How to Jump your MTB without getting BUCKED.

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All right, look, this is how much I believe in this method. This jump right here, I've never hit it before. I've been scared to hit it. It's a gap jump. There are consequences. But I believe in this method so much. I'm going to hit this for the first time on camera. All right. I'm ready to go. You all ready to go? Cool. You remember how you were talking about how you hate getting bucked on jumps and the fear of getting bucked is the main thing keeping you from progressing on jumps. Today's your day because I've got a little secret for you on how to keep from getting bucked. I'm going to have a rad day. And because you are here and coming with me, you're going to have a rad day, too. Let's go. Now, there are a ton of tricks and tips out there, but this is the one that has consistently worked for me. Regardless of the size of the jump, regardless of whether or not the jump a steep or flat. It has just worked. Credit where credit's due. This is based on something that Anthony Napolitan told me. I took what he said and just adjusted it a little bit to make it a little bit more concrete. Now, some things we won't be talking about is how to get more air or get stylish or anything like that. We are purely focused on not getting bucked so that we'll have greater confidence on jumps and then we can move on to those things like boosting and whipping and things like that. So if you're interested in those things, do hit the subscribe button so you can follow along for that adventure. You ready to get to this? All right. It's pretty simple. You're going to get into your riding position, whatever position you are in when you are riding aggressively. As you go over the lip of the jump, you're going to hold that position. Sounds simple, but here's the physical cue that's going to help you maintain that position. Take note of the distance between your chest and the top tube. As you go up the lip, make sure that that distance does not change. This is a little bit harder than it may seem because we have a habit of letting the bike come to us as we come up and over something. This is normal. It's good. Like if we're going up and over a roller or something like that, that's what we want to do. On a jump, however, that puts us in the perfect position for getting bucked. So by maintaining that distance between our chest and the top tube, we are set up better for a nice arc over that jump. This is a really nice physical way to detect whether or not you're holding that position or not. Can take some practice. And if you can film yourself doing it, that's even better because then you can see whether or not you're holding that position. One thing that I discovered while I was demonstrating is that if I didn't have good even pressure between my hands and feet, like if I was light on my hands or light on my feet, things got a little bit wonky. So that's something else to pay attention to. And that's it. This is going to be a really short video huh? Want to take it to some bigger jumps? All right, look, this is how much I believe in this method. This jump right here, I've never hit it before. I've been scared to hit it. It's a gap jump. There are consequences. But I believe in this method so much, I'm going to hit this for the first time on camera for you right now. You got this, Alan. It's not even a big jump. Oh, my god. I can't believe how freaking easy that was. I have been scared of this freaking gap jump for a long time. I hit it. We did it. It was fine. So awesome! So what should we do next? How about this little piece of content right here? You know, it's good. You know it's going to be tasty. And if you want to come on more adventures with me and learn about stuff like jumping and other things, hit that subscribe button. Hopefully you dug this video. If you did hit that like button and until next episode, go have a rad day! [beep]...based on something. Anthony, Anthony. Anthony, Anthony, Anthony.
Channel: MTB ALAN
Views: 140,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtb, mountain bike, mountain biking, trails, outdoors, adventure, biking, cycling, gopro, pov, sports, fitness, health
Id: _frRzPRnOPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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