Stop Doubting - Pastor Andrew Aguilar - 9.27.20

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good morning everybody how are you guys doing today you guys doing good awesome awesome if you guys want to stand as a more of us gather um just go ahead and turn to the person next to you and just tell them the father is proud of you [Music] tell me god is smiling at you this morning i just want to encourage us that as we go into as we go into this time of worship that we imagine a father smiling at us that he's proud of us that he's pleased with us oftentimes after whether no matter what type of week we have we can feel like we have to strive to get to a place of pleasure with him but the reality of it is as we come in to his presence he's so ready to meet us and he's so pleased and so proud and there's so much joy and happiness in his heart and so just as we go into worship today as we as we lift up our praises as we as we honor his name let's just have a picture of a father smiling at us as the father just smiling with pleasure in his eyes join his heart amen that sounds good [Music] yeah right on so holy spirit we just say here we are today father we say here we are we're here not for what we can get but for what we can give to you this morning and we give you our worship [Music] we give all that we have in your feet [Music] we throw it down we throw it down before you [Music] we want to give the type of worship that seems like what are you doing why are you giving so much but it's because our hearts are full of your presence and full of your love and because we know who we are before you we can't help ourselves jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus we thank you god we thank you god we [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i'm now holding back my praise today [Music] i'm never holding back my praise [Music] i'm never holding back my praise [Music] i'm not gonna hold my praise back [Music] cause you were worthy come on just send that out i'm not gonna hold just declare it this morning i'm not gonna hold my praise back i'm not gonna hold my praise back cause you were worthy [Music] cause you were worthy [Music] i'm knocking all my praise back i'm not gonna [Music] [Music] everything god [Music] cause you were worthy i'm not gonna hold my praise back knocking all my praise back knocking all my praise back cause you [Music] here we are [Music] there was a moment when the lights went out when [Music] given death his life the darkest day in history they're on the cross they made this final breath in me was finished but not the end for the earth [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] your voice [Music] thank you god [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus come on he is oh [Music] [Applause] every time [Music] is we see [Music] you know [Music] [Music] jesus we're here for you god we're here for you god [Music] oh we're here for your father [Music] and you're pleased and you're proud [Music] and you're pleased and you're proud [Music] so let us tongue confess that he is lord to lift up your shout let us join with all of heaven's sin oh [Music] oh [Music] yes jesus yes [Music] everything and nothing lies i give everything and nothing lasts forever everything and nothing less oh my life is yours or completely [Music] nothing less forever everything and nothing left oh my life is yours completely yours [Music] foreign [Music] out everything [Music] foreign [Music] every day [Music] me is we're crying [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] hate the lord of heaven in earth of the world so [Music] oh i can feel redemption on the wind forgiveness [Music] again [Music] your [Music] all the glory [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] you breathe marching on our knees to the earth [Music] [Music] hey bible [Music] oh he's better than your dreams [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's better than your dreams [Music] the wind [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the wind move [Music] until the earth knows your god of love all the glory to god of love all the glory to the god of love all the glory to god of love [Music] all the glory to the god of love and everything you've lost loves me turning [Music] everything you've lost loves [Music] everything you've lost loves returning everything you've lost loves returning [Music] oh everything you've lost he's returning everything you've lost [Music] return [Music] we turn [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't want to just sit by [Music] [Music] so set our hearts on fire set our hearts on fire [Music] can you feel it in the air oh catch if you can it's right at our fingertips [Music] he says he says it seems like it's been a little quiet but i'm still working [Music] some of you may think i took a backseat but i'm still driving i'm still driving [Music] she says take heart take heart take courage this is just the beginning of the story this is just the beginning of the story all the mess all the mess i'm a mess [Music] for your name [Music] is for your glory that in all things you may have the first [Music] in place things all is for your name [Music] all is for your glory [Music] you may have the first place [Music] just let [Music] just let me see your beauty god put me anywhere [Music] just just let me see your beauty god put me in here just let me see your beauty [Music] [Music] we will not stop until we see your beauty we will not stop foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] all things you may have the first place that in all that things all things you may have the first place that in all things [Music] [Music] he's moving on the wind [Music] he's better than we dream and everything you've lost [Music] [Music] much [Music] singing new songs all the glory to the god of love let my drivers sing a new song all the glory to the god of love to the god of love all the glory all the glory to the god of love let the wind my dry bones sing a new song [Music] all the glory to the god of love the glory to the god of love one more time all the glory all the glory to the god of love [Music] is [Music] you freed me held back the waters you're the girl [Music] [Music] [Music] you free me [Music] for me [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] let's get a little bit more free today [Music] [Music] is [Music] you know [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah lord of every victory hallelujah hallelujah you've torn apart you have torn apart the sea you have made me through the deep hallelujah hallelujah here we go now [Music] straight into the promised [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus guys i'm really feeling like god wants to set some people free right now i'm hearing the word freedom [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus as you know the bible says if we ask it will be given to us the end of john uh in the middle of john 15 in the context of abiding in him he says whatever you ask it will be done for you okay and guys i'm really feeling strongly that there's some of you who aren't experiencing the freedom that you know was purchased for you and you know is your right okay and i um i'm just really feeling strongly that today is your day um i was uh [Music] i was standing there in worship and i felt like god was saying he's answering that prayer and he reminded me of a game we used to play as a kid this is silly brown when you come with me come with me here the game we used to play as a kid where we would have to like it was whoever could get to the front person first and he had to say mother may i take one step forward and the person would say yes you may that type of thing right and i feel like god is just saying the level of your hunger the level of what you ask for will be granted to you so i want you if you are struggling with something today whether it's whether it's a whether it's a sin habit whether it's whether it's a fence whatever it might be that's holding you back i want you to say father may i walk in freedom and he's gonna grant it he's gonna say yes all right and um um i want to walk in that obedience right now and now guys if that's you um we're going to sing that course one more time just so you guys know we're going to sing that course one more time and i want you to just physically take a step forward and come into agreement with your freedom today all right wherever you are whether you're in the room whether you're on youtube it doesn't matter i want you to go for it right now and agree with the freedom thank you jesus thank you jesus go ahead [Music] guys hallelujah we believe that you're the god who fights for me lord of every victory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah make this your prayer this is your prayer [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank hallelujah jesus thank you jesus we say thank you jesus thank you for your freedom thank you for your leadership god thank you jesus thank you jesus earlier in our volunteer huddle pastor andrew sharer the key is thankfulness why i got to say thank you jesus thank you for your freedom thank you for the freedom you've released in this room god thank you jesus thank you jesus you're so good your presence is so good god you're so good we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord we thank you god jesus we could worship you forever we will worship you forever god you're so good guys just say thank you for your goodness oh man thank you god thank you god okay i could stay there forever all right one more just say thank you jesus all right thank you jesus wow guys i'm feeling so blessed this morning like guys if you if you don't know then now you know today is your day today is your day all right from the beginning of time jesus knew today would happen and i declare today is your day all right so if you didn't expect something to shift in your heart today then adjust your expectations all right if you weren't expecting freedom say then adjust your expectations because he's here okay awesome oh thank you god okay well guys i want to say uh welcome to convergence house of prayer it's so good to see all of you thank you those of you on youtube uh if you're on youtube just type in where you're from that way we can get to know you a little better you're in fremont just type fremont all right or if you want to rock your area code be like 510 but you know that's for the cool kids all right and then the the 100 emoji you know just get it in there all right um guys god is so good we're gonna keep worshiping god today so we're not gonna when i say amen i'm saying so be it i don't mean the end we're done worshiping okay i want you to stay in this atmosphere of worship and we're actually going to continue worship by giving all right part of the way we worship god it's not just singing songs but it's also uh giving back the things he's given to us okay so we're going to worship him with our tithes and our offerings so if you want to um give now is the time to do it we have online giving set up uh you can go on the website and follow the buttons that way also we have our new church center app you can give through there and just find find church center on the app store and follow the instructions find conversion styles of prayer it's super easy and on that app we're also putting our groups and other things on there as well okay so we have our app give online also if you want to send a check go for it whichever way whichever way is easiest for you okay but um wow god is just so good god is so good let's just we're gonna uh we're gonna pray for the offering time and then uh transition to video announcements okay so dear jesus we thank you for who you are we thank you for the freedom that you've given us we thank you that you purchased our life on the cross god that you redeemed us from our sins on that cross on that day and that you rose from the dead and proved it god we thank you for that we thank you that you've changed our lives for the better forever we thank you that you've purchased eternal life for us and god we just uh we return the thanks and we uh we give from our hearts and god just bless today's tithes and offerings and help us to have an amazing day we invite you to blow our minds today jesus we invite you to blow our minds we say come and have your way lord come and have your way in jesus name amen what is up convergence fam kenny here and today i have some more exciting announcements just for you so without further ado let's get into the announcements the elections are right around the corner and as the ecclesia we want to make sure we are using every avenue we can to legislate heaven to earth if you're not sure if you are registered to vote click on the banner at the top of our webpage or click the link in our weekly e-blast we are having our next awaken event on saturday october 10th starting at 5 30 pm and ending at 7 30. so come join us as we gather together outside for worship prayer hearing the word and ministry also make sure to bring your own chairs and come early to get settled also be sure to park in the second parking lot and walk over to the main lot see you there all right that pretty much wraps up announcements now please welcome pastor andrew as he brings us today's message amen what's up everybody welcome thank you guys for joining us wherever you're at but we're just thankful that you're here so without further ado let's hop up right in father i thank you so much for what you're doing here on the earth lord we see the fingerprints of the molding of the clay that we are as the church as the big amazing beautiful bride of christ that's all over the globe we see your handprints your fingerprints the markings that you're molding us together i thank you for the unity that you're bringing us into lord we thank you so much for gathering more than 50 000 people to pray for our for our nation lord we thank you that your presence goes before us you're behind us and you're right here with us father thank you for convergence i thank you that you've hand picked us to be right here smack dab in the bay area i thank you lord that you've placed us here with purpose that you've given us vision and dreams and hope for the future lord we choose to anchor ourselves in your word we choose to walk daily and abide in your spirit the only thing we ask god is that your presence would increase more and more here we asked lord that you would be made the preeminent one above all else that there would be nothing left but you in jesus name amen well welcome we're going to hop in to our message everyone that's in the area watching and in the room i know i would like you to look at yourself in you in your mind's eye don't look at your neighbor because this is just for you look at yourself and say stop doubting i'm not telling you i'm telling myself stop doubting i'm not telling you i'm telling me stop doubting he's good don't doubt his word don't doubt his promise don't doubt that he has more than enough stop doubting that it's all your fault wait that is stop doubting that it's only your fault wait wait do you feel confused do you ever have these thoughts that pop into your head that you're like where did that come from it doesn't even line up it makes me feel so twisted up inside i have something for us today to help me a little bit while you're sitting there wondering what is pastor andrew doing does he even hear what he's saying i've got a little tree can you still hear me here we go it's taking just a second this is going to be very helpful oh yeah there here we go this right here there's about to be an altar call people are going to start running up to the altar hopping through the cameras these are some some brownies they look good you know i i'm not a big sweets guy but there have been times when i've had the craving for a brownie james 4 5-10 let's jump into some scripture i've i've got a lot of scripture that i've been studying this past two weeks pastor greg has really inspired me along with the holy spirit i was sitting here for uh two weeks ago and going like man he's dropping some fire and i was in my heart i felt this check that i wanted to be able to make sure that when i speak that my message i would be able to convey it even to a child for them to retain and understand because if we believe that the bible is not confusing and that the word of god is for all then we must be able to be able to explain so that even a child could understand when we look at these brownies they look pretty normal fluffy full of sugar and chocolate full of um things that you know pretty much everyone likes and if you're a vegan um i'm i uh i can yep i don't know what to do with that james 4 is one scripture i've been in the past two weeks exodus 34 6-9 ephesians 2 8 james 1 8 james 4 starting with 5 through 10 isaiah 6 7 in ezekiel 47. i'm saying that all not so because i know not everyone even has their bible and that's okay kind of but later on youtube hop on get those things down and get it into your daily reading if you want to partake on this journey that i've been on those are the scriptures that led me to this place this place of realizing so much of what we were seeing today even that as we get closer and closer to the lord that's there's things that are deep inside of us that we don't even know where they came from thoughts that were like wait i'm a pastor i preach and i lead i teach i'm a father i'm a mother we get to these places that we feel super convicted and our thinking can even feel so confusing our thoughts and we're like what is going on am i talking only to myself see aaron is 100 right there's gonna be a lot of change today there's gonna be a lot of change in hearts because i do believe that we've been plagued with this idea that when we are faced with our sin that shame then comes but it's pretty clear here in scripture and james i believe is such a short book because the truth hurts does scripture mean nothing to you that says the spirit that god breathed into our hearts is a jealous lover who intensely desires to have more and more of us this is in the passion translation just in case you're like i've got it memorized and i don't remember this but he continues to pour out more and more grace upon us for it says god resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble did you get that oh here we go sweet but he continues to pour out more and more grace upon us when we're proud no pay attention what you're reading for it says god resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you think you're right when your actions are totally justified by the opinions of those around you no actually grace we walk in grace when we are humble anxieties of all kinds have stricken believers and non-believers when i'm sitting looking and analyzing our culture it makes sense if you do not have christ that you would have anxiety but even myself as a follower of christ i have found myself with anxiety sometimes i found myself battling even with sin see we can look like a perfect brownie we can look very tasty edible delectable when i first got saved i remember pastor wendy we were talking about i believe is in the old chevy astro van probably on the way to some sort of jesus meeting and we were talking about this is my teenage years compromises that was common in culture things like with kids in the room things you should do only in marriage things that um even little white lies the little things and she says what if i made you a batch of brownies and i say hey here you go they smell good they look good you want one yeah okay but there's one one thing you got to know there's just a little bit of poop just a little just the tiniest bit of poop in that brownie every batch had to have it see when we walk with sin in our life there can be things that we start to see see sin starts with a desire then if that desire goes unmatched then it produces sinful natures habits actions and then from there sin produces death when adam and eve walked with the lord in his presence in the garden they were sinless in his presence they were able to stand with him and walk in the cool of the day commune and be with him once sin came into the hearts of humanity there then was a separation from his presence from the garden and there had to be atonement for the sin and we see the first sacrifice so that it would cover the sins you guys remember the stories or how about when they're carrying the ark of the covenant it slips the man touches the the ark and he dies see the presence of the lord demands purity the presence of the lord must be a place of wholeness and purity but we see in the old testament that there's a lot of like rules so that you can be pure if you read leviticus it's a lot of rules so they would have to do these things if they were i'm pure impure but brownies man we see the some dreams from isaiah isaiah has a dream that he's there in the in the presence and the holy of holies and the seraphim comes and takes a coal and touches it to his lips and he's clean he's made whole and then we see ezekiel seeing streams coming from the presence from the holy of holies going across the nation and everything that the stream touches comes to life and it is fruitful what this means these visions and dreams are pointing to something even greater someone even greater it's pointing to the very presence the embodiment is pointing to jesus see jesus when he went out the full presence of the lord was with him to get close to jesus you didn't have to be perfect to get close to jesus you didn't have to be sinless because he's coming after you the story of redemption is him chasing us see there's nothing that we could do to earn our place into purity but what does is when we fully surrender when we fully give ourselves and say here i am humbly without pride without our own strength and we say i give it all to you i'm yours i choose to follow you and what we see is the very presence jesus going to the leper touching the leper and they're healed jesus going to the lame touching in the lame walk the contrast between the covenants is that we used to have to cleanse ourselves and sacrifice but now he says i just want your heart i want your heart i want you to get close to me i want you to draw near and abide in me i see you in the sin i see you in sickness and i want it all i want you just the way you are see jesus is the only one who can take a brownie that has so much crud in it even if it's just a little something that nobody would really want to eat and have a miracle happen and he brings a whole new batch i don't have another batch but it would have been imagine a whole new badge see restoration is not just taking what once was and making it a little better it's taking everything and renewing it for its true purpose to be enjoyed to be consumed the the walk with christ is a lot like a journey to the sun it seems impossible it seems like it's never been done before but the beautiful journey because no one's gone to the sun if you go to the sun what happens you're like you disintegrate but imagine the closer and closer you get to christ that refining of our soul brings out the impurity that we didn't see before and he says you see it now and it looks confusing and it's like where did that come from i didn't even know it was there i've been serving christ for 30 years and i had no idea he still said he wants it all when jesus said repent for the kingdom of heaven is near that word repent in the greek is metanoia say it metanoia that word means to renew your mind and your thinking not just turning away from your sin but hey heads up there's going to be stuff that's going to come up in our lives that we have to renew our thinking about you thought that once you accepted christ that everything is going to be gravy and you're going to walk and everything around you it's like daisies are popping up and trees all of a sudden just drop fruit into your hand and like your kids are all like super obedient and like make tons of money and take care of you like actually what we said is no i want the fire the refining fire the difficult path but the one that's worth it all because there's nothing more valuable than to be with you in your presence it's the greatest challenge it's but it has the most reward brownies though first peter we're going to end here so then prepare your hearts and minds for action stay alert and fix your hope firmly on the marvelous grace that is coming for you for when jesus is unveiled a greater measure of grace will be released to you as god's obedient children never again shape your lives by the desires that you followed when you didn't know better instead shape your lives to become like the holy one who called you first scripture says you are holy you are to be holy because i am holy since you call him your heavenly father the impartial judge who judges according to one's works live each day with holy awe and reverence throughout your time on earth i love when scripture is just like do this it's clear it's a clear path i know what to do now i can depend on his word that a greater measure of grace is being released to me but i have to stay alert i have to prepare my heart and my mind for action and when we know when we get closer to him and these things start coming up just like it says in james that we surrender to god and we stand up to the devil and resist him and he will turn and run away from us but when those things start to come up we move our hearts closer and closer to god so that he will come even closer to us we must make sure we cleanse our life because we are sinners and keep our hearts pure and stop doubting stop doubting that this life isn't going to bring true fulfillment we need to stop doubting because he has more than enough we have to stop doubting because his grace is sufficient enough we have to stop doubting because even though we messed up he's enough if you're like me this is something that has to happen daily to stop i hate that it's sorry i strongly dislike that it's become almost like a joke slash fad to say check your heart it's not a joke it's not a joke to check your heart seems like we can always make a joke out of something that we really should be doing even like what would jesus do that was like in the 90s those bracelets came out what would jesus do and it became a joke i think it started with mockery hey what would jesus do but really we take these jokes and it callouses our hearts and we even stop asking ourselves the genuine question of what would jesus do remember this quote it's from c.s lewis it says the highest form of pride is the inability to receive when we're in the presence of the lord things will come up but when we cannot receive that soft check in our hearts when we can't receive the loving kindness that leads us to repentance be mindful of this quote that the highest form of pride is an inability to receive that's the pride that nobody sees that's the pride that when love comes in you reject it but it's quiet when someone who loves you like a leader pastor says hey let's talk about this you go sure yeah and then it's like talk and it's all air talk we don't truly receive or even contemplate correction highest form of pride is the inability to receive you're going to re i hope you read james 4. he says this in verse 9 feel the pain of your sin be sorrowful and weep let your joking around be turned into mourning and your joy into deep humiliation this is new testament be willing to be made low before the lord and he will exalt you if you know me i'm not a huge joker it doesn't mean that everyone needs to not joke it's just that i live by a different conviction and it's just for me not for you but sometimes you'll start to see these callings in your own life when you draw closer to the lord and when others will continue to joke and you don't feel the release to that's a good sign we have to not be afraid of being different we have to not be afraid of of being legalistic see legalism is trying to earn your way in but living close to the lord is obeying what he's placed on your heart to do i don't preach that for you stop joking you need no that's not that's not my message to you what my message to you is when you draw closer to god you're going to want to do things differently you're going to want to act differently you're going to want to present the lord in a different way in a more pure sense that he's revealed himself to you does that make sense i'm looking at you babe it doesn't mean that you're holy it doesn't mean that you're self-righteous but what it means is that the lord has worked on something in your heart and you've become so tender in a way that you don't want to break that in yourself you hold the work of the lord so high invaluable in your own life that it causes a change in you i was the youngest of my whole family and i know my family loves me but i was teased a lot as a kid not not by my parents mostly by my brother and phil if you're watching i love you i'll kick your butt later just kidding totally kidding i'm joking see but even there to be honest i do feel lightweight convicted just being truthful should i is it a sin no it's not but there is a part of me that genuinely feels convicted i don't ever want to be a person with a hardened heart to walk around and be completely clueless about how my words are affecting people or my actions see when we get closer to the lord i think he draws those things out of us we're being called into a day where the rubber is truly meeting the road that we must be people that look totally different than what we did before even earlier this year we see our nation raging with pain and they are looking for an answer jesus has transformed my life so much that i believe that he can transform this nation for the people that are hurting and broken for the people who are like me that once were in sin so much to the point that they felt overwhelmed frozen and stuck with their own stuff but then jesus comes and gives a way out says no i see you just the way you are and i want it all i could work with you i could work with that your mess is not too big and if he can do that for me i believe that he can do that for everyone i want to give an opportunity today for us to take a moment and draw nearer to the lord and even though the world would reject us because of the stuff that's in our life know that he is the only one who can cleanse us and accept us for who we really are let's pray father i thank you that you're a good dad i thank you that you see us you know us you know when we rise up and when we go down you've gone before us and you're behind us you're right with us i thank you that you are not ashamed of your children you're not ashamed of me even in my times of weakness i know that you're there in the time of winning i know that you're there there is not one thing that you are not a part of and father has broken but humble people we ask that you would make those crooked paths in our la in our lives straight again father we ask that we would not be people with hardened hearts to the tenderness of your love to the kindness that you're leading us in and lord we know that you're not a god of shame you are not a god of condemnation but you are a god of conviction and we know we've been learning that it is not because you're a god with a baseball bat and we're not doing what you said but we know that because it's your word it is your love that brings the conviction because you care because you want to give us a long life because you want to provide for us so father give us a heightened sense to your spirit and lord even when we sing the songs like we want more we want more we want more would you pour it out lord we realize that we must decrease so that you can increase we accept it we accept the challenge lord in jesus name amen i encourage you jump into these scriptures that i listed off go back on to the youtube and look at go the voice thing you know when i said it and like find those scriptures go on this journey with me i believe that he has called us to be people that are truly tender but we can stand and be fierce and ferocious in the kingdom of god without compromising truth but also with being fully in love i believe that's what he's called us to i believe that this season is beckoning us to a greater measure and a deeper purpose of his presence thank you guys be blessed love you [Music] it's beautiful hey if you guys need some prayer we're gonna have prayer ministry up here for you if you need healing in your body you
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 275
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cbER3Hgk8OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 57sec (6117 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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