Storage Wars Texas S02E23 The Cock Fighter From Mexico , Desoto Texas

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[Music] when storage units are abandoned in the great state of Texas the treasures within are put up for auction yeah right here coming up who is this Rhinestone Cowboy I have seen him before he means business [Music] I'm taking them all home to one God something right here what dig dude take out another mortgage owners house I'm sure Rick wouldn't mind if I took this stuff how much you think I've got total here million dollars [Music] never know what you don't probably do this book break out another thousand I drew the stuff from crap to cute I see treasures [Music] [Music] young-shin today is in DeSoto Texas this community it's been around since 1847 if you're looking for antiques this is gonna be the place at one staff that's already cute and has character but I don't want to have to take tons of time to fix it up there's been a lot of buzz about my story lately I have a lot of new customers joining furniture and can flip fast and just roll out on the showroom floor you got to spend the dollar to make a good time right is that did I do that backwards is it dime to make a dollar I'm dying to make a dollar [Music] bring keep the thousands of places we've been in Texas we've never been to just soda there's Pompey a reason I've been doing this a long time and I know my chair toys I know what works and what does again be fun all day it's a long drive back to list me [Music] while here in DeSoto I'm looking to expand my empire and I need a lot of merchandise I'm hoping that rooms are filled with grandma's antiques my goal is keep the competition I plan to buy every unit here skull and crossbones on his last play it's intimidating [Music] that there's Rudy Castro I have seen him before of all my buyers Rudi is probably the one I know the very least about but I do know he means business [Music] he has burgers on go get chrome boots who is this Rhinestone Cowboy here we go ladies and gentlemen here are the rules for today's auction you know you're gonna have five minutes to look around could be no cake in the box is no stamping inside there'll be no - for cash please bid only with the money that you have in your pocket are you ready to go let's go [Music] well it is a fully pack unum some decorative items I see up there you can't make out what it is there's a couch obscuring your view of this locker but hiding in the back you can see tons of decorative pieces in now here's a giant worthless TV you're just coming negative about a year there's the little flat-screen computer I see some new flat-screen monitors in there all Ricci can focus on is this old TV it's a good locker I'm gonna bid on neither way this lockers all new home decor the new stuff isn't that great for me actually because it takes me longer to give it character and make it more interesting [Music] [Music] nice move it gave me my story Sonique ash the two Hindenburg's then are getting this one let's go 600 my shoulders right here it's the rest'll like this I'm taking them all home [Music] now it's two dollies first I am 69 71 70 try every now and then you gotta make a statement with these people right hit 145 but he can do 25 right here what big dude take out another mortgage on his house really nice [Music] Wow well I do see a salon haircutting chair in here it might be a swan unit you never know I'm gonna leave this wonderful little people um the lawn chair could be totally cool I can fix that up and make it cool there's a cool vintage mirror in there I think this person had good taste oh the chairs for a beauty shop and the rest of its for an ugly shop might have to be made now 75 every five there now 100 101 110 out of hundred in the back 100 hundred quarter 125 there sir thank you 125 150 175 it again 175 at 175 200 watts and going twice three two hundred three times five so five here $475 thank you sir who was that Lulu Iglesias guy looks like a cockfighter for Mexico my name is Rudy Castro I may seem intimidating but I'm really not I'm a nice guy I just like were black well let's see what we got in here I never expected to make a living this way but I get laid off about three years ago and I turned my hobby into profession this cat I could sell for 200 easy so I'm gonna make more just on this cats and what I paid for the lockers this is the chair that everybody was moving and on about it may be worth 25 30 bucks somebody wait here's some horn and spray but it's all in the perfect place in this trash can now I see something back here I don't know what it is I see [Music] oh wait a minute here we go okay let's see oh wait a minute here we go it's a thousand watt car audio and this probably worth 250 $300 right here that just made by Walker [Music] that's a harmonica blues harp dippers going in there somebody's marked on it you know what call me nuts but I'm a country music fan and that looks a little like Willie Nelson signature seen that before the signature honors harmonicas real interesting and I think I know just add or take it to you a little shove back CTools st. a good thing about this you everyone's gonna be looking at this and going the way I love when there's a big thrashing piece in the front that car seats can distract all these idiots and keep the price low looks like some ATV tires and wheels there here's a little money in here I get real excited when I see tools car park this blockers plumb full of stuff that I could use or sell it's one I really want I don't know what I'm gonna do with rims and a car hood and car seats I don't know what I'm gonna do about the car stuff and that locker but that furniture is exactly what I need ooh some rims I do but we can split a you can have all the card stuff the furniture needs to be mine we'll work something out let's just kidding if I spend Jenny's money this lockers a guarantee for me you know what if I become my making deals with Victor now aa similar unit here what did I want to get I'm a mama everybody give one on this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is dammit so you still think this was a good decision they did more caps today Bobby persuaded me today to take a gamble but I think we need to stick with what we know yeah boy that was some [Music] the deal was I'm gonna take the furniture Vic's gonna take the card stuff but all the other stuff I gotta get dibs on now this dresser is in really good condition I don't have to fix anything but paint it people love little storage organization things I'm gonna being at why everyone's buying white right now some bust somebody made this by hand and got a cold drawer it's really good height so I'm at 800 150 150 500 equals 800 so I need to make some money off the stuff in these drawers in these boxes force' [Music] alright there's a bunch of cold in areas like all me and stuff in here you got a lot of girls number awesome stamina rx maximum sexual stimulant that's why I got the gloves first stuff like that this is a dudes Locker I don't know if I can find anything else to sell [Music] baby ok sensitive dude I got in their package so nicely Mimi that means they've got your were something I'm sure Vic wouldn't mind if I took this stuff I mean it'd be a lot harder for me to find someone who sells tires than it would someone who buys CD babies normally it is sell furniture make a profit but since Nick went all crazy on my pocketbook I gotta figure out how to make money off of beanie babies good luck yesterday spent sixteen hundred to home they call units and to industrial units I'm expecting some great stuff Manish is let's see what we got in here stuffed animals it's gonna be nothing in there the big-screen TV if it works maybe forty or fifty dollars two hundred bucks on the dishwasher there's a dresser back here but some of the drawers were busted what that's garbage well there's no antiques in here I guess I may have had this area pegged wrong yes sir that's about it I got three rooms left locker - let's go [Music] it is a panel type [ __ ] we've got 200 on the doors 250 bucks for the dresser and a harness 50 for the cement mixer that's 600 bucks [Music] odd to me and Jenny's Locker [Music] Wow that was not a carburetor but it's not in the box I don't know who looks different than it did yesterday it looked more inviting every box has been empty so far even a CD cases are empty did Jenny rip me off we got probably a hundred 150 dollars or scrap aluminum the ATB tires they're not the best maybe a hundred dollars a set we've got two sets so it's 200 AHL's they're the hood another 300 so we're getting close I should be up at least a grand by now hopefully I saved the best for last this is the fun one kitchen stuff yeah we've got some fancy pillows here 40 50 bucks it's bamboo pretty nice-looking 20 bucks yeah I'm getting close to 60 hundred bucks but I don't do this stuff to break either 250 bucks at the store [Music] Wow Wow there's a little man in the back of my room [Music] [Applause] [Music] that reminds me of Johnny Carson guessing maybe 40 50 years old at best nothing on the bottom the shoes where I would put a label or a date or something like that Wow very OOP he's gonna have a headache after that I really wouldn't know what value to place on him right now I'm gonna have to get him checked out for sure well I made my money back I'm just hoping Johnny's gonna help me win big I found a box full of beanie babies I'm taking them to a toy store just down the street from my shop let's check a look and see what you have in there okay I feel like they package from really nicely so there's some value to them I don't know duck is about 1994 was introduced now they go from me or from nine dollars or you got some FC on the internet for a half a million dollars million half a million yeah but the one that's worth half a million half a million dollars is the Diana doll it's a purple ball girl a doll you sign the first one actually the thing but the day an adult there was also six different series levels well which ones that there's lots of different ways we can check it out there are specific things it'll tell you this is a first edition Princess Diana doll very first what's the color of the Rose another telltale is on the inside only the sixth edition is numbered with it'll stand not only is this not a first edition it's the least valuable of all the Diana dolls I made this is the one that made 40 million of a rose stem on the first two editions it's extremely bright and this has the stance oh man [Music] how much do you think I've got total here with all my well you got seven large beanie babies in there total you might get a hundred and twenty I did only make $120 but I found out that I've made money off other stuff outside of furniture thanks for all your help and advice oh yeah no problem also should be noted that's $120 Victor can't spend on tan tops hmm thank you I think this is Johnny Carson but I gotta figure it out for sure he may turn out to be one valuable little sidekick hey good-lookin come on in came here to show you my little friend what do you think I think he's great I love him we love things like this so I was thinking that this was a Johnny Carson replica no it's a mannequin from a department store and back in the 30s they didn't use mannequins to dress as much as to announce the area you were coming in to he looks nice and old and beat up except for the head it looks like the head has had either been reattached or refurbished cuz the rest of them is in perfectly bad shape which we love say no expression [Music] I'm thinking with the head redone maybe 3,000 3,500 Wow Wow that's really good oh do you think I could market it as a replica of Johnny Carson no Walt thank you very much it was nice to meet you okay so it's not a Johnny Carson replica but this little guy got me ahead of the competition thank you very much I think I found Willie Nelson signature on a harmonica and I have a friend in the business that I think can help authenticate this thing you know better than Willie Nelson tribute artist Michael Moore good friend of mine good just networking the old blues harp harmonica in person let's take a look see what we got so it's about a five dollar harmonica well how do you know for sure if that's a Willie strategy he signed my guitar back about ten years ago we could take a look at it good see right here on the bottom the way he makes his double yes and the way he takes his ends and crosses I'm over that looks like a 100% authentic Willie Nelson autograph on this thing I think with the signature in the case and everything you've got involved here you're looking at about in the neighborhood about $350 and that's just what I wanted to hear Michael I appreciate it brother not only do I get to make a profit doing what I love but today I have a chance for my second love you said there beside me the courage of an outlaw with hopes and dreams of unburied treasure sure I keep a low profile but it's making me a living I'm a big softie at heart but I don't let those guys at the auction know that storage auctions of Texas [Music] the DeSoto winner was Victor was Minsky who swept up a $3,700 profit thanks to his vintage mannequin Rudy Castro's Willie Nelson signed harmonica helped him profit to the tune of $700 Jenny grumbles bagged a hundred and twenty bucks on beanie babies while Ricky and Bubba's DeSoto gamble is a managed Amma of a bust [Music] make sure we don't any spiderwebs oh my god what can you get let's just uh close it and go get some mouthwash [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hamdi Keten
Views: 4,774
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: qNRBA69t3zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2017
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