If You're Not Doing This with WD-40 You're Stupid

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today i'm going to show you how you can use it to diagnose problems that your car has it's evolved to do many things besides just rushed corrosion now let's say your car is idling kind of poorly and you got a code for your engines running lean that means too much air not enough fuel often it's a vacuum leak you can use these to pin pinpoint vacuum leaks you got a leak idling bad you've got a code for running too late start spraying this around all over the intake system where air is being sucked in then where you get towards leaking the idle's going to start changing the attic goes up and down as you spray the stuff in because that air leak is now having air and wd-40 coming in and it's going to change the aisle and now when you pinpoint it in this case i just pulled off a vacuum line and sprayed it in the vacuum line where the air was going in but if it's harder to find spray around all the gaskets like the intake manifold gasket that's very hard to see and if you spray it right on the edge where the gasket and the metal is and it starts going up and down you know you need a new intake manifold gasket it's relatively inflammable it just pushed the flame away when i sprayed it it's not going to cause any explosions if you did this with starting fluid or carburetor cleaner uh you could start a big fire this stuff hey it's great for finding vacuum leaks and speaking of poorly running engines let's say you go through a big puddle splash your car starts running poorly then you can go to its original use of wd-40 which is disperse water and moisture to keep things from rusting well if your spark plug wires or other electronic parts got wet you spray them with wd-40 that will actually disperse the water so instead of having a spark plug wire that's wet and out short into the body going clickity clickety click you can just spray them all like the wires on the distributor cap and it will disperse the moisture or any electrical connections it will disperse the moisture and if you've ever tried to figure out what got damaged when you went through water or let's say somebody was lazy they were working on a car left the hood open storm came rained on everything just start spraying all the electrical stuff you see and let it disperse all the water that got in there i have customers over the years they're going to sell a car so they decide oh we're going to pressure wash the engine to make it clean well a lot of times they got water on the electronics and it would run poorly and they're like oh scotty help us we cleaned our engine with a pressure washer at a car wash now it runs like crap but we're selling the car so we don't want to spend much money fixing it well sometimes it's as simple as getting a bottle of wd-40 and spraying on the electronics and then it stops and the bonus of that is the stuff can make stuff shiny too so if you spray it all over the place and then wipe it all off with a cloth and it'll actually even look better don't spray it on squeaking fan belts or to be politically correct these days serpentine drive belt now if you've got squeaky fan belts don't spray wd-40 on it i've seen people do it and yeah it'll stop the squeaking for a while but the belts are made to run dry this is a serpentine belt with all these grooves you do not want any kind of lubrication on them don't even spray any of that belties that says stop squeaking belt dressing so if they're squeaking they're either worn out and they need replacing or if they're adjustable ones like my old celica they need to be tightened up or if you got a modern car with an automatic tensioner you might need a new automatic tensioner but do not spray wd-40 on them now the next thing not to do is don't spray it on your tires to polish them if you want to make your tire shine use stuff like this blue shine that's made for shining rubber tires think about it wd-40 a lot of it is a lubricant you don't want to lubricate your tires they need friction to drive down the road if you get it on the tread or it migrates to the tread you can lose grip if you're a hard driver especially motorcycle tires that have treads that go way down the side you don't want to spray it on them years ago i had a friend do that on his motorcycle and he had a crotch rocket 750 suzuki and he was cornering he lost it slid out and smashed the whole side of his bike costume of fortune and repairs and paint don't put wd-40 on your tires now another thing i don't advise people do with wd-40 is to spray it on your paint and then polish it off you can see it really makes it shine there's that dirty one over here when i shined up but this is something devious people do before they sell you a used car it will make it shine like mad but it quickly fades off and then of course you got a faded car and if you do want to paint the car you have to have all that stuff stripped off it's not made for polishing cars only devious people do that and over the years i've had a few customers buy a car like that look real shiny and then a month or two later they brought in and said oh scotty my used car look the pain looks horrible and i look at it and say oh geez they probably sprayed it with wd-40 and polished it all off so it looks shiny and the worst thing is i just shined this whole thing to show you it really shows up well in pictures so pictures of used cars look really good that way but hey you don't want to buy a car like that and you don't want to be sleazy and polish one up with it and then sell it to some poor person that finds out months later that the paint's all shot now there are some very good uses for wd-40 realize that it's got two main properties one is it's a water dispersant so let's say you go through flood water or you were dumb enough to hose off your engine bay with one of those big water sprayers at one of those do-it-yourself car washes and you got water and all the electronics you can spray this all over the electronics to disperse the water and the other property is that can loosen up rust particles so you got old rusty bolts nuts you can't get off you can spray them all over let them soak overnight or a couple of days if you're in no hurry and they can do wonders on that and to prevent rust especially on bare metal or even painted metal that's old kind of crack they have these giant big blast ones i know guys up north they buy cases of this stuff and then they spray all around the bottom and they're trucking their wheel wells and the suspension arms and everything to keep all that salt water from corroding stuff in the winter and here in texas i know guys that use it in galveston near the beach they'll spray their stuff to protect it to keep it from being corroded by the salt water air that blows in from the gulf and of course if you got squeaky parts or rusty parts under the car just jack it up and here's how i like this cool wand this one came with so you can bend it and spray it wherever you want maybe your struts are getting a little squeaky the mounts may be ripped under there the rubber hey this can help and you can go way up in the top spray that too let's say you got squeaky bushings where rubber goes in you can lubricate them you can go up here spray anything that's starting to have a little rust so if you got to take it apart later it'll be a lot easier and if you got an old-fashioned car like mine that still has a key you can stick the key in lubricate it all inside quick wipe the excess off and of course you can do the same thing on your ignition key just spray the switch then wiggle it around a little now i know a lot of people are going to whine about that they'll say oh scotty you shouldn't use it on locks well heck yeah there's a lot of other sprays you can use i never had a problem the wd-40 doesn't harm any electronics so you do it on the ignition switch it's not going to hurt any electronic parts if you have a system where the ignition switch is right on the bottom where the key is it doesn't hurt anything and yeah there's other stuff out there that people swear by but i've been using this stuff for 50 years i've never had to replace a lock switch on any of my toyotas and they do wear out eventually on toyotas when i was young mechanic all suspension parts they have lubrication points zerk fittings they're called yeah crazy name but they're called zerg fittings put a grease gun on them you'd grease them they don't have it even this old celica doesn't have it so if you start getting creaking sounds get some wd-40 and spray all the rubber suspension parts like the top of the strut here which is a rubber strut mount this is the original strut mount and i do this every once in a while it keeps them okay i never had to replace them yet what's that 26 years little spray here a little spray there now over the years i've had quite a few customers that had squeaky noises and some were absolute fanatics they didn't like any squeaks at all and i'd say to them well i'm jacking up pulling the wheels they're structurally sound so there's nothing really wrong but they say all the noise drives me nuts well rather than start guessing with expensive parts like one of my customers did she had a mercedes she was nuts about the noise so she took it to a front-end shop spent fifteen hundred dollars two months later the same sound came right back so if you are a fanatic about noise you can use this to pinpoint where it's coming from now it might take time but it's not hard to do you would just spray parts one at a time spray the strut mount drive it around for a few days if the noise goes away you know that's what the noise was now if the bushing is really worn out hey yeah you got to replace it but at least you'll know what was making a noise and if it's not that then you'd jack up the car and you could spray like the lower ball joint on one side then drive it around a little see if the noise went away if it did and then it came back later you'd know well i sprayed the ball joint it went away the noise came back so i'll replace the ball joint and with modern cars and they're very complex and expensive to repair suspension systems it's better to check the things out one at a time but maybe it wasn't the ball joints then to the lower control arm and there's two big bushings spray those bushings if the noise goes away you'll know ah well we're gonna have to replace the bushings and the modern cars most of them you can't even replace them you just replace the whole lower control arm assembly but using this stuff you can diagnose exactly what the problem is now don't do like some guys do they'll go and they'll spray everything and they'll say oh the noise went away but then if it does come back you won't know which one it was now if you just want to try to get rid of the noise for a while sure get a big can like this monster industrial size and spray all the rubber bushings and it goes away great but if you want to pinpoint which one it is just do one at a time and then eventually you'll be able to pinpoint which one it is because even if it's bare metal to metal now of course this won't fix bare metal the metal because the bushing is gone but even if it's bare metal with metal when you spray the stuff down the bare metal in the metal the noise will go away for a while usually until the first big rainstorm when it gets washed off but at least you'll know that's what the noise came from it's a very good diagnosis tool but just remember like i said you got to be scientific you can't do 10 things and then see what happens you got to do one at a time and it might take some time but it's your time it's so easy to spray the stuff on you can do it yourself and you're not paying a mechanic a hundred dollars an hour to fool around with your car to find something that might take them hours to do you can easily do the stuff yourself to at least find what it is even if you're not going to take off a lower control alarm and put one on and there's something you can partially use wd44 let's say your door hinges are getting rusty we just open it up and spray the rusty hinges then you can let it soak for a few days but then you should wipe any excess off and use this now this is wd-40 water-resistant silicone spray it's not the wd-40 normal one it's just the company makes a silicone spray too you can use any silicone lubricant you want but then you spray the hinges with the silicone lubricant because that's a pure lubricant and that will lubricate it over time the wd-40 isn't a true lubricant it can lube a little bit but you'd want to do hinges with an actual lubricant so it's lubricating while you use it if you use a wd-40 you'd have to keep spraying it on because it's not going to lubricate it over time and the noise would come back but with this the silicone stuff is pretty water and permeable you can only have to spray it two or three times a year and the squeaks will probably go away one thing i like about the regular wd-40 is they got these cool little tiny cans i leave them in the trunk of my cars so if there's ever any kind of an emergency i like so maybe you go through a big puddle and the car stops running because everything got wet you can get this out and you can spray it all over the electronics so that it'll disperse the water and you'll be able to drive on other cute little handy things you know and you get some crazy squeak that's driving you nuts while you're on vacation you can just get the little can out and spray it away so now you know things you shouldn't do with wd-40 and things that you should do with it so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 1,263,706
Rating: 4.8918233 out of 5
Keywords: auto, car, car diy, car hacks, car life hacks, car problems, car repair, car repairs, diy, hacks, how to fix car problems, how to use wd 40, how to use wd40 on car, life hack, life hacks car, life hacks diy, mechanic, repair, save thousands, scotty kilmer, top 5 uses of wd40, using wd40, wd 40 for cars, wd 40 life hacks, wd 40 life hacks 5 minute crafts, wd 40 life hacks for car, wd 40 uses, wd 40 uses on cars, wd40, wd-40, wd-40 secrets, I have to tell you, wd 40 secret
Id: nR-umN0h4D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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