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hiya uh nice to see you again thank you for popping in um this morning i'm going to um well first of all i'm going to introduce myself because i've had a few a few not many but a few new subscribers and i realize that not everyone does know who i am my my youtube channel goes under the name of liz at live on designs which is my very small business that um i market my jewelry under so um on facebook on instagram on youtube and my website are all under lavon designs so my name is yvonne um so that's that out of the way i realized i've put several um videos on here and actually never told you what my name is so that's that out of the way um now a few weeks ago i put on facebook um a pendant that i'd made and it's called a stone on stone let's see if i can show you this it's um it's basically it is what it says on the tin basically it is a stone set up on another stone um and lots of people asked me how to do it i put it on one particular metal smithing site and i literally had hundreds of messages not all asking me how to do it but a lot of people an enormous amount of people were asking how to do it it seems much simpler rather than trying to i can't i couldn't possibly probably write all this down i could i could write it down but it would make much more sense being um a visual tutorial and so what i'm going to do is over a few days because um i i can't because of the method i can't do it all in in one day so it will be filmed over a few days but i'm going to attempt to try and show you how how to make a stone on stone pendant it doesn't have to be that style it can be square i've got excuse me i've got over here uh a little square stone that i'm going to put a little oval on that i'm not sure it's not easy to show you i'm going to put a slow full on that one um i've got a pink one here let's see if i can hold them i've got a pink one that i'm going to try and put an amethyst on i've got a this one's not not set and this one is the one i'm going to attempt to film i've already filmed the drilling um i'm hoping to improve on my film filming but um i haven't i have um filmed the drilling of this one so there's the hole you can see hopefully see the hole in that one here oh it does look as though the hole isn't in the center and it's actually an optical illusion it's it's how the um it's how the pattern on the stone is um is throwing the eye out really and then i've got a little uh whoa nearly drop that and then i've got a little amethyst let's see if i can hold that it's not actually in the setting yet so everything everything's just loose let me try so that's it let me try that way so it's going to be basically a bit like that so but that's the one you'll see anyway um i've got another one i'm going to make this one for myself um for one thing i i love i love the shape of this stone um and as you can see that's that's got a hole in it and that was my aborted video of how to um drill a stair drill a stone um because i did all that and i spoke to you and i explained it all and um i hadn't played video but i'd put it on photo um so anyway but that's that one and i'm going to put on a little there we go hopefully you can see that i'm gonna put on a round i think it's a what is it it's a lottery more i think salary moral or turquoise marshall witch but anyway it is it is a very pretty stone um so that hopefully um you will see on my social media if you follow me um what i've got here is some dental floss you probably all know it's all right the cat's scratching the door to try and get in just bear there you go sorry about that so i've got dental floss here the dental floss as a lot of you will know is um used i'll i'll just do a little different it's used to put so that rather than push your stone in in that bezel that's already made and risk not being able to get it out again is you put a couple of pieces of this uh i've just got one for demonstration you're not sure if you can see it but basically what you do you you do that and then you can push your stone in right like that and then you've got two pieces of you've then got two pieces of i'll see if i can show you two pieces you do it longer than this but i know this stone will come out because i've had it in there before um but you do it longer than this so you've got something to hold so that you can pull your and you as i say you would put two pieces in so that you can just pull it out so that's how you do that um this probably won't do anyway i'll sort that out where we go so so that's that's basically what we're on to um i'll talk you through the principle this this is the finished one so let's show you this um this is a an aventurie with a malachite on top what i tell you in the video is um drill your larger stone first and the reason for this is if um if you have if you're unfortunate and you get a crack or a split in your stone which you you shouldn't do as you see i've drilled three stones here and um whether it's beginners look i don't know but i haven't had any break on me or crack on me um they have to be um which the stones you choose will probably need to be above six or seven on the mohs scale they need to be reasonably hard but um there's quite a lot of stone that leaves you a lot of choice there's a lot of stones in those categories so six or seven and above um so what we do is uh so yes so what oh sorry let me go back to what i was saying i wouldn't make the bigger bezel before i drilled stone because if you do and you're unfortunately your your stone does break or crack then you will have a bezel with all that silver in which is extremely expensive at the moment and the prices have absolutely rocketed up but you would be left with a bezel that probably wouldn't fit any any other stone that you'd got because mine are all a jumble of sizes shapes colors um so drill stone first make sure you've got your hole in it uh and then make your two bezels what we do then is we we solder a tube onto the back of this before you set the stone the smaller one before you set stone i think probably that's i'd just do a very brief overview of what we'll do and show it you all in the video but basically um you've got both bezels you don't set the stones at this point you we will solder a tube onto the back of that which is then put into the hole in the stone but you will set the stone before you put it on but all will become clear so bear with me if you're at all interested it's called the stone on stone setting there's very few tutorials around so um get yourself a copper and join me when i start drilling thank you okay well what we've got here is a little container of water because we're going to drill the stone underwater um we've got a three millimeter core diamond core drill in in the drill press a little bit of a little block of wood to put underneath the stone because the stone and the drill need to go under there and this i'm gonna slightly the the water does distort what you can see um so um basically uh what i'm going to do is set up where i want to drill which is not there oh sorry um see if we can move right so we're in position i'm going to switch it on now oh before i do that what i will do is i will lower the drill let it drill a little bit lift it out let the water go in lift it put it back in and and so on and so forth so we've got to keep letting the water go into the hole so let's um see what we can do there yeah me [Music] please [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] right you probably heard that go um i leave the video in real time so you see it is quite a thick stone so it did take me a little while to get through um but uh just switch off and then we'll do i'll dry it off and then we'll do the unveiling right so now we're going to take off the um the masking tape oh there we have a beautiful beautiful drill hole take it off all the way around and there we go light i don't know can you see that yes you can a nice drill hole all the way through um right onto the what i suggest is that you don't make your bezel uh your bezel setting until you've done the drilling because the last thing you want is to have a lovely stone with a lovely bezel that you've worked very hard on and then if fingers crossed it won't but if the stone were to break or crack then unfortunately your bezel would probably be wasted because you probably haven't got another stone that would fit that bezel so i suggest very strongly that you do your um your drilling before you make your bezel so next stage to make the bezel for this stone and for the smaller stone that's going to sit on top of it so um we'll come back and sort that out and just in case you've not for anyone who's not seen this before that's my bezel wire it fits around the stone i've got it all um i've got the flux on it and i've got solder on it i've got hard solder so now um we're going to heat it all up and heat it all the way around keep the flame away from the solder um in the as soon you don't go straight into the flocks because it will make the solder powders jump around but if you just warm it up it'll sort of goes sticky and it holds there it's all settled now um it just holds the um the solder in place otherwise it goes leaking about all over the place but heat up the whole piece before you concentrate on the solder um and then you should see it flow nicely into the join and then what we do is pop it we quench it and pop it in the pickle once it's been pickled we then solder it onto a back plate so that's the way where we're going at the moment get all this heated up yeah there we go i don't know if you can see that but for one of yeah there we go so what i like to do is also go go into the other side and just pull it through just to make sure it's gone into the join so as i say we'll we'll quench it now drop it into the pickle and then we'll put it onto the back plate the bezels now round the stone um that's fitted nicely um what we need to do now is to solder the bezel onto the onto the backing plate which is the silver um so what we're going to do is oh and also you join on make sure the join on your bezel is always on one of the longer sides and that's where it's strongest so um if you can make sure rather than have it right on a bend or right on a corner make sure it's there on a longer side so we're going to as you can see now i've put that in there i don't know if you can see but certainly um might not be able to show it to you certainly um i can see that um it's not level um there's a lot more bezel this this end see if i can get it to show you there's a lot more bezel there than we've got at the other end so what we need to do is uh i'm going to get it onto the back plate first and get it stronger then i shall sand away some of this and get it level so we've got the same amount of bezel all the way around the stone so we take that out of there now what we're going to do is try and not waste anything it's so expensive at the moment um so work out that's gonna waste all that there well not waste i can use it for other things but i'd like to get it um the reason i'm marking it is because what i want to do is cut away a lot of the a lot of this excess because i don't want to be heating that off um i want to get um slightly larger than the bezel um and then we only have to have to heat up that little bit um and also um it well we just don't want to waste it it's so expensive um i've just ordered some this morning and you've you virtually you virtually need um virtually need a second mortgage to buy silver at the moment so be very very wary of it very careful of it um and uh waste as little as possible not not that we ever waste anything i always melt down any scraps that i've got anyway so i think that that went wrong there didn't just catch there so right so what i'm going to do i've marked that out there now i've worked that out so what i'll do is just come slightly outside it um and leave plenty of room for for soldering the bezel on so um i'm just going to cut that off with a saw now so i'll come back to you uh when we're ready to go okay we've got that cut off now so what we're going to do is just take the blue um here here it is this is where i cut it from so that i've hardly wasted anything i'm just going to take that little bit off there um but that's fine um as i say it won't be wasted anyway it really won't be wasted um so i'm gonna take the blue film off that's on both sides i have forgotten to take it off the back on occasions and uh you do regret it because it burns and it smells and it makes smoke as well so it's not the ideal thing to do right there we go so what we need now is um i've got um what i've got here is this a very old but very soft sponge and sandpaper so what we want to do is although it's had the film on just give it a little bit of a clean off it doesn't mean there's no residue on there because there will be um and it just makes it soldering a little bit easier the um this i've make sure it's flat to the uh to the plate to that place what you can do if it's not if it's not um absolutely flat when you're sorting it you can hold you can hold as it's flowing you can just get your little um solder pick uh and just and just hold it down and it does but obviously get it as flat as you possibly possibly can before you start there's nothing wrong with that so we'll get this and rub that one there as well so now what we're going to do is flux these put in the solder and um away we go oh well let's get that done now right we're going to um solder the tube onto the small bezel now for the the stone that gets layered on top of the larger stone so what i've done is i've fluxed the um the bezel and i've melted a pallian of solder onto that pickled it and brought it out so now i've got melted solder on on the bezel here um and i've uh fluxed this again the bezel and the tube set it up in a third hand just knocked it which i didn't want to do let's get it all lined up again that's it so now what we're going to do is melt this remelt the solder and that's called friend for anybody who doesn't know and i i apologize if you do and that's called sweat soldering where you melt the solder onto the piece you're soldiering onto so um let's give it a go and see where we go from here there's the flocks all bubbling up now make sure we get the tube um warm as well once we see that um solder flowing again we take the heat away and we should be fine and dandy from there on just take a little bit longer because the third hand does um take some of the heat away so with this this tubing that would get a heat sink there with these with this third hand there we go there we go soldiers flowing let's see how we go let me just take this out of the third hand right that's all soldered on and quench that and we're going to put it into the pickle um and i'll come back to you when that's done right here we go uh that's all pickled and soldered um sorry let me get it see if i can focus for you uh there's there's the finished item always try and leave leave this piece on because it allows for you your handling and everything as you see that will now slide there's the stone there's let me turn this way there's the stone that will now slide into there fit onto there and we can we can sort that out from there so so that goes on there the next job is to set the stone in this so we set the stone before it goes on to the larger stone so we're going to set that next um i'll try and show you this if i can pick my phone up this um this allows you to if i can find the bench peg there we go this allows you to hold this while you're setting your stone and you put it on your bench peg and you can put all the pressure on that you like but this acts as a handle really so it's really really useful so what i'm going to do next is set the um set stone into that oh keep losing you set the stone into that and then i'll come back to you well we've got the stone set now let me see if i can show you that set unlocked i've just gone over and polished it up a little bit so now we're at the stage where we can cut the excess of this off now i have presumed during this video that um you know how to make a bezel and how to set a stone now if that's not the case um there are lots of videos out there on the internet but if anybody would like me to uh do like a mini mini make of a bezel and a mini setting of a stone a bezel setting a stone then just give me a shout and i'll happily do that for you but i am presuming if you've got to the stage where you're drilling stones that you do probably know how to do this but if not um just let me know as i say just give me a shout so what we're going to do now is get our stone put that through there find out which way we like it best which so that's basically we see it's going to move while i show you but that's basically where we go in with this one um so what i'm going to do now is get a little sharpie it's too sharpie whatever it is a little fine liner and i'm going to mark on here where where we need to take the rest of this tube off uh we don't want to waste any so what we do is we go to the back of the stone and we want it level with the back of this stone wall's not lost if it's a bit long at the moment because um we still got chance that we can we can file it off but we don't really want to waste a lot in filing so all time and effort really but sometimes it has to be done um so i'm going to um you can watch me do this if you want to um if you'd like to let's see if i can bend you over and see if i can unscrew this spare with me a second all right let's see where we go it shouldn't take a second to saw this off just put a little bit of this is one little little thing i'd like to mention i see a lot of people on the internet um yes they do lubricate the blade uh with either cut lube which i've got over there by my drill or or just beeswax which i've got here but try not to put it up the front of your blade because it clogs the blade if you put it up the sides of your blade it could be much more effective because you your blades won't all be clogged up right let's just put my specks on so i can see what we're doing i'm going to right can you can you see that so what i'm going to do is do a couple of strokes downwards start now and then off we go okay oh it's got jammed there we go but this literally is that's all it takes and a little bit there we go that one's coming apart so there we go there it is in all its glory um so what i'm gonna do i am just gonna file file this down smooth because it's a little bit rough where i've just sawn it so i'll go and do that and then i'll come back to you what i've got here now is a two-part epoxy glue which i'm going to mix together and give it a good old mix just a couple of small blobs but it does me need to be properly mixed what i do is i save these little bags that i get bits of jewelry making components in or stones i save these little plastic bags and i use a cocktail stick and then to be fair it can all just be folded over and wrapped up and put into the bin but let's give this a good old mix and then then we'll scrape it all up mix it all in i think that's probably enough actually this is just a two-part epoxy resin and got from the local diy store in fact if i was to be perfectly honest this isn't mine it's my husband's it's just coming from from the garage so um any old epoxy two-part epoxy it it's all as good as the rest i think right so what we're going to do now is get our stone and get our setting so we're going to put this now be careful you don't put obviously you want enough on be careful you don't get too much on or else it'll all ooze round the side of the stone it will scrape off when it's set so it's not the end of the world but obviously you just don't want to make work for yourself really so i'm going to put some of that on there and i think that is plenty um because as i say that that will lose some um spread that out i don't know if you can i'm sorry i i'm having to concentrate on this because it'll dry if i don't um so there we go i've done that now what i'm going to do is just wipe that off of my hands because i don't want to get it all over the place let's get this out of the way and we're going to get our big stone just make sure put in it make sure you've got the yeah the most pleasing silence i'm going to overlap that over this side just make sure you get it off your fingers before you start touching your stone and then pop that through there like that level it up i'm going to just stand up i want to make sure that's level and then i'm going to press and hold and i'm going to press and hold that for a minute a few minutes so what i'm going to do is turn you off you don't want to watch me holding this but i will come back okay here it is um i've pressed it down and um i'm just going to leave i'm just going to walk away now because you can guarantee um if i go anywhere near it i'm i'm going to touch it any glue that seeps as s has seeped out through the sides um is best left to set we're going to leave it for 24 hours now the whole thing i'm not going to touch it for 24 hours and then a little craft knife a little exacto knife just you can just gently just scrape it off um i've i've done it before and it works perfectly well it doesn't mark the gemstone um so that's it for another 24 hours i'm off to put a bail on the uh onto the bezel for the big stone um so um i'll see you in 24 hours here we go um it's all it's all soldered together um so i've got to do um my filing sanding then i'll polish it on on this uh this machine here that's what i do my polishing on um but there's a bit of work to do before then so um i'll come back to you well here it is all finished all ready to go to uh be hallmarked um it was a little the stone i do have to say was very much more uneven when i came to to put it in the bezel than i actually thought originally it was very deep in places and very thin in other places so i had to do a bit of filing of the bezel but there it is all ready to go off and have its little hallmark put on and um it's all finished um if there are any queries at all please leave them in the comments below um i've probably missed pieces out it has jumped around a bit this video but it did take several days as you can appreciate to finish it all off but if i've missed anything that you want to know please i'll help you if i can just give me a shout okay thanks so much for watching bye
Channel: Livon Designs - Silversmithing
Views: 18,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stone on stone setting., Stone on stone setting tutorial, Stacking gem stones., Silversmithing, Metal smithing., Sterling silver, Setting gemstones, Bezel setting, Tutorial, Soldering
Id: w16glaH5kRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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