I Bought the World's Smallest Fishing Pole!

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this is the world's smallest fishing rod and in this video we're taking it all over the place and fish for all different species and at the end we're teaming up with M to see if we can catch a catfish bigger than the fishing rod itself with a 2.5 gear ratio a telescopic rod and three lb test I'll be honest guys catching about anything on this is going to be a challenge oh my gosh but first let's go see what M thinks about it hey yo M what you think about my fishing pole Lord that's a Dandy yeah how much could you catch on that well funny you ask because that is exactly what we're doing in this video Reon we can catch a catfish on it I tell you what M here's what I'll do since catching anything on this is probably going to be a challenge let me start small and then if it holds up by the end of the video we'll go catch a catfish and we'll eat it actually you'll catch a catfish and we'll eat it yeah the sure will well you heard the lady it's time to get the fishing I started off my journey on a backwoods Creek with a bridge across it this is one of my favorite places to catch bait in fact this is the same bait we're going to be using to catch a catfish with mam if the rod even holds up that long and then I just go in catch a few fish oh oh oh oh oh oh he's small but he's perfect for bait now let's move on to the next location the next fish we're going to be targeting is an extremely popular fish to eat it's called the crappie or the crappy depending on how you pronounce it I'm going out on the lake with my buddy Tate a certified crappie master and he's confident he can put me on the fish but the question is will the mini rod hold up to these football siiz slabs I will say this I've actually never been crappie fishing in my life actually never and we're doing it today on a twft fishing pole that's the best way to start out yeah you taking us to the juice I am man I got some good holes up here we got the miners look here oh listen things go south oh oh we had the let's just cover that back up things get real bad we got crickets I got Grippos in there 99% of the world don't know what gpos is [Music] exactly D believe it or not all right yeah it's actually a serious looking little rig I mean honestly live scope and whoa you got to let go there you go oh it extends yeah wow okay okay yeah we can we can definitely make this work I think now from what I heard we also got a little crappy expert right here just a little bit I dabble in it so you can't see the pile that great but these little defined big yellow flashing looking deals well that's what we're going for that's the crappie that is the chis pie oh that's it drop it like right in front of the tring motor right there there you go oh I see it I see it the bait yeah and then stop it when it gets stop it right there I see them coming up they came up to it how do I know if I got him whenever he starts you'll feel him you'll feel him oh I think I got one you on I got something are you on the brush P I don't know it's coming no you got a fish I got a fish you got a fish let's go oh is oh oh it's a silver one you want me to go to land you want me to land this yeah get him get him get him get him first time crappie fishing we got one let's go the men fell oh the bait's out bait's out oh oh it's in your hand your hand grab him okay let's go dude let's go here let me reel this up let's go is that a slab or no yeah yeah it is straight slabs around here there's no size w we could keep him but we could put him in there personally I knock the sides off of him I all right that's what we'll do that is a trophy right there if it's like that should I just throw back out with this 100% let's do it then and this time I'm going to let y'all watch the live scope cuz you can actually watch them eat it which is insane oh oh there's one coming oh yeah just keep it still big ball bait just encompassed you oh oh he's on on here we go on the L scope oh a little better one oh oh you might have to get down for that one oh God hey let's go now we eating that one bro yeah that's good getting going down now is that a white or a black that's a white crappie there we go and a big shout out to Tate and James cuz they actually let me keep all the crappie that we caught today and also big shout out to James for you know being the one who actually cleaned the crappie cuz let me just tell you right now look at James go you can imagine what it'd look like if I was trying to fillet those crappie but just a few days later we were heading on to location number three the Cayman Island and boy let me tell you this place is a the I don't know it's an island but regardless we're using squid for bait that I bought at a gas station and if we're lucky we're going to catch a bunch of species that I cannot identify so far with the mini rod I have no complaints let's load this thing up and take it out to the middle of the ocean in the Cayman Islands and see how this thing can hold up to some saltwater fish so I'm just putting Squid on a hook and hoping for the best long story short though here's my rig I got a 1 oz weight on the bottom pretty much tied up to a drop shot right here last couple days I've actually been over here with mullet man filming some videos and he told me buddy if you take that squid and you put it on a hook you're going to catch something literally wherever you throw it so we're going to see if that's true but I'm just going to toss it in here let it go all the way to the bottom oh I'm getting bites right there I'm getting bites right here this may not take long at all oh oh got him got him oh no he came off no I got him no I got him oh oh he's taking drag son he's taking drag he ain't no two foot fish he's a fish though my 2.5 gear ratio is having a hard time getting him in but look he there boys first cast in the stinking Cayman Islands and we stinking caught a baby yellow fan tuna is that not wild look at that a baby tuna that's insane grow a little bit more buddy then you may be bigger than the rod let's say you got to get some slack on there oh got another one got another one man got another one got another one this gear ratio is killing me man this gear ratio is killing me well B be if it ain't the same thing another baby tuna if there's all these little Tuna out here you know the big got to be somewhere it didn't take long for me to notice that the drag on this thing wasn't actually too hot at all even whenever I'd tighten it up as much as I could ah man it just wasn't doing it now that doesn't disqualify the mini rod from the presence of mamy but it definitely doesn't help and as the challenge continues and the fish just keep getting bigger that's definitely a problem we're going to have to pay attention to dude it's rattling the screws off this thing listen to that it's rattling the screws off this thing it's going to fall apart oh I think I got him I do I got him he's a bigger one he's a bigger one ain't much bigger same species though I'd say let's go ahead and move down to the ocean part and see if we can get on anything good over there all right guys this next spot is a little more oceany this right here is the ocean you go out that way you're probably going to hit land somewhere although it's still not like giant waves I mean we're definitely not uh deep sea fishing but this is definitely the ocean the waves are definitely a little bigger out here but I don't know we'll see if we can make it work I think I'm on bottom I can't really tell guys I don't know oh no worst case scenario actually my reel is not going to reel cuz I'm out of line that's the one downside about this reel is that it just doesn't hold hardly any line and if you cast all your line out then you can't reel it back in well little oh there goes my whole reel my whole reel fell apart I probably caught a shark down there and don't even know it cuz my reel's falling apart there we go we're back online we're back online we're back reing we back grilling oh we're back off again my gosh this thing's terrible man yeah this is piece of jump we'll be lucky if I don't sling this thing right out the middle of ocean before I leave here and just like that before I even got my first Real cast in they've done took my bait new bait new me you know this Rod's definitely not much to brag about I can see all kinds of fish down there bunch of different blues and yellows and oh I got oh man he came off no I got him I got him oh he's got me in the Rocks he's got me in the Rocks he's got me in the Rocks this is the spot of this thing's life man is this a stinking bluegill oh he's got me in the Rocks man he's going to break me off buddy I don't even think I hook this guy I don't even think I hook this guy in the mouth I think this is just due to the offshore drop shot see we're dealing with ocean fish right now so I don't know if they got poisonous barbs on them this is sitting here pooping everywhere I'm not no Professor on how to how to handle these fish but there he is he's got big old eyes looks like some teeth in there still pooping everywhere we're just going to toss him back I have no idea what that thing was comment below cuz I don't know hopping on the bicycle to hit a pond close to home we're going after largemouth bass which should be the biggest fish that we caught so far but it's still nothing compared to the catfish we're hoping to catch later for bait I wanted to use a little Buzz bait but this is where we ran into a few problems really fast Not only was the not long enough to efficiently cast this thing but my gear ratio was also so low that I couldn't keep the bait on top of the water where it was supposed to beat the first cast was actually a terrible one there we go that's a decent cast but since this is a Buzz bait I have to reel it fast enough to where it buzzes across the surface and I just ain't doing it guys oh there it's barely buzzing it's buzzing a little bit can I buzz it enough to get a bot though oh man this just ain't going to work okay actually it's definitely not going to work cuz I just broke my line that was an extremely quick fishing trip now I'm determined to catch a bass on this thing so instead of just quitting and calling a night I headed back to the house sifted through some lures until I found one I could use on a lower gear ratio which turned out to be this little Cricket so I hopped on my bike headed back out to a different Pond and it didn't take long for us to get bit oh oh there's one there's something fish on oh he feels big I think it I think it might be a bass oh it is actually a giant just not a giant bass it's a Giant Bluegill though that's for sure look at that thing it's not the bass that we're looking for but with just this bluegill giving me that much trouble imagine what it's going to be like whenever I finally do hook up on a big catfish good bluegill not the bad we're looking for let's keep [Music] fishing I broke a cricket off trying to cast it I hate to say it guys but I don't think we're GNA be able to get a bass with this thing tonight which is going to make trying to catch a catfish with it even harder tomorrow all I can say is I better bring a lot of extra Hooks and I better bring my glasses that I don't have sounds like we're going to be breaking off a lot maybe just from casting all right guys it is the next morning and I'm back out here fishing with the mini rod trying to catch a bass now this is a lot less about trying to catch a bass it is actually testing the capabilities of this thing the last thing I want to do is go out catfishing and break off about 10 hooks inside of a catfish's mouth so if this thing can't hold up to a little bass definitely not going to hold up to a 10 lb catfish anyways we're going to start fishing I'm using this tiny little jerk bait the gear ratio shouldn't stop me from using it but let's see it's got three treble hooks so nine hooks total and uh well with one of these baits you really can't fish it wrong so I'm just going to toss it in twitch it around and hopefully we can pull bass out of here oh my gosh ah I've already got myself man ow oh and I broke off this thing piece of junk dude literally a piece of junk that's what I'm saying for one if the line breaks every time I try to cast it's not I can't even cast a bait out there number two I have a jerk bait in my back right now and I have no plans on how to get it out I might just leave it this is not looking good for the little mini rod I'll be honest it'd be really cool to catch a catfish I don't I know if we're even going to be able to those nine hooks I was talking about I feel them let me reach in here and see if I can secure the rod probably shouldn't have threw it in here but oh gosh my goodness this is going to be a challenge didn't really prove anything right here but do I think someone should use this for catfishing absolutely not but I think even though this is probably one of the worst catfishing rods you could possibly come up with I think we're going to try it anyways but I'm only taking one hook so me and made me break off that one hook it's game over we lose the challenge here we go it should be interesting are you ready I'm ready today this is your weapon of choice this is my fishing bat I have deemed this thing not fit for catfishing it's not no what it Bel for nothing it's terrible but we're going catfishing anyway sound good sound good all right cool all right you're in you ready yeah all right all right M that's what you got to work with I don't have much room to walk if I don't clear out some of this grass then there's not a single chance we're going to land a catfish here all right man this is where you're going to be fishing all right all right we're looking for a catfish with this Rod right here you got to be pretty careful not to break them off because okay we're dealing with a catfish up to 10 lb which is perfect to eat but this thing well it has a hard time casting a jerk bait so it's going to be interesting all right all right now for the bait we're actually using the little green sunfish that we caught at the very beginning of of the episode so uh I guess this thing's kind of Full Circle there's his head magic trick turned one into two we're using bluegill head for baab we're going to keep this between me and you I don't really have any confidence at all in this Rod right here but we're going to put it in M's hands and see what she can do with it all right M there's our bait what do you think about it that's pretty good I'm going to go ahead and cast it and then you're doing the rest all right okay all right bluegill head she'll be able to just toss it in right about there and uh well the rest is on you all right here you go M at this point it's just sitting and waiting and whenever something goes about like that you know what to do I know what to do to jerk it all right oh here you go here go here you go here you go you got one reel it in reel it in maybe reel it in we had one I don't know what it was as soon as I touched it here you go I reel it on in Rec it okay as soon as I was I was just picking up the slack and there was one on it but whenever he felt me a little bit he let it go he was on there m he was on there but we didn't get the hook set in [Music] it I don't believe we're going to get one we are M got to be patient you've got a hook in your shirt yeah it's been a long day I think that's a snapping turtle if he gets it let's go he's going right towards your bait so is he taking it is he taking it reel in maybe reel in is he on there is he on there the don't feel oh well then just leave it leave no it is on no way there's no stinking way you had him and he just broke off there's your Mighty three lb test right there broke what are we going to do about that M I don't know I I thought we had him we did what we going to do about that snapping turtle I don't know he might snapped it off might we'll have to get something to hold him so you saying we coming back to get this snapping turtle yeah all right well subscribe if you're not already cuz it looks like me and M's going turtle trapping pretty soon click over here if you want to see M's PB catfish or right over here for whenever M killed her first deer
Channel: Kendall Gray Vlogs
Views: 513,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallgray, graygang, outdoors, kendall gray 2, kendall gray 2nd channel, kg2
Id: hy4RuFRKVJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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