Storage Hunters Uk S05E01 Cambridge

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now on storage hunters oh the crack of that berry reveals why as Darren as a sidekick I do like men's cause I do like things like that and I own egos while Linda fears for world harmony if North Korea got your hands on that they're gonna do loads of damage hey everybody welcome out to the auction today my name's Holly I'm gonna tear off your ear we're in Cambridge yeah it's where all the intellectuals are they should be here soon lot of fresh faces couple regulars you guys ready to make some money turn around go that way and make a left let's go start to stay all right guys they're right here come on down shut up the first foot of the day you're going to do this all right Minnie my let's cut the lock let's see we got inside Oh watch yourself you guys let it behind Natalie pop in pop out two minutes we'll sell this thing let's go I think it might be that one knows your subconscious you know where all the Lynn jump over I like army training military stats were loaded money I've got a military coat and that cost me a fortune army assault course I see nearly a thousand pounds worth of gear in it I know I can make a lot of money out of that to me it looks like a sort of like some sort of park apparatus I think that little so now you forget her name now little scrappy do with it then I think she's gonna try and have a go but you know it's mine I think I only might go on it just if she likes to go on anything that I'd go on anyway so if she if she wants to start then we'll have to start I'm gonna go home with it I'm gonna win out I feel good here we go well that worked Annette I wrote a few changes only close the door and come back I need to play around soon there it is right here right all right guys here we go bring it around pit around round round I'm gonna see what's inside mini Mile cut the lock go miles do it yeah little handyman pin that's all that is my or maintenance man that's a pressure washer pressure it is that's what it is I do like men's tools like I do like things like that this is I know Barry and Armani I've heard them saying that they want air and they think they're gonna win it and they called it a man's bin and for that reason alone I am gonna fight them for this Mac Allister so that doesn't mean anything to you guys it means that like in a lawnmower that's about it yeah it's not a good gift too much away Sam's been you you not made Mike we sort of getting it friendly and say hello what's in the bin sort of thing you know no no no no no you gotta be very careful very very clear sorry it's make money here we go whoo a bit of powder you want to pan out to you shabba-doo I don't we found bitter Yellowcard to that duaghter we keep amber there guys you let this go for 250 250 pound bitter I'm gonna romani chib $60 to 6 you got to 6 domitor to 70 I meet you I don't kick your family and I'm gonna tune 77022 80 hi i'm gonna do it i'm very hungry can all of a commentator now is a 20-pounder 350 how many hundred around except for hunters go around for looking for a perimeter now and 600 or now I ain't clever you should've done it she doesn't see that one little mate did want that then I felt bad gonna get fire in there and man but you've got to do what you've got to do to win man you've got you that's me and I've done now that's it now you may forget see what we got now pull that back a bit I watch your mid lights as under quit yeah nice little petrol lawnmower right Tama deer come up fifty sixty quid spot on in here ah the jumper yeah they're good news this time of year as well well it's 200 quid there so you got color want to quit at the back there and we you're gonna be happy now Oh Justin well this definitely is yes that's all proper chat and all that yeah yeah they are not perished that's free under quit that's the main thing we've dragged out I'd say two four five six knowing despite some tapping of tactics from Sam Barry and Darren have cleaned up hosing down a profit of six hundred and fifty pounds nice tools lens it's an easy sell one journey an event one journey easy sale so we weren't money so six now it's a good day but she cost us I'm not gonna forget that it's a third bit of the days where to see what's inside all right this is a very very very interesting one I like it really everybody line up behind Linda I'll give you guys two or three minutes to pop in pop out we're gonna sell this thing looks good boss go there's a few bets you got back at the but why'd you want back behind that curtain there's something they and I that's what I'm looking at I'm thinking loads and loads of money behind there this hit it for a reason I'm not a lover of books Boadicea again Shea is always giving it to me it gets on my nerves I'm even do you know you've got certain you've got no room in your garrison all this stuff how do you know you never sell anything Linden she's like my nemesis well if I turn around there's Linda and she seems to want a bid on everything I want a bid on I don't want to be [ __ ] I don't want to be unkind but you need to be picked a bad habit of a lifetime loves [ __ ] you guys ready to do this here we go I'm sorry another 10 pounds give me 10 minutes start stayin out or 20 pounds I'm a trauma surgeon about this exam another 70 finally some zombie durometer lady 800 900 800 sure hammer 200 you can't - 10 / - Tony - Tony I'm gonna round it is a pony down to 50 to 60 to 65 in under seven - seven I'm gonna - wait I see where you a 208 and I'm at of 290 trader AMA 290 studying I'm gonna be hundred but he's a three not four hundred we got a rule 3 once twice pay for war is if I've pulled out of 500 horn I'm gonna vomit around it if I hold on give me five pounds on what she said she wanted it now she's wanted that please you oh yeah so let's see what you got here sigh all these stuff ya know keepin it skip it's all just rubbish for you money is gonna be this little scooter I did not see that my friend it looks brand new I mean it looks really good I'm you can drink on the guy if you went to the store and you bought this thing you're gonna spend about two thousand pounds yeah like an easy eight hundred pounds I love this little moped it is it's old-school you know I mean it's in great condition that's like an easy four hundred pounds say she folks you bait me she is a can't wait to see what's behind there okay let's go yeah so what you guys what is it I love the look on your is it good you know this is probably useful right look at this look at the soup full-on late sex Millcreek to you right nice look at the [ __ ] mask well people have onto the house oh my God look at that whatever has happened in this space was just gross but you have to clean all this stuff you have to on it maybe you are maybe you own it but least I'll help you one item I'll take that off your hands how's that sound yeah sure why not let's go back the pen will do a quick top you ready you got 800 on the bike yeah 400 here that's 12 then everything else in here maybe there's another 150 all in with a camera stuff 1350 14 let's call 1,400 Linda paid 400 pounds to look behind the curtain and got more than she bargained for as well as a profit of a thousand pounds I wonder if the previous owner made nature documentaries congratulations thousand pound profits not bad my friend do this many miles cut the lock let's do it come on man let's chill it somebody yeah I'm liking it liking it a lot pop in pop out let's sell this sucker let's go out there there's money and I straight away it looks like it's a big gun on wheels yeah you've got the brushes for cleaning down the barrel yeah there's a big gun poke so are the musket guns in there as well oh I could not I like this a lot it's not that cannons do I'm not the expert on these kind of sport things are nice depends on whether it fires the bullet so laughs cannons are used in the olden days for battle they shot nuclear power from one to the other if North Korea got their hands on that they're gonna take long to damage them a bit you know the problem here you don't run on that all over this Oh big time they know what things are worth that's a trouble and Johnny's clever what he does if John's going for it you know it's worth a few quid and if he's going for it you got a go for it all we go listen guys you stand over here don't pull the my auctions here we go 1318 soda cracker tea number 19 on a relaxing it fair warned uh Natalie soul journey you found you go save your money you said you was gonna get aggressive but they come these auctions I can't believe people off gear with two thousand pounds yeah bit of a gamble I'm dying to see if this is real if it's a replica rip it off man oh wait a second immediately the media I could tell by the way you can gently pushed it down and it wasn't heavy that that's a repo right sale fantastic listen I mean the odds of you guys getting a real one yeah Wow awesome man really okay listen this could be either a huge score or it the price you paid you could have lost money I don't know hey listen I know this guy Tom it's not too far away he's one of the best antiques appraisers in the country if I can get him to come down I will okay you guys dig through Thanks I see a little bit earlier I only paid 900 pounds for an assault course but has she run up a profit or just lumber herself with a load of Deadwood oh you got a frame here yeah I got the a frame but you got the balance and beam in the middle here yeah all right and you got the monkey bars over there I get the monkey bars okay inside here you got the next accrual under what is this thing worth what I get to sell it on yeah a thousand pounds okay so basically right there if you just want to sell it on double your money both absolutely but if you're gonna hire it out what are you gonna get four thousand pounds thousand pounds of weekend a weekend weekend yes oh that is beautiful hey I'm really happy for you I own Iza Sultan this auction has promoted that profits to 1,100 pounds a major kick in the privates but the other bidders out okay listen yes I was four years in the Army I served in Iraq I was a sergeant you want me to give you one good drill sergeant lesson are you sure I'm sure are you sure soldier private IOD do you understand Go Go Go Go Go Go Go come on soldier you better move faster tonight they don't kill you oh my god I'm out of breath come on a little faster you can do it fabulous great job yeah shawn has returned with antiques expert Tom keen to see if natin John's old weapons can make them a bloomin profit there Johnny guys hi Shawn look who I got I got this quest this is Tom look at this thing oh well ask you what you're paid well this is a copy it's made in the 18th century style it's a nice-looking thing if it was real that'd be 15 grand okay they even say you still get two thousand votes a copy - gun fires blanks can you fire something I think it's made to make it a shot pal to come at the end of it you guys are scorch marks in there you find anything else worth looking at well I think he's a fantastic yeah these are these are not copies that's like a real musket it's a real real tower this is about 1750 fantastic condition have been restored this isn't 800 to a thousand pound gun that's 4 G's just between the two guys from the camp that's awesome how about this thing is this a replica is this real it's real it's real for a second I thought we had a pair they're not they're a match pair aren't they yeah had they been a pair mm because they're not a pair you got valuable singer Lee there he saw 300 pounds each knock johnner brought out the big guns and hit the target with a profit of 2,800 pounds boom you want to buy any of this stuff are you in the market for it I'll buy all y'all listen and I'll take my commission off of it I bought you your buyer - all right guys in the office yeah whatever you saw it for I'll take 10% who's got to see what's inside the last Bend of the day mini mock-up of Lachlan soon we got man watch out watch out watch out careful listen it may look trashy but some of you are trashy it's perfect for you come on over here pop in pop out two minutes I'm gonna sell the single scoop come on move on you know you're interested in there in the back there's a French statue of a sort of cherub with wings it might be spelter if it's bronze three four five thousand looks like your house Ione I guess delirium it's trashy it's old it's warm one person Sam I mean in China rapture is going on try it already today is only so much somebody can take right there she come in my face if I handle my neck it's not only that Brewery kids yeah that case is broken now she's upset baby it's not my phone that cost me please stop anyway I've got my business head on now we'll see to the tougher one err sorry there we go who wants I'm better than a tenner give me a tenner some Iago detectives say it's an right there my right hand now minute warning out of 25 meter driving hurt anybody go 3540 45 metre diameter 50 pounds if you found better number 76 77 and back down already Hana Hana wrong 1000 to 1400 teen found a driver 130 140 130 Nominet is it 100 or 40 I don't know to pay I'm better go once quoting have 50 be crazy you do this yeah pull the stuff out I'm gonna come back and see if you found news okay fingers crossed hey Boudicca I thought you just gotten complete trash well you got a little spice in there too like for example is this thing original real if only I have been original should have been fifteen hundred quid but it's only a reproduction it's not it's just about to repo yeah but it's still two or three hundred pound this is lovely beautiful early Edwardian late Victorian that's probably the original upholstery at 300 pounds that matches it again 150 pounds if my math is so done right you're up around seven hundred thirty pounds yeah that's not bad my friend lady booty cos I for a bit of the posh stuff has her earning an upper-crust of seven hundred and thirty pounds oh I'd say rather well done why don't you loaded all back in throw you in the office all right rats thank you for you you ready for that ready for the big button cut the first time we left on them in our fields Hey did you enjoy that what what's up with you self
Channel: Porse Winmon
Views: 54,265
Rating: 3.9295774 out of 5
Id: gFeaFfLqq8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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