Stop Speaking Like An American

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so you want to sound more British let's turn your Tomatoes into tomatoes and your potatoes into potatoes potatoes [Music] welcome to eat sleep dream English if you haven't met me before my name is Tom and I teach fresh modern British English so that you can take your English to the next level and achieve your life course now today we are looking at the five ways to avoid sounding American that is I'm guessing if you want to sound more British let's get to our first sound all right here we go there it is in American English Tuesday Tuesday now in British English it's not - its - Tuesday Tuesday so we use the chirp sound for the tea you take this platform YouTube in American English YouTube YouTube in British English YouTube YouTube so the church sound tube take the fish in American English tuner tuner in British English tuna tuna so you can see that those two different sounds now as a youtuber myself I always find it quite funny when it sounds like I'm a youtuber I'm a youtuber I'm like oh oh oh I'm a youtuber I'm a youtuber anyway yeah a little difference guys before we go any further make sure you subscribe to each DGM English and hit the notification bell alright subscribe button and the notification bell also guys I've done several other videos looking at the difference between British and American English I'll link them right above alright next sounds take that ah and AH and AH take the famous painter Picasso in British English that a is ah-so ah-so Picasso in American English Picasso Picasso so is that our sound there Picasso what about pasta pasta in British English pasta in American English what about the country Sri Lanka in British English Sri Lanka in American English sri lanka sri lanka what about the city Milan in British English Milan in American English take the food kebab kebab AB kebab and kebab kebab in American English so you can see the difference there alright how you doing is this making sense cool all right let's get to number three number three I've always thought is a really distinct difference between the two different Englishes is the D u combination so for example take the word during during now in British English that D U is the just sound during but in American English it's during during so it's a dirt sounds British English yeah sound what about the word produce okay the verb to produce so in British English produce in American English produce produce so the dirt sound that reduce okay we reduce British English reduce in American reduce so you've got that jerk and dirt very distinctive sounds remember as we go you guys should be practicing okay so stop the video and practice whichever one you want to learn it it's American English or British English practice that sound maybe even practice the contrast between the two so that you can say it and hear it yourself in British English it's really common for us to use the sound the schwa sound in American English it's not as common so in these set of words British English uses the schwa that book and American English uses on so the huge river in Brazil and the world famous website Amazon Amazon in British English Amazon in America latest Amazon Amazon that are there the an Amazon the snake Python in British English Python in American Python Python so that on there again the place where all the big tech giants are based in British English Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Silicon can they're the Oh n is Caen with the schwa sound in a in American English its silicon silicon valley Silicon Valley silicon so that on there again so the Python Silicon Amazon you've got the on sound in American English have you ever tried to do a marathon a marathon in British English marathon the and then with a schwa sound in American English marathon marathon so as you can see that Oh n changes from the schwa the earth - ah if you like MMA then you'll hear the commentator going welcome to the Octagon the Octagon in British English octagon doesn't quite sound so exciting welcome to the Octagon okay and the last one in British English vitamin the vitamin in American English vitamin vitamin so the vie I sound there so II in British English I in America latest simultaneous in British English sit simultaneous in American English simultaneous simultaneous so the side so this I sound changes from ear to I privacy in British English privacy in American English privacy privacy actually that one I've heard privacy said in British English as well what about the country Iraq in British English it Iraq in American English Iraq Iraq so as you can see that I sound can change between the two English's alright guys there are so many other examples that I could teach you obviously this video isn't really about avoiding speaking in an American English accent you can speak in the accent that you want this know right there's no wrong there's just the accent you want to speak I personally love American English think it's incredible there's some amazing variety interesting vocabulary so yeah you choose the English that you want to speak and then go with that okay obviously on this channel I teach British English because that's why I speak I speak British Irish I hope you enjoyed that one guys if you can think of any other differences between the two different Englishes let me know in the comments below alright guys thank you so much remember I've got new videos every Tuesday and every Friday helping you take your English to the next level check me out on Instagram check me out on Facebook where I put daily English content but until next time guys this is Tom the chief dreamer saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 172,681
Rating: 4.8308392 out of 5
Keywords: american english, british english, american vs british english, speaking like an american, stop speaking like an american, british and american english differences, uk vs usa english, american, british, britain, usa, english, british accent vs american, english accent, american accent, accents, american accent vs british, american accent english, pronunciation, pronounce, how to, how to speak american
Id: poyc7QQUHVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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