This is What Happens if You Eat EGGS Every Day for 6 Months for Breakfast

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what would happen if you ate eggs for breakfast every single day for six months let's Jump Right In first thing that you might notice it's kind of something you wouldn't like directly notice but you'd indirectly notice your insulin sensitivity would probably improve meaning if you're dealing with some insulin resistance you might see an improvement and the reason I say this is it's kind of a Twist people look at eggs and they think cholesterol saturated fat this is kind of the first thing that's been ingrained in our brains but one-third of the fats that are in eggs are monounsaturated fats most people think monounsaturated fats are going to be oh those are the heart healthy fats that are going to be in nuts and olive oil and that's true they are in those foods but a third of the fats in eggs are monounsaturated and monounsaturated fats have been linked in multiple studies to improve insulin sensitivity which means that especially in the morning this might potentially help glucose uptake throughout the rest of the day now this is something you probably wouldn't directly notice unless you were paying attention to it but it's important to note it because I think it's one of the biggest pieces as we get older now the next thing that you'd notice on almost immediately and you've probably noticed this before is that you're less hungry throughout the course of the day but after about five six seven days you'll start noticing a pretty dramatic difference in your hunger throughout the course of the day and a lot of times people after about a week of eating eggs for breakfast without a bunch of carbohydrates added to the mix they start losing weight and they really don't feel like they're doing a whole lot different now I'm not saying that eggs are magically making you lose weight there is a reason behind this okay and if we look at the data it's really intriguing it's better to eat calorically dense foods in the morning and we look at eggs and we think wow these have a lot of fat have a lot of calories well they kind of do but if you're having them in the morning it works in line with your biological system much better there was a cool study published in the journal of clinical Endocrinology that compared subjects that ate a high calorie breakfast and a low calorie dinner and then they had them switch and do a low calorie breakfast and a high calorie dinner okay calories were matched between both groups meaning they ate the same amount of total calories throughout the course of the day they found that when subjects ate a large breakfast their dietary induced thermogenesis how many calories they burned from the food was 2.5 times higher when they had more food in the morning compared to the evening which means you're going to be more satiated you're going to feel Fuller and your metabolic fire so to speak is going to be stoked a little bit more in the morning now again it's something you notice immediately but it's something that might take a little bit more time to really reap the effects that's why I say over the course of a couple of months we also can get away with eating more fat in the morning believe it or not it has to do with what are called circadian genes which sounds kind of fancy but basically it's genes that are associated with how our cells use fuel and there was a cool study published in BMC medical genomics showed that when you have more fat in the morning your body is more apt to burn it when you have more fat in the evening your body is more apt to store it and it has to do again with what's called per1 circadian clock genes that associate with this very intriguing stuff so if you're going to have eggs it makes the most sense to have them in the morning now what about your cholesterol after six months are you going to see your cholesterol increase well there's some interesting data in fact there was a study published in nutrients that took a look at people eating two eggs for breakfast every morning compared to a packet of oatmeal every morning now there's a lot of nuance in the pieces there but the bottom line is that HDL and LDL cholesterol stayed the same between the groups so you're probably not impacting your cholesterol positively or negatively in fact if you end up eating less because you had eggs in the morning I would argue you'll probably impact cholesterol positively serum cholesterol like what your cholesterol levels are in the body are different from what you consume in the way of dietary cholesterol there are also studies that demonstrate the more dietary cholesterol you eat the less biosynthesis you have not meaning it lowers your cholesterol but it means that your body produces less because it tries to find a balance so by eating more cholesterol you don't raise your blood cholesterol by eating more cholesterol you just down regulate how much you produce in the body and everything stays the same your body tries to find a balance higher levels of cholesterol are usually inactivity related very bad diet related not just fat intake things like that but also just genetics it plays a big role after about three or four weeks you'll start to notice you recover better but you might even notice that you're stronger and your muscle is a little bit more dense now part of this is because you've lost weight when you lose weight your muscle appears more dense it's less fluffy and soft but we do have to factor in that eggs are the perfect protein now when I say perfect protein this is a little bit of a colloquial sort of anecdotal thing okay but there is what is called a biological value score and it's on a scale of 0 to 100 okay this is talking about protein and the amino acids in a specific protein or specific food in this case eggs have a perfect score of 100 that means they have all the amino acids that you need but they also have the perfect ratio of those nine essential amino acids so you think about it those nine essential amino acids you could have any ratio of them you could have a bunch of leucine and very little of everything else but a perfect biological value score of 100 means that the ratios are right when they need to be to be in perfect harmony with the body so as far as muscle protein synthesis is concerned you might be better off with these eggs now the next thing you might notice is you have a little less bloating but what's the whole idea behind this well a lot of times when people are dealing with bloating issues they're dealing with issues breaking down polysaccharides into disaccharides into monosaccharides and those are starches now I am not in any way shape or form saying you need to avoid carbohydrates okay I consume carbohydrates when I'm not doing a lower carb diet I'm not opposed to them and I'm not opposed to people doing those kinds of diets however if you do suffer from bloating almost I would say seven out of 10 people that I talk to deal with the bloating after the carbohydrates and for whatever reason it seems to be more impactful in the morning so by kind of eliminating the carbs in the morning and saying hey I'm going to have a higher fat eggs maybe some steak and eggs for breakfast suddenly the bloating just isn't really as much of an issue and it's a pretty simple mechanical explanation is now you're not having this enzymatic issue here I will suggest that if you're dealing with bloating you might be a good candidate to take like a good quality probiotic and kind of help out your gut microbiome a little bit no pressure you don't have to do it you just think those are the kinds of people that are good candidates for that I put a link from my recommended one down below it's called seed and that's a 15 off discount link so you use that code it'll save you 15 off it's literally the only probiotic I recommend because candidly I hate most probiotics because they're over marketed hype but I think they have a lot of interesting data and seed is on the Forefront of the microbiome research and this is a science channel so I appreciate the heck out of that so anyway that link is right there Top Line of the description and again you use that code it saves you 15 off you take one to two capsules a day you probably start to notice some improvement within a few days realistically so that link below okay so this next one after about two or three weeks you're gonna feel your brain almost feeling entirely different you're going to feel sharper you're going to feel potentially less anxious you're going to feel just better right but even in the very short term you might notice a little mental boost and I noticed this personally and I'm like well where's the research to back this up what's potentially happening because that's what I do I reverse engineer these things well for the long term piece there's a study published in nutritional science that found that egg intake subjects that have eggs for breakfast or eight eggs almost daily had a slower decline in cognitive function so there's less cognitive impairment so we're in an age where we're really trying to be concerned with neurodegenerative conditions and staping off cognitive decline so this study demonstrated that eggs play a longer term impact in that but there's actually evidence that suggests that eggs have a short-term acute effect on our brain as well which is really cool there's a study published in current developments that took a look at subjects eating whole eggs egg whites egg yolks yogurt or fasting okay they found that subjects that had the egg yolks had the highest Improvement in their attention and their processing that's huge that's like executive function and their ability to focus biggest score with the Yokes okay and then the whole egg also had the biggest improvements in memory okay so collectively between the whole egg and the yolk we have the top scores in processing attention and memory and this is happening acutely so really cool stuff most of the evidence points to choline being the reason eggs are super rich in choline choline has been demonstrated to improve processing speed but also in stroke victims there has been a lot of evidence that consuming eggs and the choline that comes with the eggs could potentially help with restoring function cognitive function in the first 12 months after a stroke so really helping through a lot so there's something to be said about choline then we have lutein which is largely associated with memory and then we have tryptophan in eggs that has a nice ratio of tryptophan which can help Stave off sort of that anxious feeling so a calm brain is a fast brain when you're anxious you're not making good decisions so having this higher level of tryptophan can increase serotonin levels which actually staves off the effects of cortisol and stress on the brain the next thing you'll notice is you're not really wanting to eat as much dinner and even when you sit down to eat dinner this is something that takes time like after about two or three months of eating eggs for breakfast you start noticing pain like if you're eating enough with breakfast she's just not wanting to eat as much for dinner like the idea behind eating a big dinner just doesn't sound as endearing and it's kind of cool because if you look at people that eat like maybe Pop Tarts and some cereal that's like not even that calorically dense but just high sugar and then they just like get a fair bit of volume but not a lot of caloric density they want to eat more at night and Studies have demonstrated this not even necessarily with eggs specifically but caloric density the next thing you're going to notice is kind of a funny one you're going to start saving some money now what the heck is that all about well when you look at the bang for the buck nutritional value protein content caloric density with eggs even if you're not getting the perfect egg you're still getting a lot of that nutritional value and I would argue that even a modern quality middle of the line scale egg is better than probably 90 percent of the breakfast foods that most of us are eating anyway so you could go to your regular store get a dozen eggs for three or four bucks or whatever it is with inflation now but still you're gonna start saving money if that becomes your breakfast think about it four bucks for a dozen eggs you have three eggs maybe a dozen and a half a week you're looking at like six bucks for your breakfast for the week I mean come on that's really not much money at all now I want to give you a quick tip on how to shop for eggs really fast okay if you're looking at eggs the best ones that you can find are going to be organic pasture-raised both of them organic pasture raised that means they're legitimately free range on a pasture okay next up is going to be regular free range or pasture non-organic next up after that is going to be regular free range okay if they're not doesn't say pasture a lot of times free range means they have the ability to go outside and roam but it could just be like a five foot square area next in line is cage free cage free doesn't really mean a whole whole lot and the bottom of the line means just the regular you know grade eggs nothing crazy to them so that gives you a little bit of a scale of what to pay attention to don't worry about Omega enriched eggs it doesn't really mean much because it's such a small amount of omegas to begin with and I really wouldn't worry too much but one of the things I would look for is try to avoid ones that have heavy amounts of soy but almost all chickens are fed soy these days so it's hard to avoid as always I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 549,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggs, eggs nutrition, eggs benefits, benefits of eating eggs, are eggs healthy, are eggs bad for you, eggs and cholesterol, cholesterol and eggs, are eggs a good source of protein, eggs protein, protein in eggs, eggs for breakfast, eggs and muscle growth, eggs and muscle building, eggs for fat loss, eggs for weight loss, weight loss and eggs, fat loss and eggs, thomas delauer eggs, eggs brain health, thomas delauer
Id: aGpL5wnCIg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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