STOP Using Midjourney, This FREE AI Can Make You $7,530/month Instead!

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Let's be honest, guys, Midjourney is  pretty good at creating images from text,   BUT if you're just dipping your toes into the  world of AI, forking out 10 dollars every month   for training isn't feasible for everyone. For  that reason, I've tried tens if not hundreds   of totally free AI tools that generate images  just as well as Midjourney, and I've chosen   what I believe to be the best option. And I bet,  you will definitely like it. Plus, at the end of   this video, I'm going to show a new way of  earning money using this AI. So, introducing   Tensor Art! This completely new AI can create  images like these, and to me, it's genuinely   the best free alternative to Midjourney. So, let's start from scratch, I'll show you how   to access Tensor Art. I'll leave a link to their  official site in the description under this video.   Follow this link and you'll land on "".  In the top right corner, click "Sign In" and   in the window that pops up, you can quickly  create an account in a few different ways.   I'll select "Continue with Google". So, in  this window, you need to enter your nickname,   upload an avatar, and most importantly, in the  "Invitation Code" line, enter this code that you   see on the screen - "monice 1111". It's really  important to enter it. This code will give you   the ability to create twice as many images  every day. You'll see what I mean later on.   Then we're taken to this beautiful site where  we'll actually be doing our work. The advantage of   Tensor Art over most similar alternatives lies in  the incredible variety of different models. Let me   explain. In the "Models" tab, scroll down and all  the images you see were created using different   models, developed by various companies and even  users. You'll be shocked, but some models create   content for people over 18. Unfortunately, I can't  show them in the video so as not to get blocked,   but if you want to check them out or even  create an adult-themed image, follow the   link in the description and have fun. So, Tensor Art creates very good images in   styles like "photorealistic", "realism", "anime",  "art", "hentai" and many different other styles.   To move onto creating an image, we can click on  "Workspace" in the top right corner, or choose a   model that we like, for example, I'll choose this  one, and on the right, click the "Run" button.   Now, we're in the window where we'll actually  be generating our images. Down at the bottom,   you can see your credit balance, which you spend  on creating an image. If you clicked my link,   you'll have 200 credits in your balance.  Your credit balance refreshes every 24 hours.   Creating one image costs 1 credit, meaning  you can create 100 images a day totally free.   I've not seen generosity like that anywhere. But  it will take you 2 when you use Highres fix or   ADetailer, which we'll talk about a bit later. So, let's scroll to the very top and go through   the most important functions. In the Basic  Model tab, you can see the model you've chosen,   and if we click on it, a window opens where  we can select a different model if necessary.   Below that, in the "Prompt" tab, we can  write whatever we want to see in our image.   In the "Negative Prompt" tab, we add what we don't  want in our image. Image2Image means that you can   post your photo as a reference for Tensor Art to  create a new image similar to the one you posted.   In the "Settings" tab, we can fine-tune the size  of our image. The Sampling Method gives you more   detailed customization of the final image, if  you're a beginner, leave it as is by default,   later you can play around with it and see  how it works. Below you can see Hires.fix,   which is essentially a built-in Upscaler. In this  tab, you can choose how the image upscale will be   performed. Leave Hires Steps at 0, but you can  play around with Denoising Strength if there's   too much or too little noise in your image.  Then choose how many times you want to enlarge   the image. So, if I'm creating an image with  a resolution of 1024 by 1024 and I choose 2x,   the final image will be 2048 by 2048. Keep in  mind that using this function will cost you an   additional token. It's the same with ADetailer,  it works a bit differently, but the essence is the   same, and it will cost you an additional token.  I don't use it, so I'll turn it off for now.   So, once you've got your head around everything,  let's move onto creating an image.   In the Prompt tab, we write our Prompt. After a  bit of time, I wrote this Prompt and added what I   don't want to see in the Negative Prompt tab. Now,  in the "Count" tab, we select the number of images   we want to generate and press "Generate". After  a few seconds, we get some super cool images.   And I'm not exaggerating when I say that Tensor  Art really is the best free AI for generating   images. Hovering the cursor over our image, we  can download it straight away. On the right,   there's a "Publish Post" button, yes, I didn't  get to tell you, Tensor Art isn't just an AI   that generates images, it's also a sort of social  network where you can post your images to your own   profile, sharing your skills in creating images  and even building a community of followers.   Above, you can see "Send to Image-to-Image",  meaning you can use this image as a reference   to create a similar one but with different  details. And also "Remix". Remix is quite an   interesting feature, which will be useful for both  beginners and experienced creators of AI images.   Let's look at how Remix works using another image  as an example. For instance, I like this image,   so let's choose this model. Hover over this image  and press the "Remix" button. And as you can see,   all the settings have changed. Everything, the  model, the prompt, and other settings were copied   from those used to create the image we clicked  "Remix" on. If we don't change anything and press   "Generate", we'll get an identical result. Using  the Remix function can be very useful if you see   or generate an image that you really like,  you can change some details in the Prompt or   settings and get a slightly different result. Also, Tensor Art offers each of you a decent way   to earn money. On the screen, you see a screenshot  that my friends from Tensor Art sent me. In short,   they pay creators of new models. And the payment,  I want to tell you, is quite generous. If you   already know how or want to learn how to create AI  models, Tensor Art is ready to pay you for it.   So, on Tensor Art, in the "Posts" tab, you can see  posts from other creators who publish their best   work to their profile. You can subscribe to cool  creators, follow their work, use their work as   a reference, make "Remix" from them and see which  settings they choose, and thus learn yourself.   At the beginning of this video, I promised to  show you an additional way to earn money with   Tensor Art. In addition to the fact that Tensor  Art generates very good images, there are two very   important advantages that we can use for our  earnings. The first is that Tensor Art is an   absolutely free tool that allows you to generate  up to 100 images daily, and if you follow my link,   which is in the description under this video,  you will receive an additional 100 as a gift.   Be sure to generate at least one image in Tensor  Art to receive 100 coins from me every day.   The second is "Remix", with which we can learn to  create the highest quality and accurate images,   which is what we will be earning money on. So, let's move on to the way to make money itself.   This new and fresh way of earning is related to  Fiverr. If you don't know, Fiverr is a freelancer   platform where you can find a person who will  do any job for you. If we go to,   in popular requests, you can see "AI Services".  We click on it and get to the next page,   which shows us the services that can be done  using AI and for which people are willing to   pay money. If you understand AI Development,  creating models for AI, or any other field,   you can do this, but today's way of earning is  related to "AI Artists". Here you can see the   work offered by people. You can sell services for  selling the images themselves, but there are some   nuances. I contacted Tensor Art and asked about  the copyright for images, and they said that they   do not prohibit monetizing images made using  Tensor Art, but you need to clarify with the   creator of the model with which you generated  the image. Therefore, today we will consider   a safer way to earn money, and Tensor Art's  advantages will greatly help us with this.   This way of earning is in the "Custom Image  Prompt" tab. Here, you can see not so many   competitors, but people who have learned to  write very good Prompts, and now they sell   their services. Tensor Art is best suited for this  because it allows you to create as many images as   no one else offers for free. Also, Tensor Art  creates the highest quality images among those   offered on the market by free AI, on which you  will immediately see the result of your work.   Follow the link in the description,   create at least one image and see for  yourself how much value Tensor Art can   give you absolutely free. That's all for  today, enjoy using Tensor Art. See you!
Channel: Monice
Views: 630,028
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Keywords: midjourney alternative, midjourney free, stop using midjourney, leonardo ai, free midjourney alternative, free midjourney, better than midjourney, make money online, make money online 2023, midjourney, like midjourney but free, free ai, ai make money, make money ai, make money, best midjourney alternative, best midjourney alternative free, how to use midjourney, how to use midjourney for free, free ai can make you money, ai to money, ai business, how to midjourney
Id: b6DbLvov38Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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