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today i stuckled over an old stone foundation i'm going to show you how i did it well today i'm plastering an old foundation an old stone foundation and all this stuff this stone is nothing more than mine rock that came from the mines and they blocked the window in here and they blocked the window in here and my job today is to make this better they use this old lime mortar which falls apart and i keep preaching that all the time so we're going to do this side then i'm going to come over here and do this side same stuff see that old mortar falls apart they all tell you is live mortar it's garbage so we're going to go around here where they added a black porch there's no damage and then we're just going to come over here and do this side now you see up on top where the water doesn't hit they already patch it up once all this stuff falls apart down in the bottom where the water splashes against it it destroys these old stone foundations but that's the only problem but this is nothing more than mine rock let me talk to you about that now that rock came from the old mines when they're ripping it out and where i live in northeastern pennsylvania there's tons and tons and mountains of this stuff and that's what they used to build those old sellers from so you can see i got tons and tons they could pick a ton in 10 minutes of this rock it's all usable for those old farms and those old houses now if i was doing an old barn and i wanted to look good fine but this is all junk rock and that's what they used to build those old houses from the old miner houses so look at they they took out of the mines all kind of stones like this and like that look at this here's a piece of lime rock with coal this is the coal and the other part is the mine rock or what they call they make the column banks out of so that's the column banks and that's the coal right there now i'm digging away from the foundation so i can get my plaster under there just like that so the first thing we're gonna do get the hose and wash all the loose stuff up you see that all that stuff out of there get down to the original lime mortar which is falling apart you don't like to hear that but it's true i'm the guy that goes around fixing this stuff so we're gonna get it all cleaned up first here's my mix i'm using portland see it and i'm using masonry so man usually type s so i'm putting half of the portland in and half of the masonry and two buckets of sand and then i add the water and i mix it up about where i want it now for uh bonding agent i'm just getting a straight portland it's upside down portland put it in an empty bucket just like that and some water just like that and i'm gonna make this into a pink that's gonna be my bonding agent make this into a paint just like a little better than a milkshake maybe see that i'm making it into a paint that's my bonding agent right after i wet it i get my portland i paint the whole thing with the portland that's what's going to make it stick so now we're getting the cement we're trolling it in see that throwing it in makes it stick see that it's rolling right against that wet portland and it's going to stick i've been doing this for 50 years so i might know a little bit about what i'm talking about throw it in there let's say you only get a little bit you don't want it to fall off you go like that and it sticks see get these big holes these and that's where you got to get into them holes you got to throw it in there like that see no big deal now we're gonna get the the witch's broom and just scratch it because we're gonna come over tomorrow and do it again what we wanted to do is shrink all up so we put our second coat on it'll be the end of it now when you get to a spot like this where they filled in an old window get your wire brush make sure you get that you know what i off that ain't gonna help being on there like that get that stuff off then i don't have any electricity so i just get the axe and dive into that like that leave something for that cement to stick to it see that that's how you do we got it all chipped up then paint it with the portland see that beautiful that's going to make that stick like loop now we don't have to throw it in just plaster it on like that that's going to be our base coat right over the wetness [Music] the witch's room it was my girlfriend's mother's she gave it to me she got a new one this is the witch's bro the reason i'm not using a hawk is i can't throw it in with a hawk masonry work and a plaster man it's like two different trades usually see the plaster man working outside on a building on a house with wire and stuff like that basically a different trade but for this old school mason i do it this way as long as it works now i started about an hour ago just finishing this here went over the top of the windows right here and i put it in real rough and already you could see the expansion cracks forming and that's what i wanted to do let it all shrink up and then i'm going to come over it when i come back with a second coat and if it shrunk up enough i'll do it tomorrow and i'll explain more about that so the first thing i'm going to do wet it down good get rid of all the stuff then we're going to paint it with our portland just like that and we'll do this a little bit too this the blocks soak up the water see the blocks soaking up the water they're cinder blocks but we'll paint them too now same thing we're just gonna get it a little stiffer throw it in now we're throwing it in pulling all the holes up see that all we're doing throwing it in there getting out of big holes i'm going to give it the combat finish anyway so it don't matter i'm just trying to straighten out a little bit we're going to be scratching it as we go right here this is an old cinder block they fit a porch this is the third time i'm wetting this down when it comes to these old cinder blocks you don't have to use portland on them because they're rough and they stick as long as that's real wet that'll stick let me show you an old cinder block so you old three-hole cinder blocks when i was a kid must have carried 10 000 of these see how rough it is in here that's gonna stick so i don't have to worry about the portland i just got to make sure it's real wet when it's real wet like that then i go over it see that see how that sticks like that you don't have to worry about it when you're doing these old cinder blocks but it's got to be wet get it in there you gotta do it fast scratch it with the witches bro just like that see that no big deal doing the same thing right here let it down real good just like that get everything off of there get this in there well we're back and it's like five days later because it was uh raining out and it froze the one night i don't like to do anything it's gonna freeze at night but uh it's all ready to go so now the big deal is you gotta wet it and wet it good so we're wetting it before i even mix this to meal i'm gonna wet it right before i go over it i'm gonna wet it again if you put your second coat on it has to be wet we're gonna start from here and go right through first thing i do if i get anything big and heavy and get it off of there then i'm gonna wet it again i've already went at once and i'm just going to go right over it wait over that wetness so just like that and on this side [Music] this get all those looks and crannies filled in like that we get everything covered get everything covered get the brush brush it just like that it gives like uniformity to things see that and that's gonna hide those sins and we're gonna get our plaster and just give it a rough finish see that it hides everything that's what we want we want it to hide everything because we got stone we got black we got brick we got everything just a rough finish that's all we want hide in all those sins see that called the swedish look or the combat finish whatever you want to call it and then this is why we're doing this because this is all rough here see it i don't know if you can see i'm gonna hide all that now if you can see with the second coat you can see with my second coat all i want to do is fill in all these little holes and cracks i don't want to put a big big layer on it there's no reason for it i just want to hide everything just like that see that no big deal just get down to the nitty-gritty cover it up that's all i want to do just cover that all up see that i'm just in there and it's covered up i'm good now i just get the brush and i just brush it that's it keep it keep it thin you don't need a big heavy coat just want to cover all the sins that's it and then we're just gonna go over it that's all it's gonna hide all that in and out and all that other stuff you don't have to do it perfect just do it to get the foundation looking better that's it okay i kind of finished that gave it the combat finisher the rough look and then we're gonna do the other side now we looked at this where the stone was see where it's all shrunk up that's what i wanted to do here's where the cinder block was see that side was the same thing as we're gonna do to this site so we got the whole base down on the cinder blocks we're back over here and we got the first coat you can see where it shrunk up that's what i wanted to do let it shrink up and then when you plaster over it that's all shrunk up you put a light coat over it and then you don't have any problems so i'm going to start from up there because i'm right-handed i'm up here and i wet it once already and i'm wetting it again because that's what's going to make it stick [Applause] [Music] so i got this site all done now that hides all that uh roughness and windows and everything it just it's just not a great finish but it hides everything i'm doing the cinder block part now they wet it real good same thing make sure it's real wet seize your gold over with the trowel get it all in same thing you don't have to put a thick coat on it people think you got to make it thick no you don't now we're back at the doorway if you remember that site over there is all done and now we're going to do this side same thing when it down for a while on and off i'm going to plaster over that now i'm plastering right over where that stone was this is where the blocks were you see how i'm blending that all in i'm going over those cracks i'm hiding everything every time i'm done you're not going to see nothing it's the whole idea you're like a magician you want to disguise everything you're getting it in there kind of flatten it out and put a very thin coat on you don't need a heavy coat with this stuff keep it thin and we brush it yeah it's hiding all that stuff already see that's height and all that i'm going to blend that right in you don't see nothing it's the whole idea nobody knows what's behind that whether it's stone or brick or block it all gets hit it's not the best finish in the world but for something like this that's what you do you don't have to worry about going perfect because what will happen is if anything ever broke or you had a cut in here you could patch it up again and then just paint the whole thing with portland and mortar just like on my other videos not a big deal we got some shadows here but you can see all this blends in now it all matches in you can't see where the stone work is that's all done then you go around here and finished all that so let's look at the whole project did that came around here here's where we put the bricks in then we stuck over there right there went around here there in the doorway was where the two stone things were we hid them pretty good we came around here we get up here went around the side and all the way up the site everything matches and that's it so i'll talk about that job a little bit it's an old apartment building it had that old slang or columbang stone i call it just wanted to patch it up make it look a lot better even a lady next door said her house prices went up since i fixed that that building i use the same mix traditional cement portland and mortar you don't buy it with the sand in it sometimes people make mistakes you buy it without the sand you mix the sand into it you fill it in you fill the big holes in and then it kind of shrinks up because it's rich any time you're filling it in you wet it you mix that portland paint it with the portland and immediately go right over to witness into portland sticks like glue it's a swedish look or the swedish pattern you could call it my uncle used to call it combat finish because you do what you got to do and then you keep moving forward so that's it i have another video called foundation repair part 15. that's the sister to this video when i was fixing up the cinder blocks patching them up and then doing the stucco over so watch that this whole job that i did cost less than hundred dollars for all the materials i use six bags of portland six bags of mortar and fifty dollars worth of sand so thanks for watching i hope these videos help i'm mike haddock until next video [Music]
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 50,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foundation repair, stone foundation construction, cellar stone wall repair, old foundation repair, foundation parging, mike haduck masonry, mike haduck, how to repair a foundation, foundation waterproofing, mike haddock, cement foundation, mortar foundation, foundation repair cinder block, how to repair a block foundation, how to repair a cinder block foundation, stone foundation repair, how to repair a old stone foundation, stone foundation repair outside
Id: yd9GXteLwN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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