Stop Washing Your Car with Water

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rev up your engines, now normally I try out of products and if they work how good I show my videos and explain how they work but today it's a little different I tried out the products and lo and behold the company that makes them gave me a private tour of their laboratories where they invent the stuff and test it out now instead of the usual dog and pony show that companies gave I've been on various tours it was me and seven of their scientists and I was actually shocked at the level of science that these guys put into products it really did shock me I thought I'd just try different stuff but no they compared it to their competitors so they can make theirs work better and last longer guys do it for a living they're actual scientists and they test the stuff on actual cars I didn't want to keep improving it from the scientists perspective if they don't keep improving the stuff hey don't be out of a job say they make the perfect product you know hey if they can't approve it anymore they don't need them anymore they're under immense pressure to make more and better products now the first thing I'm talking about is this rain-x waterless car wash and rain repellent I don't personally care about waterless cleaners myself I live in Houston there's water all over the place but some people even here they live in apartment complexes there have no access to water the stuff is actually quite interesting all you do is spray the stuff on you cover it we'll do half of it here and what it does is it lifts up the dirt you can even see it's lifting the dirt up the chief engineer explained to me a little experiment and showed me gets on the paint and the chemicals inside lift the dirt off and then you just wipe it off get a nice microfiber towel wipe the lock it's all dirty side here's the shiny clean side you can even feel the difference and the cool thing about this is it's safe for all exterior surfaces you put on your windshield you can put it on the plastic you can put it on the bumpers you can put it on the rubber sides around your window it doesn't scratch it lubricates it actually makes it somewhat waterproof check this out here's theside I did here's a side I didn't do, the side I did beads up uniformly but the other side it's just the blotchy mess of course rain tax was originally known fari stuff you put on your windshield to make the water just evenly dispersed and blow off in the wind well a lot of their products have that technology in them it evenly disperses everything it evenly cleans on you clean you know when you're done it leaves some little bits of residue on it lets rain bead up and of course will help protect from some stuff not a gigantic bird clop coming down I keep a jug of it in the trunk of my wife's likes so when I see birds come and they crapped all over it I go in a trunk kiddo squirt this all over the place and then I'll use my microfiber towels in a trunk and wipe it off so the acid won't be able to eat in now the next product I'm talking about is these rain-x silicone advantage wiper blades and if you've watched my videos in the past you know that I say silicone wiper blades are the best wiper blades in the world well they are now truth be told they're not 100% silicone because if they were then they'd be crappy wiper blades, in a Sun with ultraviolet rays it will degrade a lot faster now of course I asked them I said they're not a 100% silicone they said no there's silicone and graphite some other stuff but we can't tell you our secret formula but it is silicone based and as you can see in this experiment they did in front of me regular rubber that's in dry ice it'll snap like a twig this is a natural rubber one I'm gonna do this silicone one this is silicone there's the silicone bend it, it flexes not flexible but well yeah it's moving, natural rubber it'll snap, the silicone it's still bendable so if you live up north they're much more flexible in cold weather and if you live in the land of intense heat like Phoenix Arizona if it only rains three or four times your nose wiper blades are sitting on your windshield they will actually kind of melt on from the heat of that kind of Sun but the silicone won't it holds up under higher temperatures too, it just is a much better range than rubber products do, now on their box it says last twice as long well I don't agree with them I found that they last a lot of longer than I had a set on a car it lasted five times as long as the other ones did I live in polluted Houston we got Baytown over there all the petrochemicals it's a very abrasive environment and I had a set on my old Toyota the things lasted more than five years now truth be told I do clean them I use a solution of 50% alcohol 50% water and I clean the blades how they do it once every 2 or 3 months if that and as you see me in other videos I use this new finish I polished the windshield and I do that maybe twice a year when you polish it you're getting rid of the imperfection you're making it as slippery as possible so they'll be less friction and the blades will last longer and as you can see truthfully I haven't done in about six months so I've been a bad boy not so kind wiper blades of course costs more if you factor in how long they last they're a better deal overall the main problem that I found with silicone wiper blades if they're manufactured correctly like these that have graphite built in so they don't shatter some of the cheaper ones don't any chatter they're always relatively hard to find and they might not make it for your model car but I notice they're not selling them and the AutoZone down the street I guess they're any extras having said I got of course trying to many more stores well more power to them because the main reason I saw in the past that a lot of manufacturers weren't pushing silicone wiper blades is because they last too long and let's talk about planned obsolescence hey they want you buying wiper blades as much as possible so they make as much money as possible so this is kind of going counter to that I mean I'm all for things that last longer so hey if you really want some good wiper blades they're the best ones that I found so far they test these wipers out on actual sections of cars because you know each windshield is a different shape they actually test these things for a long time saltwater freshwater ultraviolet rays heat these guys are actual scientists doing this stuff it's just not some clown making them in their backyard now the last product I'm talking about is this gumout all-in-one fuel system cleaner they really test the stuff they got testing land outside of Columbus Ohio which I've visited where it was a kea they took it apart we looked at the inside they put it back together not the whole thing exactly perfectly cuz then they drove it around the track for a tank of gas then they brought in and took it apart again and they showed us all the things that happen it actually didn't work and that's because it contains PEA that's a nitrogen based cleaner all the real cleaners contain it if you use the cleaner doesn't have PEA on a modern car your just wasting your money now years ago some of the early ones like chevron techron they used to tell you how much PEA was in it but years ago they stopped doing that they said they didn't want to get in an additive war and of course these guys didn't tell me the actual ingredients or trade secrets and stuff but they did a very interesting experiment that sold me they had bottles of their competitors and they did a test they did a chemical test they put them in vials and if it had the nitrogen base cleaner that turned a reddish pink color and if it didn't the carrier agents were clear the first one they tested the test tube was completely clear it didn't have any nitrogen based cleaners at all that was seafoam, then they had others the had a little bit of red and a lot of clear and then there's and a whole bunch of red in it compared to the seafoam that had none whatsoever it was obvious to me watching this experiment that there's contained quite a bit of PEA in this concentrated solution can you take the top off it's got a big old neck it'll go into any gas tank you don't even gotta low on set don't have a cap anymore this pushes through the hole and fills it up you don't need to have funnels and spilling all over the place you're just sticking in an empties itself in a tank that's right call intelligent engineering it's just it today I don't expect much from anybody anymore and these guys hey I gotta say they impressed me and I am NOT an easily impressed person since I'm not a paid advertiser they can't pay me to say how great their products are they impress me with real technology I offend the other companies out there dare to give Scotty private tours and we'll let him talk privately actual scientists and engineers I'm all game just don't try to sell me a bill of goods and please whatever you do no one send me any more of these ceramic nanotechnology coatings that's stuff is just a scam hey this doesn't say get more horsepower it tell your that it cleans stuff which is exactly what it does this keeps your engine running the way it's supposed to run it isn't going to magically rebuild your engine and give you more horsepower and better gas much it's a maintenance item and with this little maintenance as people seem to do today it's a good thing that people make stuff like this and since this is a mechanic Monday I'm giving away a case of this rain-x waterless car wash have a chance to win place a clean non-offensive comment under youtube comments below and the winner will be chosen randomly by computer to clean their car for quite some time with waterless car wash, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 900,258
Rating: 4.88732 out of 5
Keywords: 51, amazon car products, area 51, area 51 of cars, area 51 raid, area 51 security, auto, auto repair, car, car advice, car diy, car products, car products on amazon, car repair, cars, diy, how to, i went to area 51, i went to area 51 raid, i went to the area 51 of cars, mechanic, new car products, rainx, repair, scotty kilmer, storm area 51, storming area 51, top secret, top secret cars, car wash, washing car, how to wash car, waterless car wash
Id: Z7sT4xSN2VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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