Fuel Tanker Crash Lands Upside Down

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Good Day YouTube look at this massive scene right here you guys are in for a treat cuz we are doing this absolutely wild job that is a tanker a set of doubles rolled over right here we're all the way in Oceanside about 2 hours away from Sunny La now we got this call uh from the company on scene but by the the time we got here there was another toe company onon with two rotators SNR got some nice trucks and um because we drove all the way over here I figured why not just talk to them see if they'll let me work it with them and graciously they agreed so we'll be tackling this with their rotators and then I got Dave behind me and myself and Hulk but yeah that is a mess so currently offloading that one um not too sure on the particulars on this job it happened hours ago it took us two hours just to get here from my shop but I mean you can see all the Personnel they got crazy crazy fire Personnel Hazmat response CHP calr a lot can go wrong on these jobs because of the the heat the location where it's at and obviously the load you know fuel so let me show you guys where I parked my stuff look at that bad boy man wouldn't you like to drive that there's Hulk and of course Dave's truck not often you see Dave out in the daytime and I will go all the way to where SNJ is at I mean SNJ SNR never mind aircraft restricted because of a a no fly zone up ahead we're by the military base by the way but from here they are I'll throw in a circle so you can see in the rest area just up ahead so once they give us the green light that it's safe to start rigging we'll pull up our trucks ahead and and start our game plan should make for a really nice video all right and this is what it looks like from uh the other side don't want to get too close so the Drone doesn't get caught up in the trees but this is a doozy so it goes down the embankment and where they're connected that looks very weak we'll somehow have to uh factor that in so the tanker truck itself is completely on the roof usually the rollovers are on their side this one is all wheels up in the air this one is on its side um I'm not sure if they're going to be able to empty them 100% or if to let us work it partially loaded but either way it should be a very interesting job I put the Drone back to save some battery and I'll return to you guys with the Sony Vision once we're parked and up ahead and that lovely traffic has been here since 6:00 a.m. or before when this accident happened it is currently 2:40 I'm still on standby just chilling with the uh SNR boys and Dave oh okay one when they pull up their trucks I got to show off um the one in the front I se I know I love Hulk and I show Hulk off all the time with all my fancy stuff but they got some stuff on their truck that makes me absolutely jealous that thing is sick just about done they said uh the more empty it gets the more that it wants to go over to the side cuz all the weight on the upside down one is kind of keeping it from tipping over but now that it's going to it gets more empty uh the weight of the right side wants to take it over which is technically good for me cuz that's my plan anyways is the one on its roof to gently lay it down on its side and then from there reflip it again but we'll find out more once I get up there all right there's my prize fire department cleared us to work this job so with four rotators it's going to be a like crazy show especially with the room but we got a plan the 50 tons are going to handle the front and the 40 tons are going to handle the this this plan is uh based on us splitting it so obviously once I park uh we'll have to check that out the connection and see how easy we can disconnect then we flip them simultaneously and bring them over and this is what it looks like up close we are just about done and ready to get into position I think we're waiting on one more truck where the Cru Canon right there now they're not fully empty but uh between our trucks it doesn't even matter I think it's got like 100 gallons in each one something small like that they carry thousands so hundreds is a drop in the bucket showtime baby get my gloves and my wireless remol what is this guy doing see and then you got people like that that make horrible traffic a thousand times worse what's this guy doing going to get in trouble that's what I said what is he doing we deal with this all the time he's probably asking what happened oh I tell me he broke down we activate my free spool for this what a nice TR oh shoot it might be an emergency after all huh it might be an emergency I'm going to be nosy oh never mind they did break down if anything I'm going to tuck in my underlift it'll be easier so he can yeah hey I'm going to tuck in my underlift it's easier cuz I don't want to I don't want to mess with going down with the out rers and then up I always forget don't fil me now Hulk you never do oh and this is what I was talking about earlier look at that light tower that thing goes up and Spins I thought I could illuminate this guy that thing is nuts and see his auxiliaries synthetic that's the way to go yeah yeah I think we're turn the same time why don't I why don't I pull forth so you can go up Pump more I don't mind working out my back corner would be the same thing I guess if you can pull up just to bring the maybe like right uh let me see does you know what let me let me go 90° off the side and see see how far I am I'm I'm I'm perfectly where I need to be so I I can go forward a ton to compensate and work it from my back corner and because we got two because we got 250s on it it's not going to be an issue me working off the back corner I'd rather you work off the side since you have the rear yeah and then the front so let me put in my Outriggers I'm going to move Hulk forward and work off my back corner since he's going to get the heavier end which is the you know what I might have a heavier end cuz I have the tractor and it's almost empty but but either way I want to pull forward and give them some space okay so this is good news right here I got play right here I can unlock obviously there's too much tension to do anything but I'm going to get a bungee from my truck to keep it unlocked that way when the 50 tons rig to this we can uh rotate that way towards the front and then just slide right out let me get a bungee W Rotator power baby I'm going to just use a bungee to keep it unlocked locked so the hitch I can unlock it okay there not we'll rig yeah yeah yeah but I can unlock it freely it just won't come out we'll rig to this and I'll keep it unlocked with the bungee that way once we're rigged we can just rotate slightly slide right out this is so cool the Tower of underlift all right Dave and them are working on the drive shaft I got the bungee here it's not the best but I think that little trick will work what were you thinking here I'll see it from here thank you see how much tent this has prob quite a bit I want to open this up right here so I can undo the lock I'm thinking if I just bang it out Bring it'll release and then we just worry about the cables you want bigger hammer I got a little bit longer no I got the the pin that holds the cable that's almost C that's almost out maybe uh a flathead please all right woo got it let me just make sure this doesn't pop back in Ah that's fine all right I got the safety cable out all that's left is the penal hook I might be able to I might be able to do it with this right here might want to hop off that yeah this thing won't fall straight down I'm worried about it coming towards you you think it will it's only going to come forward so far it's going to come forward into the F I'd rather you not be standing in the way it's going to swing no I know I'm trying to see how I can get underneath I like your down huh yeah from from this angle all the tires are good yeah there's no real room to stand right there even if you do it from up top you're going to be on your arm is going to be on this side that's why I got the bungee didn't work as good as I wanted but once I unlock it from here I just bang this down and it should come open we wait till Dave gets off the top too definitely in the meantime I'll figure out how I can do it from that side all right let me see oh yeah let me know when Dave is off down if there's too much tension screw it we'll start with the trucks yeah too much tension way too much tension not going to happen we'll break to this then and start with that yeah just as soon as you pull it this way it'll get some tension out yeah let me see all this tools wait that I'll bring them up this way at least I got the safety cable out hey bro what are you going to use to rig to the back cuz while Dave's up there we'll just rig to the frame back there to pull it this way towards you and that should alleviate some of that right there do we want to rig it to do everything or just to bring it a little bit just to bring it put a here just to bring it all right so while Dave and the boys work on getting that split it's just a horrible angle and where we're pulling from is not helping so Dave uh they're going to rig to the the trailer and see if they can add some reverse force and by doing that they should be able to safely pull that thing out he wants to go the other way which is why Dave is standing on this side it's just a mangled mess so it's fighting them but in the meantime I could at least rig the front all right I'll stand here on this side see it moving they're trying every trick in the book to get all that pressure off I got a line to the front pulling down and then they're picking up from the axle on this one so by pulling up on this one it should bring the hitch down short of cutting it man this is going to be difficult but that's technically the hard part once you once you clear that the rest is good I got my tanker tube set up right here I'm going to see if it'll fit I got this thing and right after I got this thing man we had a tanker you guys might remember the video the tanker was old and it had very small opening so this wouldn't fit so I've used it for like a mini spreader bar and other things down so now we got it separated hey Dave throw me that bungee my 50 ton bunge that was good I put my St to the side now we can go and see if my tanker tube Works see now that we split it the 40 tons can position there and then drag it back that way so we each have room to work upright this at the same time right don't fail me now shoot if this doesn't work I'm going to return it please work please sir oh yeah you know what dude I got it backwards oh no no no I'm supposed to put in uh the shackle first but let me see if it'll even go in man you just get lucky every time huh think this is disappointing isn't it knew I mean if we pop this this whole ring would come off yeah I could do that I got time well it depends how are you guys going to flip this cuz this is easy this is your lift and your catch for whoever's using this one I think it would be easier and then the front Rotator whether uh can can be the control yeah let me just pause po this off I'll get my wrench know there's still some fuel in that one right they said I bought 100 gallons yeah and this one should be mostly EMP it is it's just the fumes we're going to put in my tanker tube and it should be good to go that one we're not going to open at all we're not going to open that one at all just this one drag it out okay just that rear hole nice mad Precision huh uh I think we're ready Ben are you ready all right three 2 one you're pulling a little faster oh you know what I got my highspeed idle on I did that when we were pulling it out oh wait let it let it let it let it good now comes the easy part barrel roll rig yes all right now that we got it on its side we can reig and this is what it looks like on my side now I got to lift it up so I could run my recovery strap under here see all that Gap probably going to go right here to the frame for the leaf spring cuz it's empty or right here FR of the exhaust system use a 1ot wide recovery strap 15 footer all the way through to protect the body all right let's do that then let's get my strap all right switching over to the DJI let the Sony rest it is surprisingly hot right now I'm going to let them borrow one of these these are awesome so you could wrap it make it tight and then use this to connect and that it goes to your strap oh okay I yeah that way it prevents all that excess stuff all right recovery strap good as long as it gets cool I'm happy oh yeah right there that's my best bet no cuz that's the exhaust son of a gun and these are this is a step and this is the fender this will completely tear cuz there's nothing behind there see the hood I got it though I just need a a reach stick see if I can borrow Dave's I'm going to lift it up higher so yeah much better much better all right heck yeah now I just feed this got to go around this stuff oh man it's actually pretty nice back here like if you're on a hike and not doing this so I got the strap through Lise help me on that one and I'm going to hike back around the other end and start rigging I get my uh shackles and then hopefully by the time we're done with this the guys are done with the the rear trailer and we'll all do it in unison so it'll be like two rollover recoveries at the exact same time you got it oh my tanker tube so I guess that's the trick isz you got to take off the cover here I got a shackle for the uh for the top it takes a baby one oh finally I get to see the Tinker tube in action like I keep my little shackles right here too you get your foot set up um drop it and we'll do yours that wayra under it here this is the one that fits that middle one that's the only one that fits the other ones are too big really yeah I got regular red shackles I don't think they'll fit you could try you could try if you want got a hat in my ass but dude this one's 14,000 lb just a little shackle and this thing's empty all right a little bit of rerigging while he sets up back here I got some time I ran my auxiliary line as a single to the second stage now I'm doing that because this cab is pretty nice like it landed upside down so the sides aren't too bad and if I catch from the rim at this angle it's going to crush it so if I go into the second stage it's going to give me that huge gap so I can catch from the rim safely oh it's going to look nice now I just jump up top and reig my straps are ready to connect all right now I got to show you why I went to that second stage one more time it's going to be hard when I'm right there but look at this pee cab itself is Cherry man well that's bent obviously but catching from the rim but with the two main lines uh at that angle it's going to it's going to crush all that it's going to take out that Fender go through the hood probably knock all this off so doing it this way alleviates all that he's about done too am I missing out how's that tanker tube pretty cool put in there though is it I always thought you you put the shackle with like a strap right and then you just dro the whole thing in there whoa what is that that's cool is that wood yeah I like that that's how we usually do wood we we're almost ready too huh let me just set up my catch and then we'll do ours parallel at the same time yeah hold it though shoot we're ready for my catch all right let's get my chains out of the way Teamwork Makes the Dream work he's got it there put all my stuff here all of it I think 2 minutes and we're Airborne 2 minutes and we should be airborne all right I'm ready Dave you're you're on low idle low speed you just reminded me so this is the part I was talking about at 45 what we're going to do is just go boom up ready so boom up beautiful man boom up boom up boom up see that catch line worked out great let's keep going let me go in online yeah okay let's go in with the lifts lifts only oh W mine still got flat all right I'll wait for you to catch up in the meantime let's see what these guys are doing Whoa man you guys are fast all right I'm all right continue pull him up okay catch up on your lift lift only catch up on your lift all right now while he does that look at these mofos they're going to swing it in between their trucks [Applause] all right my turn yeah that's beautiful bro that's absolutely uh let's see let's see now what we'll do is how much space you have all right let's rotate to the front 3 2 [Applause] 1 you got to go the other way oh shoot yeah you're backwards is that good okay so we'll up and in yeah all right let's hold it there and do a quick walk around in fact go in with your lift more so it's uh dead even I needed Airborne all right not bad huh yeah I can't get enough of how tight they all are damn dude and then they did theirs too look at that I hope their drones caught it cuz mine was just in one position now this part's going to be I just got to move in yeah this part's going to be easy bro let me put on my all right let's uh dud I almost think we could set it all the way in the shoulder we're going to that that's what we're going to do so we're going to boom we're going to retract all the way in while cables in but let's try to get Max boom height first only cuz of mine actually no you could do what you do and I'll do mine we're we're going to do it separate so let me let me just stand in the front right there's [Music] [Music] perfect okay clear are the brakes set that's beautiful you couldn't plan that if if you tried no it's going to land on the inside of this no I'm going to hit back here okay well the brakes aren't set right yeah they are oh they are lift up slightly and we'll rotate forward actually no no no no no no hold on you have tension a little bit yeah let let me do you one better set up you guys got more that way yeah that's I was saying sa hold on you're going to pull yours Pull It Forward there we go all right now now with me holding it here go for it you're safe retrack that Outrigger you good A bit more I got it in the front so a it's going nowhere beautiful bro they go pretty good if you're not talk you have to do all that's how it's done ladies and gentlemen boom goes the dynamite what you guys think impressive all right like it that's what we for man dude that's why I use a recovery strap dude a lot of this is still good yeah that's what I saying I I say so good stuff man hell yeah bro I hope your guys' drone caught that part oh dude SI Raptor good job again man that was too clutch man two clutch yeah you can put it there man I'll grab everything right now please maybe cuz I had it right here so once you guys started swinging I was like ah squid I hope theirs got itoo I like that okay so then the L's going to back up straight right yeah it's beautiful man so this is what I missed when I was too focused on mine all things considered the damage isn't too bad on these things they lifted it up and rotated it in between their trucks and from here the land doll's going to back up straight straight straight straight once the 50 tons get out of the way but man my first time working with SNR and you wouldn't tell man everything was just so sink beautiful job guys very impressed and I don't impress easy all right let's put this down and get all my stuff one of them one of them you guys post all this stuff I got a YouTube channel man all this stuff's going to go on YouTube Pepe's toe okay just like that same company name all right on it's definitely going to be on there man Smo appreciate that man so we aim for you like that thank you man I appreciate it I didn't see that c the way lot of careful rigging man a lot of planning you got to see the end at the very beginning it's the only way to do it so all the oil is ding out and need so that the public doesn't get it on their windshield and this a to go down the road I'll let them know cuz they're going to be toying it that's not an issue that's the easy part all right that's the land all right there now I definitely got way in the Zone on this one as you should be but I don't know if I got Dave's part I just want to show you guys why I rigged the way I did check this out I'm going to blur all the identifying information but where my strap went was over this step and under this and look how clutch that is zero damage anywhere else would have done catastrophic damage he only damage it from where it landed see all this stuff from the roll rolling and then landing on its roof say thing with the fenders but other than that virtually no damage at all from our trucks same thing back here with the liftting the catch where we went back here ran out this way came out through here left this all intact so I'm not an insurance guy who knows if they're going to fix it total it that's not my concern I just always got to do a the best job possible with as little damage as possible don't tell me you dropped it in there don't tell me you dropped it in there yeah oh shoot my tanker tube hopefully they had a drone right here maybe I can get their footage hopefully it caught this part because that was equally as impressive they brought it from right there and rotated it in between their trucks that's why they're back to back you know what I'm going to get my Tinker tube now it's first time being used as a tanker tube and I didn't even get to do it all good all right just like that hulks put away I'm going to get out of here he's going to get out of here the Lando's going to back back straight up and winch this up um got carried away you just get sew in the zone so I really really hope that end came out nice with the Drone Sony whatever I was recording with woo good stuff man yeah bro that was that was sick hey that was your Bailey strap and a shackle right that I left right here all right I got Hulk put away oh my baby shackle that you didn't use I don't know why I thought that only these fit in the top hole but yeah theide now we got that 3-hour drive back to LA uh all right now I got my shackle now I'm out of here and we got that three-hour drive back to LA all right and shout out to Westar man you guys did fantastic it's always a trip when you work with someone new cuz you just don't know their skill set you know if they're going to be hardheaded stubborn uh experienced willing to listen just all that they got an A+ in my book man absolutely perfect job hope to work with them again in the future man peace out [Music] y'all
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 264,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, hulk, heavy wrecker, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, rollover crashes, pepes towing, big rig crash, heavy rescue, freeway crash, miller rotator tow truck, big flipper, iphone 14 pro, accident, truck crash compilation 2023, crash compilation 2023, recovery, rollover accident, tractor trailer, semi crash, iphone 15 pro max, peterbilt 389, fails compilation 2023, iphone 15 pro max 2023, Fuel tanker, fx3, dji
Id: -OWO7aXyMkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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