and capital surely the King thought if he helped them with their troll problem they would give him more troops for his campaign against the whole but what the king did not realize is that the dwarfs did not trust one another we cannot help you said the Bronzebeard dwarf for if we turn our back on the Dark Irons they will defeat the wild hammer and take over iron forge we cannot help you said the wild am a dwarf for if we turn our back on the Dark Irons they will defeat the Bronzebeard and take over iron forge the king was furious if none of you help then iron forge will fall under siege only one dwarf offered to help the king we will lend you our strength said Moira of the dark iron we will trust our dwarf and brothers and we will show them what loyalty means and so Mora and the high team set out into the snow to save the city leaving the others to think about their actions what happens next I must know I know it whale the frost mean trolls bleed and plot atop that snow born Mesa I can only imagine what foul businesses and Amaury have we've lost many Mountaineers to this freakish storm or the trolls slithering about in it yes this weather is not unnatural hi I am loath to send my men into that the reeks of ambush bloody disaster my champions will go they will see what can be done and rescued when they can if they can stop that storm I'll lead the forge guard to the top myself [Music] it's heartening to see you here Moira you have my thanks [Music] indeed with the aid of your champions the Dark Irons will put an end to the Zandalari threat in done Moreau we will prove her loyalty to the council iron forge and the Alliance here today and with their own blood farewell Queen Richard I'll see you when it's done King of Stormwind the King spies are dead to a man only a handful of dwarven scouts are left the nearest one is just ahead if you can save him he may know a thing or two we'll cover you from the brush her chart a target it will open fire by my beard for hours done oh thank you thank you right no did the human King syndrome or his spies are all dead and most of us are too I saw him dragon pulled through kicking and fighting towards some hooks over here Nicky hurry you can help her and she might know more but stay away from the big village there's dozens of mad ice trolls in there oh that zandalari priestess and whipped up into a great frenzy thank you there's only a few of us left the ones they don't eat they butcher at some big altar it's just Northwester here if you hurry you might be able to see if some I don't know anything more the stone we figured out what's making it that sneaky is under Hari as these ice trolls making blood sacrifices to element of spirits there's a kid Northy across a bridge if you can slay the elemental within the storm ought to stop well fought we see the Dark Irons are as formidable as ever Lodi our King Varian and at the service of the Alliance I might add for that I'm glad the bronze beards and Wildhammers will regret not having been here to share in their glory better that grateful for the clansmen spear death on this miserable hillock we sought to protect and impress not to shame well you've done just that come let us return the iron forge and announce your victory to the council the High King his champions and the Dark Iron dwarves worked together to save iron forge the other dwarven leaders were ashamed of their behavior and vowed never again to allow fear or distrust to cloud their judgment and so it was a human King who helped to unite the dwarven clans so long divided free to trust one another all three dwarven leaders pledged their full strength to the Alliance cause meanwhile in the city of war drama war chief Garrosh Hellscream said goblin deep teams all across the continent of Pandaria he promised gold and riches to any who could discover for him the hidden secrets of this land that failed Pandaria was such a dark and powerful energy to my surprise his people have found something right here in the sacred value what we have oh the story is still being written [Music] Anduin I know exactly what he's asking oh look who's arrived nobody dislikes Garrosh more than me I wrestle with my anger every day come with me look around you a moment in the aftermath of theramore my first instinct was to decimate Orgrimmar to kill every man woman and child in the city China I'm not proud since then how it goes and I have talked at length about power and how it should be used the Kirin Tor has a legacy of abuse Kel'Thuzad turned his knowledge of the arcane arts toward necromancy Kael'thas Sunstrider was also a student here another of our fault who betrayed us everyday I ask myself what's the right thing to do and away you know more than anyone it's important to separate the hoard from its people the Sun readers still operate within this city Alliance and horde work together as long as we stay above the war then there's hope for the world as a whole I see our city as a beacon of light showing the way if we can trust one another here then there's hope for the rest of the world [Music] I understand I'll talk to my father thank you and Owen stay vigilant here oh this place has been sealed for centuries who knows what we will encounter within 40 of the centuries of silences have kept the person as promised master Guardians oh my god destroy homes who would steal no matter we will strike down any who stand in our way the divine bell we must take it somewhere safe sentinels let's get to work goodbye come with me I had Darnassus locked down every fumbling rogue that tried to sneak into the city I caught them I snatched every two-bit charlatan that attempted to teleport through my traps he couldn't possibly have gotten through this was an inside job somebody inside the city has the bellies you know these portals connect to della Roth that means the keyring Tomer my own help the Horde commit this atrocity I will not be betrayed again those responsible for this will be punished a this Sun River [Music] you've betrayed the Kirin Tor Sunriver you've allowed Garros to move his forces through my city you have it all wrong Jana I did nothing you looked the other way you and your insubordinate kind are no longer welcome here this is our city to war I see I will remove the Sun rumors by force then you Apes will be coming with me [Music] [Music] della Braun is a better place without your kind will not tolerate insurrection Jana what's happening in dollar on has there been an attack the Kirin Tor was betrayed from within I've handled the situation I've urged the Horde from Dell around you have what you wanted your majesty the Kirin Tor belongs to the Alliance but you said I know what I said my trust was misplaced what of the sin Dora the Sun rivers those that surrendered are being taken to the violet hold I make no guarantees about those who chose to fight Gina you need to talk to me before you act how I run the Kirin Tor is my business I was trying to negotiate with the cinder I I was opening discussions to bring them into the Alliance by attacking their people you forced their head they chose their own path you've driven them back to the Horde you're fooling yourself once horde always horde I see that now I'm mobilizing the Kirin Tor and we've got to work together on this the Alliance must act as one don't get soft on me Mary [Music] on the heart we are slaves to nothing back in the earth with the divine Bell I will burn away any remnants of weakness within us fear despair hatred doubt the lesser races are buried beneath their weight we will control their power together we will destroy the Alliance and claim what is rightfully ours that our song of victory bigger eggsbert stop garish you do not know what that Bell is capable of so in the end it is not very but he's well who comes to feast you run bravely to your death I will not let you do this I swear to it stop me I cannot control that music war chief I have failed you yes she has cost me a delight warrior young prince you pay with your life that is where you are wrong garish [Music] the Mogu made the divine Bell to create chaos but the Pandaren created a special mallet to turn the echoes of that chaos into perfect harmony that mallet was hidden for thousands of years until now your alliance must be at its end if you're sending your children against me I will let you live so that you can tell your key of the price of his continued defiance [Music] what were you thinking I should have sent you back to stone when he's alive but his bones are shattered send for Belen bring him here at once Mikey I promise you the carontour will come down on Garrosh so hard his ancestors were real blood will pay for blood Gina I will end garrosh for this his horde already crumbles beneath him we will deliver the final blow you independent ward of the war chief today and won the Alliance a critical victory but please leave me now I must tend to my son and prepare for our next battle [Music] no longer part of my horde the world will hear of this a we come for you yes I'm counting on it I am sir Oh challenge me we'll burn in the fires of by hatred Tarrance ooh Joe the outsiders they did this we should never have let them in don't speak friend I will take you to the healers I will find he'll try to hold off the show for as long as you can this means he's completely unhinged news to no one regent lord king rinse fleet is converging on Orgrimmar as we speak likewise Sylvanas and I have both sent ships to support versions revolution I'm warning you Loretha Mar the Alliance is besieging the city and we will destroy Hellscream your people had best stay out of our way it is always a pleasure to see you lady proud more remember theramore hygiene I've brought reinforcements new heroes are a sight for sore eyes bulge ins rebellion wasn't able to secure the bay we're taking a pounding I can open a portal to the docks large enough to get a strike team through do it once the area is clear we'll make landfall champions I'm counting on you your passive landing parties form up footman to the front the dragon Marr supporting the war chief my scouts learned all about this one warlords Ayla bring her proto Drake down and the rest of the dragon ma will crumble we're going to need some serious firepower commandeer those towers turn the anti-air batteries around and blast her from the sky some of you should stay behind to hold the landing zone the corchran are making a push for this compound they're not giving up we'll post up here with some troops scout on ahead and see if you can flush Garrosh out of hiding [Music] [Music] [Music] you disappoint me Garrosh you are not worthy of your father's legacy his punishment is not for you alone to decide I won't let you take him we have all suffered from his atrocities my people more than any other let him stand trial in Pandaria there we will mete out justice for all [Music] the Horde needs its true war T now more than ever yes but it was you that held the Horde together during this madness it was you that protected our honor from this day forward virgin if you lead I will follow I am not worthy [Music] but I will give my own food or oh look at them already they plot against us seize this moment variant dismantle the Horde God's men father what are you doing what a king must do I will speak to your watching I speak for the Horde [Applause] very well the Horde has committed heinous crimes of fortune [Music] but some among you fought against garages tyranny for that I willing to end this bloodshed but know this if your horde fails to uphold honor as Garrosh did we will end you [Music] how about this iron our will unbreakable you stand against us King fairy the hour grows late you must sign the declaration of war I was just a child when my father rushed to confront this same evil he didn't understand this war lords at all that mistake cost him his life and brought this Kingdom to ruin you are not your father I know but how can I succeed where he failed you can start by trust in my counsel I have faced them before under an Arn you were there all those years ago yes believe me they are not invincible then tell me of them Murad tell me everything very well this mission will take great resolve there will be lives lost there are always lives lost but marching our forces blindly into dran poses unthinkable danger yes you must have the fortitude to face whatever awaits us on the other side I assure you our enemies will is unwavering you cannot hesitate my king the iron horde must be stopped you speak only of their savagery but surely they are not all monsters there was one in Durotan his clan prided itself on suppressing rage for they knew that those who succumb to the Beast Within become their own greatest enemy you now know that leaders you know what forged them into the monstrosities they have become put your seal on that order and I will be the first to answer the call why are you so eager for this fight Narada for a paladin you see Miss bloodthirsty as the enemy it is not blood I seek when you look at me what do you see I see a Paragon a champion of the light what you cannot see is the burden I carry each day I know I may not return but there is even the barest chance of preventing the atrocities I witnessed from happening again then I offer myself gladly we are all haunted by the past Murad few of us ever get the opportunity to change it summon our champions make ready for war as the wroth needs its heroes now more than ever [Music] Antron or old rivals sought to bring Azeroth to its knees and while the iron tide was quelled they were but servants of a more ancient foe that has not forgotten our defiance the Vengeance of the burning shadow has come before we stand once more upon the bring of destruction the Burning Legion has returned [Music] my son a terrible darkness is returned to our world [Music] as before it seeks to annihilate everything that we hold dear I go to face it knowing I may not return [Music] all my life I have lived by the sword I see kingdoms burn and watched brave heroes die and pain it's been difficult for me to trust after losing so much [Music] but from you I have learned patience tolerance and faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] open fire [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] smooth sailing so far give me a status report King Renan a Stormwind fleet arrives several hours ago reports indicate heavy fighting I haven't seen so much as a seagull for congressman penny messages from war crowbar Silvanus and a meteorite a few hours ago diamond covering the whole island already how'd they get so many gear so fast they got the feeling we've gone to find out directly ahead Alliance ships make for the beach hold on everyone this is gonna get worse before it gets better like trouble big trouble lights sake what is that it appears to be a great source of fel energy I have never seen anything like it [Music] [Music] it looks like our reinforcements of the heart good teen who don't got much beach left to retreat to the Third Fleet reinforcements just in time we haven't been able to break their line now we may have a chance it's now or never good there's only one way out of this one there's only one way out of this alliance and it's through that line of demons canons lay down covering fire all forces charge one down two to go focus on their commander the commander [Music] fire [Music] seems to but alive [Music] it is good to fight with you again war chief he never gonna get used to you calling me that there's only one way to the tool are you ready let's get moving we'll have to mourn them later we need to move before more demons arrived agreed something has changed this isn't the same Legion we fought before [Music] nock your arrows hold so many of them holdfast alliance we will not follow this day push them back to the portal Jana it's good to see you safe and you got to take down this portal the anchoring crystals are the key just get us up there and we'll take care of it for math Alliance we push them back to the portal for Azeroth heal the wounded we can't rest here for long it's about time you showed up you look like you could use a hat the reinforcements are endless those crystals again if we can get close to them we can bring this thing down you heard him Rangers we cut those demons down fire a volley on my mark now it happened in seconds we were fighting our way up the shore and then BOOM explosions of fell energy all around us these buildings just blew up out of them filled with demons I don't know how we're going to be able to push them back at this rate one demon at a time with me Alliance leave nothing standing this is argent crusade insignia can you speak where is the rest of a truce aid they descended on us in seconds no matter on a no sign of Tyrion we will find him horde forces keep your eyes open for survivors rescue as many as you are able be retreated this was too easy something's wrong they're retreating I get the feeling this fight isn't over yet they're across the chasm cool dad yes Tyrion Varian I found him look across the chasm Tyrion all forces to Jana go Dan you will pay for this stay back it's a trap the light will protect me you stand before the temple of a god your pitiful light cannot reach you here how fortunate that your friends have arrived just in time to watch you die destroy him all you have worked all you have sacrificed just to see your champions all to ash why are you destroying them the bigger they are no time to gloat rip we've got to stop move down before he summons another one of those things we'll take the ridge and cover your flank Sylvanas thank you good luck variant and there is nowhere to run go down give up now and I will grant you a swift dance you are right human there is nowhere to run from my master witness the true might of Lord Sargeras hold steady we've broken their lines before we will again charge take up positions we hold them off we have to we will never fall to you go dad the combined forces of Azeroth will triumph today kill him already I have seen the end of your pitiful world red you were like ten thousand works before your own the Legion is endless we've got to hold this reach no matter the cost there are too many of them we make our stand here you throw us we will cut you down monster we turn to conquer this puny world do you see now human the fate of this world is sealed the Legion cannot be stopped and now [Music] victory is ours hold fast Beckett or to finish this down call in the gunship right now puts forward and get wind runners are sure to clear the skies do not let the horde die this day no she wouldn't [Music] I knew it I knew we couldn't trust her without the Horde will be overrun we must retreat get everyone to the Kush [Music] take this to my son [Music] [Music] [Music] you will be remembered as the king who sacrificed his life for nothing [Music] for the Alliance [Music] [Music] I had this compass crafted for my father's birthday I gave it to him a few months before my ship ran aground on Pandaria a lifetime ago since this war with the legion began and I've barely had a chance to think breathe or to mourn perhaps it's time to change that thank you for bringing my father's compass back to me it is a reminder of how much I miss him Windrunner come forward watching the newest spirit say this will cream me soon in the end death claims us all but the Horde will live on I have never trusted you nor would I have ever imagined in our darkest time that's who would be to one deceive us [Music] the spirits have granted me clarity of vision they whisper a knave mean a will understand what's the loss Tea Party shadows and lead Oh [Music] [Music] Vol'jin is dead who among you will help me avenge him [Music] Stormwind has always been my home I know it shops and streets says I do the back of my hand yet even as I walk these familiar steps I've never felt more lost their right to be afraid if we fail to stop the Legion on the broken shore the demons will strike us here at our home and hearth I can't blame the lad for his choice my father sacrificed everything to save his people he was a great king I have not returned to Lions rest since my father's memorial was moved here from the keeper the war has consumed all of my energy and attention and I've not had a moment to grieve since you brought my father's compass back to me I've prayed to the light for guidance and to know his Spirit is at rest the light doesn't answer my people like me respect me they don't believe in me not like they believed in him I've heard the voice of the people but how do my father's advisers feel I fear they do not trust me as they did my father I must know it seems Ganon Volyn are speaking about me but I can't quite make out the words the young king will become a great leader I have foreseen it visions don't win wars profit the boy has a good heart but he's untested the light is strong with untoned he will grow in joy his crown we must have faith we need more than that and so does he and Owen wasn't there on the broken shore he hasn't seen the sacrifice his soldiers made that they continued to make a king must know the weight of the orders he gives the price of them if a compass breaks his spirit how will he respond when the war arrives on our doorstep thank you my friend I know what I must do to learn the weight of my father's crown I must go to the broken shore and see for myself the sacrifice he made my father sought to shield me from the war insisting I stay behind because a Rin must always rule in Stormwind but I saw the truth in his eyes his fear of losing me when my mother died I was all he had left of her come let us press forward this land is grim and brimming with sorrow time and time again I have watched from afar as the heroes of Stormwind fought and died to preserve peace on Azeroth my father was not the first king of storm to die fighting the Burning Legion my great-grandfather King Baratheon and my grandfather King Lane also paid the ultimate sacrifice the kings of my family have always fought shoulder to shield with their soldiers for the freedom of Stormwind come let us press forward I have lived my life sheltered by the blood of heroes like Tyrion and bolĂ­var heroes like my father the time has come for me to do the same take me to the place where my father died I must see it for myself [Music] yeah this is where his father fell the boy has never known the hollers at the Legion as we have no [Music] I haven't and I am how could you just leave I had to come here my boy you don't need to see this [Music] [Music] you never surrendered even here at the very end [Music] I cannot do this rather I can't be the hero you were I can't be the King you one-pan doin your father's actions were indeed heroic they were his challenge to us his people to never let fear prevail even at the very gates of hell [Music] [Music] what am I supposed to do now what a king must do [Music] like many of you I know firsthand the pain of loss my father [Music] King Varian Wrynn gave His life to save his people he knew that no one not even a king is more important than the Alliance [Applause] then because he and so many others had the courage to make that sacrifice we did be impossible [Music] for the young lion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 191,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World, of, Warcraft, ALL, Raid, Ending, Cinematics, Varian Wrynn, Story, Fall of Lich King Arthas, Guldan's Death, Wrath of the Lich King, Sargeras' Defeat, N'zoth's Demise, Shadowlands, Sylvanas, Old Gods, Jailor, Maw, Tyrande, Malfurion, Legion, burning crusade, WoW Legion, Warcraft 3: Reforged
Id: 07XUBjb9sNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 9sec (4869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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