Stormworks Advance Helicopter Tutorial

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another storm works video in today's video we're going to be going ahead and building a helicopter here in advance mode on the creative island in storm works we'll go through all the components used along with that we're going to build step by step show you how to get everything connected Watchi what every component does hearts get it all wired up and hopefully by the end we should have complete flying helicopter of which then you can go ahead and then use those skills learnt in today's episode to go ahead and build your own helicopter and then customize it to how you want as always everything we do in the video is of sole purpose of the tutorial we will be following this video by a couple more videos where we'll go ahead and actually build a proper helicopter with multiple different seeds on different features added to it which will be followed by a couple more videos step part two part three and part four and so on and so forth so let's go ahead and get started so we'll go over to our workbench here in the creative island now we'll go ahead and start straight off by putting down a base for a helicopter so this is going to be the fuselage itself so I've just got a little line going across to how long I want it we're going then gonna go ahead and enable explain once we've done that we're going to build it arts by two blocks on either side fill that in and then we're going to go ahead and actually just build the feet for the helicopter so go ahead by placing two of the wedge blocks down well then go ahead and just angle it towards us and then down one more time and then what we'll do is we'll go ahead and then build the legs for the helicopter itself just going back connecting us all up so now you can see we've got the base of the helicopter all done next thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and actually add our pilot seat on something to where we can go ahead and control the Edit up to from so go ahead and delete a couple blocks now when you're actually placing down your pilot seat you'll see that if I go in here and select it and then I place it to next to where I wanted and say I rotated it according to where I want it you'll see there are places of one down so to avoid that what we have to do is actually just go ahead and build up one and then we'll go ahead and place a pilot seat down again and then we'll go ahead and actually just delete those blocks and I can see it's actually flush with the fields of lodge or main body the helicopter itself so next up what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and place our engine done so for the purposes tutorial I'm gonna go ahead and use the aircraft engine we're going to go ahead and actually put the most majority of the inputs coming towards the pilot so as you can see there we have our coolant in coolant aft our two exhaust and then also our fuel intake and the rear we have the air intake and also our propeller shaft or engine drive or how do we want to quality next up what we're going to do is we're going to be building the supports for the main rotor shaft and then also for the tail rotor so we'll go ahead and we'll just start just over here and just build us straight up now as I said it's not going to be pretty at all however it's just going to be the basics of what you need to go ahead and actually build your own a helicopter you can then obviously go ahead and design it so however you want this is just covering everything that you need in terms of components for the basics and just give you an idea and hard to get everything set up so now that we've got our two supports done the main roads and then also for the terrace we're going to go ahead and place those down so first off we're gonna go you can use the large road so just over here place it right at the top with a helicopter and then next we're going to go ahead and just place our tail rotor just at the rear of the helicopter and there we go once again we'll just have to disable that quickly so we don't place it on either side and you can see here that the inputs for these is going to be underneath for the tail rotor and then for the main rotor it's going to be just in front so now that we've got that all placed on we've got our engine we've got our pilot seat we've got the roast itself a couple other things that we need to obviously because we're in advanced mode we're going to be using a fuel tank so we'll go ahead and actually just get a large fuel tank here now for the purpose toriel I'm just gonna go ahead and place it wherever wherever I find space so we'll go ahead and just place smack-bang right over there and then export we also need a battery so we'll go ahead and just place the battery down which I'm just going to go place right over there nothing special just keep in mind because you're a helicopter you want to keep your center of gravity right on the sense of the helicopter you don't want to be dealing either to the left to the right otherwise you're gonna have issues when you're fine so next up we're going to do is we're going to start getting this all pipes up and ready so first off we'll start with our air box or intake for the air as always I just use a fluid pod for it pretty easy principle next up we'll do is we'll sort out of coolant so coolant and coolant art we'll go ahead more places three per standard blocks down there and then we'll put our radiator on top of that nothing special or nothing fun we're just going to simply call the engine and get that done for the post oriole I will use blue for the coolant there you go we've got that connected now next up what we'll go ahead and do is while we on this side will connect our fuel tank fuel tank I'll go ahead and do it red now we pretty much this monster coming straight down from there into there and then going from there on forth so we'll go ahead and just start angling this so we'll bring it back into the center and then we'll bring it down once we put it on we'll just start popping it right towards the engine itself fantastic so that takes care of the fuel of fuel is now hooked up and then last things we need to do is just the exhaust so I'll receive for the aircraft engine we have to exhaust we simply just going to bring it up across and then straight out the rear of the helicopter itself so we'll go ahead and just change gray for this tutorial we'll also enable the X plane so we've got on either side a cup engine has two exhausts so we'll just go up luck and then we'll bring it straight back to where it clears the helicopter itself and then we'll just go ahead and put two exhausts on that as I said earlier it doesn't look pretty at all but it's not the purpose of this exact video is to just to get it all working and show you how it all works and get all the connections done so now we've got all those food pipes connected and all that or hooked up we're going to go ahead and do our last piping which is going to be the propeller or the shaft main main shaft for the engine itself to good power so we'll go ahead and well first off we'll just do it orange for the purposes tutorial now we want to go ahead and split the power between these two shafts so what we'll do is we'll just bring it up see that once we have it here we'll go ahead and split it using a tea pipe and then we'll go ahead and bring it straight back to here where we'll then go ahead and just angle it directly into fantastic now for here to get that connected to our main main rotor shaft is going to be to delete that we're going to go ahead and just use a enclosed pipe closed pipe just over there we're gonna go ahead and disable I'll explain again go ahead and grab our popping again we want orange for this tutorial so go ahead and just start popping this up and we're just going to bring it so kids all of this cross straight across to there now it's not connected we have to bring it around so we're just gonna go ahead I'm going to round and then connected to our main rotor blades just over here perfect and you can actually drag these across if you bring it from one point to the other points so you don't have to constantly be clicking it done fantastic so now we've got that all piped up and ready to go we've got a radius we've got a fuel we got our battery we've got our Reuters all that down there's a couple more components that we're going to need the first component we're going to need is going to be our gyro now the gyro will just obviously stabilize the inputs that we feed to it so the gyros if I can find it here there we go so we have the gyro we're just gonna go ahead and place it underneath the helicopter for the purpose of this tutorial go ahead and place it down there now I'll talk a little bit more about that when we start wiring everything up I know the last thing we want to do is we just want to build a simple dashboard just here in the front of the helicopter so we can get all our reporting stats or reporting details for the engine itself so first off what we'll need is we're going to need a throttle you to control the throttle of the engine itself once we've got that will also need a simple push button to start the engine itself place a claim block underneath it just to make it somewhat pretty and then we'll go ahead and we'll just put a couple dollars down now as always because we're in advanced mode you'll have one doll if I can figure out which way'd goes one doll for the fuel one day for wonderful temperature another one for the battery another one for the rotations and that's pretty much about it I can't think of any other ones we need we got fuel we've got battery our rotations we got temperature that brings it to four yeah I'm pretty happy with that and then lastly we'll just place a plain block just over there and then we'll go from there so now that we've got that all done we'll go ahead and start doing the wiring for the helicopter itself so we'll start with the electricity so we'll go ahead and just actually now start connecting everything up just about holding ctrl down clicking to each terminal that we want to connect it lets us think now we'll start with our data so first off we'll start with our controls I'll see you have your four controls that come from the pilot itself those obviously then need to go ahead and control the helicopter so to get the engine working you obviously the starter so go ahead and just name this starter fantastic and off we're going to control the throttle of the engine itself so we'll go ahead and take off throttle bringing a cross for surname our lever is throttle fantastic so texture of the engine are obviously the engine itself has two outputs one is going to be rotations and one is going to be the temperature so we'll get that hooked up while we're there now so double check we have the rotations going to that one so we'll go and just connect right rotations and then the other one was the temperature that's a stick there we go so we've got the engine actually now or wide up next thing we need to go ahead and do is we're going to connect our fuel tank sensor so that's gonna go to node R I'm just going to rename the dial to fuel we know how much fuels in the copter next we're going to do the battery checked up two nodes also know how much battery we have and that's a battery now that we have all our components hooked up we actually going to go ahead and just do our Jarret now Jarrah itself will start with the propellers so on the prepares you can see the tail rotor has your and then you go to the main rotor and has pitch collective and roll rolls obviously left to right usually controlled by handy it rolls the helicopter the left rolls to the right collective is bringing the helicopter up and down you have the pitch which is either going to be lean forward lean back and then you lastly have your which is going to be to literally rotate the helicopter by use of that we have propeller so next up we're going to go ahead and actually get that will connect it up we're going to go ahead and take the roll and we're going to connect that to our Jarrah and you can see the gyro has stabilized your stabilizer all stabilise pitch and stabilize up dance we're going to connect the roll to the other role on the gyro we're gonna take the collective connector fifty- up to the up and down we're going to then go take the pitch connect that to the pitch on the Jarrah and then lastly you'll see the last one means connectors your which is going to connect to the rear tail right at your fantastic so that means that our R&R is controlling the propellers or the rotors themselves we now need to send inputs to the gyro so knows what to do so we'll go ahead and we connect ad which is going to be our roll so obviously we'll connect that to the roll pot WS which is going to be our pitch we then connect that to the pitch part of the gyro then go ahead and select our Uptown which is going to be our collective so up down and goes up to our collective our rotor and then last these are left and right which is going to control our you're on the helicopter great so now that we've got that all connected and done you can see here there's one more button that hasn't been connected and that's going to be the auto hover this enables the auto hover of the gyro which then stabilizes the whole helicopter and make sure that it's always a nice level position when you flying we used for simple this tutorial we're going to go ahead and at key 1 press 1 it's gonna go ahead and just enable the law to hover for us which is going to be a standard so now that we've got that all connected up a couple of other things that we need to go ahead and make sure we've got done is going to collect our Select tool it's going to go through all our different things that we need to make sure it's done we're going to collect on our tail rotor as you can see here you can change the number of blades that you want we're going to leave it as stock 4 and you'll see that all the Reuters have a neutral and positive this means that when you give it if you leave it on positive and you give it a throttle value it's physically going to move that rotor in in other and up and down or left and right fashion the patient depending on what typewriter is and want to put you're giving it but it's always going to have a positive value it's never going to be in neutral as if we have such as neutral the only time it's actually going to move forward is if we give it a signal if we don't give a signal it's not going to give any power to that rotor so in theory think of it as this is a built-in clutch in the rotor itself whereas if you're not giving me any number it's not going to move it all right until you go ahead and actually give it another input so we want to go ahead and select that to neutral same goes with the engine Observatory for the main rotor itself move that to neutral because we're actually controlling that by djaro we aren't controlling it by a throttle well this also is only controlling the power of the engine we're not controlling that with our throttle we controlling that by using our gyroscope and then our obviously our collective up-and-down so now that we've got that all done just make sure we have diesel yep that's all good and working so we're going to go ahead and spawn us in and see if it works you can see here we actually gone and spawned that in now and we'll just go ahead and jump into our seats now first things first is we'll go ahead and just check out those temperatures fine rotation is nothing with the engines off fuel is good and then we have battery of course now obviously in advanced mode stop any engine you need to give a lot of throttle so we'll go ahead and just give this engine low bit of throttle hold on the starter motor and then you can see here we now have everything running the engine scene is fine if you wants to go and check to see if the engines make working you can go and actually just check see few legs or Selectric and coolants all good working everything's doing and we we have it in neutral you can see now because we haven't given it any number inputs for the ease yet nothing is moving and lifting off and taking off now what we'll go ahead and do is now that we've got everything on and running we can actually I'll go ahead and control the helicopter by use of our up down left right WS and a and D so for going ahead and give it an up ferry you can see the helicopter is now going to start going up and then if I give it a pitch value forward it's gonna start flying foot I can see this is moving around a little bit because we haven't got our auto hover enabled now you'll see if I go ahead and rotate that way and I'll know my auto hover you can see it straightaway stabilizes the whole helicopter and makes it much easier to fly and then you go and you can see so everything seems to be working all nice we can go ahead and fly this around as I said earlier it's not the most pretty little hop door and fastest organized thoughts but it's a full really fully working helicopter I'm only using a few components that you need and it gives you all the information and gives you the tools necessary to go ahead and actually go build your own helicopter in the game in advanced mode so with that said and done I think I'm going to go ahead and end the video that I hope you've enjoyed it as always and found it somewhat informative as I said earlier we are going to be doing a couple more videos regarding the helicopter itself in advanced mode and we're going to go ahead and actually build a full helicopter something a little more prettier than this with using a little bit more time in schools and there will be spread over a couple more videos anyway thank you for watching and don't forget to hit that like button subscribe button and follow me on Twitter for any updates and we'll see in the next one
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 59,742
Rating: 4.9389558 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, Tutorial, step by step, advance, mode, helicopter, gyro
Id: zkbI9Xc0TTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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