Stolen Tongues | Creepypasta | Scary Stories | Nosleep

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my fiance and I from California but our family lives up in Colorado and they own a cabin near Pikes Peak way up in the mountains after visiting them they recommended the we go stay in the cabin a few days and we are avid hikers so we jumped at the opportunity Colorado is very rich in Native American folk legend virtually every place you go used to belong to the indigenous community and the few of them who remain keep the traditions and stories alive Pikes Peak is no different there are enough stories and gift shops to give anyone the sense that the land itself is alive I don't know if that has anything to do with what is happening but maybe someone here is from Colorado and can it helped us connect the dots Faye and I are currently at the cabin it's a day for and we're planning on leaving today but things have gotten very strange around here and it looks like we're gonna be here for a while longer we have enough food and water and the heater is in stellar order but the Wi-Fi is terrible at best and there is virtually no cell reception we feel isolated I'll try to respond to the comments but the internet dips out for hours at a time up here the first weird thing that happened was the snow there was no snow in the forecast so we packed light but on the first night here just our luck a blizzard pounded the whole area my little Corolla is basically a brick on ice outside and there's no way I'm gonna make the six mile drive down the mountain to town I blame myself for trusting Colorado in spring after a day Thursday of lovely hiking and sightseeing some really unsettling stuff started happening when we returned to the cabin just before dark we found an enormous deer catcher dangling from a tree about a dozen yards from the backdoor this wasn't the kind of thing you're imagining it the kind you buy from a novelty shop the thing was made from twigs and twine and it's about three feet in diameter absolutely humongous neither Fame nor I were stupid enough to touch it we're veteran horror movie fans we know that's how you get cursed if the snow melts a bit I'll get back out there and snap a picture of it and post it here that night while we were eating dinner we heard a bunch of noises in the woods outside twigs crunching leaves rustling etc this isn't unusual because we saw some elk and deer on our hike but the sounds were slow and purposeful they stopped and started and were rhythmic like someone was casing the area in an crescent shape around the cabin I used my really bright tactical flashlight to look outside from the porch but there was nothing we stayed in all day on Friday and just cuddled hung out and played some of the board games that we brought and some of the Super Nintendo games they had in the cabin Donkey Kong Country 2 and I have considered stealing because it's the greatest game ever made this note again and after dark we started hearing more noises around 1 a.m. they woke me up and told me she was hearing a voice outside I strained to listen and thought I can make out the sound of a man crying very far away but his voice was drowned out by the wind so I wasn't absolutely certain of what I'd heard we went back to sleep but again around 4:45 we heard him more distinctly and closer he sounded like he was calling for help but he would dip into another language that I've never heard before we called the ranger station at the bottom of the hill using my cell phone and they told us that they'd get up there and check it out we never saw them and I doubt they ever came on Saturday shake out really scary it snowed again in the morning and I stopped getting serviced for most of the day Fay and I watched movies and tried to Skype with her family but that didn't work she went to sleep early around 8:00 while I did some photo editing on my laptop in the living room she woke up crying hysterically when I asked her what was wrong she said she'd had a dream that she was lost in the woods outside and something was following her I cuddled with her until she fell back asleep and eventually I drifted off to FEA will come me up at around 1:00 a.m. she was absolutely beside herself I've never seen her so afraid in my life and just the look on her face really unsettled me she told me that she'd heard the man outside again but she recognized the voice she was absolutely convinced that it was her grandfather's voice and he was wandering around outside begging for help Faye's grandpa died when we were seniors in college four years ago I told her that she was dreaming but then I heard the voice - I never met the guy so I wouldn't recognize his voice but it did sound different from the one last night it sounded older I had to do everything I could to keep her from running off into the woods looking for him eventually she realized that the possibility of it being him was absurd so when we put on a movie had a good volume fell back asleep my cell phone wouldn't connect a single call what happened last night Sunday was the thing that has sent me over the edge essentially the same thing happened to pronounced at which point I was still awake almost expecting the noise to happen I heard a voice this time it was a woman's thankfully it was distant enough but it didn't wake Fay I walked into the bathroom and cracked the window open just a tiny bit the frosty air that came through seemed like a death sentence to me as a Californian nobody could survive outside for the outlaw not without serious military-grade winter gear and yet someone was wandering the [ __ ] around out there snapping on twigs and crying I'm a reasonable skeptic sometimes arrogant agnostic but I'm telling you the voice sounded exactly like my mother's my mom is alive and well and living in Southern California so my brain instantly cramped at the sound of her voice out there in the Rocky Mountains I would know my mother's voice anyway I think we all would I'm telling you I'm about 90% sure it was hers which was way way too sure to not scare the [ __ ] out of me I grabbed my light and went outside with the blanket wrapped around me and my hiking boots on I circled the entire cabin and looked around there was snow pushed out of the way in a big meandering pattern that snaked in and out of the tree line like someone was drunkenly shuffling around maybe they were injured the path went right to the bathroom window and then back into the woods each time the voice called out and I shouted mom who's there who are you and each time the voice receded further into the woods I'm pretty sure it was trying to coax me deeper and deeper into the woods away from the cabin I'm still alive because I'm not an idiot I'm not going to die like some dumbass in a bad horror movie I went back inside and made sure it we were locked down tight since I can't call the ranger station I'm posting this instead I'll keep you updated edit it's Monday we ought to hold a phase dad the weather is supposed to clear up tomorrow so he's going to come pick us up in his truck and help get my car back down the mountain I'll keep you all informed only one more night in this place I'll try to get some photos up edit 9:00 p.m. Monday I've been able to get online twice today I wish I knew more about electronics but I'm a history teacher so I don't think I can fix the Wi-Fi or predict when it'll work I can send and receive email messages and some reddit posts but I cannot load some websites or view photos if a hasn't been feeling well since noon she developed a stomach ache and has been instrumental II we both ate the same thing and I feel fine so I'm not sure what it is she sometimes gets like this when she gets worked up although I'm agnostic / atheist she is a very Catholic and is pretty convinced that something supernatural is going on no need for alarm at the moment she doesn't have a fever and I'm keeping her hydrated and in high spirits she seems to be on the mend went to sleep around an hour half ago some noises to report his cackling and repetitive vocalizations in the forest it's probably a hundred yards out the tree line starts about 20 yards out so so this sound is coming from much deeper some movement spotted just beyond the tree line at dusk but it could be elk deer couldn't see very much keeping all the curtains closed windows locked furniture in front of the front and back door I'm checking on faerie half-hour her dad will be here in the late morning to pick us up and take my car out another redditor nearest pointed out that I'm an idiot for not double-checking the weather yeah you're correct I promised I'll provide an update as a new post tomorrow should anything significant happen sorry for the boy everyone raised dad picked us up in his truck he brought his buddy with him who's now following us in my car a lot of things happened last night some things I won't share because I'm not sure how to interpret them yet I'm not even sure I understand what happened but here are the most important things I also managed to get some recordings I tried to stay awake last night until 1:00 a.m. because over the past few nights that's the approximate time that the noise has changed from rustling and branches cracking into voices that didn't make it I fell asleep on the couch with my laptop open waiting for the Wi-Fi to come back I think this was about 12:30 a.m. I woke up around 1:15 a.m. to a muffled voice in my sleepy days I struggled to figure out where it was coming from I thought it was just outside the living-room window so i sat there quietly trying to make the words out it was a woman's voice and said things like I got up and peeked out the curtain I didn't see anyone but then the voice said and I knew the voice was face as I mentioned earlier my fiance has an undiagnosed sleep disorder and has extensive sleep talk sometimes sleepwalks she has had pronounced night terrors since she was a little kid now post a story about that some day I walked into the bedroom to find if a sleeping on her stomach as usual she didn't say anything else as I came in two things really disturbed me about this situation though the first is that she appeared to be having a conversation with someone which is actually quite common for her but the person she was conversing with was interrogating her asking her questions about herself mean the cabin etc second in her sleep Fey was imitating another voice it wasn't hers that she was speaking with she was alternating pitch and tone to sound like a different person my modus operandi is to not wake her up when she has sleep disturbances and there's a story behind this expect one someday instead I gently rubbed her back in there calms her and puts her back to a restful sleep I did this for a few minutes but then there was another voice off in the distance outside I got up and walked to the window to listen I think this was the first time that I really felt scared enough that I felt like we were in real danger it was a child singing in the dark we couldn't really make out what she was saying but I am certain that it was a child it was probably six or eight trying to sing a song the snow had abated for a while now and the stars were notably bright so I could see all the way to the rim of the forest some 20 yards out there was a figure standing there just past the first trees back facing me looking up at either the moon or the tops of the trees it stood so still that I convinced myself that it was a tree stump or something in a few minutes it was no longer visible my skeptical nature compels me to be reasonable and say my eyes were playing tricks on me when I turned around Faye was sitting straight up in bed I was closed she does this a lot in her sleep she craned her neck and said something like she was still doing the weird voice so I woke her up hey and I sat in the bedroom with the lights on talking about what we should do I tried to get online to send an email to her parents but of course it doesn't work when you need it we agreed to stay in the same room and try to fall back to sleep at one point I got up to get her some water jadon vomited in several hours and she was feeling better and out of the kitchen window I saw flashes of pale light they weren't like the flashes you'd see when someone walks through the woods with a flashlight they were more like if someone had a lantern and they could slowly turn on and off I flipped on the porch lights to the front side of the house opening that it would discourage anyone from trying to approach but as I walked back to the bedroom I saw the distinct outline of a person through the window curtain in the living room they were pressed against the glass with their hands on it and trying to peer inside since it was dark in the living room and bright outside I could clearly see their silhouette I shouted and approached the window but the person ran off before could pull the curtain open-faced slept soundly but I continued to hear voices outside different ones on and off all night until dawn I wrote several of them down I couldn't sleep so I camped out in the living room I kept the bedroom door open so I could hear Fay if she started talking again the voices would go away for hours and start back up again at one point I fell asleep but I was awoken by the sound of a light switch flickering on and off from the couch I could see the light from outside going on and off and patterns of five I couldn't explain why this disturbed me so much but it did and I imagine some kind of horrible creature standing in my house somewhere flipping the switch up and down smiling my first instinct opposed to go check on Fay and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that she wasn't in bed I started calling her name and pacing around the house looking out the windows to see if she was outside and when I looked out of the kitchen window there she was sitting on the hood of my car about thirty feet out in the driveway her back was to me and she was staring off into the forest if she was absolutely rigid just the same way she sits up in bed when she's asleep Fay has sleepwalked all over the house back in California and I found her in the kitchen and downstairs all away in the living room but she's never gone outside I shouted her name from the kitchen but the second I did they jumped off of my car and dashed into the woods that full sprint she never looked back at me and I started flipping out and screamed her name over and over again I screamed to grab my boots to go after her but the second I pulled the front door opened they called out my name from behind she was standing in the hall looking confused and asking me what was wrong apparently she had been in the bathroom and in my masculine crusade I guess I'd forgot to check Vera I looked out at my car and into the forest and honestly the first thought that came to my mind was you clever [ __ ] and needless to say we stayed up the remaining few hours until dawn intermittently writing down the voices we heard which faded away and became less frequent with the passage of time here's the list of voices we heard I will return to Colorado but far hike speak man's voice vaguely familiar but couldn't put a face to it over the past several nights a woman's voice [Music] she talks in her sleep she's talking to me stop the windows do you see it [Music] by the way I forgot to check to see if that dreamcatcher was still there I'll back you're welcome to drive out there and look for yourself though so that night we sat down with phase mom more in her bedroom while her dad was watching the news downstairs her mom was so upset at the story as we told her I mean she was visibly disturbed to the point of being in tears she kept apologizing to Fay and hugging her Maura told us that they'd purchased that cabin from their good friend Jennifer I think who moved to Nevada about 20 years ago and her husband had complained about all sorts of weird experiences while living there her husband Tom like myself was fond of hiking and exploring the woods and collected tons of arrowheads and other neat trinkets he'd found in his travels around Pikes Peak but Jennifer started having dreams about Tom being dragged into the woods from their bedroom because she had all sorts of horrific nightmares about him being skinned and pinned up to trees like some kind of McCobb artwork Jennifer said that while tom was at work she would occasionally hear the voice of her daughter who had died in childhood due to some kind of bone cancer calling mommy from the edge of the forest Jennifer's doctor claimed it was the medication she was on and changed her meds Tom got a new job in Vegas and they basically doped out of there and on the lighter note Tom hanged himself in the garage two years after they moved no no or anything in any way the Lord phased mom and Greg phased dad only used the cabin as getaway in summers Laura never experienced anything beyond weird feelings while she was there and she talked that up to all the crazy stories Jennifer told her Greg however who suffers from PTSD related Greg however who suffers from PTSD related nightmares and occasionally experienced exacerbated sleep disturbances in the cabin over the years he became reluctant to go there and claimed that all the things he'd seen in Vietnam came back to him when he slept there allegedly some of the people he killed would come back and talk to him in his dreams of that cabin the last time he stayed there he woke up in a dream to find a few of them sitting in his bedroom with him maimed and rotted he privately maintained to Laura that he also heard their voices in the forest crying and begging was screaming for their mothers oh and guess what time he always heard them Laura told us that she honestly didn't believe there's anything wrong with the cabin Faye was extremely pissed and let her have it they kind of ended our visit on a bad note later that night I was up reading and Fay was asleep next to me she always falls asleep before me my girl could fall asleep on a pile of rocks she started mumbling in her sleep so I listened carefully my name about two hours later she woke me up by nudging me in her sleep and saying tell the man in the hall to leave this set me over the edge so I got up to go to the bathroom and get some water I didn't find anything strange I had a very hard time falling asleep though this morning we heard back from the guy who went up to the cabin to check for gas leaks and carbon monoxide at the behest of a few scrupulous redditors the guy mentioned that radon is a really big problem in some of these old places in the mountains he's some kind of super badass handyman with all kinds of equipment so he wrangled up one of the peak Rangers and they went into the place together apparently there were tracks all around the house a dozen pairs of them like a large group of people had wandered around looking in windows all the windows and doors were sealed the way we left them when they got inside some stuff was moved around and the silver drawer was emptied onto the kitchen floor and turned side-down the power was completely dead the weirdest thing was that there was water all over the bed and on the floor but our guy checked for leaks in the ceiling in bathroom pipes nothing nothing had been stolen from the house not even food some old clothes in the bedroom closet were strewn out across the ground but nothing stolen like maybe someone was trying them on or smelling them the Ranger said that there were legends about the mountains something about things that sort of act like people but they come out of the old abandoned mines Greg's friend couldn't remember the name the Ranger gave them it was a native language I asked Greg to ask the Ranger about the sounds I heard specifically the watch who watch you whoa and he said it's a widely recognizable chant but he doesn't know what it means does anyone here have any idea no raid on no carbon monoxide and no gas the the place is all electric he checked from old and said it was unlikely that there would be any all the way up there he did say it's possible that there's some kind of electrical problem and that this can sometimes cause people to feel unsettled and maybe half of loose Nations he has some kind of Geiger counter or gadget that detects issues like this but it was broken when he tried to use it I'm gonna keep a close eye on Faye and she's still shaken up about all of this and if there's anything left to report I'll let you know update 421 2016 we've begun hearing voices outside of our home Faye is really upset and feels like I might have exacerbated the strange circumstances by giving them widespread exposure online I'm gonna go dark for a few days and see if that helps don't worry about us we have a few close friends looking out for us they know the entire story hey everyone I just want to make a quick update and as promised because Faye and I are flying back to California shortly Faye is back to normal was feeling great I watched her eat a huge plate of chicken parmesan yesterday the first thing I should mention is that phase father was very reluctant to talk about the cabin or the weird experiences we'd had he kept trying to change the subject and was generally in a bad mood which is pretty normal for him he's a really grumpy Vietnam vet and has been in the army since he was young his personality is exactly the way you'd imagine it they asked him bluntly if something is wrong with that cabin why would you let us go up there in the first place and his response was talk to your mother Faye and I flew back from Colorado on Wednesday afternoon she slept the entire time despite the noise which amazed me I can't sleep on planes because I'm absolutely terrified of flying I'd rather stay another night in that cabin when we got home I ordered pizza she wolfed it down her appetite has returned in full force which is great news I mentioned this in my original post but if a has an undiagnosed sleep disorder she has pronounced night terrors and sleep talking and the occasional sleepwalking this disorder lies dormant 90% of the time but it tends to flare up when she's under a lot of stress if we're moving if she changes jobs or a relative does I can expect an eye of horrifying talking in the hot behavior needless to say our experiences at the cabin have set sail on edge although she's in high spirits she's still afraid at night and I am too that night after pizza she fell asleep on the couch while we watched wedding crashers at around 10 p.m. the movie ended and I turned the TV off as I brought our plates to the kitchen I passed the stairwell and heard a faint noise from upstairs that sounded like a man sighing I shrugged it off and we'll Fay up we brushed her teeth and went to bed they talked in her sleep a lot that night and it started around 1:00 a.m. I woke up to her calling out and do you need any help in laughing this isn't really unusual for her she babbled occasionally and said a few funny things I woke up again around 4:00 a.m. and heard her talking but this time she was doing something as she'd never done before we've been together for almost five years and not once has she ever whispered in her sleep but now she was whispering with her back turned to me for a second I thought somebody was lying on the floor at the edge of our bed talking back to her this disturbed the [ __ ] out of me so I sat up and leaned over trying to listen in the dark the only thing I heard was her discernibly say Shh I asked her hey what are you talking about but she didn't respond I said who are you talking to and she replied don't and nudged me another unusual thing happened around 5:45 a.m. I woke up to Fay getting back in bed she hurried into the bedroom from the hall and you got back in bed quickly making a zero attempt not to wake me first of all fade doesn't get up ever she sleeps like a dead horse and even if she went to the bathroom in the middle of the night which she never does the bathroom is not down the hall it's in our bedroom when I asked her where she was doing the next morning she claimed to have no memory of it I spent all day Thursday thinking about why Fay was still acting weird I was the one who found the dreamcatcher and got close to it and I was the one who interacted with the voices at the cabin then I remembered something on our last night in Colorado at her parents house they got back into bed around the same time 5:45 a.m. I barely remembered because I was half asleep but the image returned to my head she'd been getting up really really early for a few days so last night I set my phone's alarm to vibrate and I put the time to 4:45 a.m. in the middle of the night Faye's started talking again this time she was doing the same thing she did at the cabin changing her voice to sound like someone else in five years she's asleep talked a bunch but she never whispered or changed her voice until recently she said a few things which and I tried to commit to memory la la la followed by a day on or Te'o over and over he's still in the trees where were you I looked for you and oh it's time about the same time I heard a noise outside which sounded like an old man grumbling to himself about something we live in NorCal in a really woodsy town so when you look out our bedroom window there's a ton of trees across the street and it was very dark but I'm fairly certain I saw a man walking behind the first line of trees he was too far away to be the one grumbling but it's still very unusual to see anyone over there this time of night in fact I've never seen anyone over there at night ever looking outside required me to open the curtain which lit up our bedroom with moonlight when I looked back at the bed FEA was lying with her neck craned towards me her eyes crazy wide and fixed on me her mouth was open she issued this really really frightening Gergely drawn-out groan and flicked her tongue and flicked her tongue around it looked like it it looked like an epileptic fit in slow motion they had definitely opened her eyes in her sleep but never like this she looked like a [ __ ] murderer and I got so scared I called her name really loud and woke her up she was confused and asked me why I was at the window my lied and said I was just closing it because it was cold I didn't want you to know I'd heard a voice we talked a bit but I'll skip that because this is getting long my mom woke me up at around 4:45 a.m. and I laid there and wake waiting for Fay to get up like she'd been in the past few nights she breezed very rhythmically when she's asleep so I can tell how deep she's under at around 5:20 she sat straight up swung her legs out of the bed and tiptoed down the hall I followed behind and why say it but my fiancee tiptoed I mean like a child on Christmas Eve this was very robotic alien inhuman she moved like a meth-addicted ballerina zombie down the hall and stopped at the stale wall her breathing never changed I just stood there in our bedroom poking my head out into the dark Hall they looked down the stairs still standing rigidly on the balls of her feet swaying to and fro slightly she did some weird [ __ ] she she touched her face slowly for several minutes and touched the banister and touched the wall with the lights on and off a few times all the while maintaining her perfectly regular coma breathing then she reached an arm out liking them then she reached an arm out like in the motion of a bicep curl by stretching her fingers and wiggling them than curling them her hand and her arm back up to her face I watched her do this motion for about four minutes it looked like she was testing the limb as if she'd never used it before but then I realized she was actually communicating with someone on the first floor of the house she was making a come here motion with full confidence those with full confidence that Faye was sleepwalking I walked into the hall and leaned over the half wall that overlooks the living room it was it's totally dark down there and I couldn't see anything but the clock on the cable box they stood there waving smiling making gestures and then touching her face and pulling gently on her hair I carefully ushered her back to bed and talked to her softly trying not to actually wake her she didn't resist but she never does and we went back to sleep without another word and I have zero clue what the [ __ ] is going on and I told her this morning what she did and now we have a doctor's appointment for her at 3:00 p.m. today I took fades to your doctor yesterday and we hesitantly explained what was going on with her I left out the paranormal stuff because I didn't want to get put in a ward she seemed really concerned about Fae and ordered a blood test gave her a physical asked her about her diet and drugs medicine etc Fay and I are both non-drinkers and non drug users neither of us are on medication she wants Fay to be evaluated by a psychiatrist next week for now she gave her a sedative at night and some anti-anxiety medication she wants us to get some fresh air and get out of the house and some we're going on a hike today a redditor brought up the possibility that the child's voice outside the cabin asking when do we go inside when do we go inside might not refer to inside the cabin but rather an inside fay this really worries me because it creates some of the strange behaviors she's been exhibiting in her sleep I contacted the park ranger who is pretty sympathetic to our situation and he's going to get in touch with some of the members of his tribe who have experience with spiritual guidance and medicine he is convinced that Fay and I have attracted the attention of the ones who come out of the mines lucky us more on that later some redditors have recommended that I test Fay to see if it's really her so yesterday evening against my wallets advice I took her to our favorite steakhouse I only ever order one meal their medium tri-tip paused macaroni and cheese and a bottle of root beer they only ever orders one meal there to the barbecue chicken sandwich with mac and cheese and a salad with ranch dressing and a coke she drinks coke only her blood is mostly coca-cola they took a long time to decide what to order and ended up ordering a [ __ ] New York Strip my joking we told her to order for me too and she said I don't know what you want she also ordered water instead of coke usually we have arguments over how much coke she drinks and I'm always trying to get her to hydrate better and just drink water this was really unsettling to me at the end of the night when we were walking back to my car I kissed her temple and asked if she still liked it when I called her noodle she said of course I've never called her noodle in my entire life her nickname has always been monkeytoes long story when we got home she cracked open a coke and got on Facebook which is completely normal for her this threw me off one thing that's been on my mind lately is the song the little kid was singing outside of the cabin I've been catching myself humming it almost every day and asked Faye if it meant anything to her and I sang it to her while she was sitting on the couch after a few repetitions she sort of went blank like she was hypnotized and just wobbled back and forth ever so slightly for about eight seconds and then snapped out of it and said I don't remember that last night is one [ __ ] hit the fan and I haven't gotten a full night's rest in over a week now and it's starting to make me feel over emotional and crazy face started murmuring in her sleep around 1:00 as usual but I couldn't understand much of it she sat up in bed took the sheets off in her legs like she was going to get up but I grabbed her arm and asked her what she was doing but she said tell them to leave her eyes were completely shut I asked her but who who needs to leave she sat there for about two minutes not speaking just sitting straight up I asked again and she replied there's a man at the door then about ten seconds later and a woman at the bottom of the stairs of course this made every single hair on my entire body bristle I got up and went downstairs turning on every single light as I went and carrying my buck knife with me nobody was in our house I looked in every single room downstairs didn't even in the backyard when I got back to the stairwell I heard someone stomping around upstairs someone had turned the lights to the upstairs hallway off I stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up trying to listen but the noises stopped so I walked back up into our bedroom and got into bed it was likely that Faye had gotten up to go to the bathroom or sleepwalk to be in the room and went back to bed I fell asleep pretty fast but woke again only a few minutes later Faye was gone I heard movement down the hall so I looked out into it and I saw Faye coming out of the other bedroom she staggered down the hall toward me and then stopped and turned around and walked back in the other direction she did this seven or eight times she was walking in almost the same way as the night before standing really high up on her toes her legs totally rigid like they were made of cement and her arms completely limp flopping back and forth it was extremely [ __ ] terrifying seeing her move like that she was totally graceless it was like someone was testing out a human body for the first time at that same moment I heard a noise through the bedroom window and ran over to check thinking someone really was at the front door you can see down to the front entryway from my bedroom window off in the distance about in 30 yards out somebody was walking back and forth from the same exact way that Faye was he was humming loudly in intermittently singing the song sounded like the one I sang to Faye earlier the one the child sang outside the cabin and I ran back into the hall bulk vais up and brought her downstairs I opened the front door to get a better look at the man but he was gone today at the behest of a few redditors I asked Faye if she had ever been to that cabin before we visited I don't know why I never thought to ask her this before she said nothing about it when we stayed there for several nights she was hesitant to answer me and eventually admitted that she'd been there once when she was 14 she and her parents went snowshoeing up in the mountain a few hours later I emailed her mother and asked the same question she told me that Faye had gone to the cabin multiple times as child but stopped going when she went to high school I can't figure out which one of them is lying to me because so many people have questions about Faye she has agreed to do a filmed interview if you post questions for her I will film her responses and post them back here within a few days I haven't told Faye this but I'm thinking of going back to the cabin and meeting with the Ranger he wants to do some ritual with the dreamcatcher we found if it's still there and he says that he will bring his friends and try to cleanse the house in mr. rounding area this will cost me like five hundred dollars just to fly out there but if this [ __ ] gets any worse it might be worth it edit a redditor sent me a private message telling me to investigate the guestroom to see if a was doing anything in there it turns out she was she had written the number five on the window with her finger I only saw it because the condensation from the cold this afternoon it's written backwards so that someone's standing in our backyard can read it I cannot tell you how much all of your support has meant to us over the past few days they feel so good knowing that people are constantly asking about her health and I feel like a few of your suggestions have literally saved her life so thank you from the bottom of my heart I don't even know where to begin so much has happened in the last two-and-a-half days the sedatives and anti-anxiety meds the doctor gave to Fay and work during the day and she has been less stressed however at night her behavior is still highly unusual I've taken the overwhelming consensus of redditor seriously I went out and purchased a bunch of child proofing materials for the house to prevent faith from harming herself and going outside while sleepwalking I couldn't afford a bunch of cameras sorry I'm a teacher I bought these knob covers the little kids and hopefully sleepwalkers are too stupid to figure out outlet covers in case she tries to jam anything into them and I hit the kitchen knives I also brought in a spiritual healer after a very carefully searching for one it is my opinion that 99% of them are frauds and huxter's but this woman did not charge us anything and she was recommended by close family she is the daughter of the Shoshone tribe leader the long and short of it is she believes our house is not haunted however she says the Fae feels very off she said she couldn't get a good read on her at all and that there's a dark cloud over her still suspicious of this woman I took her to a random upstairs window and told her that I had seen someone outside near the edge of the woods mimicking phased sleepwalking which was true but I pointed out the wrong window to the wrong part of the forest she quietly examined the other windows upstairs and said that our bedroom window the correct one gave her a terrible feeling she said he watches from here she can hear him whispering at night we told her everything she was horrified by her story the look on her face unsettled me so much it was like she never heard of anything this bad she went out of the room and had to collect herself downstairs the woman prayed for several minutes sang a beautiful song in a language that can't even begin to describe and staged our entire house she put some kind of crushed herbs on the ground in front of the two doors that led into our home then she told me in private you were dealing with the hollow ones she said it's named in her ancestral language but I cannot even come close to remembering how to spell it and say it she said that one is infatuated with Fay and will do absolutely anything to get inside our house but the process takes time I don't know if I actually buy any of this but at least you didn't sell it to me we also had Fay take a pregnancy test as recommended by many redditors the woman said it was a good idea good news not pregnant and the woman stood in the bathroom with her like a prison guard so she couldn't [ __ ] with the test and we thanked the woman and she left that night and we attached a little jingle bell from phaz christmas-themed lingerie to a hair scrunchie and put it around her ankle I'm such a light sleeper that there's no way she'd be able to get out of bed without waking me faith fell asleep really fast due to the meds out like a light in a few minutes I lay in bed thinking about the five that she wrote on the window in her sleep a few nights earlier and reasoned that it meant 5 a.m. and not 5 days as some redditors had speculated this makes sense because she's been getting up at that time to sleepwalk every night for four nights in a row since the five was written backwards facing the back yard I reasoned that it was a signal to whoever whatever was out there she was going to try to let it inside eventually I fell asleep and I had a [ __ ] horrifying dream something came into the house and through the sliding glass door to the yard walked up the stairs and into our bedroom it's that at the edge of our bed rubbing face foot and staring at us it was completely raped and shadow and I couldn't see it at all except for a silhouette I woke up soaked in sweat and I couldn't fall back asleep for a while 5:00 a.m. rolled around and the reliable little jingle bell woke me right up in her sleep if they did something that she's never done before she stood up on the bed rigid as a board and stared out the window I shouldn't really say spared because her eyes were closed but she was alert watching and listening she remained there and like a statue for at least five minutes I also didn't move I just watched then she slowly raised her hand to start waving at someone outside my skin crawled when she did that she definitely knew someone was there even with her eyes shut they then stepped off the bed and darted to the bedroom door trying to get out into the hallway but the childproof knob cover stopped her she couldn't figure it out in her sleep she did another thing that she's never done while sleepwalking she got extremely angry and started pulling on the cover she shrieked and growled like a trapped animal after 30 seconds of this she woke herself up and started crying really hard and told me that in her nightmares she had seen a man without a face walking through the halls of our home whispering her name and looking for her i sat up and talked with her for an hour and then we went back to sleep it was around 10 a.m. April 24th and Faye was gone the bedroom window was open as I walked downstairs I saw her in the backyard reading every single window in the entire house was open it was like 55 degrees outside she told me the smell of sage made her nauseous and she wanted to get out of the house I couldn't smell anything I suggested that we go to the church downtown today to speak with a priest she's Catholic but she refused so I had my buddy Kay it was a very very devout Catholic come over with some holy water and his crucifix apparently Kay told his priest what was going on and the guy very reluctantly blessed the water and told us to call him Fay was irritated that I had done this without a permission and waited outside while Kay set up a few little crosses and his big crucifix around the house Fay refused to have any holy water put on him she kept saying I'm freezing don't you dare she is going to be super pissed when she finds out I put that [ __ ] in her shampoo and conditioner bottles but she was in a really nasty mood all morning but after we went out for lunch and she was feeling better and agreed to film the interview and answer questions from redditors while filming I noticed that she wasn't wearing her engagement ring and realized that she hadn't been wearing it in several days Master where it was and she said it was in her luggage which we've now partially unpacked later when I checked it wasn't there I'm worried about this for a few reasons and I'll post the video as soon as she watches and approves it she's self-conscious expect it in a few days and I finally begun moving some more of the photos from the cabin onto my laptop - I cannot bring myself to listen to those voice recordings yet the flash-forward - last night I got up at about 1:00 a.m. to pee and I knocked the Bell scrunchie off the bed they had taken it off and was gone I've got angry even scared at the same time I found her sitting on the stairs looking down into the dark spreading her arms open like she was trying to get a child to climb up the staircase for its first time she was smiling with her eyes closed as I usually do I gently got her up and walked her back to bed when I laid down next to her she leaned over with her eyes still closed and said can I kill you and then licked my face I called her parents today to arrange a flight back to Colorado they're paying for it her mom Laura admitted to me that something had happened to Faye as a child at the cabin that is where her sleep disturbances started when she was 5 I've had enough and they can tell they spoke with the Ranger at Pikes Peak again and he's arranging for me to meet with him and his buddies from their tribe who knows the entire history of the area and all of the hauntings that other visitors have reported Faye will be staying with my two best friends are and Jay and Jays fiancé a I've known all three of them since high school and they're completely informed about all these events and then will guard her with their lives in short I'm going back to the cabin alone I'll update soon but no matter what happens I'm not going to drag this out any further at it folks I won't be at the cabin alone I'm meeting the Ranger and his friends there his two friends are from his tribe nation sorry I don't know the correct terminology and they are healers they know all about Pikes Peak and the ongoing situation I'm not going out easy update I dropped a Fae off at my friend's place and they'll take care of her I'm heading to the airport now and no idea when I'll get back on I'll try tonight if I'm not too tired after landing update in a 4:26 midnight in Colorado and that phase parents exhausted talk to her parents extensively got word from my friends they started feeling really ill wanted to go home they moved the whole Posse over to our house which has been saged and blessed protected and covered in holy water and crucifixes and she is allegedly doing much better Richard and Jason and Jason's fiancee Alison are all sleeping over for a few nights to ensure Faye is alright heading to the cabin tomorrow morning to meet the Ranger update um 4:27 9:45 a.m. Colorado leaving in one hour to go to the cabin oh no wait sorry I said it was the 27th it's the 26th update in 426 5:15 p.m. spotty [ __ ] Wi-Fi snowing like crazy up here but with the Ranger investigated the cabin nothing unusual inside except a lampshade removed from a lamp in which me claims was not like that when he came in there a few days ago his friend will be here tomorrow morning and I'm alone for tonight I went outside for just a minute to when it was still light to grab some things from the truck I heard two voices update for 27 9 12 p.m. so much has gone down I'm so terrified and sleep-deprived I'm writing a huge post about it now and with everything that's happened I'll post it tomorrow morning because I know I can't finish it tonight I'm gonna fall asleep in my chair sorry to keep you waiting it's been an interesting few days I have so much to say so I'm going to try to be terse sorry that it's taken so long to report I really am trying all of your questions and analysis of these events have really helped us through the struggle some of your observations are what brought me back here to Colorado I landed in Denver International Airport two nights ago and stayed with phase parents in Arvada while there we all sat down and I basically forced them to tell me what was going on a redditor pointed out that Laura the phase mom appeared to be lying hiding something another redditor asked me if they had ever been to the cabin before since her family owned it for almost three decades I'd never even thought about this when I asked Fey she said no and they're her parents just used it as a getaway a few times a year phase mom told me that she been there multiple times when she was little this time phase parents told me a different story they claimed this was the truth they had been to the cabin as a toddler a few times when she was five something happened to her while Greg phase dad and Fay were outside playing in the snow they wandered off towards the edge of the forest to look in she was following a voice Greg was building a snowman and keeping his eye on her they roll me a few dozen yards apart allegedly Greg heard Fay talking answering questions but he couldn't hear anyone else talking he started walking toward her to bring her back and he heard her say Fay No it's Fay I can't see you a moment later little Fay began shrieking and crying but she went stiff as a board and Greg had to pick her up and haul her back inside she was almost catatonic and would go through bouts of total silence sermon or inconsolable hysterics for several hours until Greg and Laura decided to go back down the mountain and take her to a hospital Greg claims he never saw anyone in the woods and never heard any voices speaking to Fay the doctors thought that she may have had an epileptic seizure and to this day Fay does not remember for going to the cabin when I took her she acted like she'd never seen it before and I believe that if they did remember being traumatized as a child she'd never want to go back so I really think she blocked out the whole experience and when we visited a week ago she thought it was her first time going in Laura and Greg subsequent visits to the cabin without Fay Greg experienced terrible nightmares in which dead people entered the bedroom and sat on the ground in bed watching him sleep in the morning Greg let me borrow his truck he refused to go to the cabin with me he told me when I left we let you kids go up there because we honestly wanted to believe that there was nothing actually wrong with that place they used us to validate their denial but I don't hold them responsible I'd never have believed any of this if I were them dreams and a frightened child do not a haunt and make I arrived in pipes peak around 1:00 p.m. yesterday and the Ranger met me at the cabin we investigated the place and didn't find anything unusual except that a single lampshade had been removed from one of the lamps and placed on the couch we checked out the nearby woods I was kind of surprised to discover that the creepy ominous dreamcatcher and was still there the Ranger told me that he did not recognize it and it was not something that his people made he told me not to mess with it until his friends showed up he told me he'd returned with them in the morning and left that night some [ __ ] happened Greg told me that he'd hidden a 357 magnum in the closet so I retrieved it and a really dope ass purple bathrobe and I felt a little better don't worry I know how to shoot and how to keep it safe right around sunset I walked out to Greg's truck to grab a few things I'd neglected to bring in earlier and I heard two distinct voices chattering in the woods it was snowing like crazy and the wind was howling but above the storm I heard a gruff masculine voice and a younger adolescents they were both yammering incomprehensible gibberish from two different places and I hurried back inside and locked the door the stuff they were saying was pure madness it made no sense [Music] I just sat there imagining I'm psychotic cannibals chattering with their tongues hanging out and eyes rolled back in their skulls I figured they'd come out of the woods as soon as it was dark I tried to reach out to Fae back home but my phone wouldn't get any reception in the cabin the storm was too strong I tried to play video games on the SNES but I was too distracted by all of the sounds outside every single noise the blizzard produced caught my ear and so my imagination manifested all kinds of horrible creatures from slinking around out there in the dark when I finally went to bed the wind died down a bit and I heard a few more voices there was a distinct high-pitched wail that echoed across the entire Mountain there was a child crying saying something like his voice sort of glitched it would suddenly become deeper as though a grown man were doing an impression of a little kid I also heard someone hacking and vomiting and crying begging for help but I didn't fall for any of it I'm 28 years old and this is the most afraid I've ever been in my entire life even with Fae walking around like a fleshy marionette and calling out to a presence in the dark of my own home around the time I was getting into bed approximately 12:45 a.m. there was a gentle tapping sound on the window in the living room it was soft like a neighbor who was reluctant to bother me I stood there in the bedroom with the door open holding my breath trying to figure out if I'd imagined it and I heard it again so I crept down the short hall and peeked around the corner just in time to see a figure walking past the windows and toward the front door with the curtains drawn I couldn't make out anything but a big shadow then it knocked on the door it was a gentle knock a man's voice called out softly hello I just listened intently and tried to keep silent eventually he knocked again and said hello I I need to speak with you he was speaking through clenched teeth he was either extremely cold and extremely angry I very carefully stepped back into the bedroom to grab the gun but the god damn place is so old the doors creak barely tapped the bedroom door as I passed it and it squealed like a dying Pig then the man outside said just above a whisper I know you're there for just a moment in my lethargy I considered the possibility that it was one of the Rangers friends or maybe someone else who lived on the mountain I was never going to open the door but stupidly I figured it talking to it couldn't hurt I say it and because I immediately stopped believing that there was a human being on the other side of the door and the moment I opened my mouth I said who the [ __ ] is it as assertively as I could the second I stopped talking whoever was out there repeated my question while mimicking my voice accurately it almost sounded like an echo and he said may I come in please his voice sounded a little shaky but it definitely sounded like me unnervingly similar to me but he was still clenching his teeth so I could hear the difference I pointed the gun at the door it was dark in the house so he couldn't see what I was doing through the curtain and said if you don't get the [ __ ] out of here right now I will blow you in half for those of you who don't know what if 357 can do to a person a slug to the chest essentially makes you into a human milkshake and that's after passing through two inches of oak door we both just stood there for a dreadfully long time it started testing out my voice droning and whispering and muttering it's that a lot of things but I only remember a few of them what's your name what's your name a little cabin for the weekend for the weekend person and then a bunch of lip smacking and chewing noises they're lying they're lying and the ones out there [Music] you're not alone in there and I'm not alone out here what's your name you go up in the trees down in the hole that's where you go I'll help eyeing you either way the sound of my own voice making these two horrific noises and phrases set every inch of my skin on fire I can hardly describe the physical sensation of fright this intense it was almost like having a bad fever hot and cold and wet and sticky all at the same time I shouted for to leave and said I was armed I considered firing off around but that's a decision you can't take back and my number one rule is to only fire when I'm certain I've got a target and a clear reason I'm proud to say it I can use my voice a lot better than whatever it was that mimicked me I'm a soft-spoken guy but I came down like a [ __ ] hurricane screaming I will [ __ ] kill you he replied simply in a softer tone of my own voice [ __ ] kill you they don't went back to babbling gibberish and knocking politely on the door over and over and over another minute or two had suddenly stopped the last thing it said was I know then he kicked the door and I mean harder than any human could have possibly kicked a door and ran off the boom was so loud I couldn't believe the door didn't implode on its frame the person thing bounded down the wooden patio and off into the snow I swear on my life and honour it sounded like a horse there's some other huge four-legged animal charging off into the woods the child's laughter rang out then everything was silent needless to say I remained in a cat-like state of delirious paranoia for the rest of the night the storm picked back up and I do not hear anything else I spent the whole night debating whether the thing at the door was talking about Fae I tried to convince myself that it was just yammering more nonsense like all the voices I've heard up here but the way it spoke that sentence haunts me even as I record this its voice my voice was purposeful and restrained it chose the words carefully knew exactly what to say I've been thinking a lot about what redditors have been saying about Fay being some kind of doppelganger when I first saw the nude woman on my car I thought it was a trick to lure me into the woods where the voices lie I thought the real face stopped me from leaving the cabin but many of you have pointed out that the reverse could be entirely possible given how the FEA I took home to California is behaving given how she has failed all of my tests and given her engagement ring has been missing since we got home so I sat there for hours considering whether I should go out into the woods during broad daylight to search for my fiancee and of course this is a stupid idea but now I understand why people in horror movies do idiotic things if I'm not looking for her or for answers why am I here I need to know what I saw that day in the driveway I need to know if there are many voices or just one and and I need to know how to get all of this back to normal I listen to music on my ipod and desperately tried to distract myself by reading news articles online until daybreak most of them wouldn't load because the gods of Internet have cursed this cabin around 4:00 a.m. I got up to get some food from the kitchen and I opened the window curtain a tiny bit to see if anything was going on outside a ton of snow had fallen at the rim of the forest dozens of yards out and I could see a distinct figure standing perfectly still on the moonlight he was facing away from me staring off into the darkness of the woods I checked on him every 20 minutes since then he never moved when the Sun rose around 6:15 a.m. he was gone and I never saw his face today the Ranger in his two buddies came to the cabin as promised they were instantly likable and warm one of them in t way is a medicine man in his 60s and was especially cool the other was his son Nathan who was probably just a few years older than me they told me all kinds of interesting lore about Pikes Peak in the surrounding areas and then proceeded to tell me a disturbing story that they believe explains the strange activity on the mountain for the sake of brevity I will relay this in my next post the Ranger gave me one of his facilities satellite phones to stay in contact with him in case of emergencies I used it to call fair but she didn't answer so I called Jason and Richard who are presently caring for her apparently if a had become inexplicably outraged after taking a shower it threw an enormous tantrum and locked herself in our bedroom she refused to eat for the rest of the night Alison and Jason slept in the guest room and Richard slept on our couch downstairs and worth play on his Commission's he's a digital artist he told me that around 1:00 a.m. the same time I had my visitor Fay ran downstairs into the kitchen eyes closed and started drinking out of the sink faucet she then turned around and stared I still shot at Richard while he sat at the breakfast table she said Felix to which she replied he's in Colorado Fay remember and then she said we sent him there to die then she sat down right there on the kitchen tiles and went back to sleep I've instructed my friends only to wake Fay if she does anything serious so they observed my rules and got her back into bed without much of an issue for all the crazy [ __ ] Fay does and she's asleep at least she never gets violent and the guys put her back into bed easily enough and the next day Alison bailed on the whole project she said she was awake all night listening to Fay whispering through the walls Fay told Allison about how there was a man in the house and he was asking about her my flight home is the day after tomorrow so I'm going to have to figure it all this [ __ ] out real quick I'm going to take a nap it's nice and bright outside no voices good night PS as soon as I get home I will put up the fae video I know I keep saying this but I really did not expect to suddenly return to Colorado I swear I'll put it up and then that will be the end of it and I resent myself for turning this into such a long ridiculous blog of my experiences [Music] teewe is an incredible storyteller he told me that Pikes Peak in the surrounding area was inhabited by the Ute Manitou Arapaho Pueblo Anasazi and other Native American groups at various times in the 1860s when the Gold Rush was in full swing many Indians were violently displaced because of mining operations there they were torn away from their sacred lands which was catastrophic to their cultures to waste rest that historically Americans have not understood the significance of land and names to Native Americans and this is critical to understanding the supernatural presence on the mountain the major world religions like Christianity Hinduism and Islam are universal they can be practiced anywhere you can pick up your whole life and move to Kentucky or Scotland or Istanbul and you'll still be whatever religion you are your God still hears your prayers and he still intervenes in your life but Native Americans practice land based religions the land they inhabit is a part of their creation stories it's not that the land belongs to them it's that they belong to the land and both are in a symbiotic relationship with one another history is embedded in the landscape a person is reminded of specific lessons and wisdom when they see a part of the land the mouth of this river has a story attached to it the fallen tree has a story attached to it a battle was won here a chief died here peace was made between tribes with a feast here when a native group is forced out of its homeland the people lose their history what's worse they leave behind the places where their dead are buried since the dead are bound to that place the Indians who left no longer have spiritual connections to their ancestors and thus to their gods the medicine and magic no longer work they forget the names of sacred places as the names in history and wisdom are forgotten the tribes spiritual power evaporates teewe said that when Pikes Peak was taken a group of disgruntled Utes descended on the miners and slaughtered a bunch of them because of a complex network of alliances and peace trees these Utes were punished by another tribe they dug holes in the ground and slit the Utes throats then they buried them upside down in the holes with their legs sticking out of the ground so that the Wolves would feast on their calves that was supposed to be the end of it but then something happened the legend says that these dead Utes arose from the tainted ground one night because their flesh had been flayed from the hips down they looked like walking skeletons they hobbled in to the rapaho camps and took women and children back up to the mountain they forced them deep into one of the mines never to leave again the howls of women and children have been reported on the mountain for over a hundred years now the Utes and Arapaho engaged in blood feuds sometimes called mourning Wars for years over this they exchanged curses executed and skinned and tortured each other they stained the once sacred earth of Pikes Peak with rivers of blood I was pretty mortified by this story I just kind of sat there with the Ranger and wal T away and Nathan blessed the cabin they burned sage and tobacco inside and outside and he used crushed herb to cover their hands they made a handprint on every window and drew small symbols and ash at the top of the front door inside and outside they gave me bundled sage cedar and Hawthorn and told me to burn it if anyone tried to get inside it drives bad spirits insane then they provided me with small pouches filled with herbs and blessed objects to wear around my neck and in my pockets whenever I went outside Nathan gave me a totem that he wears around his neck and told me to give it to Fae then they sang a really incredible chant in their language it lasted about 15 minutes I was blown away I [ __ ] love these guys then we went outside I showed them the dreamcatcher and they told me that they'd never seen anything like it the dreamcatcher is made with three branches woven together with hair and it has old yarn or wool string with glass beads criss crossing the center and a pattern it is old and handmade teewe told me not to touch and move it if you find an object of power and do not know who made it or what it protects you should leave it alone I asked him if it could be evil and he said maybe I got them up to speed on everything that has happened I said that a lot of my friends redditors but I didn't explain that I suspected that the Fae at my house in California was a duplicate and that the real Fae was somewhere in the woods TA and Nathan disagreed with each other on whether that could be but we searched the woods looking for signs of my Fay we found nothing I told them about the missing ring and they said exactly what many redditors have said if they loved the ring and it was powerfully symbolic to her it could be used by a bad spirit to harm her they told me to find it at all costs they also told me that if they indeed were still here on the mountain she was certainly dead and the moment we've all been waiting for teewe named the creature that was tormenting us is that his people called it a tan and no Kokua the imposter bad spirits inhabit the land everywhere and sometimes they get the opportunity to use a tragedy like the Pikes Peak Massacre to commandeer a human figure and walk the earth partly mortal in the case of the imposter they collect animal and human parts piecemeal wherever they can and stitch them together this is why they walk strangely vocalized strangely and why they never show their face or come out during the day they cannot pass for humans I asked ta why I always see someone facing away from me at the edge of the forest he said it's because it does not want me to know its identity but eventually the imposter would come for me wearing the face skin teeth and hair and tried to convince me that it was her when I asked him what it wanted he said nobody knows he also told me that there is power in names as many redditors have stated and that I should not speak its name especially not to it because that could provoke it of the voices I was hearing in the forest every night teewe said they practice what they hear for decades it makes it easier for them to hunt the freaky [ __ ] Toa and Nathan and the Ranger left at sunset and I spent the rest of the evening thinking about all of this and I think I figured a lot of things out around 9:00 p.m. something disturbing happened I used the satellite phone the Ranger gave me to call Fay she actually answered and was just lying in bed reading we had a great conversation I told her I missed her so much and that I was up here trying to solve what was happening I told her I wanted to have a family with her and had actually gone a whole night without sleepwalking or terrifying Jason and Richard after about 15 minutes of talking I started hearing sounds outside I heard footsteps crunching in the dry snow and I heard a voice my voice it said things like fight he found me a myth you see you soon the thing had been standing near the window mimicking my conversation with Faye I told Faye I'd call her back later and hung up the phone and went silent the thing walked around the cabin slowly trying to figure out if I had moved and kept mumbling and repeating a few phrases as it went finally it came and knocked on the door its knock was gentle just like last night I was a bit less scared because of all the blessings teewe had put on the cabin but I still held onto the gun just in case any [ __ ] went down he spoke to me in my own voice and the first thing he said was the whole wolf oh no in blood so yeah that amped up my fear quite a bit every hair on the back of my neck bristled do you know the feeling of being so scared that your vision turns hyperreal everything looks like a realistic video game so everything looks slightly awful and it knocked again and said hello may I come in I simply said no leave and it knocked for another 30 seconds or so and said what is your name hello I lied and said my name is David now leave you can't come in your fingers started knocking harder a lot harder non-stop and sad what is your name what is your name what is your name what is your name what is your name it was terrifying to hear my voice coming from the other side of the door and to hear rage building in that voice I said again my name is Daniel but the thing just kept yammering and asking the same question it would occasionally say things like ticket ticket rental car you go up in the trees the hole the hole down in the hole what is your name may I know your name then I had an idea I'm really good with fake accents and when I was a child my first language was German dad immigrated to Boston and met my mom I started speaking in a thick accent and talking about my day and then started shouting in German I recited a poem I know by Hermann Hesse they thrown von Ravenna dragon my visitor went silent and stopped knocking I could tell it was just listening so I started shouting in a British accent reciting lines from V for Vendetta my favorite film of all time I shall just thank you in every single language I know I once committed to learning in 100 languages and stopped like around 20 my unwanted guest just sort of stammered a little bit trying to mimic me but failed to do so I was no longer speaking in any recognizable pattern or tone eventually it just started growling the sounds Faye and I heard in the forest when we first stayed at the cabin whoa my eye started scratching and pounding on the door I grabbed the sage bundle and torched it with my lighter then waved it around the doorframe I don't know if the thing outside could smell it but it walked off the porch all pissed off growling went off into the night this time I ran to the window tried to get a glimpse of it but all I could see was a very dark amorphous form disappearing into the trees I think I figured a lot of stuff out I think this entity is mimicking me because it's going to try to convince Faye that it is me it is rehearsing my voice and then whispering to Faye while she sleeps talking to her in her dreams trying to get her to let it inside our house I think it wants to convince her that I am the impostor not it I think I also figured out why the voices go crazy at night and why they're getting closer to my home these [ __ ] not trying to scare me they're trying to deprive me of sleep if I'm psychologically and emotionally drained I'm weaker if I'm delirious I'll make a mistake there or his attempts to get to me will be easier I'm still trying to figure out how controlling Faye like a puppet in her sleep plays into all of this I know what I saw there was a man standing outside of our house walking the exact same creepy way Faye was sleepwalking at the exact same time I'm also considering the possibility that I already made a terrible mistake and that the imposter has already won when I went outside on the first night at the cabin with Fay trying to see where the voices were coming from I left the door unlocked one of the redditor said that that was the moment the Fay was replaced by something else I just don't know what to think but for now I'm going the [ __ ] to sleep update 4:30 well I found the ring update 5 - I'm out of the cabin and safe do not go to pikes peak looking to be a hero looking to find the mines or looking for me you will die avalanches radon gas mine collapses etc do not be a fool the morning after I spoke with my fiance Fay on the satellite phone and then was visited by the thing that mimics our voices I got a call from Richard and Jason Richard stays up very late and sleeps in the morning kind of like why I'm doing he does this for two reasons to work on his art commissions and to make sure Fei doesn't stab everyone to death and burn down the house in her sleep the guys report that she is behaving quite normally and feeling good being productive during the day but then at night she is unpredictable and weird I feel like her soul is being cleaved in half the two distant sets of Bay veer are drifting further from each other every day around 1:00 a.m. that night Richard heard the voice of a young child mumbling incoherently he's up to speed on all of the unusual experiences that have plagued my fiance and me so he immediately got up to investigate he looked out the kitchen window which faces the same part of the forest where I saw the man mimicking phased sleepwalking movements Richard didn't find anything so he walked in a circle around the house and realized that the sound was coming from our bedroom window he went inside and wolf Jason up and they stood outside the bedroom door listening they claimed they heard the distinct sound of the child whispering and softly singing and I bet you can guess which song both of these dudes are super ripped climbing enthusiasts and they said that they've never been so creeped out in their entire life Jason knocked on the door and said hey who's in there and he promptly heard the child go and whisper something in audibly Richard pushed the door open and said the Fay was standing in the corner of the room in the dark facing the wall she was standing up on her toes dragging her hands and nails down the wall and talking to herself with her back turned to the guys she said oh there's perfect which one which one put it down in the home Richard saw something out the window and hurried over to it Jason stepped inside the room and reached out to put a hand on face shoulder but she whirled around quickly and covered her face with her hands her eyes were open which is unusual for her when she sleepwalks then and these are the exact words Jason used she started speaking in the voice of a little kid she made whining and crying sounds and rocked back and forth on her feet cradling her arms as though she held a child and she turned around and started scratching at the wall again still whispering in the kids voice saying things like I can't see you then she started singing again Richard ran down the stairs and out the front door barreling toward the tree line from the window he had seen a small child walking around on its tippy toes failing its arms up in the air on the phone he told me that he could hear it singing while he watched it from the window when Richard got about 20 yards from the kid it took off running on the balls of its feet heading straight into the woods Richard stayed and pursue and went in after it it was too dark for him to follow and he lost the kid after a few moments he wandered around for a few minutes and searching the area and eventually heard the voice of an adult male Richard said he walked a few steps deeper into the grove and saw a huge man standing about 30 feet away completely naked looking up into the trees there were lacerations or dark pock marks of some sort and all over his body now Richard is about in 61 210 pounds and bulky muscular he said that this dude was way bigger than him he said that the man was perfectly still for several seconds but then started rolling his head around cracking his neck loudly and started making gurgling and mumbling sounds I guess Richard was paralyzed with fear because he claims he stood there for an entire minute or more before running like hell back to the house as he turned to get out of there the man let out a long hello and as he did his voice transformed it became my voice Richard said that the thing in the woods called out with my voice several times they fled wailing please help me and they're gonna kill me tonight Jason says that he does not hear or see anything out of the window only Richard running back inside ghost white with terror he said Richard actually cried while they talked in the living room face out at the top of the stairs I'm just watching wide-awake with a little smile on her face the next morning they took her to our psychiatric appointment the first she's ever had and I will hopefully hear back on that soon it kills me that I'm not there with her now I'm still stuck at Pikes Peak it's like this place doesn't want me to leave the ranger station shut down the entire road network on the mountain because of the huge blizzard that rolled in and their avalanche warnings my Road out of here is completely iced over and one part of it has the snow collapsed Minnie avalanched it shut up I'm from California where God pays attention I'm in contact with the Ranger and his name is Greg just like phase dad so that's why I avoid referring to him by name in these updates and he assures me that they're working on getting the roads cleared every time it stops snowing I missed my flight but thankfully they gave me a voucher so now I can just roll into the airport whenever I can I have enough food to feed an army and the electricity here is surprisingly reliable so I'm warm the Wi-Fi dips out for five or ten hours of time though I'm working on Donkey Kong Country 2 and secretive men on less NES while recording about my experiences here in my spare time oh I also slipped on the icy porch steps and fell on my side so I got this enormous bruise and it hurts like a [ __ ] but only when I breathe so and I got that going for me a user asked me if the cabin had a basement and I had never thought to check outside under the snow pack and halfway covered with old chip wood I found a little locked door and the key was in the kitchen cupboard and it turns out there is a decent-sized cellar under the house downside I found a ton of creepy [ __ ] there's a bundle of long black hair is several dozen jars of some rotten mutant looking [ __ ] and tons of old books from the 60s and 70s and a lot of porno magazines there's also a lot of sticks and yarn all of the material necessary to make a dreamcatcher like the one hanging at the tree line behind the cabin I didn't touch anything I just nope straight out of there I have been thinking about something one of the users said to me the other day which was have you considered that it is not a dreamcatcher at all and he's right I'm not an expert on Native American symbology or artifacts it just kind of looks like a dreamcatcher to me so I've been calling it one all this time ta the playable a friend of the Ranger didn't call it that he just said to leave it alone I'm wondering if that thing attracts the imposter instead of keeping it away it could mark the house I kind of want to move it for one night to see what happens after all tee way blessed the entire cabin so I feel quite safe and I have the 357 Magnum in case leaves don't protect me it's about 9:30 a.m. and there was a knock on the door I grabbed the gun suspecting another encounter with the imposter it's slightly snowing and gloomy so I figured the Sun was blocked enough that the creature would be willing to come out of the woods but then I heard familiar voices talking cheerfully I looked out the window and to my surprise it was tea away and his son Nathan it was tea away and his son Nathan these badass [ __ ] just hiked up from the ranger station in the snow to check on me I let them in and they made me tea and I cannot tell you how happy I was to see them tea away brought me his own dreamcatcher it was one that he made specifically for me and he told me that I should hang it beside the creepy one it's very colorful and Oh Nate I could tell he spent a lot of time on it it's even got two beautiful Hawk feathers dangling off of it which Nathan says represents freedom and unboundedness he reiterated the importance of finding the engagement ring Fay had lost and blessed the house again I tried to get them to stay longer but they had to get down the mountain before the storm picked up they told me I should come with them and we all knew I wouldn't if I left with them I'd be leaving Greg's truck and I'd never have found what I came back or I said goodbye and t:y hugged me I wish that guy was my grandpa I took a nap after they left I figured out how to sleep without being interrupted by the goddamn voices in the forest from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. it's pretty quiet outside so I nap on and off but something really bad happened this time I woke up opening the bathroom window I've never sleepwalk before in my entire life they've been sleeping next to me for five years and she says I don't move I don't speak I don't snore I don't steal the sheets I'm the most polite bed buddy on earth but when I came to I was standing next to the toilet both hands prying the frozen window open it was about two inches up in the freezing cold wind on my fingers is what woke me up I slammed it shut and checked all the windows insuring the bay were locked and sealed tight then I went back to bed I dragged one of the living room chairs into the bedroom with me propped it up against the door so that I'd knock it over if I got up again and this did not work around 1:00 a.m. I woke up standing at the front door I found myself pulling it open the loud groans that issued were what snapped me out of my stupor I slammed the door shut and looked out the window next to it praying nothing was out there waiting for me at the tree line I saw nothing then I remembered I had had a dream images of a huge hole carved into the mountain surfaced in my mind snow and branches were caked all around the mouth of the entrance and an impossible yawning blackness emanated from within in my dream I just kind of stood there gazing into the vacant face of the deep listening 2-phase weakened cries i sat down on the couch and just sort of cried for about an hour I thought about what our lives had become and how bad I missed her I thought about all of the dreams we had of our future the things that can never be if I don't figure out how to save her I thought about all the promises I'll never keep if I die up here I decided that it would be best to hang the dream catcher sooner rather than later because the clouds broke for a while and it was fantastically bright outside I got geared up and trudged across the snow with tea aways gift and hung it on a branch about three feet away from the evil looking one and that's when I saw it phase engagement ring it was dangling there right in front of me as if to tease me someone had woven it into the strings of the dreamcatcher I stood there for a long time right between the two objects I couldn't figure out if some benevolent force was giving me a break or if I was being taunted by whatever beings have haunted my footsteps ever since I arrived on the mountain retrieving the ring would require me to not only touch but destroy the creepy dreamcatcher I had the thought to go and ask you guys what I should do but I feared that if I left even for one second the ring would be gone when I got back so I tried to solve the riddle by myself I wish I'd brought the satellite phone out there with me after a few minutes of standing there a reason the T ways dreamcatcher would probably do just as well and protecting me if in fact that was the function of the original one I also figured that if it were cursed or something touching it couldn't actually be worse than leaving the ring bare and allowing fate to be completely consumed by her madness if the ring has anything to do with the creatures who are controlling Fay and me and while we sleep then getting it back as a priority over not touching weird stuff in the woods so that's what I did I broke the brittle thing apart and took the goddamn ring back what else could I have done and if as on cue I noticed something out of the corner of my eye it was a person standing in the snow beside a tree about 20 feet from my left side I was so scared I didn't look directly at him I just watched him in my periphery and prayed that he hadn't noticed me it was a man with black and gray hair and dark clothes facing away from me his head was tilted all the way back he was looking way up at the top of the trees his limbs looked mangled and bent and elongated even without looking right at him I slid the ring into my pocket as early as I could trying not to make a sound and as I did the man hobbled around and faced me I really didn't want to look now I just slammed my eyes shut I knew he was looking at me I could feel his gaze on me he started gurgling and making throaty sounds and then said in a voice so threatening I can't even begin to describe you know over and over I took off running and screaming like a bat out of hell I screamed all the way back to the [ __ ] cabin i barricaded the front door with the couch and burned up half the stage I had left I even prayed like an actual prayer I hadn't done that since I was 15 years old I'm really struggling with recording this last part it's taken me hours to finish this entry because I keep getting up to distract myself the Ranger isn't answering his phone and nobody's at the station maybe the power's out I don't know what I did by breaking that dreamcatcher and I don't know what tonight is going to be like but hey if you ever hear this and if something happens to me don't forget your tenderness yeah you're softened skin all I needed your love is my tourniquet I have to say this even though I desperately want it to not be true the man I saw was t way you things spiraled out of control up here on the mountain I made a decision that changed everything and it almost killed me only time will tell if it was the right choice to make but for now I'm just piecing everything together in my mind and trying to convince myself that I'm one step closer to solving all of this I destroyed the strange dreamcatcher that had been dangling on a tree branch behind the cabin since Faye and I first came to this place nobody knows who made it what its purpose is or why it was on the side of the tree facing into the woods rather than the side facing my house I found all the supplies to make another one just like it locked behind the cellar door that someone tried to hide years ago but when I broke the dreamcatcher I learned everything I needed to know teewe is dead a lot of people have said otherwise but I'm certain of this I saw his likeness stretched over the gruesome form of the thing that stalks these woods it was broad daylight and the look on its mangled face told me exactly what I didn't want to accept I really am all alone several redditors have speculated that this thing only shows itself at night and always faces away from me because it cannot convincingly appear human not without the help of the recently dead TV confirmed this during his first visit to the cabin but when I destroyed that dreamcatcher there it was proudly masquerading in the skin and hair of my best friend on this mountain in the sunlight no less I cannot even imagine how his son Nathan must feel if he's even alive the two hiked back to the ranger station from the cabin knowing a blizzard was coming I'm sure that's when TOI died when I got back inside the cabin I completely lost it i barricaded the door in the windows with every piece of furniture I could but there just isn't enough stuff inside the cabin to protect me so I sat there on the floor against the bed clutching the gun sort of wishing my dark visitor would come and kill me already but of course this is Pikes Peak death is not the worst thing that can happen to you here so the mountain kept [ __ ] with me it was getting dark and I was on the verge of a total psychological break I've been run four hours of sleep per night and a few naps for the past two weeks my only hope for redemption just got turned into a puppet and I was about to find out what happens come nightfall when the dreamcatcher no longer functions so what did my brain decide was the best course of action at this point to fall asleep I somehow nodded off in fact I think my brain just did a hard reset and because nothing about that sleep was restful I just went into a fear coma the minute the Sun dipped behind the mountain and then I woke up I was in bed with the sheets pulled up over me the lights were off all of them and my hands were empty when before they held Greg's 357 Magnum when I opened my eyes I supposed it was possible that I climbed into bed myself after all I've taught myself sleepwalking twice the day before but it took me a solid minute before I realized there was a [ __ ] arm wrapped around my chest I do not have the reaction you'd expect most people would fly out of bed screaming bloody murder but the first thought I had was where am I my parents divorced when I was three and so as a kid I'd spend a few nights a week at my dad's house and a few nights at my mom's sometimes I'd wake up in the dark and not be sure which bedroom I was then it always took me a second to remember where I was this is the thought that crossed my delirious mind maybe I was back at home in California maybe I was at Fay's parents house in Nevada I sort of rolled out from under the arm tried to figure out who the hell I was lying in bed with I've been sleeping with the lights on for the past few nights and I've never in my right mind have turned them off after seeing the creature so close to me a few hours ago the body in bed beside me felt familiar its warmth its texture I was pretty sure it was Fae but I still couldn't remember if she was really with me up here then she spoke she reached through the dark and touched my face and said what's wrong pop-tart yeah that's actually the nickname she gave me love me some s'mores pop-tarts I wasn't really afraid I just overwhelmed with confusion I asked her where we were and why the lights are off she'd just squeezed my shoulder instead there's a story it's done this before what's wrong with you I got up out of bed a feeling of dread was falling over me heavier and heavier and the more awake I became as soon as the sheets were off of me I felt a blistering cold colder than it's ever been in the cabin the heat must have been off for hours only a bit of pale moonlight filtered in through the windows and it was barely enough to outline the objects in the room I stumbled around looking for the flashlight and totally unable to remember where it was and said why the [ __ ] is it so cold did you just proved with the heat they tried to get me to come back to bed and she told me that it went off and came back on earlier but it would probably be back on soon everything about her felt wrong and her voice was perfectly clear her skin felt totally recognizable I couldn't shake the strange feeling I had I left the bedroom and walked out into the living room it was even colder out there I felt my way around with my hands noticed a strong and icy draft coming from down the hall it's a straight shot from the living room to the bathroom at the other end of the hall and from where I stood I could see the bathroom window it was open a big 2 by 2 foot gap leading out into the snow I went to shouted why the [ __ ] did you the face stepped out of the bedroom and stood in the hallway between me and the bathroom she said something like Felix you aren't feeling well do you not remember what's going on you're sick I almost believed her because I definitely felt dizzy and feverish but it could also have been a mixture of disturbed confusion and freezing cold the thought that this was not really Fae invaded my mind and I immediately regretted not knowing where the gun was the only words I could find were who are you and why are you here they just stood there in the darkness of the hallway the only thing I could see was a little sliver outline of a figure her face was entirely black but even though her eyes were hidden I could feel them burning into me just as tea weighs had when I found the ring it felt like we stood in the eye of a hurricane everything was totally calm but I knew hell was about to break loose there wasn't a single sound outside no branches snapped no sound crunch no voices moaned It was as if time had stopped completely they didn't move even as she spoke she held herself with the stillness of death she said Felix it wasn't going to get my attention it wasn't going to convince me that she was really my fiancee it was a threat she was reminding me that she knew my name I still don't fully understand what the power is in names but teewe and Nathan believed it and many redditors warned me about it when she said my name I felt smaller than her even though I stand almost a foot over her head do you remember the five she still didn't move an inch not even her hair kicked up in the drafts that blew in from behind her I can't remember not I didn't know how to respond to this I didn't know what she was talking about all I could say was get out you're not welcome here again Fay didn't move but she did clear her throat and the sound she made was about two octaves deeper than the real phase voice she inhaled sharply and said tell me about number five and that's when I knew I remembered where I was what day it was and exactly what had happened up until this point my visitor had finally come to call and no longer needed to be invited I deeply regretted breaking that dreamcatcher my hands instinctively slid over my pockets and to my relief the little shape of phase engagement ring pushed back against my fingers there was nothing else to do I decided to throw down the gauntlet I figured it was probably time to die anyways so I might as well go out bravely I said I know who you are and you will never be Fay she took a menacing step toward me a gurgle seeped out of her throat she inhaled again more slowly this time and demanded number five tell me Phoenix I looked all around me on the counters for a weapon but found nothing the knife block was on the other side of the short wall that divided the living room from the kitchen and there was only one roll of paper towels within reach but in retrospect I was so amped with Terra that I probably could have beaten her ass to death with it I don't have a clue what that number means I said in fact about 5,000 people online don't either nobody knows only faith knows my visitor starts shaking with rage her face was wreathed with impossible black there was an endless abyss in it that stung my eyes but then I realized something this creature whatever it is has had access to Fey's mind for several hours every night maybe for many years maybe even since she first visited the cabin when she was 5 years old and in all that time it still hadn't learned anything about her it could never perfectly imitate her because she kept some things buried so deep in her subconscious that not even this thing he could find them whatever the number-5 meant to Fay that deep place is where she kept the secret she didn't even go there in her dreams the next part was all a blur I said something like you were the one who speaks to her in her sleep the visitor kind of nodded I said you asked her things she answers you I hear everything she says the visitor didn't react and then I said you've asked her this question just like you're asking me now and she always says no no I can't tell you my visitor took another step forward dragging a hand along the wall as fey had so many times in her sleepwalking fits it raised up on the balls of its feet and twitched violently it said to me it didn't try to mimic my fiancees voice anymore it sucked in huge breaths trying to control its rage there is a certain feeling you get when you're about to die when you're in danger and you might die fear completely overwhelms your senses and compels you to flee to fight to save yourself from somehow but past that point when you know you're going to die that fear becomes useless and disappears this has happened to me only once before when I was sucked into a Riptide at the beach during an El Nino winter as a teenager in that moment I just wondered well my body ever come back to shore will they ever know what happened to me in this moment my heart slowed down and I didn't feel cold anymore I just stood there ready to be mauled by death I was satisfied in the knowledge that I had not given this creature what it wanted and therefore blocked it from using the knowledge as a weapon against Fae whatever five meant this thing needed it to take full possession of my fiance and I wasn't going to let that happen my left eye actually laughed and said well here [ __ ] out of luck buddy because I don't know what the hell it means maybe you can tell me when you figure it out the impostor laughed right back in my voice a perfect mimic I have said well then I don't need you anymore it lunged at me I've dodged a rabid German Shepherd like I was a ninja but this thing was so fast and so strong that enough to win clean out of me I toppled backwards to crash lands on on the tiles near the front door it unleashed a barrage of blows on my face and neck it raped my sweatshirt with razor blade like claws I tried my best to defend myself but it was so dark in the houses I couldn't see almost anything I managed to flail my way free of its grasp for just a second I pulled myself up to my feet by grabbing the counter and in doing so my hand brushed against the little bundle of sage I'd been burning the imposter was on me like lightning grabbing me by the back of my neck and pulling me with the strength of a 250 pound man I very ingloriously wheeled around and smashed the sage bundle into the creatures face burnt end first and wrapped my other arm around its head raised familiar locked tangled in my fingers I pulled its head forward and jammed the brittle stage into its eyes as hard as I could screaming like a banshee it freaked and growled in some in human language and tried to push me away but I held on as hard as I could and kept driving my fingers into its eyes crushing the twigs into them the memory of Nathan and two ways Kent surfaced in my mind and I shouted the only part I could pronounce denne denne denne my hand slipped over its face and the mockery of Fay's appearance fell away I couldn't see it in the dark but the face no longer resembled my fiance's the mouth was much too big for humans and the wet lips draped across the maw of a hundred fangs and that was it the bastard had enough it screamed and growled and took off on all fours its limbs elongated doesn't move farther from me it's shaped becoming recognizably inhuman he even in the pale light it barreled up the bathroom wall and out of the window and in moments it was completely gone I definitely am Not Afraid to cry I do it at funerals it's not weddings during the Hunchback of Notre Dom but I'm a little embarrassed to admit how long and hard I cried after that creature left the cabin I'd never felt so utterly miserably alone in my entire life I only stopped when the power came back on just probably 20 minutes later the heater kicked on instantly and I ran over to shut and lock the bathroom window my satellite phone was gone and the gun was gone probably outside in the snow and up in a tree or down in the hole I peeked out the kitchen window saw something lying on the porch right near the front door when I cracked the door open just four and I saw that it was t ways dreamcatcher it had been destroyed and placed in front of a cabin mocking me or reminding me that I was unprotected I checked the time run little bakery clock in the kitchen and read 1215 a.m. I was going to have to spend another night in this godforsaken cabin but I vowed myself that at daybreak no matter the conditions I would take Greg's truck and get down the mountain or die trying I didn't care if I slid off the cliff face I'd never watched the Sun go down in Colorado ever again for a while I actually considered leaving right then in the middle of the night many redditors have reprimanded me for not doing this before but I assure you even in this situation driving in the dark on that icy little road next to the 400 foot cliff is a complete nope situation but the mountain had other plans for me at one point I risked sneaking outside to determine how deep the truck was buried but as I approached I saw that the snow had been dug out around the front tires and they'd been slashed to ribbons all I could do was let out a grim laugh and Drudge back inside at least it was warm in there now at around 1 a.m. the voices started up they arose from far off in the woods several of them at once groaning and screaming dark elegies to the night it was all the same evil gibberish I'd heard a thousand times before but they slowly made their way into the open field and eventually to just outside the cabin I lit the remaining pieces of sage and did a once-over on all the windows that weren't barricaded with furniture I also donned the medicine pouches and amulet the tea away and Nathan had given to me hoping that they'd be similarly effective and protecting me and then I remembered tea aways useless dreamcatcher and imagine my crumpled corpse lying in the snow beside it outside the front door I distinctly heard my own voice calling hey hey it's me be like let me in let me in and from near the bathroom window my voice again saying hey sweetie I missed you so much it repeated a few other things I've said on the phone in conversation with her and even a few things I said to her while she was sleepwalking back at our home in California there were footsteps on the roof - and maybe three pairs of little feet stomping all over the ceiling voices of crying children paired with them I stood there in the kitchen clutching a knife and the herbs waiting for the end the voices circled the cabin as though a handful of deranged lunatics were slowly marching around the perimeter singing the songs of Hell as they went they begged for help they laughed maniacally they whispered and screamed and talked entirely to themselves all at once their dim shadows past the window curtains over and over I heard glass breaking in the bedroom and then in the bathroom the stomping on the roof grew louder and the voices of the front door grew more urgent someone began knocking on the door and the others tapped on the living room windows and they all started screaming and then as if Heaven Sent a blinding white light illuminated the entire cabin from outside all of the window curtains at the front of the house lit up the sound of motors drowned out the hellish cries someone had driven up to the cabin I heard doors opening and men calling out coherently the footsteps on the roof thundered overhead to the back of the cabin and the screams of children drifted off into the woods out back echoing as they withdrew the Ranger bashed on the front door calling out my full name instructing me to come outside I looked out the window and saw five men from some in uniforms in the Ranger there was a humongous off-road snowplow and two snowmobiles and a big truck and they've come to save my life when I went outside I just walked up and hugged the Ranger I didn't even grab my winter jacket he informed me that they were getting everyone off of the mountain because of a problem with the power grid he said he'd feared I'd freeze to death the ride down the mountain would have been the happiest ride of my life except for the view we snaked across slippery white roads and even with the trucks high beams on I could see the brightest stars I've ever witnessed but beneath them dangling in the trees were dozens and dozens of human bodies they swung by rope from their feet or necks some of them were flayed or missing parts the Ranger didn't appear to notice and I kept my mouth shut as they passed overhead on our downward crawl I could almost make out their frozen faces lifeless for years maybe decades and their black blood stained the trunks of the trees I'm not sure if these were the spirits tea away talked about or if I've simply been experiencing temporary insanity I'm not sure I'll ever know who they were but I'm guessing that if the Ranger showed up any later I would have become one of them I will never forget the haunting image of passing underneath them we arrived at the ranger station and remained there overnight I slept in a cot in a room of about 15 people all locals from different places on the mountain I asked the Ranger if he'd heard from teewe or Nathan but he said he had not the next morning one of his men drove me straight to Denver International Airport and I boarded a plane without any luggage whatsoever it didn't matter I had the ring in my pocket and I'll never need a jacket again as long as I live when I finally got home they let me have it she kept kissing and yelling at me I understood she was angry that I'd spent so much time trying to take control of this situation treating her like a child and disregarding her feelings and my crusade to rescue her she was upset that I can sign her to the care of my best friends without asking but seemed to appreciate their help Richard and Jason were very happy to leave my house and never look they in the eye again although they did have some good news for me they had not sleep walked or slept talked fur done anything out of the ordinary in over 24 hours this corresponds almost exactly with when I retrieved the ring from the dreamcatcher after an hour so of reprimanding me for being a thick-headed idiot they forgave me and we laid together in bed and talked about everything I apologized for her for the way that I had treated her and put the ring on her finger she looked relieved to have it back on I swore I'd never screw up like that again we both slept a full night no strange night tears the bad dreams their sleep disturbances of any kind and in the morning but yesterday morning we had phase favorite waffles at about 11 a.m. I received a call to my great relief it was Nathan I immediately pressed him for information about t-wayne and what exactly had happened after they left the cabin that day he ignored my questions and said very ominously please let me speak to the one who followed you home I said something like what to which you replied the one that calls itself a my fiance and I had been sitting on the couch watching the most recent game of Thrones so I just sort of handed the phone to her and said it's for you but she put it to her ear and said hello and then listened for about a minute I can hear Nathan speaking but I could not make out what he was saying suddenly a volcano of black puke exploded from phaz mouth it absolutely covered the couch and carpet and sent me nearly jumping out of my skin in the process they doubled over onto the floor like a rag doll coughing and sputtering I fell to my knees beside her panicked and asking if she was alright I picked up the phone and screamed at Nathan demanding to know what he had said to her Nathan just said please Felix please listen and then proceeded to recite some sort of chance or incantation a wave of syrupy vomit rushed up my throat and out of my mouth and as with Fay it was a black I'm actually in a metaphor so vomiting sends me into a state of Mia catatonia but Fay made a quick recovery and was right there to nurse me back to my senses Nathan spoke to me a bit more and explained what he had done and I'll get to that in a bit Fay and I spent the rest of the day feeling queasy and eventually went to Urgent Care across the road to get checked out they gave us blood tests and checked our vitals and sent us home telling us that we'd suffered minor food poisoning but I know deep down it wasn't the damn waffles thankfully for the past several hours and we've been feeling much better I mentioned a while back the TA and Nathan had a disagreement over who the real Fae was and whether it was even possible for a duplicate of my fiancee to exist when they hiked back down the mountain from the cabin a few days ago they had to go up into the forest to avoid a snow collapse all over the road out there in the woods they heard the crying of a woman and followed it to an abandoned mine both of them knew that it was very likely a trick but teewe said that it was their duty to explore the possibility that Fay was alive somewhere on the mountain the blizzard came on earlier than expected and they stood at the mouth of the mine listening to the begging of the young woman's we're off in the dark but concluded that its voice was too unusual to be humans t way and Nathan decided to bless the entrance of the mine which could ward off its dark inhabitants but they're chanting enraged whatever lived in it it came out of the tunnels and snatched T away he screamed all the way down into the dark Nathan could not follow he ran away terrified but got lost in the blizzard he wandered for an hour fearing death and eventually came upon a skinny body swinging from a low tree branch it was so fresh the blood hadn't fully frozen Nathan knew it was his father's corpse eventually he found his way back home he said his father's voice guided him out of the squall and Nathan explained to me that the imposters goal of taking over someone's mind was different from its penchant for killing people these creatures hunt and kill at random salvaging the human parts that they need to walk the earth as mortals for a short time but their real pleasure derives from conquering a person from within fay was one of the unlucky few that are chosen in this way and the imposters fixation on her had lasted for decades after long enough their continued presence in the body and mind of the victim leaves a stain on the soul this corruption necessitates a purge hence the barf party we had in the living room who stains by the way I have thus failed to banish Nathan vited me to the funeral ceremony for keyway I sadly declined as I'm already on the verge of losing my job and flat broke from this experience but I promised that I'd honor his memory in my own way I can't go back to that place fortunately Nathan was more than understanding and promised we'd meet again soon I'm still thinking about all of this I do not yet have all the pieces of the puzzle if you're looking for all the answers and you're going to have to help me find them but I think I have part of this figured out the imposter gave phase ring back to me they wanted me to destroy the dreamcatcher the ring was an object of great sentimental value both the FEI and to our relationship the creature used it to invade Faye's mind and control her thoughts it's goal was to convince her that it was me so that she would welcome it into our house late at night the home Nathan said symbolically represents the body just as the ring represents our union to be welcomed into the home is to be granted access to Fae but because the imposter could never learn everything it needed from Fae to mimic me it gave up on that project and instead came after me it returned the ring to me with us giving up its power over Fae but I broke the dreamcatcher to retrieve it as it turns out that creepy mysterious dreamcatcher was in fact protecting the cabin and everyone inside it which is why the imposter needed to be invited in when I broke it the creature could have easily come in and killed me but it needed information from me before it did it needed to know when a phase darkest secrets to rule her I'm not sure I'll ever unravel the mystery of the number five but I do know one thing not knowing what it means actually saved Faye's life I'm not sure I ever want to know as for Fae she's back to normal and in perfect health she sleeps soundly and only mumbles a bit which is pretty normal for her her sick sense of humor has returned as well last night as we went to sleep she turned the light off and said to me thank you for trying so hard then she leaned over and licked my face you [Music]
Channel: The Dark Somnium
Views: 184,687
Rating: 4.9066668 out of 5
Keywords: Stolen Tongues, stolen tongues nosleep, stolen tongues, stolen tongues creepypasta, the dark somnium, creepypasta stories, Felix Blackwell, nosleep, cabin getaway, nosleep stories, Creepypasta, scary stories, scary story, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepy pasta, scary story time, creepy pasta stories, creepy stories
Id: ijuBMrFJ2RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 2sec (6842 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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