How to flush set stones into ring and metal

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Ok, I really liked this video but was very distracted by how high the quality of the sound was! I kept looking around to see if you were in the room. Wow! The video is very informative. Thanks

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/eliz1967 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
so in this video I'll be showing you how to make a ring like this one which has flush set stones all the way around it and everything is equally spaced and I'll go over every step of how to make this also I'm going to show you all the tools you're going to need and I'll have a link in the description for to all of this and I'm going to show you how you can practice on just a normal piece of metal before you start the ring because you're going to want to get kind of good at this before doing it on the ring itself so let's get started okay start everything off you're going to need stones to set so here's some that I have and these are cz stones or cubic zirconium you can also do this with diamonds if you are rich like that but I suggest getting some of these first there's also these green ones in here are glass and they're cut in the same shape so I have some three millimeter and two millimeter ones in here that I'll be working with today so you're also going to need some setting burs and you can see that their diamond shaped so this will cut a hole that is the same shape as your diamond or your cz or whatever you're using I'm just going to say diamond shape you're also going to want to get some ball burrs and if you're only going to be doing certain sizes and these you don't need full sets like this you can just order the whatever size you want in little pack or individual you're also going to want a setter dividers a caliper you can also use this as dividers but they're not as as good as marking stuff as actual dividers are and I'll show you how these come in really handy you're also gonna need some high-speed drill bits that cut metal really well and that will also depend or the size of those would depend on what stones you're using - so you're gonna want about half the size of whatever the stone is so if it's a three millimeter you're gonna want a about 1.5 to 2 millimeter depending so you're also going to need some sort of spinning device aka flex shaft or a dremel tool to use all this on because you're gonna be drilling so I'll be using this it's a quick change so I'll use a mixture of this and my other one because this only fits one size and I have multiple sizes in drill bits also you know what metal because you have to set it into something obviously and I suggest getting something kind of thick that you don't really care about like I cast this little piece of silver then I'm gonna show you some examples of how to do everything on but you are gonna want to practice first and once we get all the practicing done then I will use this one and make it into a ring and show you how to get it she would look like this or at least close to this this one happened to be just a bit too small another thing you can use but you don't need to use as one of these it's basically acts as a hammer and it attaches to a flex shaft so you just plug it into the back of here and push your pedal and this will hammer so instead of doing it the hand and setting it you can use the hammer to do so but I'm going to focus on just using one of these which is a little burnishing tool and as you can see I should just say smooth piece of metal a little point on it not really sharp but this will be the main thing that sets our stones and I have one of these over here it's just a 95 stamp because I'm gonna be making a ring and you should stamp all of your stuff that is made out of whatever material it is so this is 95 95 cm okay so to just sum up exactly how this is all gonna work you're gonna be drilling a hole this would be a side view and I cut into the metal basically but you're gonna be drilling a hole through the metal all the way through and then we're going to be cutting this in using the setting tools and then you place your stone in so it kind of sits in the same exact shape it needs and then we're going to be taking this tool and basically folding down the material right here so it folds right over this little bit and once you go around and fold it right there this will not come out you can remove these in your little sample piece by using a jewelers saw and cutting to them and cutting them out but other than that they're pretty much in there so yeah I wanted to illustrate that so you can actually see what it's going to look like when it's set and why the things work the way they do so let's actually play with some metal now okay so here's our practice piece of silver and I'm gonna be using and it is 2.3 millimeters thick and plenty wide for anything we're going to be doing and I believe for the most part you only want to do up to a is four or five millimeter stone I think it was four because it just becomes way too hard to actually set so this is a three millimeter this is gonna be bigger than what I'll be putting into our ring but it makes it easier to see so let's start with that put it in there so doesn't fall off so first thing you want to figure out where you're going to go with your setting and use a center punch to make a divot so I'm going to do that real quick so now that I have that there I'm going to drill a hole through using a high-speed drill bit and this drill bit is just about two millimeters so it's a one point nine millimeters okay now we have a hole completely through we're going to want to switch over to a little bulbar that I have and the reason why you want the ball burger and not just go straight to this which is a setting bur this takes away the material really quick and this doesn't really work as fast so just cut it out with this and then finish it with that and whenever you're drilling or using burrs or anything make sure you have some sort of wax or lubricant and you don't want to go all the way through with this either that's it it's about half wait a little over halfway up the actual ball so now would use the setting bur and the setting burr is the same size or a little bit smaller than the actual stone so this one is two point nine seven two point nine nine so basically three millimeters and then you want to go into it as straight as possible so here we go see if I can actually get this on camera so if you look at the little insert part on here its cone-shaped and then it has a little flat edge at the top that's what you're wanting to get because with that flat code or the flat shape right there that's what's gonna go over your stone and keep it in so once you have it like this you can test it to see if the stone just snaps in place so what I do is I just take my style and place it upside down and push the piece over the top of it and there we go so it is in here it you could see that the table is a little higher than the metal which is not what we're going for we need to have to go a little bit lower so I'm going to take my tweezers and push the stone out and then just go a little bit deeper okay so now that that's a little bit deeper let's see there we go now our the table for Stone is pretty much flush with the top layer of the metal now we can push down on it to make sure that it's completely seated in there what I do is I just take the back end of the actual setting tool or the burner and just push down and it usually gets it where it needs to be so now to actually set this in place so you're gonna want to take this and go around the outside of the stone this might be a better angle just go around outside okay that should be set and it's that easy well I say that but you can go too deep on these and if you go too deep it doesn't really work it won't get stuck or if you don't go deep enough then it won't get it won't do anything either so to test this to make sure that it's actually stuck in there take your tweezers or whatever you're using and just push on the back if it doesn't pop out you're good you can also test on the front by trying to move this or spin it and if it doesn't move or spin then you're good and like I said before this is the test piece so we're gonna want to take that out and I don't suggest using silver unless you just have silver laying around that you can melt down to do this you could probably buy some thicker copper or brass to do this with but all you need to do to get this out is basically cut in here and then cut from here with a jeweler saw and then you could bend this piece off and then you could pop so now so yeah you're just gonna want to practice a bunch but you can get really good at it before you actually make something that you're going to you care about and if you mess up on this it doesn't really matter mess up on your ring you have to remake the whole ring so yeah practice first and like I said you can just cut these out and just keep going over and over again so let's make a ring now I'm going to be using this wire that I made you can buy any wire you wants as long as it is thicker than whatever ring or whatever Stoney be using and fighter than whatever so when you're using so this one is a little over two millimeters so it's almost three millimeters across and it is 1.9 millimeters thick so this is more than enough to use my 2 millimeter stones if you haven't seen how to make rings before I have tons of videos on how you do that but I'll show you real quick how to measure out a ring to whatever size you need and how to fold it over a solder a pan all that fun stuff but I have more videos and I'll link to them in the card at the top of this but let me make a ring a real quick make a size 9 ring just gonna measure on my mandrel wear size 9 is and it's about 19 millimeters then we got to do some quick mass so basically there we go you can see that you're just gonna take 19 millimeters and then you're going to add the 1.9 millimeter thickness of metal and then you're going to multiply that by 3.14 and that will give you the length you need to make a ring out of this material so all I do is move my caliper to whatever my math came out to there we go close enough and then with these I'm just going to anchor one end of this and just make a scratch another side to mark it then I need to cut that off so I cut it off all I'm gonna do is use a jeweler saw and cut right above the line into the material I'm not going to be using [Laughter] which will leave a little bit of extra material and I'll use one of these basically just unscrew it open it up you don't have to use one of these by the way you can do this by hand but it makes it a lot easier and it makes it a lot straighter and I'm just going to sand that or file Matta least there we go nice and flat and it always leaves these little edges on here see if I can get in the middle there we go so just take them off like that okay so basically here's my ring blank I just need to fold this around the mandrel I believe I already annealed this but it doesn't feel like it so yeah I'm just gonna make a u-shape with it and then turn it into a D shape using some pliers there's a lot of other ways to do this but I'm just doing this real quick basically I just want the ends to meet up if you really wanted to you can run us all blade through here but this looks pretty nice so I'm not going to so when it comes to soldering this it's gonna be pretty easy all you need to do is use some high-temperature flux which I have in this little container and a piece of hard silver solder and I'm just gonna place it onto my charcoal block well I can't place it there cuz that doesn't it's not flats so I'll put it here and then put the solder joint right on top of it like so zoom in for you and then I'm just going to use a normal propane torch and eat this up and towels are blows [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we go once I it's all done I'm gonna take this and quench it in some water [Music] well here we go it should be nice and joined together I'm gonna need to pickle this in a pickling solution to take off any of the tarnish and then rounded into a ring on my mandrel okay my ring is out of the pickling solution so it's all cleaned up I'm gonna put it on to my mandrel and press it down as much as I can and then hit it with a raw rawhide mallet that's what I shape it into a ring so there we go here's my ring and now we can start marking it and you can take down the solder joint right here because it is a little raised if you wanted to but I'm going to do that after I mark everything so for this particular ring we're going to be setting all of our stones in the center of it so to do that we need to measure how thick it is and then divide that in half so about 2.9 right so we'll need it at 1.45 or as close as possible then you're going to stand the ring up and then use this kind of hooking to the side of it and make a line you're gonna want to drag the line because pushing it just doesn't really work you will and this only really works if you have a completely flat ring so if this is all wavy what the line would be wavy which could be kind of cool too depending on what you're going for there we go we have our mark line Oh know how well it's showing up that's completely centered so now we need to figure out how many stones you want to put into this and how big they are will matter so you can't put a thousand stones in here that are all two millimeters because it just doesn't work so we're in deal I'm gonna measure and see what the outside is and get an average so let's go with two points go with 23.2 you 23.2 and then we're going to just multiply that by 3.14 adding nothing to it so this will give us our circle prints with a ring and then we can take that and divide it by 8 because that's how my stones we have and that's not division divided by 8 so 9.1 that's how many millimeters we're going to have to measure between each point so we're going to take this and set it to 9.1 or as close as possible and then I'm going to grab my dividers and measure them out to the same distance so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start right before the joint right here because I don't want it to end up on the joint or between it or anything like that so just anywhere on the centerline I'm going to take my calipers or my eighth dividers and stab it into the middle kind of wiggle it around and they'll leave a little tiny dot so from this dot right here yeah right there you can see I'm going to put the divider back into it and then come down into the center again and I'm wiggling another one and then put the divider back into it and come down and do the same thing over and over again until we make our way all the way around so now that I have all the little dots in here for markers I need to drill them out I'm going to be using a 1 millimeter drill bit to drill out all these holes so when drilling this out make sure you hold it sideways and not with your fingers inside because the drill is going to be going through and you'll drill your fingers so don't do that and make sure to use a lubricant or wax on this keep your drill bit sharp as long as possible and make sure you're going straight as possible all right so all those are done so what's all that done I'm gonna clean up the actual ring using just some rubber bits and we don't need any of the marking on the outside of this anymore for the center because everything is drilled so you can take that off now if it is a scratch you're gonna want to clean up your solder joint also while you're at this alright that'll be good enough and then once we go to polish everything it'll take out any other marks for that so the next thing what you do is use the ball burger on every one of these and get them home doubt and ready for our setting bur so same thing I'm gonna hold it sideways and go straight as possible but not all the way through so there we go we have all of our holes in there it looks like it's a little off to one side that must have been on my marking but yeah we'll still work so now we're going to switch over to our setting burger you so now I'm going to try out putting some stones into it and before I do that I'm going to use a little wire brush this is just a plastic bristly brush to clean out all the holes and we'll start with one and see how much more I need to drill out so they didn't even see at all so if you can see it's sticking up a little bit so I need to drill this out a little bit more so there we go it's nice and flush in there and we can set this one now so I don't know anything that can really hold these there's a proper tool that will basically hold this in place and you can set everything easily but I do have this setup where I can put the ring on command roll and it will stay in place so that's what I do so once you have it on here like that you can start setting it using your burner so let's see if I can do that without getting my hands completely in the way the whole time so I'm gonna do what I normally do and push down there burnishers backend make sure everything is seated and snapped in and then I'm going to so one thing I found that helps a lot with this so you make sure it's seated you can come in at an angle like this and just press on one side a little bit and then you can come in from the other side and do the same and then you can view the rest of it and again I'm sorry if you can't see that well but can't get any closer with the camera without hitting it and it zoomed in as much as it can be right now but you can see that it is working and it is set now and we can do a little test and try to push it out from the back and it doesn't move so some things you're gonna notice on this particular ring look how close I am to the edges over here it makes it say you slip off a lot when you're trying to burnish this in place so try to use a thicker band or a smaller stone if you look at this one you can see it's even thinner than this in more ways than one this is a lot thicker the reason why I had to up the size on this these are barely in there basically when I drilled through this you could go almost all the way through like here's a blank or here's some of that metal so this is the same metal I use for the second ring with the blue in it and you can see maybe you can see that it goes it's super thin come on date you can see that it's super thin and if I went anymore it would have popped through the bottom so that's why I made a thicker ring but this did work there's just the pain to get everything to not break as I'm making it so yeah all we need to do is that same thing over and over again all the way through this and then we'll be done setting the stones in this so if you've practiced like I said on just setting stones like that you should be able to do it in the ring no problem the only thing to watch out for is when you get real close to the edge like here if you slip off try to push that back in because think of the metal like almost like a clay that you're pushing and molding it over the stone itself and that's how it's staying in which is a really hard clay so I'll record the rest sped up just putting all the rest of the stones in [Music] so there we go all the stones are set so with all the stones set and I tested every single one of them and none of them are loose or popping out I can go over this and clean it all up polish it and it's good to go I did forget to put the 95 stamp on here so I'll do that also so whenever you stamp stuff it leaves a little flat edge on it that I'm gonna have to buff down but as you can see on the inside now it has its little marking so I go clean this up and polish it and then I'll show you the result so here they are with a quick polish on them I don't want to go too crazy on it but as you can see a nice and inset and look at the thickness difference all knows yeah you can do this on just about any metal well not any metal you can do this on any of the metals you normally work with so gold copper brass silver you could probably do it to aluminum if you really wanted to but I wouldn't and make sure you like I said have a practice piece because I made this probably look really easy by getting the right depths and everything is the hard part and then setting it is with the setting of what this is kind of difficult at times also because you're rubbing against really hard stones you're gonna make the tip of this have a little bit of a burr on it so you're gonna have to polish this every so often or it will start scratching on metal and leaving big scratches that you have to polish out and why do you bet when you can just polish this and then it won't transfer another thing that I didn't show in this because I didn't use it is my little hammer tool that hooks up to my flex shaft and why I didn't show this is because you probably should learn how to do it this way before doing it with this and these are expensive too and a lot of people probably don't want to buy one of these and a whole flex shaft setup with a pedal when you can just buy this for like $10 and this is about $100 by itself if you can find one for that watch but basically what it does I'll show you on the sample piece this little piece right here moves back and forth so if you go around let's see if I can zoom in so if you can go around the phone you can set them that way too it leaves a bunch of tooling marks that you'll have to polish down and clean up but this is a lot faster so you can literally do to all the phones and you would actually seat them in there probably better than you could do by hand but I like I said I suggest learning it by hand oh and don't do it to glass ones like I just did I forgot that these are glass so I just shattered that one yeah so these are really nice and they are you come in handy for a lot of other things too and you'll probably see me using it for in future videos and it just plugs into your flex shaft so you just use different handles anyways enough about my tools that's it I hope that was easy enough to understand and I hope I was able to shoot everything in a way that you could see everything because these are tiny and my hands get in the way a lot and I apologize for that so though that's just about it if you have any questions or anything like that feel free to leave comments and if you liked the video leave a thumbs up and feel free to subscribe if you want to see more stuff like this and you can also suggest other videos that you want to see on what you want me to do because I'm always looking for ideas for videos and I listen to your feedback so yeah I'll see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: GomeowCreations
Views: 148,373
Rating: 4.921773 out of 5
Keywords: Patrick Adair Designs, how to, ring making, how to make a ring, etsy seller, engagement ring, custom jewelry, jewelry making, patrick adair designs stardust, stone setting, flush setting, stone setting jewelry, stone setting tools, stone setting for beginners, jewelry making tutorials, gypsy setting, diy jewelry, stone setting tutorial, etsy seller tips 2019, etsy seller tips
Id: 6O6KA7ncPUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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