STOP looking for love, DO *THIS* Instead | Sadhguru

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Something worthwhile will happen if you’re willing to die into the process, not just anything – whether it’s your work or your life or your love or whatever, if you do not know how to throw your entire self into it, you will never know the taste of what it is. “Love, but be detached.” Why do you want to love then? Only because you want to include somebody as a part of your life part of yourself, that’s why you love. You must understand, a human being is longing to be something more than what they are right now. The thing is you want to include something which is not a part of you as yourself – that is the whole effort. whether you want money, or wealth or you want to occupy a nation, what is it? Something that is not you, you want to make it yours. Yours is an effort to make it a part of yourself. If it happens emotionally, on the emotional level if you try this, we call this a love affair. You’re trying to make somebody who is not a part of you, a part of yourself emotionally – this is a love affair. See because you’re looking at love as something that comes to you or you yield to the process of love, only because you appreciate a particular quality, a shape of somebody’s nose or the shape of their mind or their thought or their emotion or the way they speak or the way they do things or the way they relate to you, something, okay? There’re many many things. It is based on something that is acceptable to you. If they do something that is not acceptable to you, love crumbles. Whether love happens to you or hate happens to you, anger happens to you, misery happens to you, joy happens to you, it only happens within you, isn’t it? People say love is in the air, no. Because you are feeling very pleasant in your emotions, suddenly air feels vibrant. It always been, you missed it all your life, now you’re beginning to feel it. Whatever human experience – love or hate, whatever, whatever – happens only within you. What I am saying is at least what happens within you must happen by your choice, consciously you must be able to make it happen. if your experience of what is happening within you is happening by choice, what is the problem? It only happens within you. Love is not a relationship. A relationship is a different thing. Love is a certain sweetness of your emotion. Whether you look at a tree or a dog or a man or a woman or a child or just at the sky, why can’t you look at it lovingly? Because it’s not about loving the sky, it’s about the sweetness of your emotion. If your emotions are sweet, whatever you look at, you will look at it in a certain way. Right now you have nasty emotions, whatever you look at, you look at it in a different way. So, you have always associated love with somebody. with somebody. No, no, no, this is not about somebody love is not something that you do, it is something that you can become. If you’re willing, you can become love, you can make your emotion into a very sweet space. If you make your body very pleasant, it becomes pleasure. If your mind becomes pleasant, we say this is joy. If your emotions become pleasant, we say this is love. If your very life energies become pleasant, If your very life energies become pleasant, we say this is blissfulness, this is ecstasy. If your surroundings become pleasant, we call that success. Now you’re calling your success with somebody as love, that’s a mistake. You have a success story with somebody – that is, you have created pleasantness in the atmosphere between you and let’s say five-ten people around you. You’re calling that love; no, that is actually success because that needs lots of management. But for you to be loving, there is no management. If you just make your emotions sweet, your emotions are sweet and it’s beautiful to be like this. It’s not about anybody. If somebody comes, we can share it. If nobody comes, you can sit here with eyes closed and still be loving, what’s the problem? It is not about somebody, it’s not an action. It is not something that you do, it is something that you can become.
Channel: Better in Five Minutes
Views: 155,215
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Keywords: sadguru, sadhguru love means, sadhguru stop looking for love, sadhguru, sadhguru on love and relationships, sadhguru on love, looking for love, how to find love, stop chasing love, juhi chawla interview with sadhguru, motivational speech, sadguru speeches, sadhguru about love, sadhguru latest, sadhguru love, sadhguru love and relationships, sadhguru love everyone, sadhguru love yourself, sadhguru on love with juhi chawla, sadhguru shorts, sadhguru speeches in english
Id: h7khU-gTFwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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