Still Can't Bunny Hop? Watch This!

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can you bunny hop a bit not as big as you'd like or not at all well then hopefully I can help you out because a few really common ways that people aren't body hopping as well as they could be and they're mostly really simple to fix but not all of it so keep watching but before I get into it make sure you subscribe to gmbn we do fresh mountain bike videos every day of the year right the Bunny Hop getting your bike up into the air is key for riding properly technical trails and for getting really good jump in and this is more important about getting the right technique than it is about how high you go it doesn't need to be massive when he uh means but as long as you're getting your bike up into the air in the right style it's going to help you out dump the clipless pedals for pratts and Bunny hops although if you've clicked this video and you're struggling with bunny hops I would bet that most people are already on flat pedals but with Clips you can get some height on your bunny hop but like I said before it's all about doing this the right way and if you're learning to hop just by using your clippers pedals it's actually really going to limit how good you are going to get a ride in your bike why will Clips limit you well I'll get into it but basically if you're learning just to pull your bike into the air then you're not learning the sort of movement of weight around the bike and that means particularly with jumping you're going to be really limited to how big you can go and how good you're gonna jump in if you're just pulling your feet pulling your back wheel up into the air all right let's get into it I would say probably most people that think they're struggling with bunny hops are probably struggling the most we're lifting the rear wheel which we'll get to but we'll do it in order so you need some patience it actually starts the front wheel but Bonnie hops is all about moving the weight the timing lifting your front wheel and then your bat wheel not lifting both wheels at the same time [Music] wheel left I've done previous how to buy help videos so check those out if you haven't already this video is probably more about people that have maybe seen those and still can't quite work out why they can't do a good bunny hop so start the front wheel lift all about using your weight to do this now a really common mistake here is people are using their weight but they're not getting low enough at the end so think of my hand here that's my hips that's what I'm thinking of my weight so trying to move the weight back yes that's going to lift the front wheel but if you stay in that ready position and then just move back you're going to stay quite High which means your legs are going to be still quite extended and it is probably going to lift your front wheel that movement away is going to do something but you're not going to get a good rear wheel lift if you don't get low so that's why in that bunny hop videos always talk about this owl shape I'm talking about the hips drawing that L because if you stay high you've got nowhere to stand up from you're just gonna have to sort of throw your hips forward really awkwardly and that isn't going to give you a nice movement it's going to feel sketchy but also you need kind of a bit of a scoop which I'll get into but just make sure when you're doing your manuals which is part one everybody off you can break bunny hop into different parts start with just the manual make sure you get low and if I'm doing this really good my bum's gonna be really close to my bat wheel especially on 29er and actually if you look at my hips are going to be kind of in line with the axle it might even go a bit further back so nice and low over that rear axle is going to give you a big front wheel lift the higher you can get your front wheel the higher you can then get your bunny hop foreign [Music] got that so finish your manual low because that moves on nicely to what I think is the most common mistake that I've seen when it comes to bunny hopping is because people stay high with a manual yes great they've moved their weights that does help you know the wrong technique there is to pull on the bars let's get it up most people actually do move their way if they stay high they then have to rely on their feet to pick up the bat wheel like I said if we're nice and low you kind of stand up and forward your hips and weight goes up and forward you get a nice hop but if you're high it feels horrible to just sort of thrust your hips forward so people then mainly with Clips here for them people just pick up with their feet because they're tall they've got then room to move their knees up and they use their legs to pick up the bat wheel now it's kind of where it sounds fussy because it does work um but I'm saying it's wrong because you're still all your weight is still here over the rear wheel and like I said it's not great of technical Trails because if you get it wrong and you're trying to skip through loads of routes which I'm gonna do in a minute um if you hit them your weight is on the wheel so you can slide out if you're using a hop technique you're moving your weight off the front wheel as it goes over the roots and then off the back wheel as it's going over the route so you kind of your sort of margin for error gets much better therefore we can ride much harder Trails if we're doing it the right way but the main reason it's not good just picking your back wheel up your feet is for jumping because I talk about the Hop technique it's not exactly top technique but really it's the same motion front wheel then battery all into the air for a jump and that's how you get really good at making loads of height and opening up how big a jump you can do and just how good you get a jump in whereas if you stay over the rear wheel I see it all the time people get the bike into the air use no weight and then they stay back and then they think oh I need to go higher and they pick their back wheel up with their feet and then they run out of space the rear wheel hits them in the bomb and then they don't clear the jump and they land really heavy on the back wheel and it leads to loads of crashes we see them in the fails the people sent to our uploader as well so it really does limit you doesn't mean you can't jump you can still jump but it's just nowhere near a safe and you won't be able to do big jumps safely if you stay high and just think about using your feet to pick a barrel roll up doesn't work well it does work it's not as good all right so let's get into a proper rear wheel lift and what we'll do is we'll just look at this by itself so we'll forget the front wheel left now hopefully you can do that already so let's just think about doing a really good rear wheel lift and then we'll stick them together which is the hard part but you sort of start now pretend you've done the front with it like I said your hips are dead and nice and low and to ride long hips low and then think about trying to stand up and forward and now also scoot back with your feet Yes with Clips you don't need to do this as much I still think even it's worth trying this but with Flats it definitely feels like you're kind of pulling back against someone up almost like that and you'll kind of with the hips as well and that bit of friction it should just pick the back wheel up you might want to wear some sort of pads this is where you can slip off your pedals and sometimes get shinners but go gentle with this and have a little practice so let's get a cruise along Fire Road get down and low and now I think about going up and forward and that scoop foreign yeah I kind of think it actually is I think anyone can do that we'll take some practice you've got to get used to moving around I think you know the one thing that limits most people if they're not getting sort of much Beyond intermediate is because they're not moving enough on the bike or maybe they've moved too far and crashed so you know it's kind of self-preservation but you need to learn the limits of how much you can move and when to use it I should stop it fall off so learning that you can move quite a long way forward and using that sort of scoop it will lift up your rear wheel a lot I reckon you could probably throw yourself over the bars from there obviously you'd have to move a lot and don't do that but yeah probably you probably could this is easy enough to taste practice the hard part now is trying to put all these motions into one to make a good bunny hop because now you need from ready position down and back but make sure you're low stand up and forward and a scoop and you need the timing right and that sort of equals a good bunny hop but this is by far the hardest part is putting all those motions into one and not making it too long because then you'll kind of lose the momentum and it won't happen or most common problem is people try and do it all too quick and then they lift the bike up they go back to the wrong technique and the bike does that and not that because I'll show you now why it's important to go front wheel then bat wheel find yourself a stick put on the floor and basically just Roll Along don't go too fast and forget about Bunny Hop try and think about one wheel at a time and try to not touch stick stick is lava [Applause] it's gonna force you to go one wheel at a time so roll in dining back for front wheel then upper forward for the rear wheel do it like touching the stick if you're still hitting the stick quite a lot I would say this is almost certainly down to you not moving around enough and you're drawing a square with your wheels because as you can see my front wheel is only up for a really short amount of time and the rear wheel's still on the floor and then it comes up and over if you're staying too high or you're using your feet then you're more than likely lifting your rear wheel up you know way too early and it's coming down too early as well so this is like the easiest way of diagnosing if you've got a good hop technique is get the old stick out do it over and over nice and slow then speed it up and it should turn into a bunny hop but this is by far the hardest part of getting a good bunny hop it's going from that same thing but just speeding it off and keeping the correct technique all right once you can clear the stick that is a good bunny hop technique I'm only doing it really small like 10 centimeter hot probably but the right motion and that is it so if you want to go bigger it's all about bigger forces so you need to lift the front wheel Higher by moving faster and further obviously then you get into Realms if you go too far you can Loop out but hopefully you'll learn where those limits are and then you'll need a big rear wheel hop as well so get confident with this don't rush it if you find you go bigger and the technique goes that's pretty common as well so just go steady build up get that nice technique first over a stick and then start building it and it becomes super useful like I said you can start riding rear tactical Trails having way more fun on your bike and I think it's quite a simple fit you just got to take your time get the good technique try not to stress on the Bunny Hop it's usually just one of those things that you can fix you'll get a good hop and then it'll open up some proper Trails here
Channel: Global Mountain Bike Network
Views: 185,478
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Keywords: Bunny, Bunnyhop sklills, Bunnyhop bike, MTB skills, Bike skills, MTB guides, Bicycle guides, Mountain Bike tutorial, MTB tutorial, Bicycle tutorial, Mountain Bike skills, GMBN, Global Mountain Bike Network, mountain biking, mountain bike, Bicycle (Product Category), MTB, Bicycle, Downhill, XC, Cross Country, Enduro, bike skills, mountain bike skills, bike, bike riding, cycling, gmvn, Neil Donoghue, sec-how-to, 4951, scany15, ᡫ, ߚ‎, 1o, ኽ, ᢊ, 1w, ዝ, ꔇ, ፕ17, 𑣞‎, έ, β, υ, η, θ, ρ, σ, ፮
Id: F7LO1qnm0Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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