Sticky Beef Ribs & Slaw | Jamie Oliver

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[Music] happy Christmas you lovely food tubers mr. Oliver here in a beautifully festive fashion we're gonna do a beautiful dish sticky delicious beef short ribs with mashed potato winter slaw the flavor is maximum this is a showstopper so I've got two beef short ribs right here you know it's from the four quarter of the beef that's the bone marrow that's kind of like the most incredible intense sort of stock cube ever so get your ribs into a pan season it with some salt and a really generous seasoning of pepper a little bit of olive oil just to get it going this cut of meat is tough so you need to rehydrate the tendons so they just break up and become delicious and sticky so what I want to do is have a closed environment I'm gonna get a nice long sheet of tin foil double wrap and then we're going to whack this in the oven for about 8 hours until nice and tender at 100 degrees Celsius I'll see you in eight hours oh that I always went quick and I'm still in this jumper check this out the meat has kind of shrunk back off the bones I feel like this is a meal from the Flintstones where am I it's very cool you've got the most incredible like roast beef juice it tastes amazing pull that into a little cup here can you see it separating you know we don't want this fat in our story but we want to save that fat for a rainy day a little will go a long way flavor way so this in the fridge super important tip then we got the lovely stock and we're gonna go back into our tray to get your pan on full whack go in with about 180 milliliters of ketchup 150 mils of dark stout four teaspoons of mustard four teaspoons of malt vinegar four tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce and last but not least golden syrup four teaspoons of that oh yes and we're just gonna boil this up until it's a lovely sticky glaze II British barbecue sauce so I'm pretty happy with that so we'll turn that heat off put it over top in and around all I need to do now is pop this back in the oven keep it at the same temperature a hundred degrees 20 minutes to 40 minutes is fine next up let's do a beautiful winter coleslaw but if you'll forgive me next time you see me I won't have a jumper because I'm really really hot oh okay that's a little bit cooler thank the Lord for that okay so hot pan I've got some caraway seeds here just a nice heaped teaspoon and just toast them up get them a little bit smoky I want two heaped tablespoons of mayo going into a bowl about one heaped tablespoon or two of yogurt heaped teaspoon of English mustard season it lightly and I'm just gonna finely chop some herbs I'm using deal because I just love it and then one and a half tablespoons of white wine vinegar we want it to be nicely acidic mix that up these caraway seeds would just add a sort of surprise and toastiness into this dressing so let's have a little taste mmm oh it's good a little tip take some pickled onions and a little bit of the vinegar just to tweak that acidity so it's sharp and fresh finely chop those pickled onions over here I've got lovely seasonal veggies use anything that you're passionate about so I've got some nice yellow beet roots here finely slice these up then I got white cabbage I'm just gonna add it we've got some chaos so so good for you so let's get that in there it looks like a lot of volume but it will sink then we've got some lovely carrots here leaves so I'm gonna get all of this into here now there's no polite way to do it just move it around sort of squeeze it you can see this makes quite a lot let's serve this beautiful food up if people come around your house for a dinner party and you've got this beautiful short rib dish I honestly think they're gonna go wild for this dish it's literally like cutting through butter and look how tender that is it's just melt-in-your-mouth amazing I'm serving it with regular mashed potato a little bit of nutmeg and butter get some of that lovely winter slaw for that gorgeous tender short rib to go on top so there you go look at that so so good guys if you want more inspiration go to where there's thousands and thousands of beautiful recipes waiting for you and keep those comments coming in the comment box below and if you haven't subscribed press that magic button subscribe because it's [Music]
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 2,208,215
Rating: 4.9311428 out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, Beef (Food), ribs, bbq glaze, slaw, Barbecue (Cuisine), Coleslaw (Food), Short Ribs (Food), Jamie Oliver (Chef)
Id: YCn9Wdyppck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 07 2014
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