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hey let me show you how to make this Tous looking stir fry spaghetti hey my lovelies and welcome back to my channel so we're going to start immediately with our beef we're going to be clotting our meat now if you already have sliced be or you can get it already sliced from the market that's good and from the supermarket rather but other than that you can just cut it buy from your regular local market and cut it like you see me do make sure you wash before you cut and then slice it thinly then you want to go on and spice it with all of your favorite spices I'm going to be putting all the spices I use in the description box down below so do well to check it out I finally added some salt and I mixed that already it is a dry mix so you're just going to mix that with no liquid added now by the side we have our water boiling I just added some Granite oil and then put in our spaghetti now the oil is to help the spaghetti not to thick and not to what's the word not to and come together is to separate it you know the way Pasta Works now it always cluster sometimes so the oil is meant to De cluster it now we our pot with hot oil we're going to fry that beef that was seasoned well you're going to let that fry up until it loses all of its pigness turns brown and it's cooked meanwhile don't forget you're frying this on high heat so it doesn't rele is juices we want it to just fry and cook and get done now this is one of the reasons why you want to make sure that your beads are finally slight so that they can cook cuz that's the only method will be cooking it so to our Oil we're going to add some sesame oil for extra sweetness and flavor and then we're going going we're going to go hey God today English want to do dirty we're going to go in with our sliced onion yes and then we're going to stir fry that for a bit um you can add some minced garlic and ginger if you want but I already added some um powdered garlic and ginger to my Min be so I didn't really bother and then you're going with some Scotch vet pepper according to your heat level I added a lot because I really wanted this pasta to be spicy next up going with your Fresh Veggies your sliced veggies I used some carrot some bell peppers and some cream peas you can add whatsoever you want sweet corn do you but you want to make sure that you now this food like I said from the beginning we're cooking on high Heats because everything is De frying we're literally frying so even when you add your vegetables you want to make sure that um you don't cook them for so long before going in with your pasta and then some oyster sauce and dark soy sauce it's totally fine and then we're going to add our beef back and give that a complete stir you're going to stir that toally until it is combined this can be such a hassle but take your time slowly stay until everything is combined if you notice I've not added any seasoning at this point and that's because I wanted to make sure I added my oyster sauce and and my dark soil sauce because they already contain seasoning so that way I can control it so at this point I felt I needed a bit of salt and then I added and it was totally fine I justed that and our meal was ready guys can you see such easy meal very fast can be prepared in such a hurry if you enjoyed this video do well to click the like button make sure you share and don't forget to subscribe and I'll will see you on my next video bye guys
Channel: Teelicious _TheFoodSpecialist
Views: 8,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uEZ0k4Pm0UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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