Store treasure unpacking! weekend buys, what did I find?!?

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was nine years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] hey everyone it is seven in the morning i'm on my way to work bright early today my car is completely packed full of stuff that i've been picking up over the weekend i do these videos where i go buying eventually it has to make its way to the store to the auction in this case everything's coming to the store um i have a whole lot of work ahead of me so let's head off to the store oh let's get everything set up it's going to be a busy day but i'll show you what i've been picking up over the last few days [Music] this is kind of the mess i got at the store right now we got a pile of things that i picked up over the last couple days over here and over there and i have a full store already i have to figure out where everything is gonna go so people can actually walk around in here but first things first um i guess i'll just pick a pile and start going through it i guess i'll start over here this case was in the basement of a lady's house the other day this was there and i thought nice little tin suitcase and what's inside all these paperback novels you know from back in the day kiss me deadly and poison ivy um all these great sort of books and uh we have had these in before and they do sell they are uh you know typically from the these sort of dime store novels and um you know a lot of famous authors did books in these sort of series so sometimes you can find um you know like an original street car named desire or who knows what uh mixed in here um but anyway they've got really interesting art on a lot of them the devil drives anyway we've got a whole selection of those i'm gonna have to find uh space for i might just leave them in this tin and just put a price per each on it and put it in the back somewhere on display that'll be easy to get rid of in here you can probably tell what this is it's an old typewriter smith corona clipper canadian we have a lot of made in canada stuff here which is a little bit more unique what's cool about this look it's got the airplane on it you can see that there it's got a nice little airplane sort of graphic cool typewriter enameled keys it's probably about a 100 or so typewriter we'll put it with the other typewriters i'm getting quite the collection of typewriters too i just keep piling them up but they keep selling so as long as i keep selling i can use my little selection of typewriters going on over here as long as these things keep going i keep bringing them in but i am getting kind of a little stack of these here but at least it's with with its fellow typewriters for now keeping zoltar company which i don't have turned on right now because otherwise he's gonna be talking to me the whole time he's a chatty guy that zoltar okay i gotta go put these books away so if we get this little stack gone then i'll worry about that one where the wagon is okay the next little pile we've got a lantern whose shade has come the tops come a little bit loose on it see if i can get that fixed and adjusted that should sit in there a little bit better than what it is let's see is there a groove for it i'll get this sorted out here get the lid down on it what's neat about this one is that this is a railway lantern this would have been on a caboose it's marked cpr canadian pacific railway cpr and many train lines would stamp their name so if you see an old lantern this little round style or sometimes the big black ones a lot of times they'll have the name of the train outfit that they're with stamped right in the top so it's kind of a neat little piece of railway history and it's still got the burner in it so you could actually use that as a lantern hang it on display or use it and this was an incredibly heavy box because it's all sat irons it looks like somebody must have bought this at auction at some point because there's an auction lot number on here but there's a nice coleman enamel steam iron and that is the rest for it and sometimes these little rests are actually worth more than the irons themselves the irons are pretty common but there's the handles i'll see how many of these i can put together and make sets and we should get these up for sale some are a little better than others i was going to say cooler but when you're talking irons you can't say that's the opposite of what you want them to be that one's got a little bit of damage to it it's kind of a fancy looking wrist there neato okay well i'll get these guys priced and if you don't know how these worked the idea was i'll see if i if i can do this proper that you would clip your handle on you'd have a few of these on your stove getting them hot and when you had one that you felt was ready you'd put your handle on it you'd iron with it and leave that as your rest you keep ironing and then you put it back on the stove and switch it out for the next one that was heating up so it has this little quick release on the handle a person might have three or four of these even going at a time so there was constantly one hot it just meant it just depended on how much stuff he had to iron i guess but that's good thing my foot wasn't down there you got to make sure it's clipped in really good too anyway that's how a sad iron works not really practical unless you're using a wood stove or something nowadays but they are kind of collector pieces and some people collect them based on the name the type of handle yes there's collectors for all sorts of things and satires are one of them next up it's this clutter that's over by the wagon we've got a coleman lantern missing its globe you can get replacement globes got a dent in it though which is not great uh let's see what year is this from 1948 they're always dated at the bottom i don't know if you can kind of see it there it says 48 right at the bottom underneath the knight anyway if you look close enough you can find a date on most coleman lanterns so that's just after the war that'll be a parts unit for somebody not worth a heck of a whole lot but still worth saving for parts we've got a vintage style telephone it's not actually antique it just looks like it's old but cute home decor you can actually use it to make phone calls on i'll get it untangled here and get it to set up there we go judging by the looks of this and kind of the pattern and the way it's built i would say that's a 1970s um replica just a decor piece of an earlier you know 1900s well 20 sort of phone tabletop phone but that's okay it still looks cool even being from the 70s somebody will still buy that thing well get the cord wrapped up and put on the shelf heck maybe i'll even use it as a phone in the store you never know um i don't often buy new things when i'm out looking for antiques but this is a newer decor item but it was just so cute it's just a little bicycle clock i thought how neat is that and we have a bike path right by here so we'll change the battery out get it working again we'll hang that up and i set the little wagon up over here for now i'm going to use it eventually for merchandising and toys and stuff on that's why i picked it up but i don't really have space for it yet i will soon as soon as the other side opens up oh there goes the phone i should answer that and then i'll show you what's in this little case i knew looking at this it was either going to be a shaving kit like an electric razor or maybe a clock and it was a clock radio popular back in the 1950s and 60s travel clocks and travel radios were kind of all the rage this one's neat because it's got a little transistor pocket radio built right in with your alarm clock so not only could you you know take this with you traveling you'd have your clock you'd have your music with you um you could take it to the beach too delphonic what a great name um and you can tune and get your station i'll have to try some batteries in it the clock i can see is just a wind up so that parts nice and easy but it uh likely takes a nine volt battery yeah look they didn't leave it in if you leave your batteries in folks you get fuzz and corrosion on the contacts it can stop it from working nobody left a battery in here so i would probably guarantee this thing is in working condition it even has a little sticker on there from when it was checked out though pretty much like new it's a really cool little item and still i guess practical if you wanted to take it with you you could take this to the beach take it to your hotel whatever anyway it's a fun little thing there's a couple things down here one is actually useful to me in the short term i needed a new antenna for my old meteor so that is a car antenna appears to be in good shape so i'm gonna keep that aside to actually put on my car this on the other hand this funny looking contraption maybe you can tell what it is from looking at it if you saw this lying in a barn or lying at a farm site you might wonder but this would clamp onto a table or a board and it would sit upright like so when you get it spinning there it kind of sits like that this spins that little wheel see there a high rotation it is a sharpening stone now you can see it's got a bit of a a mark on it so it's only useful on part of the sides but it is a cool piece of early technology and still somewhat useful see how it's got this flat side so you could do saw blades um you could also put your knife in here and sharpen your knife so that's an early early sharpening tool um what i like about it it's got some of the original paint it's got this very smooth working mechanism but more than that it's just a cool piece of early in industrial art really is how i look at it just a really really cool thing um the basket well and there's a clock here too just always like picking up old 50s kind of clocks always kind of fun to look at the basket is full of these little hand-painted figures there's a whole set of them and they were picked up in mexico back in the 1960s or 70s and it would have been a tremendous amount of work for somebody to have put all these together and to paint at the mall i don't know their specific background and perhaps somebody watching does but it looks like offerings you know some one person's got a bird and angel wings the other one has loaves of bread but beautifully painted and beautifully sculpted little things i'm sure this uh little bit of art here is gonna look nice up on a shelf especially considering there's a whole set in that basket so yeah everything from mechanical stuff to a little bit to art you never know what's gonna be lurking around in somebody's basement but i thought it was so cool plus i got a picnic basket out of the deal too in this little variety of stuff um some of it came from my pick the other day like the screaming demons daredevil drag out set others i picked up the other day like the sailor hat because why not some things aren't maybe all that valuable but they really speak to me this one is a 1960s era little suitcase kind of has that barbie kind of feel like it's that vinyl but cleaned up that's a cute little thing you know i might just display that with some of the soaps and some of the other items just a nice little display item this is one of those other items that i thought was cute it is a um ukrainian grandma cookie jar and she's got her wooden spoon probably about to make cookies um partly ukrainian myself i look at things like this and it just reminds me something maybe my great grandma would have had so really cute and we'll put that up for sale um sometimes little boxes like this can carry some interesting things inside of it so i felt it was heavy when i open it up what was inside watches piles and piles of vintage watches that obviously some need to repair i'm gonna dump this out and see if there's any any good ones in here all it takes is just a couple of good ones even for for parts or for you know to use as a project or maybe there's something even run in here i'm gonna dump them out and see what we got going through it's a lot of kind of generic and some decent swiss watches but they're all in need of some major repairs some old time x's which are kind of a dime a dozen uh but you never know when you're gonna find that one little gem now i didn't find a movement per se but i did find this and i could tell right away from looking at it that that is a world war ii era rolex watch case how do i know rolex's have a splined back on them see that it's splined you need a special tool to open it which i have and on the inside it says rwc rolex watch company so i can look up the serial number on here and figure out exactly what year this would have been from i'm guessing 1940s but that could be even like a 500 watch case mixed amongst all this kind of garbage definitely worthwhile looking for when i'm looking for records to buy i'm looking for stuff that's fun or iconic or you know just albums that are going to sell in general like johnny cash and kiss but sometimes we come across records like this what is happening here it's uncle d talks with charlie and sheila i can only imagine how awful or hilarious this must have been made worse probably by the fact and i know it's not looks like the necronomicon um of course it's probably bible stories or something like that but you know what that's still pretty darn creepy in my mind that's not gonna that's not gonna reach out to the kids uncle d but that shirt reaches out to me that's a bold pattern for a puppet pattern on pattern pattern shirt with pattern tie now that is some real fashion going on there she's a little bit more conservative she's married a showboat of a puppet that's what she's done anyway you get the weird records in the mix sometimes too that one just made me laugh or look at this the james bond thrillers by the roland shot orchestra now i know they're trying to go for the whole bond girl thing here but you know what that's not what's caught my attention on this album cover what caught my attention was there's three girls there yes but why do you need a gun here none of these women look like they're gonna you know attack you you don't look overly concerned yourself and even if you aren't after these aren't the people you're chasing with that gun you've got three witnesses james bond what were you thinking what a terrible idea hey you really seem to be overdressed for whatever party you're at but also who brings a gun to a party that's just gonna ruin the mood for everyone anyway crazy weird album cover i don't know what they thought like what was the scenario was happening here um the goofy stuff that you find when he buys stacker records check this out 1960s era lafayette 80 in one kit you can make all sorts of cool stuff with this in fact there was a time i was looking for something like this for jason he really likes to invent and build things and kits like this were just a great way for kids to use their imagination now you can see it's got the original batteries in here that one's still sealed this one has gone south in a hurry that's why you don't leave batteries and things i was talking about that earlier that is now garbage this kit though would date to probably like i said the 60s and it is nice that it's pretty well all complete get this all packed up and set aside i used to think these were really cool when i was a kid because you could build pretty much anything you wanted and make it work if a person is interested in electronics or interested in science or learning what a wonderful little thing they have even if it's an older kit like this and thankfully they never put those batteries in it so it should just work perfectly fine everything looks like it's still nice and clean and last but not least i gotta tell you old catalogs they do sell if you come across you know 1970s 80s and even before like the way back to the 20s or 30s old catalogs are just interesting and fun things to look through if you are a set designer if you are trying to figure out how people dressed and what they wore and what furniture look like and sinks look like these are a great resource for recreating the past if you ever want to do that or just look at it and go oh my goodness i can't believe how much pattern in greens and earth tones they used to use i've come across some of this stuff these wagon wheel lamps out in people's houses or the the fake sort of tiffany style shades but you get a real sense of what was popular and you can tell in 1976 eaton's being a canadian company here canada was all about the denim look at this he got the mom with her denim jacket and her matching denim pants and her blue denim colored uh espadrilles and she's got the popped collar with a massive collar and she's even got the pearls kind of a throwback and the daughter well she's also got a denim vest or denim yeah it looks like a vest maybe and a denim pants and sort of this patchwork quilt sort of looking shirt and uh pant combo anybody out there remember having an outfit like that when they were little and on the back well what do we got for the guys more denim we got denim vests and jackets and man oh man it was all about the jeans back in the day there's your whole denim family it's like why would you need another fabric when you can be that happy wearing blue jeans all over yourself but oh looks like somebody was gonna do an order they were they're like i'm having me some of them navy jeans and stuff i guess that's just a sample maybe hard to tell yeah that's an example nope they weren't doing an order but fun little catalog fun thing to look through and um if you ever come across them in your basement don't throw them out people do buy them so that's it my floor is cleaned up you can walk around again um and just in time too i'm gonna be opening up in about a half an hour i've been here working on this for the last two and a half hours getting this stuff put away probably gone faster if i wasn't talking the whole time but um you know what it's done now oh forgot one thing my car is full well maybe i'll have to do that on a separate video because that's a complete other mess going on in my car anyway guys thanks for watching today's video today's episode if you're ever in the area pop by the shop and come say hello um and subscribe because there's always something going on we're out looking for stuff all the time finding cool treasures and trying to inform you as we go if you haven't already make sure to subscribe and like the videos and as always guys bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 54,150
Rating: 4.9632444 out of 5
Id: TiAnWniX_WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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