Stormworks Advance Jet Powered Helicopter Tutorial

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hello everyone and welcome back to another storm works tutorial in today's video we are going to be showing you how to build a basic jet engine helicopter here in stomachs we'll go over all the components required as well as show you how to connect and pipe everything together and then hopefully by the end of the day you should have a basic understanding of how to build your own helicopter using the jet engines here in stone works so that all said let's go ahead and get started now to get started we're just going to go to our workbench here on the crater island now the first thing we need to do is obviously set up a base for our helicopter I'm going to go ahead and enable the explain just the right chip the serve builds on either side so it's gonna start building the base for the helicopter itself this kind of build but it's probably about five wide from there we also want to have some legs for the helicopter itself now this is not going to look anything pretty or anything extravagant it's just going to be a simple way to obviously explain to you guys how to build a helicopter with a jet engine and all the components that you need and then to use your creativity at the other day to go ahead and build your own helicopter using everything in to learn from this tutorial now once we have the base down the first thing we want to do is place down a pilot seat so we can actually sit in the helicopter and control it so I'm gonna go ahead grab the pilot seat itself this is where you're going to be putting your inputs for your controls so whatever you sit in there and you send your numbers out that's what's going to be actually controlling the helicopter itself now once we have that done obviously in the title we're going to be using a jet engine for this tutorial now a jet engine consists of a couple of these different components the first component that you are going to require is going to be a intake for your actual engine itself once we move on from the intake the next piece that we will need is going to be the combustion chamber followed by that we also going to need a compressor and then lastly we're going to need a turbine itself now we will need the turbine that has the power output so using this one instead of the small one we do not need an exhaust because we do not want any power coming out of the engine itself so to start with we're going to grab our intake now intake I'll probably put somewhere around here so we can go ahead delete those pieces grab the actual engine itself like that we are then going to be putting the compressor down once we have the compressor down we want to grab the combustion chamber this is where you're going to be taking your fuel and then lastly you want to grab your actual turbine medium and this is where you're going to be getting your power output now it is possible to make this smaller instead of using a combustion chamber over here you could use a electric engine if you want it's it's up to you on what you want to do but this is a basic jet engine just in front of us and this using all the components you normally required this is what you will need obviously as I said you could make this smaller if you want to you would use a electric engine just over here on actual turbine itself now once we have that down the next thing we want to do is obviously start working out the rest of the frame for the helicopter now I'm just going to do a simple frame just going up here like so and that is where we're going to put our actual rotor blades and then I'm going to do the same for the rear just build it up like so and then we are going to build our to cross at the back and this is where we are actually going to be putting our tail rotor itself so we can go ahead and grab the tail rotor right now while we're here we're going to delete that piece there disabled might explain again just so we build on one side and not on the other side next piece we want to do is obviously as I said earlier we want to get our Reuters now you have large roads and you have the huge router I'm pretty going to be using just a normal large router for this build I don't think we need anything bigger than that just to show you how it works now once we have that all done we can now start thinking about wiring up our actual jet engine itself now you can see that these things have two ports is one for fuel and there's another one for power the power obviously needs to go to the rotors themselves so that's pretty simple how to do that we can obviously just delete a piece over here replace it with a straight enclosed pipe now you could obviously do whichever way you want however I'm just going to do it for the purpose of this tutorial I'm just going to be doing it like this I'm putting a T piece there so we can split the power and send it to the rear or so and then pretty much to get all this pipe to up we are just going to go ahead and connect the pipes like so nice and easy and then for the actual going back to go to the tail rotor once again we are just going to go use some pipes and we are just really going to work it around the engine itself until we get it to the tail rotor now you could if you wants to drop it down place wherever you like as I said as it is going to be just to show you the basics you can then tailor it as to how you want and that's where you want to build things but as I said just the basics just to show you how it's getting it done I have done a previous video with just a aircraft engine I know a lot of you guys have been asking for this video where I've actually shown you how to do it with James and so reason why we're doing it now today so we're just gonna go ahead put the pipe there we're going to use another straight piece just over here just to bring it down one and then we are going to be running it from there to the actual tail rotor which you can see has the outputs or input at the bottom and then we just gonna go grab some straight pops and run that just like that so you can now see our two actual rotor blades are connected to the engine and they will be taking apart from there the next thing we need to do is obviously think about some fuel now you have different options you can use any of the three pre-built tanks otherwise you could also make your own custom tank remember that jet engines do take quite a lot of quite a lot of fuel so you might want to consider that when you are building this so the purposes tutorial I'm just going to go ahead and put one down I think that'll be enough to get off the ground if we need to change that we can obviously and then to connect it up once again just go ahead put some pipes down and then connect it to the engine now that takes care of the components for the actual jet engine itself the last component that we will need is going to be a gyro and the Jarrah is going to be to balance the helicopter itself in theory what it is is a whole bunch of pits that make everything a little more stable now you don't have to use a gyro it's really up to you you'll see the difference just now what it feels like to use one and not use one I label it and then disable it and then lastly what we're going to be doing is just putting down two batteries now you know once again you don't have to use two batteries I'm just putting two batteries down just to make it stable so we don't have a more weight on one side comparison to the other side now that as I said that's all the controls that you need there's no you don't need anymore other components batteries fuel engine rotors chair gyro that's it to get this helicopter started obviously you could obviously put some dowels and things on here if you wanted to obviously change that I usually recommend at least using a throttle it just gives you a visual indication of how much your throttle is for the change and itself so we'll place that down just over there and we can actually write on there and say jets throttle pretty easy and then the rest of the controls we can actually get linked up through the actual pilot seat itself and then we will need some logic so before we actually get into it I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you guys to put down a pit and we'll get me to configure configuring it just now I swore this place once somewhere on the build itself now controls itself we'll go over the actual controls of the seat itself now as always you have four controls here you have your ad you also have your WS you should also have your up/down and then your left and right now on a helicopter itself a and D I usually like to make it make the roll so you can see we're going to connect this over to the rolls we find it over just over here on the gyro you can see roll there the next is WS I like to use this for the pitch of the helicopter so we'll go ahead once again you'll find the pitch on the actual gyro next off we're going to do is the up and down up and down is going to be the collective of the ratchet rotor itself but if you go to the gyro it's going to be the up and down of the gyro so it's pretty simple up and down it's gonna be up and done great then you have left and right over the seat itself once again I like to use the foot left and right all your of controlling the helicopter so whether the tail rotor moves or doesn't move so we connect that to that you're pretty simple now to get this all connected up to the relevant pieces once again it's pretty simple follow the labels you can see this is stabilized up and down that gets connected to the collective you then have also the stabilized pitch once again fund the pitch connected there you then have stabilized roll once again connected to the roll and then last year the yaw which goes and connects to the tail right or it's off now there's a couple of other things I want you to note is that first off is that on the rotor itself you can see you have your blade cut so you can change how many blades you want to use on it and you also have a blade pitch positive or neutral positive means that if you - as soon as you start turning this it's going to bring the helicopter up it's gonna pull the helicopter up if you put this into neutral the rotors will turn however it will not lift unless it has too much power now even a neutral that means you can clearly you can actually control it using the collective itself if you were to go and use this and positive I'll usually recommend connecting an up-and-down of the collective connected to your engine throttle it's off so we'll go ahead and connect that and just leave it as a neutral and then we can go into the backyard once again leave it on neutral there's the option of doing a positive also however I recommend doing a neutral the reason if you put it as positive as soon as the actual engine turns on here this is going to stop turning and it's gonna start turning they look after the 360-degree we don't want that we only want when we actually tell it to turn against the reason why I've gone and used it through it Jarrah now you obviously have minimum and maximum throttle on your Jarrah we're gonna leave it as it is right now we can go out here you have a couple different controls here ad reset sensitivity so you can change if these want to be sticky or not sticky I usually recommend for helicopter to leave it as it is obviously you can change sensitivity as you want now the first thing is we're going to have to turn the engines on so we're going to write one it's going to either starter so you can see here these actually have external outputs so instead of putting down key buttons or toggle button to push buttons you can actually use the controls from the seat itself so we're going to use one as our starter two years are Auto hover because there is an auto hover feature on the gyro itself just over here this means that everything is super stable we're gonna connect obviously a large air compressor that's the hunt switch there we also need another one just over here now we actually took and we actually don't need to connect that we can actually just all we need to do for that is put down a constant on signal and we'll get to that later on next moving on what else do we need to control obviously if we wanted to get the digital displays out of the actual engine we could go ahead and put some dowels here and we could see what's happening with that and then lastly what we're doing is Technorati value which is going to control how fast the jet engine is going it and the day now we are you can just you have to connect it directly to that however I wouldn't recommend doing that what I would recommend is taking the throttle value connecting it over to the set point of a pit take an output of their pit and connecting it to your jet engine the reason why is that if you put your throttle there it doesn't matter what temperature is or what your air speed is or anything else which means this engine is probably going to catch on fire or explode very quickly the reason why we run through pit is that it obviously measures what throttle we have and then message it against the RPS of the actual intake itself so if this is too low or too high it will then alter your pit itself now we always want to run that's why I went some places on signal just over here and I'm gonna interconnect itself now the settings for the pits pit it's really aptitude at the end the take I like to do a 0.01 a 0.1 and then a 0.0001 now you can play around with that as much as you want I have fun that's the general one that works it's really up to you then today one thing we also need to do is go ahead to our fuel tank the one that we placed already and make sure it's on jet fuel otherwise the engine won't work itself and then that's pretty much about it for the controls and all actually also the logic pieces of it the last thing we need to do is get some mega tricity running through everything we're gonna simply go ahead and connect everything here as always you could use a circuit breaker if you wanted to limit everything I have I don't I want to just to stay as is and then the last thing we're going to be doing is just going into our hotkeys double checking we have everything as you can see the start the start is on a toggle I want it on the push and then you can see the auto hovers on toggle which are what that means when you press it it will stay on unless you press it off whereas a push push down it will be on as soon as you let go of it it's gonna be off so what we can do now is go actually in spawn us and for the first time so you can see here it's a little bit a little bit heavy towards the rear that's fine it shouldn't really affect the flying what we could do is always just make it a little bit shorter or we could put a little bit more weight in the front itself jump into the pilot seat itself now what we're going to do first off is turn on our autopilot I like turning on first off just makes it super stable when starting the engine you can see now that we hold down one engine tries to an over but because it doesn't have any throttle it one thing will happen we obviously forgot to do one thing which is go to our throttle and set a number value of zero to 150 I usually recommend 150 the engines can go up to 200 but as soon as it goes to 200 it's going to actually break the engine or explode or catch it on fire so 150 I usually like to go with so go ahead it's one that in again go back over to our pilot seat and they will Auto hover to get the throttle going hold down one and actually if you bring this more a little bit forward we should hear that wait for that combustion that bump and you can see we can now let go of our starter and the helicopter is starting up for the first time and because we've given it so much throttle it's automatically lifting up so he's going to decrease that throttle a little bit and then you can see now we can fully control the helicopter we can bring it forward if we once 2 mm slides around now the output is probably a little bit too high for this helicopter hence the reason why it's shaking a little bit now you can see we've loaded it seems to be much more less shaky shaky too hard once before so yeah that's pretty much about it you can obviously turn alter hover off and you can see instantly it doesn't like that it proposed to be an auto hover mode so I like to leave it on but once again it's up to you then the day so yeah that's pretty much all the things that you need to make your own helicopter here in stomachs so then we'll go ahead and end today's videos over there guys as always calm below would you like to see in any future videos why there don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button to follow any of my upcoming content and finally thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed it about it's somewhat entertaining and informative as always and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 51,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, jet, engine, advance, tutorial, guide, step by step, heli, helicopter, pipes, logic
Id: FZc2UdLOn9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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